THIK VNIVEiR TY"Ol MICHIGAN, DAILY 4 THE IJNIVER~ITY OF MICHIOAN DAILY NEW BOO0KS WORTH READING the Cardinal's snuff-box, Henry Harland On the Wing of Ocetslans, Toel Chandler Harris idhe Hearts Highway, Mary E. Wtlitng The Lane that had no Turnin , tlbert Parker [lore Fahies, Georg Ade Alice at Old Viacen nes, Maurice Thompson In the Palace aithe King, F. MariOCrawfardi songsno ate~larntng. Eden Phillpots The Ile oi Unrest, Henry Scion Merriman A Bicy cle at Cathay, Frank R. Stockton Elleanor, Mrs. Hem phrey Ward The Expatriates, Lillian Betl All the Above at discount; Prices Sheehan &Co 320 S. STATE STREET. You can get a HOT LUNCH AT TTTLE'S 335 South State St. The popular route to Chicago, St. Louis, Kansas City, Spring- field, Decatur, Danville, and all points Southwest. Consult ticket Agent. Immediate Connection at Milan with Continental Limited. R. S. GREENWOOD, M. P. A. GRANUER'S ADVANCED CLASS T E YUESDAY EVE, tUnderenocircumstancesa5will heginners be admitted to this clss.Teen ings&3 tingle Eveening, C50Stper couple. Burchffield's Fine Tailoring Trade.. . Our sartorial skill is eqtal to the hest in the state g of Michigan, ExCEPTING NJONE. AlRTISTK'IALLT MECHIANICALLY a We will he glad to proveit to you, E Truly IYours, S. BUROHFIELD' 106 E. Huron I PATJ~fIV'CUT GLASS. Dainty El AL IINS presents for any lady. I__I~1Ii1I~i) See them in window. lRentscblcr, the lPhotographer. Illetssmakes finluesuic-trange Kreisler at University Hall Tonight inusic. tHe always didi have -a knack ____ of doing new things. N-ts- he hsspiut lFritz reirc h oe ilns thicoa-iert Uballet upon all artistic level ' ~r h otdvoiit wvithli the Symp hony Orchlestra. The who appiears here tisu eveniur 11n the addition of tring 'bas'ses, 1111-ps, ciiih- Glhoral FUnion course, has been1. or the eit and similalr instrlumients have past fewe days in Chiicago. 'The Times- largely aided him iu achieving tbis ire- Herald speakso very highly ef 'his work. suit. kis appaansces lius far on lIilt tour tHe wvill give, ast the feature of lils en- f Aeiahr vrshr xie gageinent here, scenes from graud the greatest entliusias-n. In Berlin, cpleri by s-ooiie osel-know-n singers. A wrhere lie scas unknowon till 'recently. iiew idea, in lie giving of all elsetric his iaerfoirriilceienitiled it li to hbe iii-ilsces- soillsl~lltles iterstclassed amonig the greatest violinists of loers of the pitesqa~ue, ovile ryl, hi flinI e. woss is hieralded;lgs the greatest cornet- -___________ Isd in thei- worlid, soill be 11e-rd in solos. Tla-rn... nr .anrhin.-nt SLW EOOKU! LAW BOOK PUBLISHERS ANDVMPORTERS 1 14 MO N R O EST. COHICAGO. Cee. Milead HnStreeets. Capital, $50,08tS. urplus, $55i,005. Teanscts general hacking bheeleas. R, KempF, Free. C. it. GaEEc, Vice-Pree FREen. n BELSER.Cashier. FIRST NATIONAL BAN K ofAnAro Capitli, 8100,000. Surplues ad Peocat, 130,000 Transcte a generalbsnaking businesa. Foreign exchanegehboughtaned eoid. Furnish tettere of credit. E. D5. KINNE, Pros. 5IStON SOSULE, Vice-Fret. SW. CLANKSON Cashier Thl Rin Jlraor Savings Banh Captal Steak. $.50,000. Surpliis, :$50, lesosiecee.$150.000tt. tOrganized under Ike tGenerai nanking Lawe of thiseState.tReceisep cosite.,tisys and mls exchange en Ike principal eities o1 thelUnited States. 1Drafte cashed uon proper identification. Safety depoeitlboxes o rent. Oeoeces: Christine MackiPres., W. niHarri- man, Vice-Pree.; Chase. E. lilscov, Cosmosr; M, J. rite, Aesistant Caih ieri W. J. OTHi,RiE:. W. RNODletVic-pep W.~~~~~~ Anoj e lepc J.V SHEEHcA, 2d stVCice-pros V JitceC. W~ATZ, Asst.Cashier8I IN~ ~Bf1NK Transacts a general Banking Business:. k 306 S. State St. Ann Arher, flich. -WHY DON'T YOU I Get Your Meals aiid Lunches at PO1",4TL 4NO C4FE. OPEN ALL ItIT. HtWRONd ST.. Two dears westlof Cook Hence. DI M. ARTNI. FUNERAL DIRECTOR Embalming a specialty- Ne. 200 S, 4tb Ave. Ambuaiico iight and clay. iRo, denca 302 Fifth .Ave. Try "The... - NORTH SIDE- LAU-NDRY THOS. ItOWE, Propr. I Eci Mkers ef ICOLLEGIATE CAPS SGOWNS and HOIODS, I Resting of ICAPS apd GOWNSI SPECIfgLTY CLASS COMIES, COLLECE FLAGS. COLLEGE PINS, VYttt isill aiw lys fid afresh anal c loati stock: of Cigars, ligi-ettcs and fiTotacco at Rtoseys. tompilleite line of .tdler"'.fall suits ami ove-rcoats it Waalliaics, tRyaiin Its-cle. William Ctark, founder of the Carrie Furnaces iof Pittsburg, Pa., says: "Se- isorino' slopped my lisle falling out and cured a moot dialtse.-ig cas of datndruff sifter several other remedies hsad =failed. I heartily recommend it to lany one suffering from ocalpular dis- eases." We hear hundreds of teotimo.! nials such as this. Seboiii is for sale at Cailkins' drug istore. tf Now- you know howv lovely it (she) wvould be with a nice Ut. of M. souvenir os-len you go home Christmas. HAL- LE IVS JEWVELR STORE. Atrt Pictures for students' rooms, at j -catller's ookstore, 1161 So. Alain st. Pent, $1 each ;at Schalleres Bookstore. BOARD and ROOMS'in five different! ptlaces. Liberal discount to otudents offered by Ann Arbor Miusic Coe. tf Bicycle Playing Cards and Poker Chips at Schallerns Bookstore, Main at MlatilnttatntndWilconi Bros.' shirts for sale at Wadlihims, Ryan & tReule. SKATING NOW ON. Poptultr Fredt Weinberg (has tikctt cottnsel of the -weathler niuandsutpire- psared foir liii-skaters. tis switcitiig pool hotsliteni overdlooeti anal axtendt- ead l1hisiasvo frozenit ver, snaking eltegaut skating. RTe ice 'is higliteet Iay electric litips aiceerey coinveniene iprovided. Cci youtr skates otut aiid go thus-isis Welinterg's skating isark ine «teir the ruist off. fCorner t~h and Fif th. STUDENTS NOTICE! The best laundfry is the Toledo Laun- I Iy Tyit. Work called for a t de- EPiot'ijiteli ause, au Oyster 'Lcuchlsiveredi. Leav-c yourorers-at 121 S. ai do ite Cigar atIROSET'S. Main St. - JUST-IARRIVED... B 5LAOK: GOLF HATS WAGNER &'CO. 121 Main St. HlATTERS $3.00 bERBT JU!T THE T IItQ FOR TAKIIN4;LE(T UREJ :SCH LEEDE' TEMPORARY Opens like a book. Oeats the eld sarnag cover Lecr paper 3 lb. feecW The best fountain pens $1 L " SCHISEEDE, - .-..- , - 340- South State SANDOW'S ILatest-Patet Spring tGrip L X J Dumb - Bells Fptlg Sandows Sprite0 Grip Ditch-Bells are iimade is-sw halves connectsd hy adjust- able springs,thus.focnoleSa when taking ex- eise to leave ery cisc le at its proper te- aloe. Many musclee arealsohbroughtinto acion that would otherwise tie dortmant. Sandow claims thst this method of exercisee is auperior ts all others. No. Na. 1. Childrees',Pair,$1.B 14. Teeth's Pair, $2.5 3. Girls' " 1.75 5. Ladieu' G 2.54 3. Soya, C61.75 }6. lMe's " m0 Compirte ie hox with ehart of esercise. Fail aned W iete. Sparta.Catalagac-Free eupee A. G. Spalding & Bros. NEW YORK . CICr~AGOi DrUNoVE t.~iflatT m n-~ _._ --.