THE UNIVERSITY 01 MICHIGAN DAILY FULL LINE IExcursion Rates INTO GOOD CLO'THES GYMNASIUM, FOOTBALL, GOLF GODDS~ Can be found at Our Store Sheehan &Cos. 320 S. STATE STREET. Iletroit, Ypsilanti and Ann Ar- bor Railway. Cars leave for. Detroit and Yvsilanti *very half our, osginning at 7:15 a. m. matiC 7:45 p. in.; After that toDetroit- WVE INN-SHOW XYOUlor ar ss1000 thk:e mot :invitin--styie- for Fa11 at inrter Suiting-, thatweret v-. :toght together. TO ALL WHO BELEIVE thit strictly made-to-msuore grnstot ito he bought below tie itr~ce- ordinarily- charged w-c frankly say HERE YOU ARE.. L. C. GOORRICI Arent for the Best Tailors so Earth. Front room over First tiatiortal Rlank When we fill a prescriptions it con- laints exactly what the Doctor orders, CALK IN S weighed and measured with precision. To bring your prescription to us is to be sure that it will be right. ' entscbler, the Ij"botQgrapher. c C" F f f SENIOR, JUNIOR, FRESHMAN You can obtain ALL the, text books used in the course. (A11A~fUAN & (u OPPOSITE LAW BUILDING, 340 S. STATE We are not only The Oldest firm but we carry The Most Complete line of Law Books in the city. OUR 1900 LAW CATALOGUE for the asking. _ ________ tat. ;Statt antdtbarosn teets. Capital, 5,4i S,llir:pln.$330,001. Traneactc coceal bankinghbusineas. R Ktr-aPris. (. E.Gtnoooo, Vic-es- FRoD. H BEson. Cashier. FIRST NATIONAL BANK °rWa "- C'sil$t 10) 5:tns nd:1 t'o5:itt t rrnsct ao-uer; au in bisie~. ot -c: exchane io::': and ;old. ParseS etltrs at cdit. E. D. KIN;NE. Pis. tHARRS( ttN S i I LO tie- tJ S.. C(L ARKWONCa- tie The~ Ann fArbor Savinas Ban" Capital So.SI1, 511110 Stal':-. 5, R:ewrces. 15100.000.1 Otrgaoized:l t he ento,. ra mto *n a fttsState. Recir' t:'dposi 't;, 1111 e; exhneo hepicplciiso - States. Irt: t: e a-'I:": is: {op r {errir Satety deo-it: to ren- J. Fritz ~ua: Me WBA A: at 8:45 p. m.,t9:4p. m.and 11:15 Waittog roomt, corner Ann and Matoin 'ihe rllmtent th~is realr itt tte rtn- W'aternman Founniain Pens at $1 at atea.Detrott. Ilit Grtswold st. ,.itt:eruil epartmtetIvsill cerrainlyr Ie Schtaller's PBookstore, Atain st. ___________________________a__ reordosI breatker. Nearly all of the old Second hantd books lboughf and sold LEARN T tt t1in ilt tck atnd tte ireshltnnate at Wahrs. L~n~I1 I~ flI' ~L : tirln pItgtiaaid ra~t~lte.'They have Ytotrill find a full stork of 1a11Lawr Mtr. and M~rs. Ross 'Granger annotunces the passed thle 10tttark antih ier:' are otill atnd Medlical hooks at W'ahr's. ,aeningottheirschool as follows: Pent lesson set=eneat Saturday mtorninsg 10:;tLadies after- 'at tmit:'r yet 1 'to:nrll. Th~e freshitani --- no4. Aosembly eoeaing 6:10 sharp. GPen-clsIt1:t Slemen Wednesday evening s. Cnil :at office, casof'atyear tntulbered l128 attdl ('III (l.IENI s DAN 1):1CINl. f-;ranger's Aeadeisty on Itaynart Street eor astsl1gesr lss t h(1a5 :i thadl ever teit- Wilt childrenl Itle('ffortt: ov Pell 'Ph::te216. iteret tthatit htime. crfleefttlly lprodute's a de:sire ails::o t ' QEter'yot::'eottltally invtdtllo ilttl Erllcloll5 ill tma:ttter, ando lthis is otnie of M STAEBLEW'S Fol(Opetnintg of Ptutiitn sihoe:Co:. flilt'lbest iiflttence-:s ofl'a :btllittg schl~:. \Vak:'-uti l::::n Clocks at Il:ll-rs A speltt'l'i:tss Ifor childlren At-ill 1:: or- ,3nercystor:'. g:ticed Jby fMr. atndt 1 rs, (ir::tlg:r to V GYLE EMPORIUM"Cl"I.('Wisen'9.0I.ANilmeatteaadnyStry fe- noit relutoc:: ch:ol tlthis yearl, ts It'ol11l1, (O:t. 24, fo:r first lessott. tCicu- ha found lt ne:cssa:ry re ttrn-t o trs ;it mtlsi:' sto:res or: mtailed. 0f:11 UCTLES, I'llilipslbtra-, 'Mltlti., lis 1:o:me, to li:ok 'phone 24G.21'.Adltclasses n« otn afterc lbssiiness intlere'sis. 'Ti'he("Colonei:l'' - _____- _ D1I.T LE .SMNbRIE.S iscaInite:tfor the:'reputlican-:ltit ::i- tiN7Rt.SLCHEMISTRY-AD- A ! J 11,1 hull na ion ::or1th'statel:' :islatl::'.buit ._NCED CREDIT. ~tI~ J~77L Says hethastonI-a ~ly st::-I 1 maliltlt as is All :applicants cotsn;0 ratihitgh Hie C(lar It nd Da:11 :lyr ttllions toe IIIhrschtools, no:rmatii oosls and smaller fi19 W. Washington St. 'i,:oil I:het'enoitet:d. The **('(:liIoiiollges, attd wvho are expectittg to cc- _____ _____________ __________ tl- iay be1::dependedtl:'on:1to::helt,:'thereciv'e advanced credif, will be ox- isN M:anybod:y :-all. Ainted far ,such credit. The examin-- luBst ,$i3 hat 1101made ie IHotwrard. tion: till befiseld on Thutrsday, Oct. 4, ' ' 1::imiha~n. trati& Reuli. sole If:' tsl. ot 4 p.,ut., lower lecture roam, Medical T75 or. -II 1 . Siudeonts buy their Station- Builiding.t " *o *- ery tt Scitalers Bookstore, Mlain st. Apptlicants tram the colleges or uni- l - , croton of equal rank will bring cre- R't~i IG-HT T BilY l'SINCl dentialo and offer evidence of fitness- C. E. BARTH-ELL, Agent, tot:lTtr,1:- ieels : receive advanced credit to tie on ..1t65, State St. Ann Arbor, rlich. NTIF.iridIay, Oct. 5, at 4 p. in., lower lecture - 1 1 ' itrlnto h oltte l -a > om 1eia ulig lHlSON'T YOU 1 ofte1 i he-r t:tt:':itteiaia:tt:Cotrseis The right to exantine any or all ap- s9~~~~~~et ~ ~ a Ioreelsat unhsa ell uuaiiy itnltto::taS, ' T::ittiplicansois reserved. P. C. FREER. OPEN ALL NIGIHT., 11:1111d Seven l:stetls (bys to flii Wait for the Daily ni te up nf the StliON ST, Two donrs wst af Cook hante.1uta .1 club itt14Jorbotr l l:,:::s i a -i Paris international Gamen -The ______________________________________ iitt' . Pri:ce 5:.50 pIlel-.':. ,Xddires Daily prseas ersnehathe snly coliegerae AR, .o l aiiy ::tii:. -7 information that no one else rontd Or:, NANTED-I'or church quatit choir; get. FUNERAL sop~rttttenoi and bass soloist. It: DIRECTOR oqtire 312 S. Division Jr. h irtubaling a specialty. No. 209 S. 4th ---i Ave. Ambulance night and day. ites- i J U L WiI dcece 302 Fifth Ave. rall aliu W iniet r 1900 STry The... (- Our stock of Fall aind Winter Wottlens is now NORTH SID ~ ectnilete. A garment tmade til of one of out Imported or Domestic Fabrics with. W & Co. S LAU NDRY workmanship wiii insure correctness and ease to TaOS. POW E, Prnpar. the wearer. We desire your inspection. 10358BOroadway. 4F7 Belt Phone Ut ~ WAGNER & CO., Tailors - W akers of 123 South Main Street COLGAT-AS - , O' COLGAsdE'100S,F RWtS.d OODSjuIT THBETl'IIIQ FOR TAKIN4Q LECTURES I CAPE apd GOWNS, C E DE A5 SPECIE1LTY. CLASS C(InES, TEMPORARY a COLL ECE FLAGS, COLLEGE PINS, BINDER GASSadad i COLL eOB CAPS an Opens like a book, CAPS., ..Beats the old string covet Y, KERN & COIsetate paper 31b.for O(:'ft The heat fountatn penn 51 41t E. Fifty-Seventh St. eCHICAGO, ILL. F. SCHLaEEDE, - - - - - 340 South State i HAVE YOU SEENUMA THOSE NOB BY BROWNS M iL w R SPAU LDING'S FOOTBALL SUPPL I ES Are uniersally:ued s-he- rer thte gattcis playetd. tie raclitmrkin r:g thie gliaranter. he $1:1:: hfngOfficial ttnter-e::ilrciate Foot I5c11. Is Il llteding:i:ecoloaco eatl athilecelussfatthe couns:try. Crice, 5.t,e4. Send foe Catalogtte at all Athiletic Spots. Spiding's OfficialFottalol tuide, isit te tea ttls-ftr 10, anal rectordse, revewos tid instrnctios, includitng pictures of t1ffplayera. Price. 1:: ats. Invented hryhSaItow. Haveoe t :llai a0an eerctsanddt eielopr., Every wtail ne- fied. A. G. SPA LOING & BRtOS. :Inc::rttsateoi NEW YORK C HtCAGO DENYER THE FINEST LINE OF SCOTCH AND ENGLISH SUIITINGS IN THE CITY.