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November 23, 1900 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1900-11-23

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Announcement INTER-DEPARTMENT DEBATE ta'ss, th aereeent-dtte tde-arL ROES O H A
./ flt10[111C~tl1@[lt ne-u In tihe emnua.s cp debamte. Last ROES O H A
yar r. Afaxey 'wtstn iat, 'gte in; lhe
Literary and Law Men Fight for Hon- 1,,i11rsits- orattorical romt ,t rntd e.Ohio State Sending Up a Leather
Our special line ore and Places on the Varsity spired third tlace inthe NorlfhenOnit-~ Lne eeainMcia
_______nge hDehetgaftillniMichigan~y
of foreign and Team. toiseit Legu IU 050st beig iti~rka l otWk p
orteFldmestc fabrics;1ui' 't8inl ln tets 1"lit'I MONSTER PROCESSION Ohstt li S u itrit ai he: con ithei
1900 ~ v ha lvi tll be, I&dtiat ii-e 'atisll'1 a 1k lms to n Ai ~ t nvoxh i
arvdand is arranged for insper-did tl eud1a eieuoih atti oAn ro nsrss n
,i- Wellto -ith 1lt rer io t iian in Lit$ and Laws Will March to Regents a toy liii lirti that tifin winl. Tin'
don Th stut caefl itlettoitIii 5511It~st SitliMmii' itli 'iie Field in Grotesque Costumes- intarvstks uteaie int
finishiof b 1 i-looping i tr-i- s sa to pull our a hlsry front Mlsiigan,
isgvnt esyle n iihi tiae paeios fltitd fh ti. xicr rI Game Called at 3:30Q Sharp. wvho ;has, a--as trwaeti-i
every Suit, whether to be used for we ,u-itiGn "as' F71) tfr ti sot plass'. $5t ft( --- heli lia had for si-semi yeasis. Thai
tluniness purposes or for fisl dress >I rot it siEii-ili ii taa sissttuhh l -s s~(hoSaesitw n xpasa os
caios til. l. n.5 ssii, sge' year os-Isrs- rhass Land tiearttis'i gonue eonais'oin at 1 l~mli- If the (O.
scaiosiAvrs' mnlo. aueti iSpitit reigiis "ssittr isi baving for its S. U. "La'totl raii Ire taiken ens n crn's.-
'iD +, a ll oif irih- iviQI o nlerst ar ise'xpoirt- inest-Iic' sin-lt houisti in ll tiilass siban o it enti'neiit hi On 'Woe-
6e-WIDC niedttut havse piroved iet skill il~ rltsultislshiit s iric stesioly to big ma n tringv 'is heat
G+ H. piet sois debates. Whabittnitit td.itte- 'rile lto-sokntv will tb- tile 'li =av lls 'i tloir'CUkge chapel ido the idtex-ts
tog Ei. Washington St. teusst lit ,ttl stuggle '-itltet fartt titit 'aiio "02 ills. A i-out sit oxf aniy thdo b- o s nros's tiam, an snot lticeoliio
htlitl tire ottermnnd so sin saco tis'esn. the se twosel tetente flitnays nitdixt}^ey terotnttent familay inemilera,
plutocs tn sthe 'team tttta yeair itast lrss iitilauelt goodt-nai'r-d -ris-ahy, eatusa C rn 'shis'tt w'e gise> below.
o1' ar ss'iitg ithe Sags to taski themiis tiei 0thtte n tiaitsir Rar it1 nooayaf ott p ffinm tie hawstrrn:
BATH TOW ELSI thin id last yeasn Then ttlssi 'lte ganelo l ssiptovs'o exoe~lion. (Irs-it lPot MoIPhi5 ts-"tf uiiiy siudn'nt
urln ~ neo st lato-fn ro abn ~ en nd y the 'has 't ao-n sta yi rernu -title 5 't way
CZ2 AT swell wori-ith the time tt en'eryoiiu- to days guitte, his t'iui bactrts of theul- o isly t ohuno- to lsit one or the guass
I iA LSu the, it yh sides of thits n uch1-iuo'tttt ste-itiet- i~ lit-i ;ere i-at-h tsontidttiut of Utiso-Ivsiftes of flue outry, t vile be
['1 FOC qlat st'Sn iscussed: Tho thu-st los IS,. airry. mlone-lly si'-tpentdt S tb~ you1 all 'to
"thesele tssIhat tR ts- tiissb- for thie 'Otto' liteiaIhir s i ts i ttt t ug mahkeh ithti tiil biath fiii tletisiti andi.
f~ L( RO ' ! o- t lttinlit'to tlax IX'5's-itltr1p01o- tio- ntltrist tttttu nuintti thtis l'st aunh Oatdo'ittiuit VI'itlii
Yuu 11mu THE 6YM t ," herl t-ltiin to mahhke hi liruiapeh iet. It St .Kil Iigh-"INN ssti. t, s-e thei
iIto- 01r% tit 1 '1 >tsti's 5'itu-iitt st-f oin-!tlt ini. 'fThey reltl 111"a-i 'tI'( t - Ph I AWluitthihhin hi-hts en tout-t'hiy duesersi-
,Iwild~r$ pr'i iflay t ('oin"ugauiu Ml-iry C. ttvit Ii his list tiglut tht 1~t litiiitdt "Ltt" ilitttatlii'i-- btiati i ihlthawtbu 0. ,.11. Tho-
-.,., ,,"_. ti - nstrtiltg 'it ttt'cr It hi t, ii ctt suet- hiltrrihi'ltu itti ihe g-tb of tthi ''Xii_ Spiriti 'olfte pltsers dependh~s u1po0n thel
S326 S. State Street.j ec-tful it ,0tr1u ei''' ttiitnt tOss %'' It. ilitthiihnc~i- u il-" Lusi's pit-iitli lls IInlt- ioldo -fminuy "fuiesid-
~~~~~~u iit ie-i I huh. I . i ' leat ill tiitt of havei t1t biten tilt. 111 tihi' itipit hi tc tOf (',C .S I. liat u O vtti sh~eitO5 t
EVERYT~~~ ~~~~ 11N ,r~nt line ot, tti l ' . I Iteititis ,.e lttitiit swill Vur11 t11 lt lulli iet' liii a-iorlls wsoultd be t tstttihbte i-tuu-uttaniuu Itil)
VEYHN onSpe idlnofPPSCIARS and TO- -hot A~it tIieou~tdtt'tt lt''s'i-it. itt uit he Itv ri'i'O't'ilt thiil dnitn-uig lit-I t t-' ltatihsts axt i ito- i'niseisi-
NEW BACCO--even the store l- t,:ati Nhtrtutu 5701 ttui 5rsts'tut ,,:hed Itin, pant~ liiigti utttitt'Mite hu ttinit of irt' tii'. '1Iie tin is heit r 'ptunttitiity
itself is new. We have reniodeleft the Itttuti -Yarthinssoi it ti'tt tcr.kov 'ii-ptan~ huh riltss" tattfthe Itt-s ithtth tiw liilty st uttiit 1s t gir; tt~juini-
plane and invite alt our friends to call 1110e aitd ittitu wsill is- _'= lits ti, ha i5'tiln or itli-hs li'tu tan tltht ot ist i-l. Wii itlisiihst e t"t tl uittiltiti
and inspect what we have. Yon can't lea t cat- foruet' ttittti's isf t' i ihitttortt'it yer u he 'luonior Siiuss'-n iii tae s lrtt~ ift tti fii' , tthle It llutgt
test our LUNCHES. , ts- r veyz uts'i 11t1t d stutlltnti to itiiu XT'Iitloss'titut Banuil" itio t'i itlltti'hl~t fotuttu Pitt lo mfrtt d t il it foluass-
it. E. dolly, 308 S. State Street. it ui' illisilt fit' ter i itxt thilug ini t ihe - 'roe iustiito. Titi Fii si g:
___________~ i 1r ' ______ cali doti t asu it 11( tha 'I abin e.i mtsnh lost 'itt~ osttiitg toi Outoneo by XXX-t 'tt u iag ito xtidlgtus litOsu
~~~ 5-~~~~Si toil st-ltts, if 'titl iufttoutt uoion thue titopi o-assmu, wilSlit-i proper-ily intl ss'uit alley ntstt'cu ita comes along
(h p e ( landsl~ i tlsvtliI tttthutrt- givsnshits in i tilt ri'r(l-s 1-i (lst iit titui' Situ h fewl nosil int :hlpt. XYou will tlt Is, gltt you.
YUY ~rr tif ttvti e ill-ittitt iii n It, rll~itt' ~ns sf [thir own.i swent. We k-itu -how tnuuh to big
AND 111'Boh~-t lit tilt Lasan tuu its tile ap ott usoti uf raiot,r 'lottaslt leestin
llt-itr 1' tiutt 'u 7. pitt i t 51 iiteotsostuuhi tt's tiet ulllgs in tll- Itteal and1 witi s at thu.the n5115(5th 15jj 1l~5 iit iYrr l, in,-11uthcoln-s ,'rttoilin r ~lkidtra ,
ll V vI ht Oitui Ch t u tsil tms iia tior i.; ots i ltt uuttie itse t ul d1 th tri-i dnnar~~ 1 a~
EASILY 1 tuitd ito-I titit tlui~ri ati al-oit tAltiiat ilay Ix= Itool hut-.Th 'lniu~sittusai(t s.toi thtttu i'uhis tuoa n rtiolstn
Coflleg, fu m wll', utlaItiti gtruiti msedt ip Ittn ooi t-utgs-tl fTn it gi u ram 'fh lueXIhigtluti - 'tine uutht ttliitaitiusibg
PR VE TE 18-es' Ile euttred ust Ii" ce tiitii3's Iii oill meeit alt Ills tt-hilui itt 3 it-toek- be tiit-4tistt AittI 1111 ftare of it,
I'steiuiuy, FS'N,1stI tIsti teatr wonul fits ilit '11lil u-ottci tot ti-gitts' SFhtst tot- thur Mtrig1asu rot itststr bestir thieit-
BY USING tte, on lIts sJistouts deblitit tug ~ thiuul btiya th I lt li lt (f lit ftititti- sestoet or 'the - Xuiiiy osi t thue tuilt
il"ghit 'Ii, iti~e~ 11151 y tf =iuuts'iinrntts nutvsin ute pussoeni of li holcitsl
r-r ftJer '' a' tutl~ sir ite e 1 awn w'lt ma~ -it frn of t'h cr'owdo Ito wtotrk sitt tir vt-stsory uitu
SyLls'vs'etiui (isli , 41 u, tlhit t rd at guttrip tptlttogrhtil stitt le it- e th lor ' -
irinal Crearn Minlhlitt, Ats, high eoule' at IltI- etuttig ,ta 1t11 fild Prof. Hempi Addresses the Phlolsgi-
It1il:lu Ot JteuusAtauui useutuig tetiu Itotli hl tillu Ir bton plneai utu
_____________________________ 1%,_ sluiI o-on itho fli' -htillt -lute dotltdls It iukon s uist 'lod revutlldtis utf ss'iiu- cal Society.
__________________________________ in_ itt-hir- steuing of 181. It tit- Sitilt rtuite' Titte gilul will be soakle ploniltnl
'i-IIZ'I 11 i i liis Istltiag s uex ft Al tuebtu, Ali. 'Cile ly Aut 3:30. Admuis'sion; MX tients. ''tue Ali uutn'nalty Satrge aundience Ibatenid
55011 050oit 111plae(00 tn hbt iiuv us- attl'-i 1,allis stttIUlast-t us efttooawse t o bs-Oou Osoee'i
THEY HAVE COMEI I entlatuui S to 'S~ a 0 l m i eu I- -aeS--rptsitsat ttl
Snt tzi(m~ tt-t i ~roro-tMsit - t (11-- XX," lints.i o -Th t *n r a P n In smi s of -he
h.its tafty ltattinig itt deatiut is a Olt tpitttitst -5 ft -~ek-Ic... MIills Thur inet a p attn Slu th rIttis
DR. C. C. lIUBER S ago ih'ith sohtol. I hit oear 'he titue Corbli... Iti (auinst I. Turner oftahe Sai t-co '~ebut stoely utraesing
theo first auniittr lut Itithe 1A tua11 h11 (~'t7urtidy . 'Ceither.... SDiok- y atteuic n ilolit -gth wsit t-in, is supt
ita en-seted Slur Jefsot-iOuhuu toolety in _Mtfitea - L.Ouatrd... St Nk I e tate fronmi abtr 250 B. .
thup td ste tS Strungfstlois-. I-S TaWC ke- ButnIcy iShe tonsicre ultedish the prp - a
TEXT BOOKsruis I l~y lilnes ltu' r0 tartl"rd stilti Attriu sot . L. L" ud. Turk iin t it Slit " Arouindt s1 ire ate
TE T OO,: ht5~Xutsto Disisit 'higti'h lol (Slirtigo. it-xhlis Q. .(uartt r.... Brtook- svn pesono, two stogsan ado
whe tore the s~s 5Ioiiiuen tu ,1irttioriust AXrtitlsnsb - - - It SO-ltf . Clnk- Ttucts- isi abt, -t11 O si riphtlo -eh_
± os ~ 11c Si eritlee itt -ntc ititiitT W sithu Camnptel 1. L. Haulft 1Sshlelglt -' sxnu 0-hite itse many Sn-ti ng
OFhe class of 09013, tr!,IIudt ' i~s itn he otd.... ,I5u51.... Ull fesituresg ut lilt the tits, sohtih Prof.
Coit ntat S asitig I~gu Os antin Nob 1 a'~ido t . U. -pnap 'a It St- asrIthug ustta-tee tite change cent
± p toee tl thur Alptit No sol-toly inil fbitt- 'Chriolian aociatiotn - o- Iscd a Oin suely tines -j ST atf e ti I orip-
etf loup 51-e h ler tesystrol-y fro in . Sl t- l Oh suiu- t - ns tfitm ilt to right, the stiucs-
Rae IS TOLO Ya II 15 Klesy, gruluaht" lii, ill --hi-t Hail, pI slx tt Cf Un~lon -heo halt Onm asif ssr oder. Tbe ctIe 's-u
parckt ar nauiait, (lttrutlut, taitled ul t Sutinatny C Neon- York Catty, in tree lia sttlt i as s vi ni othod-
,eel Utolrssto ClBeW tou yoir huid C vtitlst lisat gis~tlet Sti cut tt t IutlO- P'roCtin. nI I ,to eths s'ad gfte:s
A Good Supply I took ts A. St st-te reo du-u'iu 910) lfe l iitiati 'to dells-r itle antnual adi-cas the, interpsxitiasput :uponu It by trans-
at ~p5' t~i t St bah~i as wrk- anligo I gre uis for pasition 'in 'a' i te -
-g X Mxt y 02, v in "'U11i Dr Hai1 is 'amon ith[ bes ou In Igmanner
Ivner t'Otit uy^ idel t ils tin tis u o-y4 o e t

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