WWI, lill o io i 'e VoL. XI. ANN~ ARBOR, MICI., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1900. 1~ \O. 4. 1 l t i I MARINE ENGINEERING. Football Practice. WOMEN'S LEAGUE. Announcement k __________________________ New Course to be G1'iven in this Line '11let- rowd remlaininig behind tilt' tlll Membership in It -'Its Objects and Orspecial line ataMcliigiion1 to11much better, lf2ti01t1"l' Pursoses Outlined for the of foreign aid h ~~lltit 1 tle illllt ltrOlieltit'01001tl-rConming Year. cI1]1) eIil~r.Wil i throuhlycolip- cstby ,turino u too t aeiithe piay domestic fabrics t'1t iInat11 hit ied.tt '1eis'ei11g but o nt bosn tiere ln be it 1It' A' TheWolilt leaguie, tit- oiii1- ott- For the Fall and Winteof itg1900has , lilt step n e.011 w011 ich i ahples t on b111 h own llltl t) "jis1thiellt'illOtll ilay- of the 15l 'lvesyly .be rIl i'lllbd, is arrve li'artiieno1 t ly i tll 11 tm th st OEll''-e- er tbuyll i illlillg it worktof tile'Cotlinll arvdand i Iraa5 for insperc- 1i1l 11sc loo lso til-, country1Ilil t 1-illt.5iitt vaI s i(l ittIbyItt('tlachL I ,011' ready11211000 -lnillitlelimeetings isgvn0ote tls tn id h o haithtil'ihaltt'er to deidel' arlt ' to be)con- 5playedl110 f10111w0: Wilsotn, center; ]I'111'till' s11ke'of 110hos etew corners every suit, whether to be uised for It-ltitl'lI iuponthe li'manner11' i Oill iele ande- 11M1itso, gosaids:Witilt' 1111n111lilt're0asyetsunacequainted ositli the titti't'ii been pushed. Waihtr, tatckles. Bro feldit111d0Sinos, isortiig of tlissorganizatiosi, a fews business purposes or for Ifill dress itPlof. i. $' adler, tilte head11of this 1c11 i egllt t'iit eliiit 111"5-b t1 0 tt as to its cha 'ater may be 11el15- occasions. Ilell I-nois(il a011 11n11ail torouglte lrbacksi~; Swcrltey,1It. WlistieWeber fil. -I 1i'litlt in tliii' 511'll aw'll as5'i 10andlt itrriitetin, bankls. Thisio tf Loter -girl toin tie lunivesityl is in- 6.I.WLD CU ti110theoretlail work ofhOis bljet'.eouirse, but a1first lilns-tipan1d11indlicate's ited to joinatheAWoniens League. G.Hi W I i I> ere hs pretiehi ilon oter-ittl1111,lthouighitheroach s'ee h bj ftello'rgn iain isoto1 og :. Washington St. f l i f i'(11110 111liul eastled ons 1h Wilsoi's torklilt 'ilroli' te soialilife'anmong the many1), 11 tere also.,is'eoworkedt'ti eveery blanch eb l'11il'r, 1and11it15islosibi'lt'e sill tbe 111100- oomeiiof the tollege, anid to I~f the olipbillling idutrtiy. (O itlilet thet'tl' tili ifelt till'glieil' titil"bring them iltohlpfoil eontaet otitli _________________________________ other__ i ndl lie il'is 1a grllltst'of the it' illy 1at latI, if hnlt loiger. Duirinsgtlithle latdies of the faenty. The 10119510 BAH iurvELS t i ttrt''il'htwr 01011i' Ili'tlut'ell 1)111'e iellytiall Itt- juioilr a111Oildeior gius. Each group ATOR Ill 8ti'lVo tdofti m tsar ine l'll i I I I-,. a- 11111 I la i I - 1 k be1111' in1110 t. ll al e1'i'. ' 1111 112I1111'1101' 1 1111 inaiito ALL n t pet c11 nsuXl'tig'i n1111101111111 110 11t I ll tl i-i111w15 it'11111'ssii' I tiiiltillll'i'i1 11-11 10 la socin'l. tit'1e. 911 FOR n icl helt le ''In tisil'ilii tlnlt11 a1111 l la11'. 1' 11ffoes lilt: tI'11112toline111 eIne titn 11I 011110111s r eielle le i ' ll ndi'0Illiy Y u i iuumOpTEacm it lt11)1itelln t ll' IIlrli Ity ht ipol citl 11 11a. e be1fo iltheii' i llp,,illil 111t tIfunc Itti ll' 111ed.Thel att (Iti ORlTE fe11 11,11111101o0 lctilie l-i 1121 t llt w1110ith i'1 Il 111 lI l10 io il ii 1111 1f";1 ii121-'il,111 WO R R O GYe S r a M y 1111111Illi 0-111t- 01ig 01 III li tffens i play ill be11 it till 1 place1 0111 ilil-i 11121 othe l' 111 It 111121 I th 01mo11 modernl deil elopl nelll1' i n .' -'Il III 11011 o11 (1111"011111,tl 1111 iltoiTiei l ai t .1 11111 ad1 t 1111 Ilie.opeafol naill-1111. tru ti l 12 11 0111 lollt Iil' i tlle 11p12s t fe 111111 hee, f11vry1111 " P arS aidy10- 11111 1 offered'11111 1 'rot'. a111011111 l i'' .'ll IIeIdeense ilil lt t 11 ig i t 1- ''lAbolt thfees'lenib ot riens, n NWi BACO-evn'th stre horouhly r11121 hu ll' iv 1\-11111:1 11) eitnThu)Itt I ittllni 111f115 0111~ tckt 11,1 eha a Jl 3,nd i isspct Swate tai. Y s c 11. ' - 1I 1 111 110't 110 0liii' 1110 "'i ll'h 11111' Ii i' 01 (.1) o )1 ti 11o111 1y 1 )J e:Il (I nel' l file 0 1 d11 111 l' ship buldial: prcede IllillI 11111 111111121'out: scoing, tolmtterlhow dint Room b s os LU C E -111111' pI .Iblt isllt' i h ill. ?rie01111' 1 11 Iltilil.t11111Ill l- 11 011 th1C1-1 EVERYTH 'ING ur splndd lneof 5s lhaif. III 1110 litl 11121 11b0tiu or e111Mll i pates1' ~t t 11 1-l ~l 11 l~ii 111 lill NEW IES, CGL~n ARSan T- 101Abou t the TennisCou1ts. sineel iii Ilo hue f 1 2c 111' l tloi. ,11'til tiit 'l'for1 petl Wore1 tc1 a11. itch111,1s I ] ill' 1a l i lt Itsil(. 111 1111I:11 i 11 - Iili 'e1111ive. 1 111 Ill 11010 111f1Bo1s- hulleI1'111101101 Hi' 1111110 111101-li 11111 p laadivia lo ur Sfriends J to ca l lli' 21111' h rlt til'Ii aplli' 111 01'ti-irt 1111It il' 11t e 1 0111.111 1111' It ilt i I111 11 1 -0 ''ltv het osh ol 1luiill' tlt- tl J e l'' I I s' He ry I 1otf p111:15o11111\ !'' I'a e ie 0 W E H AV01T.11' till- lisf; the o littn ' i-l 111 tl111l'ly', iii1il'tlsft111'tterI1Itltifly11 110 11 il 1 1 t 11'I1 I llE h' a1 (o ltin ti li. '1'111 olndelost1:11 tl"i s Iwl1 o lli the111 tioll' 111'1111 '111:1'(l;11111: "I,1t~tI W h.~' a ~ aa ~.tev r iil' s orsei idi I tt' o1 hl'll't~Ikl I s l 1110 i'Iift ortefis i( inc111'g]ter11i-,tall 1' 111 110 tr.II ll t i hldiltl 11111'l11p1fo'1 Nit1l8tO-11111firs(-c1'1a-,sl" brit II 1111101 111o las11-' oil' 1101Il h ta N0-. 1']Ie t i l i lt re i 11110 1;t -, 1111-of i'lt 111111 il' 11 - i t 011111' 112. tak t e tI~t wo ollws ll u1 v;1 l I r.I 1 II' 1 is t ie oo ;ll'rin t 1111 C .S l t an u NIEIYAE . ii ~l111t'll'tlg tl'ttlilliit't S---iuet'r. 110' il telt fherself ist sl- Il li iltll Ill11110t i'liili I ilt 112 111 111 1111 -111 XI tl 111111 i i'i thetoli 5 11'eeste1111'is l 'it l l'i'rlts 1 tiluau lt t lIloi hIll BAVOTO TQILE orasystae o ok aild 11011]' '110rry s'he has di111et1' 'I'l li toi'llis 1)lttliln otthe eoipars 'Ihirals T OI ET V fwok ffr 'rdl'ti71, o ppyif t1i lllb 110 tO I 5112-2''t ot- -l t't21 1111 tit tli 01' '~1't' b 1t'i l ist bbsts'itos,10 11aE 111. y u 0Tsr1)11 1111 llgil I 'n se"sti,-e. F ra ol the pllatittt ig _i___isolso,_________ -i - - - - - 0~ ittitito lit hips. ttst-li' ~ lie 'Il111 Asf1 dnlo o ita e C tt-i tlt illi)l e 111'itllt1111 551'' ALL WE ASK IS A TRIAL Students will find either of our stores, Headqutarters for Law .tud Medical Books, stud all Uii- vursity Text Books. We offer some second -hand: books at Low Prices. A FEW PRICES. White Wriing Paper 15 and 20c per lb Linen Writing Paper 20 and 25c" .Ream 12501 ................ 25e Box of Envelopes 2-0........25c 100 Cards engraving and plate...$125 Beat Student's Note Book..... 20c First-class Fountain Pen-...$1.00 We sell drafting instruments and supplies at Special prices. Sweaters anid Athletic Goods. Before Buying Your Needs Try Us. Wahr's Boksores Up Town Down Town STATE ST. OPP COURT HOUSE, prlsion, a5111 s to-liltasIt I '19111fect o g,,sowIsleinolt of longssg'ltlohlisimnit said ttose' inIlis Itlitititr1111flbtill 511150 ilat pest,'1iiand 1511'Avorklthtbere' isisst of aiinecessity1be tIll' l tfa.11'e vtiewtotheliislbeil'sti'ol'salready1 ins Mlenay ttil5I'ttt 5te's0t sericItII'i it t bei'haditfromiifgetsihIt ilt110111a111111lea bitis 111o1kIIIttisl' Mel llbli illtI'y9'of I hcisolist slal-it bticariod toilts i DAuivriLy nF:rE of.SdAY.i i tilit itit to llbrim;gi' empl2'IoyelofthIeit'Calendar. Ieri "11 fo1relil anthfrieiti"to