THE UN1, VE'lSI [Y 01? ,1Cfl] GAKN ,DAILY.. ::S , ~ O8~~ ~8~ WWO8W~eOOOOO ;~o: ~O O~O .: : LOOK* OUT >85 For the weather moan--no telling what he has up his sleeve--.; it may be only a few shivers, and again it may be a blast of good old time blow-thro'-your-bones cold. We have every- thing in Winter Underwear to keep yen warm, healtby and aa . .I , a 'z 7 d ' ' ' ' e:,3: °: : .i'r:a' 3 --?.. v. .o. . ' MICHIGAN EC' The Niagara Falls Rout, CENTRAL STANDARD TI; Taking ecfect Septembera Detroit Night Expresse........ Atlantic Expresso........ Grand IRapidsExpres...... Mall and Exprss ......... N. Y. Boston special ...... Fast Eastern.............. Mail and Enpress.... Boston, N.Y. and Chicago.... FanwVetern Expres. ..... 0.ER. and ral. Express ...... Chicago Nght Lisrcrs ...... Pacifie Exprers,..... .. steantship'l'ckests, all Classes, I Suropean points at nioest sates. onation en applicationa. o.W. NUOOIES. H.W. G. P. A TAct, Chicngo Av't TIME TABLE. Taking Effect, Sunday, Mtay 2 Trains leans Asn Arbor by Cot and Tine. SOUTH NO TRAL o oo o +~o o~o+o~o o zo' "BELL BRAND" TRM+ 11R Y itindeolin tid bGuitag Strings costh H i j I IVyou tto nore thtat inferior cues. A H ME 0 Now on the floor at 2 co zo 708 N. UNIVERSITY A\VENUE... &baeberle Music Store, ..; 5 *54 4AX We have en our tables an Entirely New Line 116W. Liberty St. Ann Arbar ".11 10 " of Fall and Xwintb r Suitings. 4 58 It WViIl Pay You to See Us. Don't Cao Home for 943 THANKSIVING :: 5j ARTISTIC TAILORS,'"fM.PN 0AM i +o ~ +(+++0©00+ mArnold, Jeweler Foall laf,.. - -___________ ______ HAYES Ana Arbor. It, t899. atral Stand. )RTH I nNo. 6.- 7:t5 A. . No. 1.-850 A. M. No. 8.-tt1:8"i A. 10. *No. 5.-12:30nP. M. No. 4.- 8:15 P. 5m. lo. 3.- 4:55 P. sm. *Run betwee n na Aster and Tsledo only All trains daily except Sando. W. T. WILLS. Agent. W B. BENNETT. e. u. A- HOICKING VALLEY RY. The Railroad that taken the Business In and Out of Michigan. SLDVESTIBULE TRAINS SOAL BETWEEN 4j TOLEDO, COLUI1BUS and ATHENS. W. H. Fiser, L. W Landdnan, 0. P. A. G. less'. Agt. Columbtus, 01::o. Detroit Miob. Detreoit, Ypsilanti and Ann Ar-' bor Railway. Cars leave for Detroit and Ypilanti every half our, neginning at 7:15 a. to until 7:45 p. m.; After that to Detroit at 8:45 p. tm., 9:45 p. mn. and 11:15 p. o. Waiting room, corner Ann and Main eta.: Detroit. 111 Griswold at. - MONEY LOANFD on wanehbes, Diamn d a, Wheels sod other ter- sonal Property. 0ffic at residence. 38ll S. Liberty street, All business confidential. Henrs. 8,.and I to 3:80 and 7ItoI p.m.n JOSEPH C. WATTS '01 Laws Are Not "Knockers." Phiater-goers of this city tre very ______Mond of Playwright Hoyt'ispeculiar Instsead of I 4av lititre selOCel :o. ofiato ethods fox' prottucing merriment. This c:lat's rlllrcn l 111101~i near the Cloe.of is forcibly made evident by the fact oh:'t ecollege year. as is usuailly the' euli tat whenever one of his cetnedlet vis- lom with senilor classes, the senior its us every seat in the Iblealer is occu- on'ws, at at +r icetin; held yester'day after- pled ansd even standing ooanstells like 11011, ot ciastlr op"wardithlb'dopt1on thot cakes. "A Hole In tile Ground," ((A at iii:-ioritil. which 'has been pronounced tis clever tilid ha; elhels liii' :iix ofiI ~l II("Ia Iptayertight's funniest and msost 1151115- for the luhst severllyears to lpreseil t o log won'k, will Isetitesented at ithe liei: eislrilieit an oil painting of stlls'e AtheiisT'heatet tomorrow eselainrg. 0110 of its forrter or present "facolty The plieeo is in itiree scones; andI to- lil-lntiers. The taint' plan will be fol- quelires a company of thirty poople and liowedtliis year, but as yesterdy'sj.a carloaid of stcsoety far Ito proper minig oas simply ro preliminary one, iice'lla iOrl. definite a011o11'wiallnot1wbe nltnuntl -- lieattiweek. Deans Hutchins and Pee. N ICE! Bogle have boil been tnentioes' as There still be a meeting of the 0101 pssilel recipients of tire honor. 110th football learn Ibis afternoon in the are held ini'igh esteem btohle slass, Trophy Rtoomn ci'-the gym. All mono- ;anad it. Is a questionl wifh uiany a ,IS to bore will please he present. tvlici one is etitlled to it. '1I. RIGIOAtDS{9N. aptaiii. Thre class 'also adopted tlii' cs-prt of h-it col~riottee 00 photographs, recoin- NOTtItf: mieninlg thast Rentlchler ;be chosen as .000:'tiiilg of Glee' club tonight at 71 class phlotographler. In order to show "oclock iniBoson 24. University Hall.I the Erest of lthe t'niversity that all ies C. J. DO'EI.. stuidents lite'1101"ktnotkers" andt to -.- show is loyalty to the football tienl," LOST! liii lasi lanitatsly adopted a reso-' 00111:: 1 perrst' founditiaLtltitsii C Istio showing tlieir ailpeeatiott of scadeilty. There' is money in it. thie stork clone iiy :iii''Varsity leani fax _____- -- thec pail season. A simuilar resolution "sfi-: tORlS AttPEN ht5N' was olowedoithi isfereilce to Ih' lass iierar y. Law, Engineering iid 't10am.'del.eniosrs lie' tequesteil:to have __________s;__ ot ings