Vol~ l.J ANN ARBOR, MICH., SUINDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1900. N 56 Ann un em nt EIHErSCRE tIiuakin tohi alredy bag list YESTERDlAY'S FOOTBALL GAMES - low s etinfor' hi-s gocd work, 4+ 4 - 4 But Mchign Outlaye Thei Op is n ng tls ltikoit'and Iyge .. . V u pca ieponents. erksspgsl hesnl ens Michigan 0 Ohio 0~ Mwgans____ S ue a n.mix san sign-s I of foreign :adw nIedre i o nestand f lr .t Yale 28 Harvard 0O lies' ense. hil wasi invadeidly sits 21 Ilino 1) d-r ~ domes$ti c fbis ir i-a nvss itsul y wa Itstll and let. it. go. Ins 'te ~Conl 42 Vermont 0O Io-he1al and Wintetic I t tas~ireiitad s t hc.dr in la s t-st-wtk. 5St en rit t htoti + hcg - oGm arrived and is atrItafrir esec- rh 5,55 (sit t n t ' >t'CaaSandthei satdisilit rd -itneor ,t wssst~s-ers -Noam t~~~~on. ~ ~ ~ r uhe7 acar utatennor she aif S't' ns *aii tttitlghs~ t itiiatn-.] Ketsi,'a tstii t trout inota -NoGame :tia.'It. caefl ttnton' u i ~r~tnoti sitirtt1t20ti tit-i tIsgit ofisnl isti kt lit itthe ntBeefinneIota -- No Game sti 1iili-. 1 kd i l a S il I lNf tit t ssn ie heI i ltts, m ti earlisisgvtttshe'tye'adsiiseosin.st w t a na i ncu 'rctr1et I ti . ..(3 F iF every suit, whether to h'b e eslfr i ac nr jt i tlyr,ittsi-ntttl fists at Slith t t tle tStt ithilt l k itg to - lisies pir~is r r til res liiss ~~ltti, tin nhls t s sto il.ne te rib-. ttnltandthe l'itct't'i LOUDLY COND EMNED buiesiprossOifrflldes . tl hwu sbiti. Amontsgh tiii ses 1b -hvc o s riglt e ostev. Astills oiseasions- ssre -ver 201) n-ne, - slsm i ttits ery --c loe s thite'gasie swlei s itiiss tinidt s-vhs. cgirtls ttt lsthist't.eicct fr.miiitrsiguss,5 -it- sitswstrkcto Mc- Facuilty and Soilst Unite in Ceni- CO.Hgills slstga esiuuaotlackwstsl ntit ostpits sl-sinwhet funilbleil till Olsie'1.i ticre of the Painters of the 6. ~ WILD tttiity. ise'e otlt'hia ind any -ttstiretet l ttil)osuset s alttersint. ad JfeLa soS k:.Washington St. strong'tiss-l-notev'otss'td5,01 titt i sesi its sil i st r s ulig Iiosv tdessuthlat we'have a baunslAmteros1151ntld st but t rxrisit his cast oisl taking as iprficital surveysof 4the fin-tne le's'giasseendwith te al liThe' Rtll orti t-er t~it'awho!in- veasity, tie Buckeye m'ateiwditedlout ten in itt Osossss5 ieftt l iind ttr by a~rly rwing the lass- B T TO E S to the n hI-eite fieldaand their pretse-v5 doss-as. N, sities' si' sores i sistrississite intsg wih tfier pant,-tey wre OA H T W L der-Aseg upon the stock 'of Jmlohaen esiem ~ilts t Svnt . itt-aay.dingtealiu1thit wdeiwouldbrn frt AT uaam bouh ms t~ fr Tihe. lines-psillaciosth as mnnu ALL tiseSusi 1155ndtlue -tobh Toe, nd 0 S.1'.liigtuera. asssngte i-isd-y of suet softhe PRICES 5then l~Thecall of titin aesitlly Seasi t I. Inil- 51-Olte-dn LInlrity rcan - 'h ossw sly th Itr FOR at sr 2:30,)th ereWireoe .3(4X e- ovr . L ake..-... slhtes' is h ae ftited ani-nthe confray sons tn th ne nts iswLong °t sac ru . 1Gardi' .is. is I sttttil - iar t sees tr dast rfllynites 'htse b is YU BOMO.HGY ti t Rgts~st' Figid. i r . tt't' -0.. 5Ith erod'sn5 1b tlt YOURROOMOR HE GM ,i 'toessoennsg of tie- a, -sitItosa....... Rtii-it.. - Klelly Itlit'eseenre itato,-of he iat,i.a st-c si rtivsing, ttfalof titv it dseti 'Si it tss,-1aaekis' -.. liii 5 t -tsn .lititiits ie sitistle- !ttiudte oleirl en tsalt wak n C ,s 1 tt wous I tloyd .. l -'. headsno --taidIltt',-n. ctir s loss-and sdeprarvsd 5A~iIdr's, Pbarmacy s 55lt' 'St -ita isses te-si ses1llit'eI r1 . irr ot..WilI 1JlsI e eel1-1 ~vd i stormsn'sss lilt tat-ic ,Is->tat t 5 nlftitite.tin~tlst-ottu1 Iofilra k t t Itot ieri)'cSod 326 S. State Street. itis ienistw erre i in ilitt, ~,Uri ritit nieUiittty 11st, als ton0ce5 f tiiie l t'a n S i st ids'tt 1., 1 i, tit li efL arn I.l t ... h w lbet'sstiss I sttit pitit.an~d te ak Eilie fhelindsa tItt t hg lits oi s - "~t 1(1 I i S l ..ui .ttt tlt - t e y ns'' liit' itiiiuitt. its iliti' Isfor ' E E Y IIG PIP[S, CIGARS and TO- « ittoter slit1 ill.S'tiietlsistt te tlitlt ht lta-itystnt ien e its NEW BACCO-even he store n s h ilfito be its lait y.ies Itsu i t- ll ' -iC ). I SeSIii-itigtit. -. iiiss tas the Si t -totittiees o at tie'- a yo t itself is nets' We have remodeled the i-lt it isisi ics s -s.111 16'lt :,.tof 5 1i ti ttIi15 Silt.Iltiti-tiril I tt i51 ir t t i i tuittS'l'itttr a o ttez r o place and invite all (str friends to call ti~r-1}taolt) x te r I t-o t' its v- ]tit elc-' I'sti IlIts) sr. Ltket1I,-iiiat.-tifine silt- sthits,- 1tilt-tsrtg tiiltitgs. and inspect what we have. You can' 'st ls'td liiy alls-iplit "Ias rosi plasand - it iatitlii- ' i Knigt lritmt . Thtt isten-it-t-uentti - live-try lendso =net our LUNCHES. -lt' villt' ststsewiri tsS 0Isl- tlts Pr to-slipt t I 1.Si 5 tit'itttL 1)5 . Stareite citi tr stun utge's tisut1iratlie 11. 03. Jolly, 308 5S. Ste Street. h is sr - lt ertts tis Sth o 5itS s.s'.5 etitti iiaS tgtn rogtuo ~s as onnzz vie +± hiss le it. miii t't liii't'ela IaSgi ls ttitsta ~r-t ttiit nsstyo tepit iitslvbrought. u sonise tisulsk le iC ,Ii-t-st t i Wre s Attersetliie-tt 3,000. Its-s' ifthue ittrasi'gdt'-jttmiseut Thes SIJITLIES B _ ltirtasril.hstan st tt-. e- - --n 5 tiICt Sisytiet' 'aidtlalst Stilt ligt ilert'L whis.nntsers oT the iotaii e'In- A FA 1i1tiat essitsie t finsseir w st. iii' Itren; l eau ertil rt we55 t'titttin t iisl,huit I el iltenformal ittligsstntoau t[l t' 1)EIMANI) c Ohio stuti yS'rls letiit tsti sa -is W-illlt'e liStipanicisi iitao eni' i iiyl-ttr stietuug esirdty i a'sing lls w-as ()~5~5~ i{~11 ~ ~ iiiS it it l le oit itt ans , wtt't ' t , s t, If ti3 si la i ltith lerIa rI s atc 'uttitl ill) istthiiiintss5to ocuo be 11 1 50It - T -. ki-awas SustlIt r siptgbt r , ii t stt iitti'a1 ti hymrotemorning.Thle txicair wontat' E Flo iscoi h i 'iig to hsn, i tai >Ilc a Adleygeitt it i t t'icson r]sb l tle dad T f7r - it nsltt'iirni1!ii n s tutitior' lirk thath it) ittavt shownSttfir i0:iattss ftisitv Its isn'shsss-nO i0exiel 0 A IN ~) R" - ts i s s-on .grondi t ern. ui I ruta ht ~f 011si t ris sits, stduit-ititits5 I isf otfilist-i- it-i t ri-it utis ge- Whatiift-tha s'-c lernits-tiigtetity tussslttst. thelt tert er's l i-i' l ntugt s et. 5ek titu sill b lItiiti t'ilaiIto t beessi L 0 it-Qs ts tof 0 pons ali til o-rs'tslit' 5 C in Ie L i d "i T het team S I tt nlut)5 d 1 ts. 0 s( te Jtat 11. lt alsit- aite-kling;sil ss t gi -blit 111 slit fienough.ss elu T t' Is- It Isooks t tt'this' scik tir ssnly tess' titnn 5 5iasr 0, lasts-i' fists it to ri-s- ftii tssil-sItIs-'ttssss s sfts ltst-lta Ctsgis i' l~'t ~ tt ic l trttHtgeri te sri tits- clise p1nt: ilt tagaitt'iIowa . Tlw it' tIdtili etieth e its' tilt at .' t hs' s-sire class { dt1shut ise. Ie roudstiittt'hisseratr 'Plt eu,ti-1 ~tin a i a na'to hlpoiu alsti wide lit ,tttDatidstinctaur- yardslyii tih it-tlssci tstu-) itt' iishtt'i) lit-Itt list i{ 1 i n e r tielt' lii istve-ts- l cots (.tid AVEsE Te a Io-afuter lleOlrIti is-t dluIst ft s,h sit equasitt crStuonlyit:Mood hfar A t'h igin.." tl, s t ittltwthile td m a t 5 pe s t J-sl t it lilsiuty shiatisas s iiIu os' , itsi -Ilurdsthy r a itS l I Its t hsl aiut I-tutu s t stri dests it e i l t axtis sts'tnuettt qualslstter Iil i)5't a ts endsisultna-ilt-ss,11t'tu t u lt 11isattitti-n ' Not, onelytisut- atct. r tai taita t. tueths t tilfat 51 s cu at-usus-l-rri iasti n- itt gIsust g a nat' luu ll i1Intl ts ueit cid huict besin'.gll tis his- tprsttfht till gis i OM , 1 t ti ll 'itliutii t t o la it silln i ibthus san'd-tsst h sh t hssll i-lie- ou01t alt ttert hiss -tits' titong heaisty + THEY.LINE weus t ll mertsIIlfsct tau ll t 1 li t ttr nf. i"'Ll bft s lit' giussd st-se uafsgte i. Slhio esti ister ts'ssnasity, it ssust be' t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i isshown V;t iIsit'as'qstoi si-tilt to',1555 tut 51ll~ silhsffsmsfalt ivat. 5 ('l'lttitrtI 55Isi suest's -I is'seSdtttgtig Thess ~din- exlth5'- ti i cifsi t~e Ihhiss i ps tus' lits'.It. l-as ihsii 1t I gisissi' i I't he ul'ns itltio ri sls'sl ti iIOi ent largely DR+. C E aii iii ii slit)11eoruilstlt itii uit11i,,se tetut s' p isi : t it, t a a saed ot- ileiS llil'ot, ands any ae) sfiir thsat sit ith otting t -ts', s'ti ittitais i ts'e lisit otis'fotithe is' s5) ."tl'-nghis ti I lssri'tsisI sosld Ibe gui I I islI be its tiltersctil. T'It'plullS) Study Along Specil Lies.i n nt natlit'e tperpetasts vstrp pis+tiltI Is ue tt's'si teriet. 1 ilt- c is'ts- - thy tulhal '5 BOOK 511 leyg switu h tehifit 0s'). 1t. n si-st lie we s-I'. tslatusOar,p ltt.rOfbsAt'os n.unser st he f-si 'llt)- tees ai tr- wer 155 Iss t t li aitth Ii't'u li Irlny st so lsg i ste' clc i.u a ta st ts-iswd lnd eter'sit. h 1 se'us se-i nits oflsle. Dulring niery hiv esstre lhsioogys. is tsorlisg tposnatrobesiss PrtsIslnt Aigelt sasic"A numibers'of OF 'gsae 'ite play -sIsIn IOhiot tsrsltlry stsstitedivt ni t heIss rlablitg ealudi year oa ~ .studnt came "herefront bust t eiter edturfes the feit- le rd coituctir-ty of tl-te six rts one of tile psoxintent e'astern colleges gsths' t frn footing and the 'eiidtdng Iteesbsisrin 1 nc 1 ast and Y-s a' rOt a ertiist bcaess l e sret. 'I Ypsli- II~flfl~ffl Y I tsmltays s'lteaugIt. fl-lt. .-astlits' ItB. Pillbutgusale stIssgte effs of laInti ast eaIid as gaits islimd sail HISTO~LIIIGisto ht I fredotsns. I~sssittti se stndvatti t rs 'f pstit) lsi c civiy 05n 1t s 1st baek-lie, lt 'as sonswhas 1 NVIV. U~ hlssf slrousttll'o lt g s's b-s cR~lviretatlie -isem a ti - sugAi cclits ah.ettue. Tls tdt M I555s it ilte , - 51 nitfloviirltlti Ii tii 'sIlbsr 11 B- ci, a- gs' sntestn lttiI 'took ite utttrIn - tand all tfa- A Good Supply wtss n tarI, ie ony pdty ti tIsismalOnworkingi or tedegrelt ri tf' ety ha 10o atsro at-Inthlbir ni- ; gi I is i weght eiou e ts ienieas I'eleites',f5i teslinth ,su lt of itn and bthe s tudntws corneled11 sialutostartonsuchls fid Shawso tariesforms wrsi'o ra mt lv. Istud.fIterrilyns rtlIed t relytried it , ltdflnefot.t'otis I betacdrt t aIs. if thepou nsetment ofh 1jb1.1saklgi t- - 5tario ~.Iaaaislo-esIial.'isnt- odne'ithegiueta -1and 'he sir -shk thhe n fOr aOit tit- viled -s'lih the slege16feat laslsor sof otstrutge ss 55 lisplilmd agtSry ALE le in. S le Se y the same bloxhll an 1893 an asussir of pt-igtlht. WIdle I do not ak One ttudent A ng game ta a siss -e- e- ' liy-In 1894, is e geUtlsne'eaeassla U)tellsss u at lilHIlisust the .lit- ai c o sa- t 'wsntcat11.aou. gt- spos" e seefll s fet ( o f itslesa a y dep 53555lrtnint-upon whom un sa