"TBE UNIVERlSITlY OF IMl(tllGAN DAILY.3 .:I E '~ # r tEiEEEE e*rfrr E* Eer E reSE~lrEEs 'E ff.s.*fe pgs * g-*f *9 ' I f° f Y +4 "f 'iiSiii~~~ '~iii "iiii ~iiiiww www+ .wou 're In c lin e d To look around for your tailoring before making a selection--that suits us, for asa rule this shop has always been the court of last resort-You awe sere to find here what you have looked for in vain elsewhere 110 WSHINGON E Ir *~ C yl. - - - - - - - - - - - - ___. ..... ....,.. ....,..... n.s. . a.sa-. w"ssML sh"m.a"s ".s"s"s.s "s Ia 71 i 3 3'!' 3 16a '3 lii '3 11 F ? i333 .Vii?!R?, 3i M 3 3a3 ? 3 3-t*3*S-3 **a4:3a4aa -3 EJ 3 '?', *3.3-3 7tS.St *IF' MICHIGAN- CENTRAL ',The Niiagara Falls Route.', CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. Taking effect aeptenuher io, 17300 DetoitI Igh Exres.. S55 A.M. Mal n Epers.................3 47 P.M. N. Y. fBostonaSpecial ........... 5 PastEstlern ..................8943 Mail ad Ex1Ocon.. .......... 8 40A.M. Boston, N. .and Chicago........ 9 281 Poo V Western Exprem........138P. m. G. .ndO1. Express ........ 545" Chicago Night Expreo ............... 9843 Paciiie Express..............12 30 A. M Steamsihp Tickets, all ClassesA, to and t-orn ftropean points atO lowest rates. Full infor- mnatio~ n oippilcatlon. O. W. a0083LKS. 11. W. HAT DR, eQ. .c$T.Ag't, Chicao AvrtAnnEarbo. TIME TABLE Tahing Effacrt, Sunday, May121, 1899. TraiEs leave Ann Arbor by Central Stand. aid Tine. SOUTH ' NORtTH *No. &--- 7:2 A. X,. NO. 1.- 8:50 A. MI. No. 8.-l11: A. M. *No. 5-13:30 0P. 11. No. 4.--8:3 r. x. NO. . - 4:906sP.01. *Eon between Ann Arbor and Toledo only All trains daily exceptl Suodae. W. T. WILLS. Agent. W H. BENNETT. G. P. A" HOCKING VALLEY RY. The Railroad that rakes the Busines In and Out of Michlga~n. 4 SOLID YSTIBW.[ TRAINSa 4 DAILY BETWEEN 4I TOLEDO, COLUf IBUS and ATHENS. W. H. Fisher, L. W" Landmoano, G.1P. A. (K. Trav. Agt. Coumbus, Oho. 'Otroit. i. Detroit, Ypsilanti and Ann Ar- bor railway. Cara leave for Detroit and Yosiiatti every half our, oeginning at 7:15 a. nm. until 7:456 p. m ; After that to Detroit at 8:45 p. in., 9:45 p--m. and 11:15 p. in. Wa~iitin rt~m,. coiner Ann and Main gae eWrit.;,111";Griswsold set. ONEY O.ApTE1> on 90atehes, amends, heels and othe~r sosal Propety. Offien at reoldenre. 311 Liberty °street. All buiniessaeanldenul. Bours.: A to113155ia. and Ilto 3:30 and 7to 9 p. so . . JoSEI'H C. WATTSr Championship Goes to the Upper Pei,,- t'rin:-e (Ot.1," :as 1resentedc for cix 111866iv eek s :at W llaoek': 'Theat~er. N vx: 1TS11 Yolk, lby M1r. Olis Sklner :1111hiso sup- Itegel:ilo F~il 3011as.neat 13illL.ico:1t8o17011:31he Attllel:8 Tiheatier to liorl0W football gamon 00Th~ankscgiving clay, 211:1713. The play whh.5 15Sr. Skliloe isl dlespite the fact :drat the 'Varsity anto i p1esentis a. 3 ernslinadam by hI:::- 0100130'wore (loing their litlledo 015 far self, of th:at ehar-mIng %tory' wrilten of Marshlall 11 ield. The. ontending s0111 years ago by Robert. ocios Ste- t11111S wt'e le icrepregeeiililveo of113e vetisoti, "Prinee 0150.' ls11pellllg ilgl i School indstlie Personolly 'M~r. Skinner is one (of the Michilganlo Milftary Acadlny of Orcllird tuosi Illotlir players that 101118s the LakeC, 0(11ellhleving wo:n treii'chatixilinl- iotiiiy. lb is:1.tnail of 1 0highest ship ill its re%)(vtilve sno el 011if tlie attliilmelil, one of Ihe Itwo players iil eouilliy. tis -ountry who hav-e reeived 1:houor- Tlieii' 1010- va'aill iltitioii of six >d :iry legces front iny of our 711511111- Ilgaillst ovegli-, :and11thi' light: weiglits tioino o}f leairiing, 311idbin iwoirk vilon: fromi iithe:'upper peninsulal, aveia aing te stlog:} lie show~is 1aktowle-ilg o :f lie (1111. 1375 pliii .-~l, compiletely obtlallyed1 ietaiil work vtieh can only coii::' :3-ji their lheavy ,oppo:nents, who 011 a11 aver :1- l liiig. Especial"ly 101:i Sir. 11go lippidlithe we lwan11310 t 151160Skilil:r of isnAtti: Aabor auldienlces. po111111(7Tle sn-oe o:f 12 to i is tsilly l',if:rinn::ely; lhereolfore', 1his 1en- indlicati i f :Theret:ltive llao-S f e-i p-:1lie 11:10110:110 1::: snileltlel oitli .3. 11w1 really?, tha't of loh1peiliig 31lylug A. 1::-: s :or ex:1Oill:::::i iwe .-k, mid wlilli 07lenotl h.: 11011wor0k,7l1itlalpy -tii 1:7::: :11:1:01:0tha1:111 :1:111111:117 1:11111:1. to1:i 11, ..7510111.eilily-direted 11:11-05 toe11 :1:1 of h1:7' obodolilg :1ay:1 the: hole:i ;lllIX. 0 1311: 'th :br 1ight s::id 1cfr tlo' 1past t 11:vyars, 7it1 111t111 yat1: :1111tar1o 111011. " an10111tlb Izoliii 1.itI : 7-.011:7> ui1)4) au:1>1111 e>11o:re-00 wel oia-- f io:- Ter ;ifor aslt u-cord. 1-ivei fl~g 'erdippitito oift te 1Eiil c:1xd te1w' or vls i s :0c 7::> : i:- ff t:c1- nvllof it; 11relysitas :1h:1 guv:elriis latile try for Iial:';ulleilNy.14 t1,-IliglanWse, il-c ewi °11lti olla e 1110110 :1 flly, ti(11wi:10wllha::. S l 'heill :. TSkinon 1he :1710 1111111i'th 10 ivlill ie .iiflthei- .tsoillll 0011: :11 111: :1:111110 of >e't11,1 o i: 10:01 k twidt el :111 ixpis of:ihi 0w$2511 t.ofI::-7::c 11:s'oulerpa7k:illeo lisl albMive tis 11l :1 10:1:310 log otle Iivst t ir :1:10 o 1:b-c07:: 1 1: 711 li' 11 1111 ante 'vas it l the 1111707g 7 7 liii' iiof 3:3W - x 11la:or I Nzloil.33:-. Frik yl all eiti: 07-f:1::::::it25obitAl:)l11 1- th ,payes:il teut 3:8:ry. -'The ~~lading - ____elli to __l__r _il-T . ill. Priet tto11ie:17-,-e:-.d _____--.ofi Missit If 1:. 'iin, oii ly, 33:::Duv- "ll v " t~ro(°c,;t tlritit1 .i He 4tlr., A li t i. 221 71N.s , :le . :111 1 1:c tdhas, RvanZ&eReuMr.axe sole ibyrninand ,cilnr{?y.13:..1 1 wgentaafortYerlillhthetnderwear. ocloelt. icycl °e Phiing C ,asAndSPoe- 4ltpai'riar. 1;I 1:1:10158 eWSIllY Hoidy .nwat _ild Dnt lla atnsfieTitermn r ooldin foho taeIn your photsttigseADAL.1 en, $1 ach .tint110allrs Bookstc oe Alarmu Clocks$1 Uof Al. iesP150C 5o1.00. Fin WatchItepai iig t Spc talty. J# L5CHAPMAN, IAWELLR-# Boo iwaIj Soothi. -. Don't Cho, Home for THANKSGIViNG. without one of Our U. of M. PINS Wmn, Arnold, -Jeweler NEW STUDENTS AND THO GinONES ALS,so We arc helter prepared than ever to give thc best of carriage service0 havirg added two rulbher tired coaches to our stock. Holmes Livery 'PHONE 106,- 515E1. LIBERTY ST- tDOL OF H E (618HOUR But Center of actraction Is still ai Hlank's for b-ot chooate and freer candies and oysters, served In any, style oa either store., 200 E. 1Washlngfom .07So. Wtate. Plckwick Billiard. Parlors, Illoiitrcl: (':01131039. Everything New and Strictly Up-to-Date. 707 NTi. Uiversity.Ave. Ainn Arbor [SEE THE.... Mae PSIA ~,o hy d o r klk patn leather. You'i need ai pair if you go home. in1s SOU)1Th MlIN STREET,- - -lT -i i.SOUTH'MAIN STREET U. ar aega09EsWilaStet' ndv 11o arber calq rEENSIGN DETERLE, Emebalmswer ft Univerity 015 East WilliameStreet Shop and1 Bath lass ork asod!Feiserel Dlrretor o haw bailding. All kinds lo u satisfacton _1 2912 S. Fnwth hAra..Rof Phnn02 -hnL n- n Laa 'e O''W i asg.n&_. l i