4 THE UNIVERSITY 0E MICHIGAN DAILY NEW BOS Perfect Tiorn-SaeRetaining L1 Thelie s igha Mr 'a a Is i lthe gar en ae infor n am n'Eery artIst mu aieler- one thering.ast Ci 3t r H rthays mastered tho secret of imparting this haracteristic , The lane t ha a 1' srin fJtt i t Ara ly for the man who buys it and if it doesn't satisfy him L MM e ~lre Fass, GayB~de ihe doesn't gt it If that's a fair proposition _come up and AlMCsoat (ld Viseastv' BMaie 2hapwaf- in thneIpalce aofCise taag, E", Marihs ereaofrtt let uo tell you just ow many Dollars we can save you on your Ihieotaong yofth~lae Mrin. F'ate; Perryoanew-Suior OvercoatCA A nrs,4lrpeo~cr~ar ~ aolyI Catia, itean GOODRICH & DUKE,(A ABA & (0 leanti, A4s.? rm se a W t " e ExatriatesI'ianssBel get ft he lit est alom s arth. Froato aser ist Natinal ank ' All the Above at iscouni LAW BOOK PUBLISEIS AND5NPORTEB.8 Prices CA T fT(I CUT GLASS. Dainty shert'iffpresents for any lady. f 114 MO7NROEIST°. 320 S. STATE STREET. -lCG® You can stet4a l etscbler, the IlbotOgapber. r rn5k HOT LUNCHL a yCaitl Caloise AII's arkToHigonjjij a a tie CapitE Kave3 , Peti. rln, 0' . Trpat 1? c.UTTLES Giscomy, 4e t~air luPii -i'abethat ilohe cc ,ti ewll tFIRST NATIONAL BANK mneIN IIi f1 1 /a '{1 "f 1'j h rln l t asube sell 1li14e41 itmerry ean s. The Cpia, $100000 Srplas n i on' 1:.5 al+t 1APJI.J II v' IfiI II s 1rs-i:il-i a llsast trh mieU. of 5. Fuand awill tinks upa ie Gsoei- 'rasacatgimiii a !C lIc:. e~ Flota IItIII U . litplete r imptly at 8:30, sitbhat IeElcatseueg s and sr i ' i rrih r.1 Chcg, Dc.7 8--ireliiiilusris"' for I''asioj"1-I lii osr'evael t oe beoattime. The ni.EEO i, S~~haa itC The pia rolette to Chicago, asimadebat. liie Waii sLdI'on ltfof astiao in, t.Louis, KansassCity,.'Spring Die. 8-Judtge Iren ache miof l ct p t isaaipret wilhthlab vgiatar S1.WECIA EKSt C4 'e~0 ldDecttur Danvillro, and all (tsinnm itCoarse. Soljel. ri u i, oicAc,;AsIti 1is ily lig Tef nfro o posnts Southstlix'e anyElctiontLaan'.'parsinii lx given lofirs the holilays ! j1iJ d Consult ticket Agents. De5c. 0,~ 3 p. in-Presidenit Angell will and thle fiUrs of two ou1j'-yItha the asci- Capitai 0tta, l iUk spu r address te(li la Y 1T. F. A.. te Nil- i'it i ll 11give , eay e'r s holdtle ate 1lor'.aeis r. c ra ni 0 z Im~mediate Conlsectift t l4lain tnl lal. SieiPnt-ofiI filt sstV.ttly nl It S '",,-, ,e avihContinental Limited. -i-.I-hoa adim iyn("eLeatasay ~i.n -aaa a R. S. Gsgcumew)oD, AM . .A. tanaera, i'siz oltiehr, riefloi. aet o piat ili tDee. 1-The 'tIoli,' Mr. ieruaralaensfuepsla 'Cvei=,a , dRAN(IFIR'5 ADyVCBDGCLASS ________ a. -P '.'I T U S A D,,3iuii S llyrilyadSi-L . l ifMu-liCo tatnaiickimnes ndt all icendln u le. __________________________ I C t-ue Bscld . 5.Uare-c i - tl Isadry fri-h'oatcharge. Lt' hmdy lt.1 :0p .-- l~.w.d.i o -S a tila necN flay i th'. itt 730 55. iC- w yuWiiiho oot t :h) .VATV.-~ 2i TBoEDAY EVE1eUawithi ftaltnicec'oldMa.ohof lIi ouveiir rAVIOW 'ba admitted.toCsthis clams.Tat vn we o o!o eCrsms T ing's $a,- Sisgle tveisg *50 5pr , S. L. A. 'Course. H w ail explait isll c.l~lb~YSO E coupe. ppoat~a to he orto Rtaai arif, ransac'ts a general litc, 14-Zphbuni olip. (trager'. Bl'3 lt n Luhlt a ni iking Business.; t~o 1--eS~or f~iaa Jt; i feasr,1S a. , t Sealaler's BItolite agl$ ~, a ,Dc. 201 (eveninilIlt) iiso at Sicclo tPlaying Cards and ok ion 'begins. Chip t.i"C S'ae's Bkt ur MAT~!'.Aaft MOSTUDENTS NOTICE! Sel o ia nwa a e G. E. MARTtIELL Agent, !Thu bestlaundry 1s Ile'ToleoLsi ln oaYis nowiatihg. I DAn'tI. A * 3z6 S Slate St Ann Arbr.fMich. dry. 'Tia'y I, Work ialed tfon and diol ot itig.-tN AL .*44V !fa11 in al. bUp-teeorlnIi11~ lsodae Statonery 1at 'hnlita" P IA 315111 Bookstore, 116 S. Main at Get Your Mealsad Lais'ato';IRI 1ttrnnT ~ugtnIonal /XYoi ase eqaeteldtotdepoitawith 'i 15 $1 etchat!Schallers .0oktoe, PORTL4,4D C4F i hoographer 75cens l s avs11)1R D n OM nfle1it~ P OPENT LNIGHT. rcI Hof ucut for itlchiganensian ui a stl. adItiM the liti-n 0, M. MARTIN.,, let $3 ht mad 1 the tHoward 1 it Piitures Pfor studen es'ems a FUNE~lRAL 55 mlhllina Ryan & aeie ole 1agents s b lie' Booktorea116soMainS.4 at DIRECTOR g %msatmng aspeity No 209 Sb e 30ClSLv addy a older wzatbw is Coming ._ a ~~~And with t cornsthoghtso olAETE vp, Te- pWinter Garments T i OTHSD WAGNER & 'Co., Importing Tailors, LAUNDRY Can please you in the many *1, uetonts S t.sOW}L[1'raapr. little things that go to make up----- -- 121 and 123S, Maim Streei SNDW, Makers of or rrdbG//f/! iC/3COt/ C/3/f/jdfC/2t3/ff?/PS'o spr5ig Gi COLLEGIATE CAPS UTTHlE T NDumbAIN EC UEJ5 GOWNvS andHOOS, JDumTbII 10>T ?IeQ ~ZTRJ Bells i Reting of THE IiS ta l Ispr i i ioub Bls are 1 APS and GOWNS S flHJE J D ll sy ag Into.ales o Iietis a-is autge- erctLT iiset a veisii o nsiilat it rpalrten- *LASCOE3 5 ' EM ORA Y ittt lili' ' - a sa - ' tIS 5.ttdsu CLFLAGBtS, thatRA Otty tasiia dormt. Slandolat ClaLLECS LAOS h.. of i' ts s spro COLLEGE PINSt:eft- oalhr CLASS end i; LJJ UBINDER iisd ' i. tis ATS anal Oens like a book 3aSlys, 17 CS alerts a5 CAPS .J E Cm i toacwit -artolf e-- cs. W C, KERN & co.ints tealdsinoerl Faand WA.tG. Spt atisa Bresos. criAs.a . CLEE - 340 South State " inorpoate _____ ___________SE_____ a55 VTE ITFAno O''Vrit . i 4