2 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. doubt that they do not stand by it as RAIN O R S 1 INE they might. Many students not seeing any special advantage in an athletic tThe "00"$3.00 Shoe is the shoe ticket under these conditions, do not wear Published jaily (Mondaysexcepted)during loin the association and go only to to wear when the weather is uncer- Colegsvear, few of the series. To get every stu- tamo. A little rain doesn't hurt it THE UNIVERSITY OFM ICHIGAN dent out to see every game, some in- while it affo ds plenty of comfort on MAIN OFFICE BRANCH OFFICE ducement must be offered-at least the warmest of days. Argus Bldg, Mai St. 336 S. State Street. assurance that the Board cares more But of course we have light shoes Both 'Phones13. New State'Phone 182' for the attendance of the students than for bri hi days and heavy shoes for MANAGING EDITOR, it oes for town-people. When rainy days if you prefer. Athletic Board truly represents the 1..r d i e 0Bs sA R, undergraduates and does what is for GLASS'S SHOE STORE, BUSINESS MANAGUR, their interest, the students will be as F. ENGELHAZD, '01 L much interested in the association as EDITORS: they are now antagonistic or indiffer- Open evenings until ANN ARBOR, MICH ATHLETICS, - G. D. HsUDUTT, '01 E ent. Take the management of the , P.'M. board out of the hands of a clique, let -. A.H. MCDouOALL,'St E. w. A. KNIGHT,'1 L Mss L, K. SAsINE '03 CtHAs. DVORAK '01 H. H. woosow,'04 w. P. CHANYv,'01t W.A.BENSCOTER, '03 E..HoUsoN, '03 0OMMUNICA iION To the Editor of the Daily: Frequent mention has been made i this paper of the "anvil chorus" heard from the students in reference to the Athletic Association. In the light of the proceedings at the meeting of the Board last Monday evening, it is strange that the knocking has not re- sounded fromr one end of the campus to the other. One of the bills present- ed calls for $1500 for the erection of the new bleachers and the improve ment on the grand stand. Any intel- ligent contractor could inform the Board that it paid a very high price for the job. It is stated that the bleach- ers are well built structures, and have been erected with a disregard for ex- pense. This last statement no one will doubt, but still the fact remains an extravagant price must have been paid for the work done. Now that the members of the Board have decided that they need a coach and tour to travel ts ad from te games, the expense as usual paid for by the students who tramp through the mud, when are the innovations to end? No doubt next year, our esteemed offi- cials will desire a special canopied stand, built for their use or perhaps two or three lackeys to come at their beck or call. (In much the same manner the student body is doing now). Another question has presented it- self to the undergraduates with marked force during the past season. What favors does the Athletic associa- tios give to the students that it does not allow to any resident of Ann Ar- bor? The student purchasing a $3 membership ticket in the association, thinks how good and kind it is until he discovers that an additional $1.50 is required to buy the desired season ticket to the games. But, if this does not shake his faith, he attends the con- tests, only to discover that the last and usually the most interesting game of the season is barred from him-the ticket only admits to six games, and there are seven on the schedule. As he reaches into his pocket for the re- maining 50 cents, his respect for the Athletic Association goes down, down, down. It is thetsameustory in the spring. A ticket secured for six games when seven home games are on the schedule. A student can see his 'Varsity games no cheaper than any other person. The following table will 'show that the expense is the same. Student- Association Fee-....$3.00 Football Ticket-.....1.50 Baseball Ticket-..::.1.50 Two additional games at 50c-1.00 Total .... .............$7.00 Citizen- Seven football games, at 50ec................ -.. $3.50 Seven baseball games, at 50c 3.50 Total----------------..$7.00 And yet complaint is made of the manner in which the students sup- nort the association. There Is no it obey the will of those it represents. and the renewed interest in athletics will surprise all. BUBBLES wvill surprise all. DANA. I Comedy Club Prepares for Work The University Comedy club has been busy since the opening of corlege in reading over various plays, and has at last succeeded in picking out one which gives promise of being the best and most artistic production this or- ganization has yet attempted. It is an old Frohman piece and critics all over the country have commented upon this play as being one of the best things ever written for amateur production. The cast is a large one and as many of the older members of the club have left college there is a great deal of room for new material. Those desir- ing to secure a place in the cast can ind out particulars by making appli- cation by mail to J. G. StandartSigma Phi Place, city. Everything New except the names. at ltSEY'S. M. STAEBLER'S CYCLE EMPORIUM, k19 W. Washington St. STAEBLER & WUERTH are airy nothings and so are many advertised bargains. Whatever we offer you, you can depend upon as a fact. We show you the swellest line of ready made clothing in the city made by the best tailors at popular prices. SUITS $7.50 to $20.00 OVEILCOATS $8.00 to $25.00 211 S. Main St, Ann Arbor. ATHENSTHEATRE'. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 14. Mr. FRANK J. KEENAN as NOAH VALE In SOL SMITH RUSSEL'S Great Play Yo Ammbr PDht flatseason.' PRICES: - 26, 50, 75cAND$1.00 Seats now on sale. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 15 JEFFERSON DEANGELIS THE LEADING OPERETIC COMEDIAN And a Great Cast including a large Chorns of Pretty Girls in His Latest Success "A ROYAL ROGUE" All Last week at the Detroit Opera House. PRICES: - - - - 50, 75c, $1.00 and $1.50 Seats now on sale. Carriages at 11. 00A A A AAOOOODOCCCCC ENJOY THE GENTLEMAN'S GAME ___AT R HOSEY 'SBILLIARD PARLORS ON HALF OYSTERS OPENED AT SELL CLAMS YOUR ORDER H1IGH CLASS LUNCHES CIGAIIS1 TOJ3ACCOJ CItG ARETTES NtAME YOUR BRAND, WE SELL IT. Enjoy The Game, A Goud Lunch and A Fine Cigar at ROSEY'S BILLIARD PARLOR. SEl D AND SUCCESSORS 2 'QOUT H EY N OL D SROSESTB ALEE 3I2UTREET SANITARY PLUMBING. F, SCHUH ~ELECTRIC CONsSTTION ANDSUPI, f STEAM AND Bo0r WATER BEATING, 207 1,E.uWashington Street. ARTISsIC GAS AND ELECTRIC FIXTUES5. HGGRD ATL N RTS V"N THE NETTLETON $3 WAIIR $5 & $6"SHIOES .50 THE JiOEMaN 218 S. MAIN ST. mr ft AL LAM _.. SWEETS TO THE SWEET. IF YOU-WAN I TO BE SWEET SEE BROGAN, I1I, S. MAIN