THlE UNIVE1F OF MICHIGAN DALY. For Morning, Afternoon and Evening Wear also for Driving and Out-door sports.---- Correct in fashion and finished pefetly in every detail. $ 1.00 TO $2.50 DS)® PEED}'S P 117 AI T.8 MICHIGAN CENTRAL DON'T BUY SUIT CASES Alarm Clocks $1, -The Niagara Fait Route. Until you see the Special 24 inch 'eae we offer lentil uo .Pn O o$.~. Pn CSENTRIAL STANDARD TIME.; Thanksgiving at U fM hl 0 o$~fFn Traking effect September to, i1900 \vath Rep iin al Specialty, Aet~it 51 . MJ L, CHAPMAN, JEWELERS Atlantic oprenolitIs;t ........ C \,/ 1¢0 (}rand iExpre .... 4 ....Y10All 206'MainBassnLoc F.Y otn®ei' ..........45 l etlher, Steel .fl'me igs rasLc. Dn- oHm o Ost~astern ..a U..... a " and Bolts, Irish Linen Lined.TiA SOVIN alandElre ............0840 .TH N SGVN Botn,l.Y. ndC R VC9 1" A1 K itru Vul Ext p 1res1 3 P. i. i 1/ i" ' [('i i FVi VVone f1Ou 8. R. and Sal. r'pr 0...45" 5il 1}k~ ~ ~ I I 1 U fM PINS PecflaBazes.. .......I2 0 ~mIlieadquarlers for'.Trunks Valses Telecopes, Suit Cases, Etc ~,.i1M eee StesipoTinkts n lsses rat nd oll 222 -224 OM inS.Basement Dept. Wn rod eee oatlen en appllcattos._.T o. W.EIJGOLES 11, W. ~srIloyt's ooIpltysilgy unnly satre, tAbAlTES INVITE G 'NTLEM'D)N. 1 (v.p P, k.Af',hcg A -______ - Hole inlo t Groundl,"with 1aye;b ig.Th'le usenbrs of the ladies' claTSsiu NEW of clever people,haced by d hales aonnog will be! allowed to invite gcli- ;, i q . k sau5 BaT3' Mooxw 11,oroa~gn. v osenlin osotparticipate in hy inn at po Q hTC lbth quaint charitcters of the "Ste ru- gram0 fernoen at Grangrs S. adenro a3U IJLI~I pe"adthe "Trap anpr," comes oioe Nek fr o iteituxl ay 'atof145 Ax OLOs An. to te Atens shat e hi oven- oslc-k. sOly ladies of the 50c1001an We ed th:aO~~sAnso log In S"AHle inthe oGround" Hoyt"sthoeir -getlemenofrien's wlll ) d- Weare bette preparedthneve ATi'fl r A. ETrsrI± 1.1 EH keei n eseor to'ridituour 'is moe y e oiilt flo ior. to give the best of carriage servce TIME TABLE__________________ add rbo te Taking Effrt, Sunnday, May 21 ,1890F 1 o-- ------ aOvig ade wo rbe ie Trains ieare AnnArbor byCentral tand --The fns 'mngah and other Un- liioTime. - coaches to our stock N __ - <[,st ty fancy letter per and pads In H l e Livery SOUTH I1 NORTH'o the city. All styles. Shallr' . Book- IiolniesLier ________ ___ store,. l116 So. Main8t "Na. 8,- 7:35A, &,Ni -0S:60A1 ____M._55.LIETYS N0o. -11:35AN M.i No 56-i23aP.m _' 50PHONE 106 55ELIRT T No 4.-58:36 .aM. No.3.- 4:56sP.Cm. °ENItlS AFTENTION: i - dTo ,Literary. 'ag, Egnering ansi *Run between Ann Arbor adToeoonly [Medb~ical Snior ae requestd tohave All trains daily except Sunday. ~ sittings for Michigan nslan photo W. T WtLLS Agent. W . BENNETT . P. A graphs atonce. An unmounted photo- grapho tanb besecured free of otwills HOCKING VALLEY RY. I rer. S. NAT LADD, AIIg d The Railroad that takes ,the lciho' o-f all tack wrenatD 4 :o'clock Etsishwas IniandOut ,.-..* tAfternoon in thegymnrainn10VADHY+3,Cp. of ichigan. ~ ~ t Stoo.~IO' AECp. >. < £ SOLID YESTIBVLE TRAINS A lo than rpliliedhtots .astio~utunTt §I Prof. Hotwlandt of the-Univrsitry 4 DIY - .-' 1 BITath fi iuu~stnloicipoy coo'f3uscw t DALY BTWEN oi to. od( lol~so. - oinooo'oopl Soooto of'otnlo islg an aria vonam TOLEDO, COI...IIB.S of ril'oad. lloot tooalouseo-oun010O toes the otioPrioof:t. Paul aott'espeo'o. in / and AlTENS. tthlos to,' Th iilogoes Te bo- n n c'uirsOt' Halt today. - W. iH. Fshr. I..W. Landman t, wrrlrioi.olooovioo lohitd at it aoo. G. P. A. 0. Tn. At. bL,,ojcoo orls ucoeoolo~- lO t)5011055 l t, lloet IOT 1' T1HE HOUR (oltmusu.Otooo. 'DetroitM. l bela sic um >