2 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 2.HrNY~ST O IHGNIAL Published Daily (Modays excptd)duri g Colegevtear, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICIGAN MAtNOFIC BANC I rC Argon Bdg, Mat St. 336 S. State Stret. Both 'Phones13. New State'Phone 182. MANAGIN DITOR 0.O. 14lAS, tot HUsiNS5S MANABR, F. ENGELHARD,'O I EDITORS: ATHLETICS, - G. D. HtonUTT,' 'S AH. McDouGaLL, '1. W. A. KIGHT, 01 Lt MssT, K.SAINE ' CHAS. Dvoaa 'S H. H. WOOnROW,'4 W. P. CHANEV,'01 L W. A.BENSCOTER, '03 E. I. HOUSTON, '03 The Students' Lecture Association is presenting at extremey attMctive and well balanced course this year, and the recent addition of Ex-Pres. Benjamin Harrison makes it one of Itte very best corTses ever offered by the association. When one considers that a dozen good numbers are offered at the low price of $2, or less than 20 cents each, it is not to be wondered at that University Hall is well fil ed by holders ofscourse tick- ets. In the large cities suchtc ttrs- tiots to Chueil, ,teauhor tund Suth African correspondent. EX-Pres. Harrison, Innes' Band and Strauss' Orchestra cannot be heat d singly for less tthan a dollar to a dollar and a half. Tie studentstio have not tttkettadvtttg of titto-fut'course. sitoult get a course ticket this week, and in 'this way hold up this poptular and most serviceable orgatizatiot, 'the Students' Lecture Association. Freshman Spread Beautty had full possession of Bar- bour gymnasium last evenig. Beauty was adorned in all the graces of col- loge girt loveliness. The occasion was the annual freshman spread. Each girl of the freshman class was assigned to some member of the junior or ,rsenior class and was 'taken there and given a good time by this up- per 'classmtate. The members of the sophonore class .wcre to pay the ex- penses and arrangements were made 'for a most successful evening. The elalborate plans were perfected in every dtiail. Dr. Mosher was suf- f'Ociently recovered to be present during most of the evening. The paltronesses were Mesdames Angell, Vaughn, Hut' dhins, Herduan, D'Ooge, Lombard' Waite, McLaughlin, Taylor, Lawrence and; Hine. When the gymnasium building was being planned Dr. Mosher plead for widening the doors between the par- lors. They were thrown way back laSt evening and Hangsterfer was given full control. The possibilities in those elegant rooms are beyond imagi- nation, and so was that spread. In fact mere sight made a full tappreci- ation impossible and description is out of ithe question. The opera 'iouse orchestra was given a cenalpostion on the gymnasium foor where they could be properly eared for, and Hangstefer had' a few colored wa'ters. With the exception of a couple of harmless newspaper men the rest of the company wre elegantly dressed alies. The scne from the gallery was entrancing. The college gir's have scored several social successes this seaon. When 'they atempb anything they do it right. Last evening but adds another to t'heir scre. Waterman or Laughlin Fountatn Pens, $1 each at Schaller's Bookstore. BOARD and ROOMS in five different places. Iberal dsaeount to students offered by Ann Arbo Music Oo. tI Senior Committees President Sproat of the Senior Lit- erary and Engineering class has aade the foilowing tappointneits for the va- rious :o"tn*itees: Reception-Harold E. Zook, chair- mac; Wm. A. Eversman, Nellie Grace Dnsitore, Frank C. Kinsey, Win. Wil-. liats, Leslie J. Tet,. Wg. traysop,. R. H. Vhn Cleve, H. J. Z. Campbell, Forest Loneashire, Marguerite Knowl- test, A. I. 'ekerr. Arrangements -S. W. Ladd, chair- Man; Ned Iegle, Margaret Seaioan, starry Crafts, Fltcence Bowen, Harry H. Talcot, Edward E. Davies, H. Ward Carpenter, Nina Howlett, Wn. Levan. Invittich-A. I. McDougall, chair- man; Mary Newell Eaton, Geo. D. Hud- nuit, Arthur A. Loeb, Dorothy Foaler, Jane V. Polek, W. S. Baldwin, Geo. D. Damon. Cap and Gown-Harry Williams, chairman; Wm. C. Horberger, Maude L. Daley, Jessie Mae Reynolds, Mar- garet Cousin, W. C. Helmers. Memrial-Phil P. Farnham, chair- itan; Chas. B. Davis, Maude C. Hatha- way, Lewis K. Douglass, R. F. Horton, EMzabet Sundtrom, Maude Hudson, John L. Pierce. Auditing-F. L. Lownie, chairman; John C. Parker, H. C. Stevens, (Chas. G. Leeson. DON'T GO ASTRAY, BUT SMOKE Royal Tigers, 10c; Tigerettes, le. Holidays now at hand. Don't dela yur photo sittings RANDALL. Up-to-date Stationery at Schaler's Bookstore, 116 o. Main st. THE BIG UGUNS of the Year logs'. Band, Ex - Prs Harrison Winston Churchill Buy Your Season Tick- ets Now. 9 Numbers only $2, Lectures Printed lectures for all depart- ments of the UJniverity. Type- writing and Mimeographing. EDWARDS BROS. (Over sheehan's) State Stree M. STAEBLER'S CYCLE EMPORIUM, 119 W. Washington St. Redmond, Kerr & Co., BANKERS 41 Wall Street, New York Transact a general. baing bsusines. Receive depsits sbjet t draft. Dividends and Interest collected and remitted. Act as Fiscal Agents for and negotate the issue of railroads, street railways, gas cenpantes, t. Securities bought ad sl de ncmission. Members New York Exchange. iEAL IN HIGH-GRADE INVESTMENT SECURITIES. List of current Ofierou inn.0 en apiiucapon, PgILADELPHIA CORRESPONDENTS. GRAHAM, KERR & CO. RAIN OR SHINE The "00", $3.00 Shoe is the shoe to wear when the weather is uncer- tain. A little rain doesn't hurt it while it affords pienty of comfott on the warmest of days. But of course we have light shoes for bright days and heavy shos for rainy days if you prefet. GLASS'S SHOE STORE, 109So. Mai Street.. - penevenings ntu ANN ARBOR, M 8 P. M. STAEBLER & WUERTH BUBBLES are airy nothings and so are many advertised bargains. Whatever we offer you, you can depend upon as a fact. We show you the swellest line of ready made clothing in the city made by the best tailors at popular prices. SUITS - $7.50 to $20.00 OVERCOATS $8.00 to $25.00 211 S. Main St, Ann Arbor. ATHENS THEATRE MONDAY, DECEMBER 10 THE SENSATIONAL COMEDY DRAMA IIhdnig1fl In gbnaowu W. O. EDMUNDS ORIENTAL-AMERICAN SENSATION PRICES: - 25, 35, 50 AND 75c Seats now on sale TUESDAY, DECEMBER 11. THOMAS JEFFERSON SIN Seats on Sale Tomorrow. SPEND YOUR LEISURE TIME AT Billiard Pa rlors YOU WILL FIND A FULL LINE OF HIGH GRADE CLEAR HAVANA, SEED AND HAVANA VJI GARS IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC IG A RETTES, AND TOBACCO'S EID AND SuccEssoRs OUTH TO T A TE IEYN OLDS RoSENTHALER T1 UTREET SANITARY PLUMBING- ELECTRIC CONSTRUCTION AND SUPPLIES, STEAM AND HOT WATER HEATING, 707 .Wa9hngtoN $treet.j ARTIsSIC GAS AND ELECTRIC FIXTURES. HIGH GRADR MANTELS AND GRATES. TH NETTLETON WAHR 5SHOE THE JHOEMAN 218 S. MAIN ST. III SWEETS TO THE SWEET. IF YOUIWAN t TO BE SWEET. SEE BROGAN. 1C MAIN