V~O. N. ANN ARtBOR, MIGI., $A3URDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1900. N 55 Annrounfict'eent LTS_ BEAT OUCi THE LAWS °e takn u tite: hdd no ilouhy~ OHIO STATE ARE GUESTS _________________________plyed a goagnil ge, the' work of -~... Ourspcia lneBy a Score of "5 to (U the Literary Men back fllitdxnitozf Tleke and -lexotstxey Large elegation of Rooters Will Try LatYa'pa Michigan's Hospitality Today. of, foreign and vctory.pu Lt) al Hosfha eihtvrcpxIxse ~ ~ ei xx eNgc ex '"of aps taeeil 1110in. T~c ho thn irit ntonys dom1estic fabr1Si ics leicri'ilhe gaue yesxerikxxyite .dix-Thetiiis i c. mniup xxix fxllowxxx lexixy afterexu in xxd lxxvi.' alxidleli For the Fall and Winier of i1900 has ('11111:; (if Ilixiktonci' weir Ibille lo '0 1w.ii02.)" qarierx xii liii Cook Hi 'us. Their e- arrived and is arrangxed for inapec l liuxiiixxal..x..t..xciit. wiard:.i..x'111.1he,''pnsieliteete xi.tee xr { r 1c:so th r-gt w.rri had toof i lxig,'c'(xio i of roters toi folowx ion. The s it irecareful attention it ccx fxexi xl'tex'githxxir xxl xi x ixx (ile ... I '' xr.... ItiN ex 'liei ottn fcunxtxs. < trw back- iix iiiit-- vlxxx xi xxI .ErI-ixlal... Ii Tilxte,.,. .Iexxudsxty 'n hix ci 'xexxwt ii et ix given to thle styles and fiinish of ltolxxi hii' toxxgn e x g x lx tincy1ht xlii.ncur onNtt h t l xxi i itt yr.. y A xIty i xi xx li x ilxx 1 xi\illx lxfor(hi b t xcir xsuxi lxo xlixxxiof a. lke- every suit, whether to be lied for lxxxvifrcxxiii 114i , in cre lxixltlig. iNixxx aii. .*mxxxlxxxu ixi'ii xxiilr, xr iliir xxii lx'cx'e e il t Tit( MttlitdIxi lpaxx frEhe heata s lixi'ly itsstrnlg as zeesi business purposes or for fol dreas a uge lf iiin. (1 lt ti t r oa.i,;:f1(ra:il e (.1i ...,. t' 1 xxi . xix'ciitl' ("txniiexixi onf r xh e lxig maier, a - acasion. . ixg xxttxJir ii< i aidi xxil "W i x' ;xxe. oA x Ie lii' x xx' x-ierix xo( ' lixh i ay ihi' xxx1 . . i tsi 3411.... .ll'x li iixxI l i , Iiii li'x.i t if x - t\lx'Nwfie-x xxxihr rceril ih hi ixixtxl ofis xx ~f I x o4 l7 . Tei G .H WL O.9 ' xi;nudu-yhni ni&h;. . findei... In c si~u ~ sig aguesaddsget-l ill I( lhl alf ii hti xx. xx it appxar, awill avrage about zo . Washington St. Iinn c iil e ~iired lii iiiixO. xi'x ."i x11... Ixi1xI u n dvii ixxx i xilsi'ccclx, xisvis c i li lxx e x yxtrlx vrt iig *-'rx' xWneuxxx.Keferxe-Sixxxx. iitxxx'i vii 'iilIlrexr xxl toi ik hadben rangnxI anti after I x'hxl'; "iii 4 xe1t iiixiexJ"~slic.r ixl ii'v il e ix'xkcin mm li ir inxi tiiFxit iixii iciil egT in x xxx ll ides of ti e ilxiix, x111 il011cl #lti' sn'5iiex'xix'x-' gii. ( xili. 'I ilixe rs xit xx 1v'xi igrx xl 3 o *x ithi hee sa xx xxnxi-' xxiii Cxxx il Lx;I,,cuil i"xrxixie. '1 i- ntend lugi thlire- xi 'i.'rxxes netl elil 'We aix' AT ofiiix'x' xox ixant.o ici t210,xltfxii.g n re iton eari~ - ALL Te l sli I xx i roce rt. mI d~t- theixitnnixixixi" ixig t' ut Ix'i isagi ICES LeI xlxv'-rs'n'xcx xt xx e" xhat ixixixiwifhtntheg ilt, lxii Promxi Ks i ul lli i '.lxkeatix x xhnIRED PAlNTiixi(tx -lll'lxIix gii'f'ic xxiii k cxinc ome wxt otr to xi' the_- xx xxiiiix li' xx ci d x 'l''t ixixili lietli ivixelx ie iclixlaxii'xw s ''xixx I ioxilx ix. xand ift liiilcu xi ri-leimi -YOURBROOIM ORTHE GYM ai1tse lixe queerin si i iii' Lit Sudents Cover le Etie Lwxer i Ilxias ix xliii iillilxn ,a xii , x iilr'e 'xri"s xi I li,';-erx.ilx-iiiy iscent xout xx Frot of Lasw-Bluilding \ith Rled iihxrx'Nxiilxx' lxoxreas'xixxhxxx i -xx'isui1,1li tPaint arty' Tistit inlF ix l x iilxi xix' f alx xx wI3idae r's Pbarlinacy izx,i s il,'yet lx i i 1x' xhixxxy xitc ii xaxitixxi iiiiiiiB itty" xLe ix xixlir- 326 5S. State Street. M ta t oi l":,.g x 1~xIi ;:lxx xixx'i i t ixxxixsin xo e"xi ixlxxi i rlxxii- xxxijii I x i., x eflxiii xiii i xiii iiiiiiiiii olxi NieWf i Blie-. e venodeed l ti 4lxcixx x - texiii ilI Voii 1"xx :'lxxxix - t r tCok ltc.:~ LX Ix-icee andl invite all our friendis to ral ix l (e 11xti' lx il i. i ixixi xxxi xxrfcx- li Huix' ix' iar lxii lxxii-ii l x'1'11 idewalks traxis anud i ipiec tlixt wi ve . Youciieant t ar it-lii forxiiilk li-ltx lie-rx-iofxtheiilter, :xxi Ce1siii'ii xixixi- lox xxxiii ix :I 'i lxlin-xxxii x