THE UNIVERSITY 01 MICHiIGAN DAILY NEW BOOKS Perfect Tailoring==shape Retaining WORTH READING Is a quality often wanting in Men's Sults, but or tailorn The Cardinal's snuff-hex, HOssy Harlanud haemseethsertoiprintiscrceitc On the Wingeof Ocetalens, Joel JCandles-sr hv atrdth erto martiisn ~caatroi The Hecarts Highway, Mary E. Wilns to the garments made for us.REery Garment is made ex- The Lane that had no Turnin , Gilbert Parker pres-ly for the man who buys it and if it doesn't satisfy lhim lice Fal OdV nes, GnscieTiorgpAn so doesn't get it. If that's a fair proposition co~me ap and in the Palace of the King, Z+'. Marian Crawfordt let us tell you just how many Dollars we can nave you on your Songs xf thefrlorning, Eden Pillpofts new Suit or Overcoat. The Isle ef Unrest, Henry Seton Merriman A Bicycle at Cathay, Frsak R. Stockton G O R C U E Eleaner, Mrn. Humphrey Ward The Expatriates, Lillian Belt Agent tor she Boest Tirs ins Earth. Frosstraoon aver First Natiocal Bannk AN the Above at Discount- . . . Prices I 01 IT T IfTO CUT GLASS. Dainty r Sheehan & Co. LAhi111~ presents for any lady. S See thenm in window. 1 1 320 S. STATE STREET. Yuca e HOT LUNCHL0 (The Doily is glad to furnish space TUTTE'Sfnor communsicationsa whose authorship 3y South State St. aentimnits expressed therein). dEsijoy tine Gan, a good Luinch anod a tills'Cigar at LROSEY'S. The popular route to Chicago, _V SMOKER'S SMOKE St. L'nuis, Kansas City, Spring- Royal Tigers, isle; TPigerettea, 5c. field, Decatur, Danville, anid all it Holidaysno at niand. Do'- ea p otwt oi sl iegnts . your photo sittings. hANDALL. Immediate Cosunection at Milan Up-to-dnte stationery at Sechaller's with Continental Limited. Bookstore, 116 So. Main st. R. S. GREEENWOOD, M. P. A. --____ __________________________ TheBfiest nmonog'rapth and other Uni- IR2ANLIER'S ADVANCED CLASS venrsity fancy letter paper and padls in nine city. All styles. Selalle's Book- TUESD nhtne'.16ii So. Main st. T E D Y EVE. Skating at the SkatinigtPark. Hill1 Uneesnoumstancesaittbeienn.rsandlid1fib. Se antmitted no tti'. isas.TeI n ven_______ itng's B -inlein. vennnc .iO peo couple.Oys-tes t asn you like thnem at t~AI e Ijhotographer. Art Pictures for studes 'rems, at :Schatllor's Bookestore, 116 So. PMain at. Mainhattan and Wilson Broa.' shirts for sate at Wadhams, Ryan & Reute. Lectures Printed lectures fur all depart- ments of the University. Type- writing and Mimeovraphing. EDWARDS BROS. (Ove Sb ehansi Staxte Stree Redmond, Kerr & Co,, BANKERS 41 Wall Street, New York Transact a genernal banking business. Receive depoxits subteet to draft. Dllividends, and tnterest eollected sod remitted. Aet as Fixeal Agents tar and negotiate the isse of railroads, si reet sailways, can conapannes, etc. Seearitiesabouaghntandsld oaacemmisisoIn. Membhers New York Exchange. ,)EAL IN HIGH1-GRADE INVESTMENT SECUJRITIES. List of earrent osierioexosa - e- oaiclin, PHILADELPHIA GOEE.FSPONDENTS. GRAHAM, KERR & CO. Cor Ban uchu i3rts Capitan,1$5,08 aSrpltan$350+.a ln-wa goeneriinannion ee.s R.K~sxr,Prae. C.'lEooaxNNNVnit-.r Faoc. RBEL15' sc'hier ~ tAnia AehIM -FIRST NATIONAL BA iN oga sa16 Capntal, 5500.iisO. Sono ad Praia . )W 'fransacts ageon eatbanking bosta sh e L,: exchange bought andstld. Furns eters-ne- credit. SE. D. KINNa, Prey. HA RISSOiU LE, Vniceore S. W. CLARKSON (Oahien The An A frblor savinp 3an~ Capital tc 50a.000sn. Surplus, $S5,0.Sti Rereaecee, S1.5000.- Organzedunodeerinns GeneralBanhing base at thnsaSttn. SDeceiveas depseits, hays and seile exchange on the iprineipat cities of the Called Staics. trefts eashed npon prayer ideotificaaiorn. Safety deposit boxeo nto. OiEtes-ssnC'hristian Much Pros.; W.tD. Harri- moo, Vice-Pe.; thas. E. Rismoch. Cashier-. M. J. Fritz, Assistant Cashies. W. J.aBOTH, ia. W. AnisOi,. iont'ricate-iex T J. V. Sn iosah , itd'Vice-pre- SA IG Jinnsai.'. WAs.e,.Aei.'ase' tII b A K I easnonnactn a frrsl I . Now you know 'how lovely it (shot woutd he with a nice U. of M. souvenir when you go home Chriatmas. HAL- LERH'S JEWELEY STORE. 'ompltei line of "Adler" fait auits and ovn'rcoats.nit Wsadhnams, Ryan & Reaict. Buy a nice Clock for your room c"it LIALLER''S JEWELRY STORE. C0omienos-er to 427 Thaompson and try tiem'board. F~ine service and cooking. II nusir during dinner. Hoard by week, dnny ocr singte meal. Boanrde're aceomn- mnodtited tliroubh Christmas vacaition. tOzattD anod ROOM1zS In five different plureo. Liberal discount to students offered by Anii Arbor ;Music Co. tf I StCAITOU.Ot Mt''UEN Skain a teSkating Park. Hilt t !1 UVissi caiii-manke $.1 e da'tny dtriug * I I . I* yosur'Christimas vacatitin by-"a tittle 1't'1. tAS9i-\ltBtY. - . - exertion. HotwI111 tell you. See inc, TOlere.'ssar - so'nnti~bsoat Gs'nngte'n tbefoirDe'c. 18, at 63*1t So. ThnayernSt. I cett ilt cotiinu'estnrouigih isc C. E. BARTIIELL, Agenlt, 7o S. J. atotnUAN, -hnlisdnsy t csstin. Next Saturday 326 5. State St. Aan Arhor, fisch. ns.i acn ilcnnec rmtl WHYDON'T OU tepairing at HILLEE'S TEWELRY nit 8::s0o't'lock. 'flit"balcony will hi' WH OTYU STORE. rs.'ts ise rpatrs-n. Get Your Meals anid Luiiet at Wadhianis, Ryan & Reule are solo STUDENTS NOTICE! P O TL4ru C E agents for Ypsilanti '.L tserwea~r 'iTe beat anudry is the Toledo Laun- oq T C~jr i try. Tory it. Work called for and dte- OPN LLNIII.Waterman or Laughlin Fountain livrest. Leave your trite at l2t S. thURON ST.. Two doors westluf Cask House. UPins, $1 each at Schaller's Bookstore. {H1ainSt. na Bicycle Playing Cards and Poker Spisnsiailsaftertnoonti' evening with M MATIN.Chips at Schaller's Bookstore, Main at yiiur friends at ROET'S. FUNERAL _DIRECTOR__ _ Embainning a specilty. No. t R Code h a.hrIsCo io Ave. A mbultace night and laon. a t .our la. Amn dna302 Fifth :eae. i ~ °l uit with it rstl's i" htncn The...Winter Carmen's Try Th.. NORTH SI D E R WAGNER & CO., Importing Tailors,~ LAUNDRY t'ainlaeen -uii the many THO~S ROWEPropr. ltt0thns h 'soic ake up 2, out-oit St. 4not' ii Phone \'goiti t aioring. 5t~t htfl h R ~121 and 123"S, Main Street ~- Makes of- SANDOW'S Ltest-i 5 sit SpsingfGrsp GWSand -OOS, CASaced GOWt-Sa ytaECIEILTY.' C5 4PES, CLECE FLAGS. COLLEGE PINS. HATS and APS.,.i, WGKERN & 00. iiE ily-Seeth St. HIAGO, ILL .AVE YOU SEEN BE HOBBY BROWN' JUrT THlE TIQ FO(RoilTAING[ LECTURES Dumb- Bels~~i ( CHLEEwDErng'. ip nm -ello are ercise to haveeroy mscuieat itsoprtcen- sa i iono, Many'inuses oare alobrouaght t to action thtTEMPORAY tatswooled otherwise tie dormanti. Sandowr ctaimis thsat this methodssfexrscaise is superior tl !E1 to ahhot hers. _____ BINDER No,No _________ i . Chihdreno',Pair,ti.25 t h'sPaic, $2.50 2. Girts' n" . k. nidies' t 2.50 Opens like a book, 3. Boys, «i1t75 1c Men's 64 .s Caomplete in box with aciart ofexercise. Hosts the old string cover Fats sod Wister Sports Catatogue Free upas Leotusea paper 3ib, for a0e Applicatioin. F. SCHISEEDE, - - - - - 340 South State NE TREincoroyrateS) DNE THlE FINEST LINE OF SCTCH AND S3I W At ENGOLISH SUITINGS IN& THE UCITY I-