Nsf! 4 54 PiMiLN Ye. XL ANN1 p ARBOR, MICH., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1900. 1V'o. 58 Anoulncemet DETERMINED TO WIN AL ur ~pclI lneThe Absence of. the l imptonsi p uw Feature Detracts Little Fromt the of ,foreigna and AXnual Michigan-Chicago domestic fabrics Game Y'or the Fall and Wig ter st ipgo has arrived and isaray;. ,-'tlfor- iapec- tion. The --'careful attention 1 Lea: eLa'-g is given to the styles and finish cats 'win1. cwe will win.' every suit, whether to hec used for I . . . business purposes or for lull dress ozs.asions. , ' .. , 6. H. WILD G8O, to8 E. Washington St. B8,ATH -TOWELS AT ALL PRICES FOR YOUR ROOM. OR THE GYM, JIim linigisi willt b by at -hWao nl ganu's goal Iin- ax": 'Out t wieno. ny pondsandud-,.5 t10%Inc es tal.; IIcs pisylng tekle fortothirdYear OA,-thseMldhgl -'V tnybhaiug.wn ti-he" ins a. e er f efwm 'W8 tein, lii.a ' Mt'yar.he a on~. lie ;is-one ofthe. si ly ektu'-- n I cre tground;gamn vsnt bis Itvs-cicetM. SAPsii' i ti, s 5 tlt' In-Iy othes' ineiss' £ofthis go it 'I iwo l415 before Won !flue foetbati "A." Ie w£igh,4i17) posunds and is 5Ci feet itts incthes itl. Ilki,% cAking alsiit-atywon- him n place on thet team 1a"tyear whrile he sic-es sti-l a fre£shma n. Tot ang in' is icts'tably thebes t inmier In libe west, and acds: to 'his ailaitet -i n -his line a strong ilete-in-ci-e pkny 4and cou~si-stent Nvso4t. kassa ground galner.Ile qhas mnadec mtn-velong inns thrugh 'his hidividtal pttay-ing i-iss cont -tia sitrhtiseether netmbers of rho tt pinjt etc ge therT. Ie t; espec:Yaintil sron gIn eni n g back punt s. Itarry Rt. Bttosw-, po-puarty knaiwn .s "Happy," 1ups die -saleatb 220 pounds anduteneniec over nlt feet. t1e tea stutter ued-ic'. tn ' 8 he ,tiabed to Giunningltsam's ceo-t',taurt atet yc-ar trilta oxf -tih-ge-me n-wing -CO pr'esure of laboratory -work. Ite has giv-cntWil- ,son a havd run- for tihe mnIsid-te osf-tie btin -itud at present stanidsvas the, favor. ite:. ic' is tenaggressive.tplayer laud oftetn tackles in the opexn, a s4tyle of l4ay wct (':1:Ctt-1iting-atts IIlnaieitt-a'itst at Atithigati. MARSHALL FIELD SHc playecd onthnceserve s-t season, whichwas -tasfirsitgyto' et Michigar . Hte itas bqeen- Criedt.at fultlbacik for the. past week: or so in preotice- lla'uoe'=01 Shortss uSc m eh law, who weighs 188 pounds endt t,%I5 feet 1t im-hies ta-l. -Ie Opened the -season alt gtuai'd, buat--lilasisrong -s'otrk has gtve~n huln a -pis inent place at right tackIc' en tthe 'Varsity. is -chief fatting is in r'unning a -hit hig'h beth Inuinter-ference and when eat'ryug The ball. Cunrtis 1. ibedden is moother 11)0 Lter. tie weighs 114Iponds-, and is 5 feet 1 ii '-hcestall. From ite start tat showed, up n-c na likely candidate fot, en-i, and though a ;trifle o-rer-jauxtots at hines, -he -hits played a convsisrtently evoung game nil;season. The feet dint this is his fii'st yc -a ye-ar In College makes him espectaity cntnable. ils itre-ious experriene besteen- -etti-e Itaerille -high edhoot of 1th1in-i. Thee. A. Neat, 1%01 Medic, weighs -tint 157 poudnts and is 5 fA- 10 icles tall. liia Tat expserience Waes whth the Anti Arbor high school eand later with die '% Metas eam. In the fall of '1 - he layed on 't'he .rese.rves taut then going tisn war ;and geocng Irhe fever-, kepyt him from the game until thts fall, w ien hhee s show-n up strongtfer'the eniid 01fi-he line, in ice ecent of Sncow going to- quarte*,rback Neal w Ill preb- aibly be the choice to tatlaitec lRedden. .itirteon S. Wes,11)02'Law, -s48t tigit-sti-nsan on the team, sveighlssg only 146i pvunds. tIe cearn-ed =an "It" In'St ye'ir, and by tuerd, onslistent wNvk SP. 1., NOVEMBER 29, 1900 GAG0 ae Im wilt not Lhlineeb-t "Wilder's Pbarmay . 326 S. ' State Straeet. - - Efl li Our splndlid line of * tn-st, n - h-I a,,iotis -peak NW PIPES, CIGARS and TO-, - -ode l rtan wov s,' sitc i1t' not NE BAC10--even the store *sitying anyttinrg' - itnelf is new. We have remodeled the place. and tattle "altl our friends to call- and inspect what we have. You can't -- -- - heat ovr LUNCHES. It. Ei. jolly, 308 8, State Street. C"r zi-iitt 1", xt-Xtiec'lis at the tie- -- n-inn of ithe season anti contrary to b ~lui' 'ritiio of Epriaus years, the SUPPLIES B 3 crtonis' cwhh Michigani it-i'es upon Al 3 this Phasnksgiving daay ha s lcane Out hi 1" N 1.)F.K NN 1.) 3 f ithCie tiatntioucii sascxi aten~t it. ONCE r,0R Iihicagof eneiult y' dc't-ai'tis anld T r tr aiptei-d unditer' Touo by en-st and lyan, ANI b = bid -its slit' is, She- can sil itt s o-in ll O Jll Mihigan, and i-tieb Wo(,-im:,, w}hilt L~ 0 Iecatsed -lint one undit ih-at os t'heli- i0 L in stly tag toss-i, tiave n--t plyed tti- (1 (1)1.34. RR.X' hegn s }hat (Chict 1a ini,,ti-ndlt 0 i~ll'i oug i -tic- ltt sent ti i-oYitaati-,- V (j ci ris gisve i-he ctetlit-1ens of 0ie NVt-al-v SkaLI ANti y in-iplc gmosisis for thai" bat. (4AcilaN rt a THEM. lon-c-c cthe main' land i-te i on-tie ~~t i-cc 'In evidence en Mlaccaail Fiel ter-ocr, anc wi h fit)l indeirrtt- i-t,(. -~ aciig their c~elos. for ('-iiti. 4"I"I+I.I444'+I.44'44I'14I.I...Suow tin-i Itt. n-en i-t -i-li ' of ti-he, staid C...i it( an loyal alumu s w ilse c sin iiio THEY HAVE, COMEK game o y i-he Il yin - ty 'tat-e itict to in-stituti .s revived, P-rof. St8a'g -n1isis cisicki n 'u:mt weIt took to sleir DR. C. C. IIUBERS color' .leit they ae ,tin it 'amlest in the dusi. 'ot ave-cnf c ni, tas at learne le bitt tr tess-a otf is err.tIng TEXT BOOK- f i n nertn u llexs ge toay loking fn' a: itd ctose cegiss aut ci- runintet thaw its etos 4c all se a smin trhei ttmph of stie OF The Michigan Men 'Otp. Nell AN". "Snow., 1102. ; segihe '18$ j ulde' anld stands 61 fees 41% tn-thea l! 4 i ti. tic is p i g Ili ithilt yea ticm di 'es ,i-in eu a. cal resh-li HISTOLO t man-a th pae oni tt'll ta i- 1 Good Supply tmn.WfAe iti1 hihach 11 and io th D: A. t -C it a 1m - titfy th t - i--ast:y bas- t- a -fid. w le he 'as ' been pltaeodn- onthe -l-W *,~t- fool it1 Flotnry ir. h.) tare-(q.5'b.) Sheldon ii.Shl 15t 18te 1i3a 175 lii 1855 iai -'t Itichti~. t A-twond (In-i fun-red (In- cNah (c) lien-san(1it)-el Fait iit 'etiti-i.e.l Reddemn-(1.e) .Whitseit MSan-us (i gr) Brownn(cKelly In-. at Sin-etc i t,) ISaIno(r. . i17a ti4 t5-i 2s2n 198ts 't 4 Re-dsner(l.h.t) Weneksi(q,-b. Sta-n- ln-i i5e 146 itst MICHIAN Referee, -Pudge" lieffelfingerU pieBoarend ValeHavr '111g" Wilson, Itid'tI ass-, Lu tight for has tltis yeiir stipplaittth heftinnis ii ai en-ltt-, seighing only 176 pawnsldtheii"qurterbict pasitioti. tis g eeri- taut iis stsirestgzli