ifi "Twenty-four inch steel frame top
f and bottonm, good locks and catches,
corners re-enforced----$298
117 MAIN ST.
1 ,. ) ', ;, gm.i=.i, -
EN R B R OI adolin aud iniar Stings cot
The Niaara Fals Route" j , 4RS. I~ youn no more tl.i nei o es
CEx.L Av TNO'_^PD T} iME. t .I A ow on the floor at
Taking effect September 1o, goo + 719NiNIESTYA EUEShaFre ui Sae
709N.1\H v-aSAs FTVNU 0
Detroi Ngtbl po 9.. '......5>A ' We have on our tables an Entirly New Line AnAb
Atlantic Epes. ..... . , IW;11 ~ ~ l~Fl ad Wne Siig '. Liberty 3t.An Aro
Mall and si 34.1'.. ......Pay.Don't (70-,home.fo
N.Y. Boston Spec~i 4 8 5 it Will Py You to See &SUs. Dnt oIom o
Fast Esoto .r.... . 480E0N R1 i
MaianlEo T....4s ~ pjy~THANKSMiVING
Mail adExss... p ..... 1 0 A. X.W
Bason, . V ad ihiago 1.....}23 .WLJ\A../h.J n.1t one of Our
GE.st stePsI.Epae' ....41'a'r'. aIN
4310cge aNlgt 1«n .. . 43.Rn rccc pre4 3"ARTISTIC TAILORS,,U o'.-PN
Pcd flepres'o. . . 1110051A a.
ttaaehlp Tcets. al las o andt+'oon +0'3+0+0QOOO00CO+OO++O+ WoeArnold, Jeweler
.Aurp sanpoints at lowet ae.F l no- _..- - - - - - - - - - - - --" -_._
matlon on application. I _. -
. W. 01 OLES. 115. 'Ics 's Are Booend to Beat Cicag.3ge Athletic Bard Will Take the ;'leket. JO
t.? P. TAti.Ciecag. A t Ann Aro.__
'P he ro s t t 111(1 1stMo lt e Ilttng e 3 I t e toartdse 111141 la: il10 tig)lit N A 0
- ~t'ssaMyiiss. I 3.1i li~i,' ttesuv it. i tru M i~tit 1111Ieetd111 b}1ali 1310tnriSIt'1 dS titti hav n d e 90 rb e ie
Tot .ceAn A' r y enra t n d 141"' 1l' 11 t'll t~ I l t ('l'e ttHa es -cu etltt toncIii t tos t t ut -.
___________________________________________ 11111 SI't-t ll I1II3titi now 1111 It' inunl 1 11w ilud t It 111111+-it kttlt ,4r tlhn; a coace to tt so c..
TIM TA LE LEfzH NO I t 1tlt' 111 11 dlr lrlito go it t '1i .l""ie tt, l so t htl alluct 1 , 111 lr l. ogieth1 es-flcrraeoevie
Tn- E.(feet, Su n o a 218-9cr's 31,01' fit' t he 911' 10 1711 uy. 1The 0-M'lii 99a11ng1 added two TtibberI. to (illsred
Train leae An Arbr byIentrl1Stnd. ull itI ' . Stad g ug's t11 1ttl5 t , ttlthe111+ so1111to it fi ht he1111' 1 1 t t-Lli111
'10 1 Tiu l rbranvolds uycie'oache11s01'ale el tok.llll1,1ur11(1 111stoilctk. ttttlt
All 0vu Ctt ti d Ily 10+tt e~axes pr. 1 t Saads6 w' iyi
KOOK! NG VALLEYTBY !ie 11ot1111' It l"t 111.1111111110 1 1 titit dettli ailti 111 411 It' 11 000tlt.l1~v . ~
- - -- - The tXu, a l.1'd, etiitd to'tl-lecelye H olmettLtti,
-N .t. 74A s o :0A l itt n i ttt o1 ut111 I tt 0111)lt h lto' i ' lt 1511 1i ii tt tty i'+ 111 ie \ '
of A e 15e. At. Ic iN . 3111:3111s. l~f lt I t tv lOilt 3131 191.In e ih, tt~1Li e l t l lt' 1t'II 1 f1 8.1e-,, lies' /
W u SOIuETBUE TANv ___________________ t ~l i t s 1.1tovpiOly01'Hie ttile c ttl 4 - 11" 1d.aK -
ItnbteuAn ATborEnS.oeoony11lst t --: ~ I r oto. 1o rtvt1'lO isttt'e ofti rlt nln-' r~
W.s.Isur T. WI. Agei t.'11t it'ltttla-- totAli 1 1 1g ntw 3'11ire ioscodi1n 195 tt3'ti II ttil ~ I'"l O
o. Osit1tooter of :s1ka'aelion is stillta
Unluis. 0111TT1. P. oreic- al o ii. T S1 a sid~n 7~ t ;: trl itse'}, 11111 IIi-t ls. of t. ottli~vilti
n~tt .ti it I..etttte CII e. sli d -itllc 3115 1lt s bttei tlti t idttg. Hco Cri'111t b 'i)t: ni r
D etC I N GYps LE Ynd A n R - - Sth 0 i r1 ilt tii s Atbur11- lot ~l~ l - t 8a is . tICXthe to n Xthe il'rloi t t e. a d e nI iy i- s le e n a
bor1( Railway.e fr ii~t rtFeeri
s T i . e 7 : 4 a i .r o .a f erth a t t oak es t r o i T h' t ~ e l i t hi l 3 I t t e t l l i ll 1 t " io r f" se t t < I itie 't O t i d ti - t t . ,Is
at8~4 . to. 0:01p~m. od aia p~m.tilt~lded11to1.btakwtk1Biliard arlor
t .: D li ~1 lii I rianod O t : I- ti ttt o aneite te t't thi- lg?"a-n t 1111' t- yas der 51 sls. X S o
S OLI NETIUL TA D .INSll AS.EV 1iX t~ttl. th rett,'te nolllt 00f1 E erytinng New and-
nonal Poerty Ott' ntoL dt'e o l it oya ies 0,I E.es x. at]h g h urrtn t" iltv
Liet tre. Al tsss oaiotli oinns tan & Rne e oa tt -dae t at 11'yionr 10Soaie' SritiL<-e-ae
Clubsro b ittt. m e ~3t 1slaet o pianisnlc~ca. boit.sih.NO lot-, iiBu.tai .c07 ntserf tle ton1 til
p. r a.ilwS. stye annitrboror
- They do not crack like patenit leathor ' Yon'll need at pair if you go 1101130 . 0 'l
r=ZZ--r rr--n --e5OUT11 MAIN SUR EF
U. of M Barber aceeasa i oss ENOCH
Shop and .Bath lass forand. 2t,
Rooma. " , ms s. . B.T rlnw
DIETERLE, Emb~al a'm iecr and niversity
L. FourthhAve., BOAh'Phonos Shoe Shop-
- - - - - - - - --- - - - -- - - - - - - - -
O-x Photos