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Dainty [ILK N presents for any lady. JIIJJUIIU See them in window. LAW 300K5! (A1iIIM1A & (On LA 6940BOK PFiBLISHIIES ABD IMIPORTERSi 114 MONROE ST. OH ICAGO. FLU .J ,fln1 IIK HW(ASC V, U)C IPDn tQ0 tfPbCt5 _______ You can get 'da. [lOT IL.J1N CII I ~,,w , \ ".-I;- hII a-: ou +lhrt-rt-t X'fl . ATh. i Itha Til ies- Capital fl~E' 4rde I-v1 Is CyMi n andSurplu S reetOO sna stil sili.cil -A IthaualasI -I-I i AI~lIR . ~--R, KI Frau. C. E. GnamNn, Vice-Prey - -- nasal1ttI- il1lftt . IiI~;fa- E 1tlt(>ritE.hol FPa -. BEas.SE Cashier. 3$ alh hSaste +ta.0 is 551 iit( ltllstid;le lisll i t ____________________________,___._ iiii rIIiIIL1E liCi haute w" Iil'l hi- i - s; 5 ~ IRST Organize 181 B G I ld ltIcsili kca t ols- I'Hi, jay t11.' iiai ls1I~o. 1.sinse Coilot, 'BI CYCLE botxea.gasci-hi ansolad. Furnish laetersof Dt I L I . t) i stillt I1.a t\il l t tssiisl lnf1 l exca ge. lin, s itir1iauIllS Ixs i ltat I f 2 its- c is-It i st I illit1 i'tttist- E. II. RINFE,-Preas. HARISiONS StUtE, t - igi tl i a i e (isls- t ( ie 5.1isl I --i s iiVili -si t i- i. I t), tl% Itillta :.:)-perVice-Pats. B A I, \/ tI iAi N ,-- tls;isitiitstt iis -S-- . V1i. CLAlHESON Casietr soOr'anmt $34 1iIt ~tssl fta ia kiisissi iiidiii5 tissitic The Ann 'Arbor Savings Bank s4th Sterling 29 1Ca tl tci )o} trpn 1,,u' $t- Ftuic 4 si is21i ssel sss s ownas -Itss ly slr wilIs te prftits- ~ I s he or red Ci sitsis , pattticse s lsta.5 O =.ce55 5 ti I0t 1 Ci Asi aas tlt- Isl n e ian l ia i'ts-s, . i li 1,0;- , ]cI .5.5t5'5555"silt-lilt -t),1s-s se - Ce i lld a leA d an th r. al aigee; e>1 iof Ibis Slate. it-sis pasit scil-,:k ddb - ells ~I. STAUBLER'S CYCLE [ 1O tM, i s r.1ilyti-sbouisi i t. si h11sIs midstslit: aI-s s. it- IlI, -Mtti-i-8.4'_7 Thomsoiiisn at. Sttes.' rtytasl ed it-I a trapit a: eas t oin. 1jig W. WASH-INGiTON ST. litlt Iiitt Iitltic ti-tissit-u_____-- Otlrr s I liristiian tack.,1st-s.; SI.C. Ilars- ----I MI lit1its t-ss o1fls-s-Is of avit d I lo i II ti ~1Il til t. k irk, lsI l isa of11 si-s-biea sun, Vic-e-Prs.:Ct has. E. Hi sack, Cathier;ivS. (IRANIf OER'S ADVANCEOD CLASS tttis (lstiIl tst il Mc. h lt's .tlt1t s Isis u liss o Ihl - I.1 ., altSe-- .tieAssus~-a lI 1 s ill cd vel. ti l is'*" it tit fslill 555 ~i ille"s 5t -il sits - huh tltr; il alst II 'i U I I t I lsts ill iltsJli tsissilias . sasiii. i i els Usdr i erssittu es#ttassssit iilt Alirl\ iiiillsit Itt S ,Ist S ti 1'iii d lills- I. -lo aii r(iaitsiiitii- Jll- OHNs. CtC-.t.c 5,-i 5 thicr SRVINGS bsadmisaitt-iio i tts t . f1if 3 Eilti t-t. s eas-- ts W le is.tsait st -h -B sg hI. isat ts-niii .1 ____________iiit il i r l t. Si-I si ts( -tts tileo B N cn s $3.-Sushi( ana-nt- , .a0glu-rat tope ,1,se i l teSl~ii larisiigoriastale i'llsis iotsl ss1141t he l i iplit s l uder 8iilii tlt li}-elilll; ofli iisil wee t-ill- K ''' 'tIl1l t( I)l Ilii01e il11 ll'';etis -CIsissii -sil Iss01i"rllet'isit-iigfeti-ill I~f plil il: ,l IIA .I,-s. i --l i-tifl..lse. s lt t- s-i - itihtile11 C. . IBlAsRTIIILL, Agent, 5111 s-tIss ,32 S. State St. Ann Arhoi ck. I is ___________ -.Irit prompstitl ly - si-0b'cl -k. 1l sil"itt x ill siel .11 lt urst it ti-Is-st lt is liititsiiy siltl is ies vitil ftiti si llt ktA iill O T O it1I1'i itlis. St lits- ,15511 0 11 w l ai I ts-s-ise tii'l ti.i -ccl' Yssiit \IIE~lc. l it Lit il i I its li lilt 'iiie \ti-asic, isri-siillt dus-- - --- ~~ ii t its(sit d ll s t-e Tai-oled isaundsy C0. Ni-sssscth (stisitawedi ill list-it lst-doneliND-- rO 4TL4PDC.11.1 1sit I Vt gie, auetti, 121 5. Mtali.atI ts- .u;itIt .111astily fI (ti-uit s;Is OPEN ALL NIGHiT. isI I5 t-ia- e S. iTlora, ti-itll ts-e t tiiit l it s or L ughtIll Fonai titl~ 11 ST.,Twa doors ss stlai iCook Hause. S 1 ol it 3151cc ti o twee l ist s -lst I tit.$1 t-tei)i. ist SClulils os t orets,. IA MARTI ... tit. its liy e fdThsissl s lso stit it osr M , M R I II1 wn i,.t 15 8 .Sistsin ant. TeilsI lisilis nsuitit 11.st11 is D nItsll FUNE AL 5tlts Iss l its strIi i i stfre-sit ehai;iet-imit lila-Isilti. 11 N I bt DIRECTOR 0 . 00j. FnaUNEA malmngit spity. ~yNo. 209 lS 4th Axve Arniulua'e 66fnight a-si lieR IColderw tbe i Coin A denace 302 Fith AVOe. A 0 II a rI Tlry The... NORTH SIDE LAUNDRY 1003 mradway. I.5 ilt hn N litkersa of COLLEGIATE CAPS, ," GOWNS and HOODS, iReoteng at CADS and GOWNS, (I. SPEC ItILTY- CLASS CjttlES, COLLECiI FLAGS, COLLEGE PINS, LASS .and COLLEGEI HATS and CAPS:,, WCKERf & C04 fi1"it. ti'ifty-Seventh St. aflItAtlO, ILL. HAVE2OU .SEEN Ass!i with it comesh thoughts oh WitrGarentsi SWAGNER & CO., Importing Tailors,~ Can please youl in the nany little things that go to make tip gool tailoring. 121 and 123 SAMain Street JUT TflEUTfHfIQ FOR TAINQ LECTURE)J' SCHLEEDE' "EMPQRARY BINDER Opens like a book, Beaatn the old atring cover -*-.- Lecturepaper Ilb. forl50c The bent fountain pen $1 340 South State T: a n i I e fl is SP ULDING'S FOOTBALL SUPPL I ES Ave universally usard wherev-er the goane i played, the trade ak- being the l narantern Saulding officiatloter-sollegiate Foat Bal. In anal 'by sill the leading colleges and athletic chubs of the cosuntry. Prie, $t.00 Send for Cataoague of alt Athletic Sports. Spaalding's Officinl Font Hall Guide, with the new Runles cay lies, and recors, rae-ira-n and instraction, Including lpictuasnofi166 players. Price, 10 cente. ShItDOtyS SPRINGI-GRlIP 0MB-HELLS Invented by Sandow. Have tinaIqualasi enerciser and desveloper. Everynmuncle bense- fied, A. G. SPAULDTING & BROS. (Incorporated) NEW YORK - CHICANO LDENVR P. SCHEEDE, MILW REL. *THE FINEST LINE OF SCOTCH AND ENGLS SUTIG IN THECITY