THE UNIVERSITY 01 MICHIGAN DAILY r H{JIVReT O IHGA AL NMEWBOOKS WORTH READING 'The Cardinal's snuff-box, Henry Harland On the Wing of Occtsions, roel Chandler Harris The Heartse Highway, Mary E. Wilkins The Lane that hadl as Tnrnin , Gilbert Parker flare Fables, Genrg Aee Allan af Old Vincen nes, Maurice Therepeon fAn the Palate si~the Kcing, F. Marioin Crawford Songs af the,Pilning, Eden Phitllpotts ,The Isle at Unrest, Henry Seton Merriman A Bicsycle at Cathay, Frank R. Stockton vEleanor, Mre. fHusmphrey Ward ,The Exapatriates, Lthan Belt All the Above at Discount Prices Perfect Tailoring=aa=Shape Retaining Is a quality eften wanting in Men's Sits, but our tailots have mastered the seret of imparting this characteristic to she garments made fsr us. Every Gsrment is made ex- pros -ly for the in wha buys it and if it deesn't satisfy him le doesn't get it. If tbat's a fair preposition came up and let us tlyeu just bow many Dollars we can save you en your new Suit er Overcoat. GOODRICH & DUKE, Agent fer the Best Tailors on Earth. Frest reors aver First Nationsat Bask LAW 3OOKS ! (ALIIA i & (0. LAW BOOK PUBLISHER ANOVE1PORTERS 114 MON ROEUST. CHICAGO. oJ- it att Cor. Main and Hurons Streets. rI"AITIII Shea Co iL11J320 S. STATE STREET. You yan get ia 1RcfltsCbiet, th " O U C CUT GLASS. Dainty presents for any lady. See them in window.J e litotoovapber. AT Capital, $50,006. Surplss, $35,000. Transascts ' lussoin0 the iholiday nrod Dr. Wilbert Calender. genersl baskiegbusiees. wl'U* ET rI E 13. II isasdale, (]Va of .the ihonmeopalthic R,___B, Ssra, Free. C. E. GRENEn, Vices-Prees 3 338 dLE4,E,2K) kpaitmIn st of iuse University of Mlii Siuday, FE.H ESR CsinaDec. 9, 3 p. ni.-Preo. re.AngellothSat tass. Bl etuedBtesassa, Cfte il dley~ Ui. .'l.C 1 ~e Asherbo 1I1iciiigaanMilitary coklemy Ot Olihalld li tio Hall. FIRST NIONAII~L BANf K Ognied 186 TILak on the osuljeet, 'Asucient ('era- !Sunday,1Dec. 9, 4:153P.n.--Deanu Capital, $100,000. Surplus and Profts, 1'30,000 hie- and Stone injilesuenl. tHutciss!before 'S. C. A. Transcts a general banking busiessn. Foreign W aRbash RaIORa oq ieCoc opaa esebtadeotleUi.V . etA., 31l 'will credit. Dec. 9, 3 p.n.-PreudiclntAg-l texchangehought and reld. Furnish lettere of The popular route to Chicago, HALLEM'S JEWELRY STORE. lots Hall. Vc-rs St. Louis, Kansas City, Spring- Yileodoy, Dec. 11, 8 p. m.-~se ca.Weuelo caherR Field, Decatur, Danville, antd all Wadhamns, Ryan & Reute ure sale cocecrt Chora'l Union Series. Fitizviu Bn aonsSuhet gentu for Ypsilanti underwear. Krelsoletr, violinist. The Iin.Aror Sav~ ~ Consult ticket Agents.,i)e('. 11-t'hllallUntionl Series Secalill Capia s5urcee, o00. r'ss lo Immediate Connection at Milan Comue over to 427 '1lsonopson and try Concert Srite.Kreceivrs deposnio, buyserndssell, Lienited. I ine service andhuosdany, Dec.. ,7:10 p. ss.-W'hlioi ft his Sioth0sesinil esothe sysned el - nd t k ' lhisre Stae.scs ns lb.. liedu r op 10.e ie stifto. with Continental LImted board,1,et Milsoslic ('Itbo G~lOs, Sae.Pai uloluo ieirieii RS.umgwoM... A 3lslei during dinner. Board by week, Saf.5eety deposit boxes to rent. R. S. GREENWOOD, M. A. da____ 1103or sntt sol 00.Baconhri- V the,.. t-h OFCesa: CrirtiissiMak,l' W. D. Harri. hoTl ,V13. man, Viee-Pres.; Chas. S. lliseeei.. Cushlee; 5, RPAN(JIR'S ADVANCED CLASS siioilated tllrouglu 'Cllrietiloao vacalion. 1ill." ~' J. Fsitz, AssistaniCasirsi inT~r~n \I1T TT I'13sic. D~~l* r. W .Dwy rfso fmtra T lsla Ic .1,8p ,,W. J.aBOOTH, PRES. 3~-Y uu ~ u~ wXV . ccy rfcsr fioacri l'~ir ,y e.1 . 11iu.-InsoW: ARNsOLs, let Vice-se I fI TUlESDAIMI ELil l oidics and lthrapctitics in hhotooco- Bonld, S. L.A. Couse,UnvHal JV.SEAN2dic-rstahcdermntote Univ.rstHofallay ,JOH.. enALou, Astd V shie Ss VNG Molicdrigas eeileted Unsoe ry itis De. 14, 8 p. uun.-E-Pres. - ae.Ai ake Under ne circumstances will beginners lthiclsigothelosMeciscancc lc 10Ioisoror Iturisi ,S. LeA Cors, Uiv 'Hll bn admitted te this clasa. Ten ses utoor h eianHuocpa i . De 1, 8 .3 0 111BAnivNIoh Ing's O$3. Single tEveing, $.50 per Metdical Society. 1rsh, ee.1, :0p. sn- Sophi-' ceuple. __________M__ orei'lt p. (Granger's. Transacts a general ThlefGuest inogaph and other Ual- Sastlnehisy, IDec. 15. 8 p. ln.-1Ttyor Banking Business,; y esity fancy letter uaper and puds In -lones o Toledo, Good Governiutentteiy.Alsls.Sbler Bo-CuCus. 1 A1 tore, 116 So. Main st. Sssssiay, Dec. 16, 3 11. s.-31svror " T~bite, beflore S. C. A, XWiliasm Clark, founder- of thse Carrie Alaso ey, Dec. 17, 8:30 p. in-Senlior Fcurnaces of Pittsburg, Pa., Says: "S- Law IPartyronger'o. C. E. BARTHELL. Agent, borine" totsis my oulr fulling out Friday, De'c. 21 (evenin )-Clsr'ione 326 S. State St. Ann Arbar, g. uiPcueoamcetd.tes-gy a o osolioulegi YU dondruff is tter several oher rem ee 'lise. loy, Jisss. S (snorning-Usslver- Wil DO'T YOUid. I !heartily reeommnd it sity 'work resmd GetYou Mels nd uncsesatto rmly one uffering from eealpuluo die- a~t or elsad uchsatEases. We'heor hundreds ,of (tetmua- Practical Hoimocopathic 'T'herapeuticsh siailo such us (this. Seborine is for nal e h r. W. A. De'wvy of thsc leonicoioolic 3 -ifP471or 4F t Cilkins' drug stre . tf departtmentt of thc Usiversity of Michoi- OPEN ALL MGM.I by llocnicc & Tafel of Phliadelphoia. Thoe #tURO.N ST. Twa daars arestjf oo ak lease. If you see thse workofthe 'Tedsoiwork. cotains 379 pages. ssLindy Co. you withbe eo vinoeed 9. , MRTN r . ~ tot 5you Want no others Agency 1218.Thas itihle nnsse- HALL +LR'S JW F UN ERAL Halo 13LY DIEC OR'Ebalming a specialty. No. 209 S 4th TU o --' &ve. Ambulance night sod day. Res R Colde~r wmatheisC omA*ing J danse 302 Fifth Ave. isX 'U EQIWgVIIIII" TyThe... NORTH SIDE LAUNDIRY THuOS. reOWE, Prope. 215o etriti~t. 45B01t Phone GOWNS aned M00DS, sWCAPSKrNGOS CLt i .EE AGSh5, ICAGS,IL. Winter Garments" p WAGNER & GO., Importing Tailors, Can please you in the many p littlt things that go to make up good tailoring. w~ 121 and 123S, Main Street g rr'rrr~rra~rrrerrrr"~aa JUJT THlE TIHIND FOR T AKI"Q1LE(ZVUREJ SCH LEEDE' TEMPORARY BIND ER Opens like a book. * l h j 1 1 I I Heats the sld tring cover Lecture paper S lb. foryue The beet foustain pensa 1 F. SCHISEEDE, - - - - 340 South State SANDOW'S Lates-Patenti upring Grip Dumb - Bells T[HE Sandosw Sprinsg Grip Demb -Bells are mads is two halvescoeecarted by adjust- able epringsthasus oriss eneswhen taking sx- ercs ete havesevery muset eitsproper ten- sion, Manesle1ssareualsubroiughtstosaton shot woald oterwise lie dormaunt. Sandow etairestihatethisre thodsof enercise is superier to alliothein. Ns. Nos. 1. Ciildres',Pair,$t.25 1 4. Youth's Pair, $2.500 2. Girls' t 1.70 05. Ladies' 4 3.500 3. Boys, 4 1.75 5. Mrs's 'G 3,00. Comspee ia boxs-ith chartofrnrrrcise. Fall asd Wiater Sports Caaloue Free ution A. G. Spaiding & Bros. NEW YORK t~aCHICA O DBNV ER THE FINEST LINE OF SCOTCH AND ENSH 'SUITINSIjjrcCITY HAVE YOU SEEN THOSE NO4B BY BROWNS MIL WARD