TBE UNIVERS1IY OF MICRIOAN DAILY. I3ASY ION H SHEAD B The SOFT HATS that mean :head comfort for you, and all who wear them. They, have :a stylish make-up, particular ly thisa, all. The colors, too, are just about right. Noth. iug is lacking in our Soft Hat Display. Tailors flatters Hiaberdashers 1 .17 11AAJN ST* ~y~ag. ~45~B4548E 48E9E : ~~0E: :::'::::r:' ~::. ~48a0a0>::: MICHIGAN CENTRAL aThe Niagara Falls. Saute." CENTRIALSNTANDIARDOTIME. Taking effect -eptenib:.10, a1900 Detroit Night Express ......55 NA. X Atlantic Express ....... 7 45 Gand Ralidc Express......... ...1110" Mall and Expresn...............3 +7 . N.YT BostotaSpecial .........a4 58" Past Eastern ......." 948 " Mail and Expoess.. . .540 A. N. Boson. N Y. nd Chienago....... 92 Pap extercn Express.. ......... 1 :8P. M. e.R.anwt'. apres........ . Chicago Night Zziprceoo.......9 435 Pacific Expreso............... 123N A. X. Stearnaoiab Tickets. atl Otassico, to and f otn Aroapealn insatloVwest rates. Full lnfar- mantionAnjoN aitailon. Q.P, &ATAg't. Chicago Av't Ann Arbor. Taking Effect, Sundtay, May 21, 1899. Trains leatve Ann Arborc toy Cetral St-and.. ard fite. SOUTH NORTH *No. -- 7:250 A. M, No. 1.- 8:°,0 A. ._ No. 8-1.1:3 AM. *No.5-12:30 P. N. No. 4.- 8:305 '.1. No. 3.- 4:5£ P. m. *Run Sotwecon Ann Arbose and Toledo oiv All tcaindaly excet Aunc W. T. WILLS, Agont. W H. BENXETT. c4. P. A HUCKNG VALLEY By. wOO+OO+O+OO.~O+O+O~.O+O+O+O+O4.O.f.O+O+O+OO4.OOO+Q.K.O4. :3 :3 :3 .. HNRY BROSa Now ont the floor at 709 N. UNIVERSITY PAVENUE We have 011 our tables an Entirely New Line of Fall and Wint" r Suitings. It Will Pay You to See Us. HNRYBRS di C +s .. ooo0Coo00Co~++++oooo0o Preliminarit s Begin Tonight. ? Chas. A, Tonne, '81, Made Senator, l'etiis ylvatia will begint Ia ight. The :1 GlChss. A Po~ oatrfrmMii lar'go-:j;onumb or of students in. the lhis- n ItI. it sceed tlw linto Si-ottor toffy ofi Mioligan dobaiting haeiltcdawiiCushmntn K. Ilavis. paices for toeicebte,Ilhere heitng 1b1- Sonator Towne, is an old M:(-lligati art: o 155 1no 20)15 ronteostitnts for il:mtatn, of tihe clasoff '81, .am! his hist hiiore-. visit 05 Ann Aobi asi. w hewn he doug. Ilios shoinis tg 5ljwas well f1or thin~- eredltt. Woshingtsns iltirticty ad- tbro einatgtaloeni ly itoe stuident hodly dros in 1399. Cushiman K. Davts was ii lie ariii~tal deate. Front thils large olsoa 51 -ohigan almitus, ItovitnIg gisad- ntittitor P eatercoaowinning team itotedl svttttthe clasof '57. sholttdibte chaoen. especially its the mthodliaf lc~l~itig tiietnis emiinently SENIORt CLASS M~EE2ING. oiisfojory and fatr. Michigan trio"micro willi be an iopottat roecoiog heti sucre sfitl orer Pennsylvaain0 of the Senior Class this afternoon at the fat aaralt.ii cobte an:! we siioildl 04:20 2p. to., in room C. Every tomer- sni~ toyadianll othier v ictory to otto list. atoIIIal tao present. 'Th iite:ia awhaaira tao represent 1Miehi. H.. StOKOA', OPres. -'In iniltealoottar:, witlilei saieseita will of io ie shiy lao compelca: Ltio reitirn 'Oh: -(last of "'Midi~i t ii tohinotltowyit' ahoiii a week before the cdote -of the re quires 24 people. IlitistIibimas aalti,as that dta (1t:is - (1i irettr s::::::aftertha holidays. .THE ~BEST MONEO (;AN BUY Theio oreory inii she last act -of "Mid-I Royal Tigers, 10c; Tigeretteo, 5e. 11igh1 It Chinafoarn" weighs exactly- sIr ttn, alit is staidato1be magn-ificent. Williami Clark,- founder of the CarrieI Furnaces of tPittsbaurg, Pa., says: "Se- SEEING 1S CONVINCING. borinie" slopped my hair falling out If' yout see the work of lihe Toledo and cuere:! a mIost distvess"-sg caoe of Laitndry Ce. you will be con-ineca! datadruff after several other :remedies tliit you wvant- no other. Agency 121 S. lhad foiled. I heartily recommend it 1Ma i. to any one suffering from scalpular dis- -------- eases." We -heair hundreds of :testinoo- Boy ia nice Cloek for your roeii:;'tt olals such as 'this. Sehorine is for slo 1ALER'S JEWELRY STORE, at Calinkss' rug -store. tf clittcitra., will address thie Engineer- to~rt-lunate ill securing President Aogcll ing society tonighf in thIe phlyslcarl lab. so adetreos next Suttiays meeiting. The oratory lecture room. service will la)o held In McMillan S~all ott 3 p. Is. Hi..LL ..BRAND 7 X-andolinamid Guitar String0:cost, eone no msore that iferior Ones,. AT T13E S.haeberfe Music Store, s!6W. Ltbncsy St. -Ann Areao Don't Go. Home for TiiANKSGIViNG R without one of Our U. of A.,0PINS Wm,, Arnold* Jeweler 10 N[W ST UDENTS AND TIM,1o Oijs Aise: We are bctter-prepared than eves to give ite bett of carriage service, having added two rsbbier tired coaches to our stock. Hol~mes.'Livery 'PHONE 106, 515_E. LIBERTY ST, IDOL OF THE HOUR But center of attiraction is still aA Hank'a for hot; chocolate and fresh candieo anti oyeters.served In any style at eithet store. 2i(t) E. Won-ingtoii 316l5go. State. Pickwick Billiard Parlors. The Railroad that takea the Buasiness In and Out of Michigan. SLDA1EI ETRAINS 4 SO.DAVIBEE TOLEDO, COLUfIBUS andi ATHE NS. W. 80, Fisher, I.LW Landmans, G.P.A. GTrav.Aitt Columbstn, Ohio. DetroitMich. Detroit, Ypsilanti and-Ann Ar-a bor Railway. Carsl leave for Detroit and Yosilanti every half- our, neginni at 7:15 a. ma. until 7:45 p. ca After that to Detroit9 at 8:45 p. ma., 9:45 p. m. and 11:15 p. ca., Waiting roots, corner Ann and Main sts.: ;Detroit. 1Ii1 Griswold ot. - MONET LOANFID ! on Wati hes, Mumon 8 , Wheelo and otheor Per-- soisnl Property. Office at rrsldenec. 131 E. Liberty sttedt. All 0uianesscnfildential Hloutrs.8ato11:0 ami, ad lto 3:30 nd 7to 4 p. an. JOISEPH C. WATTS Wadhaso. Ryan & Reule are sole{ agonts for Ypsilanti underwear. j Thtat's slie llamne-HAILLBR'IS TRW- EOLRY. - - - tre('Ilation Sloe Tablies, 'The finest monograph ontOcother tUni-Miotc:Cols vetsity fancy letter paper and pada in a Everything New and ,th .cty..All ot 's. Schsllr'as aBok- Strictly Up-to-Date,. lee1 oMai at707 N. UniversitY Ave. Ann' Arbor _ ifi! O1 1I l idV fn SnJinL.m i_1 L -L 1-4.41 L 1- I-1 1 nn nnu l luLM. 1_L !_ 1-L _t_ 1_ 11J7f tJV JL17.Y 1NIU FLti VI HAVE YOU SEEN THE.. NEW "CUSTOM" SHOE MAE Y URITAN SHOE CO. 2111SEE OUR WINDOWS FOR THE NEW. EXTENSION H11EEL. III South Main Street U, M V, Barberate Mansage a EmbEmer and I p 613 East William Street U. 5'clalty.HlirsUENOC E E mbFuealmectr a Und G1si ant cne-haI black wos Shlop and Bath last; Work adE DIEthAe, Fa nerl irotr nie siy lw buildiing. Aul hindas i~ a I Fin kRoomn. :2$ ST O9~I d2SFuthA x ~h'Poe IShoe ShoD . Lgahrt _ n PYdane jix