iHBE:U1MVES11-Y 0FMiktCIIIOAN ,_1A 1L1. 3 JUST ONE WOR.D Before you go home- You'll need a nice looking hat- You can't imagine what a difference.: it makes in a man's general appearance- The t"VARSITY" is the proper hat-- ~The demand proves its worth- 'a $3 TO $4 MICHIGAN CENRLDON'T BUY SlrCA5E7j:S Alarm Cok l -The Niagara Fails Reuts." Until 'you sue the special }-- inch casne we offer until u fM isPct 10. Fn CENRAL STANDARD TI ME. j I Thanksagivilugat -I~tl lpiigaSeily Takig as .eCtSeptemib-er TO, 9y soonIv xxxg pcil oomo EAWT.IJ.Lo CHAPMAN, JEWELER, Detroit tight Expreess.e .. .... 5 &iA. iX.'" + tG at. ai Atlantic Etx rose .........i45$3 51 20ManSth Grn ais pes........11 105 Gra~d~xi aM. . . 347~fl All Leather, Steel Frome, I liu, lia s LockDo'Go om fr N. Y. Boos5 otea.. . r.o' oHm o Fast Eastern . .........a..4 and Bolts, Irish Linen Lined. 'THANKSGIVING Maitand Ex see.. ..540 A.M. Bostn, X V nd Cicbg ........t one of Our Bat N. atr Y. Ea es..... ... 13 h P.'-~ withoutto b .PIN G ~~ c.COMP NY . of M.. PINSEpre 5 Chlea glht Exprr...94.3 " Headquairters for 'T'unks, Vatises, Telescopes, Sul t Ca-es, I+tc. 5~eaatp Tickets, all Classes ~t rom 2'x2 - --_24 So. Main St. BaeetDpt. Wn rod eee Euaropea pisit at lowest rotea. Fullliotr- matlox aon apptitatfcto G.?P. & '.Ag t, C zesso.A.An Aor sl. Collecton of Teeth Donated. Work is~s begius ol toers'taod'tiug eto bwehIs -.iutatllti, l ust t {.tet bys NEW :. : . - 01 Sillian titt11a I ontlodss1:11"., :i { a : I : o A teTe s .ts" t~o otL 5i . II ZZ; rat el e sittccto t £t . .tdin it lts.wortld, ouss titn fa-20 satnsrgel- to give the best us carriage service, TIME TABLE kfls lreo-s11dheue et y 111E-( Ila 41tl.D.vrhavig dds taislo; Effect, Sunslay, May 21,5199. tlshtavicaensigttlulaeeisIV added sa. 111. i'.Vugtotwo rttbber tired Trail to.oe AslaArbor by SCentral t uad-. f c~laatis, t11aisits11, stiarts, I-lii- etei t ~ o t iso tiisstdis_1 'atltlxt'itt, says &ed Time. lscetrUs, alt ittiestos, srlel, walirus, it it t'e e Iart will ho filtesti,%s son coaches to outr stork. Suu3lH NORTH tigers, zebriasto14-'laty Uothe4r 11111ais atscuas11k, clisri- bt14ErTeitotgl a0,ns: r od dili1 t31J. il. ot t'tiettt O esLier ______~~~~~~~~~~i1' <1___ ils target cisleetaioiatorskulitt, it is-i-areotd-itgttg- t o h ia No 1L *N o 5.t.:3 1 . 11 a ttnsat (v"4 be~tll,3irec x ~ lIINI($sIVIN5PNHONET106., s51=1. LIBERTY ST. NRo. t :5 V.aM. es Na..- 6I-- X A . -oif gresaa Ja.ntton a o w,1akle PON i _________________ tr. St ittl.x:it 2a'I-t ;'I l't11?ii ttiit e t- 'Ru abetwa a, inArbor tast Toledolayal..=112i'tt'1itiiil55t's ft rtitt~i'c1 tils5 it-citiltyIr;ts by Mr. andtO .1's. 5t'ttutge1 1:;a All tran aly ee 5 isao. - sjt i nltS t ly 1,11e atlilte, isaise atrio t ie sissai-tita hispaty Tti'ttc.siy 4, W a. a NETY o P. A - a 3til' el to bgast t ststst. ih i .S~t 'as ii. i bcttiiiis{ti ii ssos' tics. Itt:is -oiiipeIsoesof 1blyars tollf tein i. tit. t , HOtCKING VALLEY RY h.W1 t;7et1jte ' Warn fo isiOss 11St Pille <5 011£.L11 no~ah hr1 u- tactforit t i lild i gui Ii ai r. cy" v£'stV iey l pater I £T"c1 Ian dain = f _ .'l sit ( -T'1or na.. - t4 s, + .. .+4hotia tt'5ti Wt SS itrIthe city. Alt styles. Selialler's Hook- . Business In and Out of Michigan. SOLID VESTIBULE TRAILS 4 DAILY BETWEEN ' TOLEDO, COLU'iBUS and ATHENS. W. H. Fisher, L. IV.tLandlsan, G. P. A. C. Tear. Agt. Columbus, Ohioa. Detroit. allot. Detroit, Ypsilanti and Ann Ar- bor Railway. Cxcrs leave for Detroit aust Ypsilanti every halt oar, segiuning at 7:15 a. us. until 7:45. p. ,s; After that to Detroit at 8:45 p. mt.,.9:15 p.mi. and 11:15 p. ;m. Waiting coon, corner Ann and Mlain stat Detroit. IlitGriswold at. MONEY LOANED) on Watches, Diaxaonds,Wlseels ad ether 1u- sonal Property. Offie at residrec,01 E. Liberty street.. All, business esnfidential. Hears. 8Stot1:0a. ustad 1 to t3:30 ad 71t P. ax., JOSEPH C. WATTS c estiag otine e-rat- iils it"1e adlsitise, ttaI'd starsf, lieSo. Mts a t. (vlliar 1-sait i's zortlgly 1003 } isitos___________ illiOnIite g;aleleih jattli-. STe'osficltirsepor-tt f la'e MietiiSsasi- it :issitaer sof ro's s""oseiug .'tu-e lJiws Chicalgo gaito' tier sts' tlisprit loise beti- at 'Cllltd.itll rwittt st'itch S'coitdkeasbel; is tr ill a ' -oep)risel wkit rt' ito ferilissI beta'oi tl illit. sdiss ate' go11,C;(, sI1s.1I..I.~t tS fI lclasses. slut ill11tratiiig tha t 'aoni~s!, itludt_____________ Io icsfltliin g t5)i1151 'htel 'to anitale1t11(t'tti- k.fins-sselaoif 11setitslehie-e-see Inose'sympatllaty tar a1e sotieg-sete-if it 5itlttesauliithtaco ee--tir s'atslstouss he tiis-y cet exat itier ver; o5li'ysn. 'Ctirerisity sfet leiiligau tti-satltlby lie-v. 3R. Etitery set Whitmore Ltsk(1. 3Wsaams, Ryan .& Rents are solse 'riotebirdl, aliatlglh OiOnlto iO i-lsamet aeeito fr Ypsilanti raasleswear. rs-giaias, i f sitesisscec'lrcltcitt. til ts 77 1 t555'allt1-, .only isse. 05c5.5sil50t511aftsza tsy melt- T~u LIST ONH CA BU rstlttl sropinug wilfe utigratlug fromt~ i's sniotnese hattie its the tar totrtiiUt Itoyssi T'igets, l0c; Tigerettes, ric. is trina es 1,e'uce,'5itteliiar nrttoe e t sttlie-ti Ill inois. LO(Sr--A sissal colic. pot-kstlsook withb billk oaldold cork1.5sats'its, mj teotsie Noes is 1the limo to look51ip sour est Heeagelltes' ieteL. luter lit css'r(- Xtnsss gitst. lee.fAssmsAs-leirMusieCoUs. .tltu Its0 it3I2i. IlirilssatitiRtdt.re-=clove bast as.fine tine of getotu tuos d us lilelo- vowrasrd. 5- 15 Dns. 5'sissttiig finest feeta raexie. E . ;I f° r k, IDOL 011 l.IltHOUR But cenies at attraction Is still at Hank's for htot cboeolate and fresh candies and oystese-ered In any style at either state. 200 R. Wasbl~ngesIM,)1Sto. State. Pickwick Billiard Parlors, lltssissreli Cissllsns; Everything New and Strictly Vp-to-Date. 707 N. University Air. Ann Arbor SEE THE.. 1-1 NEW DRESS SHOES Made by PURITAIN SHOE CO. Thtey do not crack like patent. leathesr.ayou'll need a pair if you go honme. Il SOUTH MlIN STREEST IISOUTH MAIN 5STREEIT - -" I. 1 Is -fee e i it ei siIiF TT h U. of M Barber seelxlM~assa, NOCa .hp andl Bath &saad _qqrk 51 12 jUniver AM kndsFin. Afkr daed IPht.