ITHE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 3 EsEE+EiFE~ree rep~epm v*.reee~e:t.Evs;SetEFlrfF:t***;m*-m t S :SeV1 e*-iEEaeerrlFl'e~frlpS~vef. 04P FE rs4P# F+ r W W Wh W Wh To Order Trouser Sale We offer this week a line of $8, $9, and $10 patterns for $5 We will put our usual high standard of workmanship in these as is characieristic of all our work. .. .. .. .. .. See patterns in the windows. O0BSPEED'5 G Tailors for Young Men. 110 WASHINGTON E. )OW !1! !!t !1! 44r 2; !R 44 !4 33 3 33 3 3 i i 33i 3i 33i FE 3 3 3 3 3 33 05*5 *3:3 MICHIGAN CENTRAL 'The Niagara Falls Route." CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. Taking effect September io, igoo Detroit Niciht Express ...........555 A.Mx. Atlantic Express.........7 45" Grnd Rapids Expres....... ....111 MAI11 and Eoprses.........3 47 P.m. N. Y. Boso Special ............4 58 F'astEastern. ............. 948" Mail aad Express ....5.....840 ... Bsion, N. Y. and Chicogo ........ 92t Past Western Express ........ 138 P.M. e. R. and Kal. Express .......5 45" Chiicago Night Epress ...........943" Pacific Express.. ..12i3N A. a. Steamshsip Tickets, all Classes, to and f rem Auropean points at lowest rates. Fall lnfor- emation on application. O. WV. RUGOILES. H. W. HAyES, H. P. & TAg't. Chicago Ac't Aan Arbor. TIME TABLE Taking Effect, Suanday, Nay 21, 1899. Trains loose Ann Arbor by Central Stand. ned Tine. SOUTH NORTH *No. 6.- 7:11 A. M,. No. 1.- 8:10 A. E. No. S.-11:35 A. M1. 'No.5.-12:30 P. M. Nod..- 8:80 P. M. No. 3.- d:le r. n. *Run between Ann Arbor and Toledo only, All trains dolly except Sunday. W. T. WILLS, Agent. W H. HENNETT, 0. P. A" H OCKI NG VALLEY BY. The Railroad that takes -the Business In and Out of Michigan. SOLID VESTIBULE TRAINS 4 DAILY BETWEEN 4 TOLEDO, COLUMIBUS and ATHENS. W. H. Fisher, L. WV. Landman, 1. P. A. 0. Tray. Agt. Columbus, Ohko. Detroit. Nick. Detroit, Ypsilanti and Ann Ar. bor Railway. Cars leave for Detroit and Ypsilanti every half our, beginning at 7:15 a. m. unti' 7:45 p. in.; After that to Detroit at 8:45 p. in., 9:45 p. mn. and 1i:15 p. in. Waiting room, corner Ann and Main eta.: Detroit. 111 Griswold st. - MONEY LOANED) en Watches, Diamonds, heels and other Per. sonai Property. Office at residence. iii E. Liberty. street. All busineseonfidentil. Hours. 8Stoii:i0 a. em. and 1 toi3:30and 'lto 9 p. Mn. JOSEPH C. WATTS DON'T BUY SUIT CANES Until you see the special 24 inch case we offer until Thanksgiving at $3-0@ All Leather, Steel Frame, 3 Hinges, Brass Loek and Bolts, Irish Linen Linked. MFG ChI& COMpRNY Headquarters for Trunks, Valises, Telescopes, Suit Cases, Etc. 222 - 224 SO. Main St. Basement Dept. Y. M. C. A. Notes Sinic e h rise in popularity of the _______ 1concert ban11d,tOne munsicians have been A large aid initerested audieiice list- weli reimuueraiteil. Rivalry amnug the enred to Presideiit An~gell Sulnday after- great leaders -for the services of cmi- 110111, as lie spok~e on th~etiersonal relas- nent soloists have sent -wages skywvard.I lieu to mlissionso. lie made a plea for h ryl, Inoes' first cornetist, is paid $110 mlissionls as a life work and meutioued a week. Pryo01, Sousa's itrombonist, soiie sit the reqluirements of a mission- gels nearly as much. Before Innos ary. was renowned as 'a hand director 'he At thle close of the meeting pledges ovas world-faiiied as a trombonist and were 111101 for tile foreigii workc of th~e11e got !as higfh 1s $400 a week faor his Y. 31. C. A. L. Ht. Beals, Al. D., 99, services with Pat Gilmore, probably is oie sit tileit) Y. AL51. cA.. secretaries the Mighest price ever tpaid for such ill foreignieldcrs :1n1d it is towarot hiswrk support thiat the University Y. A1. C. A. senissmiost sof its mnission fsind. Jilt. sde Angs-lis Saturday night. )Over $1111)-wao sledgedt sld a thloroughl canlvasss of tile membhersip will follow Oysters 01n halt shell allo a good Ia ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ue illa~ ie:ion.1111 t iOSEY'S. Conlsiderahle interest is heiiig takeni ill the0111nu1al upkiniie sociail NOT ICE! which takes place nsewt Saturday night. M~eetinlg of Glee Club Wednesday, A nlumiber of contests have bleenl or- D~e. 12, at 7 is. in., Rloi 24. First md~c ranged aiiitthe finals ini thse howing sC.oJd DOnor, Leader. contest will be held at the time. .J 'VL edr Jeff. de Angetis iSaturday night. Bishiop Brewster of Connecticut, who _______________ is deli1vering a series of lectures here Skatinlg at lie ;Skating Park. THil for the Hobart CGuild, visited thie Senior aiii Fifth. Law class yesterday. lie is a !brother ______________ of Prof. 'Breowoler of the law depart- Spend ait afternoon nor evening wiih licur. your friends at REGEY',S. , Alarm Clocks$1 U. of M. Pine 50c to $1.00. Fine Watch Repels-lug a Specialty. J, L CHAPMAN, JEWELE8, see maisbSouth. Don't Guo Home for THANKSGIVING without one of Our U. of M. PINS Wim, Arnold, Jeweler TO NEW* STUDENTS AND THlE OLD ONES ALSO. We are helter prepared than ever to give the best of carriage service,, having added two rubber tired coaches to our stock. Holmes Livery 'PHONE 106, 515E. LIBERTY ST.. IDOL OF+ THE HOUR But eenter~ of attraction is still a* Hank's for hob chocolate and frsmb candles- and oysters, served in an7 style at either store. 200 E. Washington, 3t16 So. State., Pickwick Billiard Parlors, Regulation Size Tables, Monarch Cushions, Everything New and Strictly Up-tn-Date. 707 N. University Ave. Ann Arbor- II DON'T AGO ASTRAY, BUT 'SMOKE Royi Tigers, 10c; Tigerettes, Gc. Holidays now at ianid. Don't delsy your photo sittings. RANDALL. Up-to-date Stationery at Sehaller's Bookstore, 116 So. Main s1, The finest monograph and pother Uni- versity fancy letter paper (and pads in the clby. All styles. Scts.aller's Book. store, 116 ?So. Main st. Siliug at tile Skating tPark. Hul' -and Fifth. 19PECIAt0 TO P. OF 31. iSTUDE'NTS. You can muake $5 per cstoy during your 'Christmas vacation b to litle exertionl. How? I'll tell you. 'See me before 'Dee. 18. at t6ll So. Thayer of. 70 IS. J. 3IORGAYJ, Repairing at HALLER'S JEWELRY STOE. Wadhamns. Ryan & Reule are sole agents fsr Ypsilantilmuderwear L 11_t _ s i It l t sfUL1C~n s s s i s s t ssi t tst u hi tsjIt 1 l lskn t t s a c rsnnr., 1 fs L' HAVE YOU SEEN THE..... NEW "UTOM "' S'HOE MADE BY PURITAN SO 0 SEE OUR WINDOWS FOR THE NEW EXTENSION HEEL. 111 South Main Street ~5~s~ihj~ii~~iI~54 11 1''' m. . ......F.~ 2-i II f B rbr " temig ndEmaleran 613 East William street __ u U.hop an Baber oneby landest HIEELEU1IO' 12 ai .All kinds i dFu ShpmneBthds.a risiun 22 , ,Fourth Ave, o ity'etydoe th SndPrs 90) 1Vhoe hp E -r#P~ Room, STATiS. J. R. Trejanewski Po WE PATRONIZE ,.G00BYEAR'S BRUG5ST0RE , --_.....