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November 20, 1900 - Image 3

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U. of M. Daily, 1900-11-20

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110 Can'i KeiStill About O rDerby
We know the same subject over and over again is ap
but there is always good obtained front review. The
we are talking about---of course you have heard of it---b
$3.00 an d $4,00

)t to get tiresome,
but do you wear it?
11.7 MAIN ST.S.

? c- u° - 7 ''b 3I-5>0 0 17J "c 2 2 2

-5 . b~0~17

ThUigaaFlsnt"ttl yot se thle special '21 inch ealse we (lffer unltil U. of N1. Pis 5 c to $t.00. Fine
CENTRAL STANDOARD TIENT. Thanksgiving at WacYearngaSeily
Taking effect September i o, i1900Wtc
Atlent'c Expreir............. 7 5 o.
Grand Rapid@ Expres..........1t10 1 2061 Mal inSut.
Mail and Expriv*.............. 34717P..
N. Y. Ilorlon Special........... 4 o All Leather, Steel Frame, 3 inges, B3rass Lock Don't Go home for
Fat aser and Bolts, Irish Lineni Lineduf.Dot
Fxr.S.. ..... .........58 40 V.a
ftBoet91. asdllitt.. i ...... 1-o 4PX.wtout one of Our
0 R. andruks CO M NYr~ .....54
Ch .oNgh ..~ree......~sa 9IT3f" U ofM.PN
Pack apreA................. 2 0 A M Ileasdquarters fo DukValises, Telescopes, Suit Cases, Etc.
-teamaship Ticketest lllseos, to and I'rma 222 s 224 S.Mi aeetDp. Wn rod eee
Euroen peints at loeset rates. Full infor- SO anSt. aeetDp. Wm rod eee
smstion n application. _ ~-. ._- - _______ _______
Q snoLE . 11 W.AnneA .
GP. & T. Al , (llg. AtAn Ar~o. Lieut Ca-deli Tonighst. Tournaments at the Pickwick. T
Lieui. Bard1enIl I.. S. A.. will 11h1s i I.". 1 011 I. ll . in-d "lie. 11117117 t 111110 N EW
st4 . 4 ( t+111111117 11liver 9 llv-11x171 I 111111 1the , 1'9.11 011k b wig eiy ~ k U
= ciof 1 1 1 oe -. 11 ' 111 st )" 1_11 I lIJ I I
inadc r 1117 1'TH. P d i 2 1~I A 1'E Oi.i) (J FS A1so.
$sTi ecli re s11 0;z-i for 1 t rll ilnelt I vli We are better prepared than ever'
..&. 1\4L 6 ..tI± l nI27 ; 'of fli11 1111119 ill liii I 111ion il 111111117 Il:li.( 4otil iet ps1101 10 iill"hl d 111 to give the best of carriage service,
Taking Effe TIM Sun ay, E3a. 21, 1899. Iiii l of th Wiii Illi t 11. 1t'eiili for 0i1 ! r I l 'ie lt.wiik 1111lg 117 lliio 7 k.
Trains leave An Artor by Central Stand- 11 1111 i o lll91iI f avn add wo rbbr tie
\\-il Tine.eee *191119 1111 117 n r 11111 11 1 ie ':,pr11111lt1110 in. e n17 1177111 coaches to our stock.
soro 411h liii H1lli r1 i'gv 111tlv iilolnies Livery
*Nn,.- Sn 7:5A. I No. 1.- s: A. 91 0119 11111 111nd 1111 1111i1e of 11101 II rl SENI{)llS.
Ns. i%-ii:3o A. h1. fr. 5.-12:3'0 P. Ma. 11: lids b( evil 111ee .,t i.t cih.s 'PHONE 06f~ , 515 E. LBRY T.
No.- ?.:3 P. Ni. No. 3. 4:50 P.11. i _ Y__________ -l Senio f1111 e llii7 i .111411 iill eill";
'RUB bieteeei Ant Arbor and TolndoI only. .;'ollnt 11 th li e 111 I n'llll e irei ~ sr~' fiegl ililIl le
Nlt 1 rain daNN ily 0.ep Snda y.lg 111 dii'ii111 in- i e "I n li C e i I li I tn 111111 urliei ii li
IV .W L S gn.#4li li T eWli n"1-11 111'11 i ll fll10Postal 111t lii 11111-,'li i'11111
w l 3Nu T .P A- I .111' Owll offic We eltlt1 o~is oi a i 1 '11 1 ve zleluii - tfl ilir 1-1111 11
Essies n n Oa 101 . seats- and1 +t;1 suirpisill-N 111 11se 111 reot'ir- - )b, k e
ofOM chignN G -il g i iit d015e1'1 117 1111111111 - 111 il~l N il boI o l hI r OTI -r' IA e- V.E 1111' SM It1%Itt.11y il p se lt 01 1l~l / ; il- v~ a ial I17< t r J
\IILY BEIW - _ti'ti SI Ibili e '."V I'or __________________________1__________ve .L, i n ;
4 eN5 it, liii alio i f a 111s 101 A 11 ilie Il ni'y ii el illr' ell: li.1e . '!tfii i{I'lt
S B sin ss Inrndlu tt ! l n til w e1- : lll xe l -e illt -111 7/11'1 - 1 1 1 r o l rr' l o o e e
l. H. I 5 .1. ldaI ill 3:111 in1leii 3111 aaly :11111 "Ii
01. . A.0. Tny A I. llila" 'll l {)flllt line Adle Cal sl~lts andt tDf 01-)1-f' OU
Detr it, psianti and nn r- 511 llilIliu J. 1o-'. A istr t", Io is W rl I1 011 iI LlI -1111 ll'1711 7 clt i lde n ytrs evd i n
a or A ilway . Pelts,________ N e-i l ul l at11 S11111711.li's -I 111170 tye a ihrsoe
evr ol 017 einn t :5a I.Slrlit-0 lliiotelirg, 5t , 01190:h~ S -_________ _________r___
at f:5l . h ., 04 Lp . Land man,1 p n o 111 -l 1i 1 11 110 A diit I'I-a le r Ete l of i .lliil 111 Ie ro l- 11 AI li k B li r
Waiin rous cone t.an At opet ie Ale r ht andIDL(}" Main xi4kw rl
s onte. er i, Sit ertro it st . 'ii:111171t7 (1 1 01i--l 1.1-1 i1ll li Pil 111' 11(1 I e lv1111. 1117
bor R ilway New or"Y 1,11 tolioit 1111 11 01 i ' stl a i the stre
C ~ ~ ~ ~ 111 111ev o D totad Ypiat 11'it (~ . , 111:111119' t1e'l10lllI'IIS it wil~l ouiii e '11~ "1 1 il w :1 11. 1 2- E. 11 tole 31 oI Sae
every11119 o1111'ginning11td7:5-a.Im. I1l711. 's lo9 l011tsb rt", Ila., 0aes
bonseney GIro1red atly lisdec 11 50lin ou -1I i l-ii1111 ooiy]ils l
Aity -:45 t. ll 9:4:5 p. enn an d eta. 1110 111 1101 111. rn.ilrll II 'o sat oN llii i lll 111111s 1111ltlilill' A111111'
pa NE LO NE to5'P Can 'ne AllISin Iri e~llua dI 1' 1117 151It 1liwe llrl . 111117, (11 Ifon rc 111 l 0 . Unv rit v. A n so
Hu. o(113 N Tl Barbe st3orllrit Cains ENOCII toeR. Weter_ at thiers'i tiy 13 e Ea of rstIc
Sp. anl BatH C. WorkTT and'~e 70 212. Univrsit AAee, Ann~ aAlarbor~gA~ka
BuPsotee"'PShoTA SH OfElsil~~sld.ePo
Rom1 43 22 S5 0 1 il rjsssk

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