TBE UNlYER3SIT"Y~ OF MICHIGAN DAI. 3 .Aeo*P 40~j' 54040 O~~40 ~ an... HOUSE COATS J s th th n Our line is now You're invited t i$ T 2 -- --- $5---- TO--- $20-- a, , = o "a" a,. .a. .W.W.W.er. -"s.erecerertrc:rres ece trrrvzre e ar w 6 for a Xmas gift. Complete. olook. OODSPEED'S .I 117 MAIN ST. S. MICHIGAN CENTRAL iThe Niagara Falls Route." CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. Taking effect September so, 1900 Detroit NighatlExpres...........5 55A. 51. Atlantic Express. . . 7 45" Grsnd Rapids Express::.... ...11 10 " Mall and Expess.............. 4 . X. N.YT. Boston Special ............4 58 Fst Easten............... 9 43.4 Mail and Express .........8 40 A. at. Boeton, N. Y and Chicago......59 23" FastRWestern Expes ........5 56P. X. 6}1R. and Kal. Expresse...5... 5 Chicago NghtExpess.......... 9 43 PcifciExpess .................10AX. I 000OO+++ + +OOIOOOooOOOo 0 HNRYBROS. Now on the floor at 709 N. UNIVERSITY FRVENUE We have on our tables an Entirely New Line of Fall acid Winter Suitings. It Will Pay You to See Us. HF..,NR Y B-ROS. 6ARTISTIC TAILORS," . I Steamship Tickets, all Casoses, to and fon jduropean poiuts at lowest rates. Foil lafor matioo on application. 0. W, RUGGLES. H. W. HAYoS, $Q. P. & TAct. Chicago Act Ann Arbor. s~w dHA.f.lTIt ~ntH TIME TABLE Taking Effect, Sunday, May 21, 1899. Trains leave Ann Arbor by Control Stand- sad Tine. SOUTH NORTH *No. 6. 7:05 A. M. No. 1.- 0:50 A. M. No. 8-11:35 A. B. *No.5-12:30 r. M. No. 4.- 8:a05 P. B. No. S.- 4:50 P.Sm. *Run between Ann Arbor and Toledo only. All trains daily except Sunday. W. T. WILLS. Agent5. W H. BENNETT. G. P. A- HOCKING VALLEY RY-. +o+o+o+o+o+o+o+o+o+ooo+o.oo+o+o+o+ooo+o+o+o+o+o1o "Midnightb in Chinatown" is not a Chinese drama, but one oscene being laid in the Chineoe quarter of I1risoe, and that in ithe opium den. Act 1 is laid on top of u. mountain. Act 2 or. curs on a wvharf In Frisco hay. Act 3 shows the Coonade on 'Market street and a prison. Act 4 Is a streot in F'risco during the exposition, and an opium~l den. All thxese scenes are car- ried 'by the company and patrons are promised a complete production of this play next Monday night, Pee. 10. THE BEST MONEY CAN BUYT Royal Tigero, l0e; Tigerettes, 5c. the' Athens Theater next Tuesday, and it wiil serve t0o introdusce one of The sons of M-r. J~sephi Jeffersona, namely, 'Ti~enias, svlo was ofbiliged to fill his f:tlier's role soeethree yea:rs ago, ill- ness compelling "the elder Jefferson to retire for a s.qhort period. Tbomas, it is said, ;gave ouch exact performanees of this delightfut play that his faklier insisted upon him renmaining on the road, the result {being the &oatinuation of 'his starring to ur for the past three yearis. Re will be surrounded by a m.apdble companysend a performance of usuoal incite'can be looked forward to. ",BELL BRAND"1 Mtandolin and Guitar Strings costs you no more that inferior ones. AT THE Schaeberle Music Store, 16W. Liberty St. Ann Arbor Don't Go Honme for THANKSGIVING without one of Our U. of M. PINS Wim, Arnold, Jeweler TO NEW STUDENTS AND THE OLD ONES ALSO. We are hetter prepared than ever :to give the hell of carriage service, having added two rubber tired coaches 10 our stock. Holmes Livery S'PHONE 106, 5151E, LIBERTY ST. lIDOL OF THE HOUR SBut center of attraction iss till aA Hank's for hot chocolate and frya candles and oysters, served in any style nt either store. 200 E. Washington, 316 So. State. Pickwick Billiard Parlors 1Regulation Size Tables, Monarch Cushios. Everything New and Strictly Up-tn-Date. 707 N. University Ave. Ann Arbor The Railroad that takesa-the Business In and Out of Michigan. SOLID VESTIBULE TRAINS 4 DAILY BETWEEN 4 TOLEDO, COLUMIBUS and ATHENS. W. H. Fisher, L. W. Landman, G. P. A. 0. Tray. Agt. Columbus, Ohio. Detroit. Mich. Detroit, Ypsilanti and Ann Ar- bor Railway. Cars leave for Detroit and Ypilanti overy half our, neginning at 7:15 a. m. anti' 7:45 p. i.; After that to Detroit at 8:45 p. in., 9:45 p. mn. and 11:15 p. mn. Waiting room, corner Ann and Main t. ; Detroit, 111 Griswold o. MONEY LOANED an Watches, Diamonds,Whels and ther Per. sonal Property. Office at reoidence HI1 E. Liberty street. All buosinesscnnluential. Housr. 801.0 a. on. and I to :306and7Itno pan. 'JOSEPH C. WATTS i' , Rtepairing at HALLER'S ,JEWLRY New neckhands and alt mending done !STORE. at the lineal Laundry free -of charge. Wadhamso, Ryan & Reule are sole Now you know 'how lovely it (she) agents for Ypsilanti 1.nderwear. would be -with a nice U. of M. souvenir when you go home Cliristmas. hAL- Waterman or Laughlin Fountain LEE'S JEWELRY STORE. Pens, $1 each, at Schaller's Bookotore. ArPitesfrtunt'roma Scatlicrsfsorsents'6 oomlanst Bicycle Playing Cards and Poker calrsBosor,10S.Mi t Chips at Schallers Bookstore, Main St Mrs. It. B. _Monroe, the intercsting lecte~rr of thet Lther ente'rtaininent, Deoani tloteliflss of :11:0 law depart.-xiii speak this evening in Triiity mnt ;il speak at Newberry Htall this Englishi Lutheran church on the set:- ifl'ernooma at 4:15. 'Ills subject -will ibe jelt,'Some forms of work that Chris- eItligious tFactor in University thins ire doing for the submerged Life." tenth in 'his asnd foreign h~iads." All - ~inivited. STUDENTS NOTICE} _____ The best laundry is the Toledo Lnun- Bent $3 hat made is the Howard. dry. Tgly it. Weak called fee and do- Wadhams, Ryan & Reule, sole agents. livered. Leave your order at 1215S. ________ Mlain si. Dr. C. W1. Hynier. '53 L, -was the sue. ____________- essful competitor at the Piekssick S:ENIORS! Dowling alleys last week. 7'le icred You are requested to deposit with the score of 221 points, vldieh weenihim your photographor 75 cents to cover a now Y7Krsivty list. cost +of cut for Michiganencian at the time of -ordering your mounted photo- The cast of "Midnight in Chiln town" graph. t5. W. LADD, Man. Ed. arequires 24 people. -VAR" R" M n n n n n n n ri trt f rtRrtriRlln LtM LtE91RRfll t 1 i I LA 1 Mni 1 1 _ i t ILrLr.Ln t i r a . m l7 A HAVE YOU SEEN TRE.. NEW"CSO9SHE- MDE BY PURITAN SO 0 SEE OUR WINDOWS FOR THE NEW EXTENSION HE~EL. 111 South Main Street U. o M Bab r Fcstm iEmbalmer a511613just WiliaS ree t'ee I