w. THE UNIVERSITY 01i MICHIGAN DAILY NEW BOOKS Excursion Rates WORTH READING WE CAN SHOW YOU more 'tahe Cardinalss nuff~box, Hery rit it'iti ail Wintier Sitsinigs that were On the Wingttof Oectsions, Jtiel t adltreIfarrtr O L The Hearte Highway. Mary E'. tWikins O L The Lane that had no Terning, Gilbert Pottfer flare Fablet, Oroto Ade, thatistriltl tncy~apte-to~d-measure Alice el Old Vinacenneso itriotiTttotortt rinrlI5age enrnl frn the Palace ti the King, If'. ttisriitn Cras'ford OO Songs el the flaning, itetre Pttitlottt 10 The l~ato Unrest, It'm-1/'s dabs Merritotesr Agetnt for the Best Tai A Bicycle oi Cathay, l"'rtttttt I. 'Sfo*tott Eileanor, t'. tt[N-mprrylif:"t _____ __ INTO GOOD CLOTH~ES~ itha 1000 Dof thesr oIIt itlag stytles for Ftoll ever brought to,,ether. WHO BELEIVE a grmnt ohttttosabuht betta the pricre )RICH &DUKE, liars aa Earth, Frost roomsorer First Natiotnal Bank LAW DOOKfl! (A[[IAHi & (On TeEptits ilcaBehAlP the Above at Discount Prices, I Sheean &Co. N e h 320 S.: STATE STREET. You yarn get a HOT LUNCH AT TUTTLE'S 338 Satuth 1Stt t. BARGAINS I Si,4 Orient $34 $40 Steirling 29 $35 Fowler 24 ktid otatty oters. ('all and aee thtem. M. SIAELEEI'S CYCLE EMPORIUM, 119 W. WASIIINUTON ST. ORAN(IFIR'S ADVANCED LASS TIIESDAY EVE,, h6e admitted to thts t e n. Tonevore ag's $3. Single taelacg, itt pat I'. _ CULT GLASS. Daint IKAWv BOOKPl'BI~I1FRS AN I) BWI)RTER II(I1~Npresents for any lady. See them in wndo II14 MONROE ST. CHICAGO, IRentucblcr, theb joowpen ________ 'PIL.vr 1' iPPNEL'D T'OJONES. "'ih,&. LHliiitOi'iito Jotter," Geor'ge II. ltroaditirst's cipiral farcerttichl hail a four mtthi'srnt-its Net's'Yoi'k, andt oe year inLloaudson,tomtes s '11i Atitr'ts'lToater AMonday, Not'. Vis tdesctibed by it -wtell-known ssmotropollf-j tots. 'writer its ills".I8-kart at toinedy, 'withsout-ta w."tu St'colpanay in- clutdes John Alistet, sho iillOOill'th ie, binsdaso1(1otloti5of Tones -wiitSl a bet-' tioor and lineueiss thalt makes 'tir pat. ia islig;lit. 'To be sore lie hit's,- om of the fitit'srttpariaes vr i's'rtten 'lor''a come-dias, bot it isnt reety mails stio can keep it person's paws on She hlngei with lils drolleries as ttttayItitcardt irumnmeir,snatoqsterardinb' 11 15 bishopt, tttni the netatniirite 4-tiut otne 10 gulp-e lug diotntaia suttprisinltgy iartdtlIttip itt tont'sttlitaati. Keel li's' 1liarylt' 111-tltiOW t'i, Atll "I ta.t lt':'" torsatit'cheap. L(1(K(JUT 1FO11iINNEIS. Your 't'it ilt ((ott)athor ii all l it h 1 Calender. - 2 2.= Car, Matenad tlrti trie, Sitiiii~ iiits-li's' Si. Ntait.'t'silcapital, IJ5t,ttt. Streluts, $O,iS, 'Traceacte ttnia '3 ) zit -Rv. ir, iid wll. general baking betteero, slieuilkit)tt 15101 atlthe 'Methoadisi chlrchl, B, Itar, toe,. C,.5E.tiatNn, Vite-Prem tinder anspice""-"r University Y.1. Fees. B BEtsea, Cashier. Sunday, Nov. 1It, ill,-ttev, inte FIRST NATIONAL BANK n atdaress alt L'niversity Y.'A t. ' .,Capital, It Jee0. Surpluss atd t'rote, H'00i ,ilahoslist church. 'eesta sni',akol eng TueSsllty, Nov.',20---Lie't.tCattiest,tee- eachagehatajbt atnd reid, " ursilettnere ef tire, benefil Itotiep. Iiosstlti, U.'II.1 credit., ttI7; Ftridaty, Neo'. tIn-tetlifepati'nted- 5,V' ' LA aSON.' C&Wer ha'at t' f oretrtail League ta Sialurdaty, Neo', 24-Fooxtboli, Ohio I TbC ARnM ror SaVInUS BayI Slate lvuni-relly, at I'vegents' F'ie'ld.i Capeital Stock. ,000oo. Stteptr, 5t0,000. SastirlayNt.24-41itial 1gaiti"lit t lr airr (Iouese$1n,"i.000. :y, Nov.Qrfrn ettner the generaol Bashing Lawaf cMts's t'ali Covltltil Chialtiliilp Se' at tiseState,.iRceive depmsits, btote and mles r iof's een' ti'elitt, extchangeonasthe {principal ctiee at the Uelted States. Drafts ret 'ci upeoiproper identificatiee. Dca- At ltlt-it'patlat Ow lt ilyi. Safety deposit 'rxestoterent, - ______ Oitie;rnsa lristiseMark, Itree . a . P. Barni- :tiltleil'sihittlOe'tiesare'st's'ltl ottl ' a cPret.,('hat, E. IHirrork.Ca'aer; Y5. J. Fr'teat'ssitaatrCas'ier'' 'rttiaalit. LfLEltt'S 'aterfa'la' t' ase. (.. W .BOH 0' .irE'star-TAT N"ie'klaiiilmus taid all tileildit i le J . 5t~OzF I Nt ice" pre tit itltiiat aillildiy friee'of aiarci', tast ' it' Air Eti ai litet $8 bittlt iai' is the F~o'svtrd. BAINK 1taliikaiiias, its dali & tirtls', Sallo'agents., 'lansactts as genet'al k'rt 'ie'titit't'r Sstudetnts' 11001115, at antgliinee , t'laatli't'" iitt~ioklts,(W,1113 So.liii St Vie New Laoest l intistlis [lite_________________________ ti'toirliiiS. Itilti 1,t3'St o.al"'ii i i Upj-flaat s taiaianeiZ'-r 0T1ctiliati~' flostslta'a, liiiSo'. Alain ci. aiueni1 nt." W('a ilai ts, Ry~all & R (0,'ata'r s kva i out Tetala' 2e Icl a ital LUia 1ti t l t, ____,___ _ ; let's frlist' ttaiti 1ed rbrt'i''tr. iS II I izti ii ni' Latughlini lasaaitat _______ Poq~jr 4 'crtfi, 1 ii ataLlc'tillleiI s hookstlra OPEN ALL Nt011T. j('cotspiele line "Adler fall suils ii Ht ROP S..Twro dosrs W--Stlal Cok Boast. orercatc at Wadhams, Ryant's& Mcciie.' II'l i."'atia, tzt'tiitt ai tlierl'L'n!- IAADTIIIit 13 t 11113' I'' aItar 'aitiat ill ~ r III~ aa Soi tat-la k a t'' 1er 50th lat I i tola'1'iiliare cit Ml MA l es. 'icO , Sr'ilatirs itatk- FU ER L ,,titilr y, So, Mai1zls sI. F N RL'b3isa i g epetiaty. No209 S4th evn Amnbulantenight and day. ef l ler w Ilbefki01 Cao£m . S eVfen 302 Piftt Ave.WiIJII~rV1a1 -________V-And witis it comos~tho stt ci Tr he. Winter Garments LAUNDRY Can please you in file many THOSI. kow 'ertr, u p' ltile thinga that go to make up a 100SIBroadway. 4,57se lfse good tailoring. a r 121 and 123 SAMain Street ' rA { { V7 enw.*irrn snr.+ai ns+ar .+ is+ a+a®s+ia/s" A t s/a*a/ate# +a/ a/s'4/ X/a° /A!/th/d'!I ' At V u} 1 ' I' " rt 3/t rr' /t' 'e / rt3/f / 1: r se f' ' ;st /p t s r ver Masltcefa COLLEGIATE CAPS, GOWNS and MjOODS. CAPS stod GOWNS, t' SPECIILTY. CLASS CE1NES, COLLECH FLAGIS, COLLEGE PINS, CLASS end COLlL'tOII HATS and JUrT THlE T HINQ FOR T AKH4Q LECTURES' SCHLEEDE' EMPORARY = s~i 2 BINDER Opens like a book, Btse lbold strinegetover Leftutepaperr Siltfor 5Qe The heat roantais peat$11 BEDE, - - .. - 340 South State SP~AU LDING'S FOOTBALUnSUpPL IES lAre ottirrnsily oti ahiteeter ther game i litayed, Sa otineisi tartag Ilnthe altaster. 'rn tsod tteOtitt.Inter-rolitetate Foot is atirIlty iP l~ltte Iadintg collegesati itletta ettta of the o'iatt ry. l1'ricer,$4lno, stebefr Citogac or allAthlticteSparts., Seadi ee OS)titrflloostt Hal uede. with the ne th",- o' tt:'t, snd record's, reviws aind in.rsereistas, ittnitidiag ttinetsrret illeptpayers. P'rice, t0erent, Inreered by 4Sasi,, .Have teno ea atea exerciser and develoiter. Every moacle hess-- A, 0; SPAIILDING & BROS. (Incorporated) NE W YORiK CHiICAoO DENVER F. SCHLI