_. .: ..n ,. . x . M . ,.....,. . ..... v; ..x x .. v n. .:.xr .xx . n x.£ max. x. . . ..M x # r . v. t. . y, THE UNIVERSITY of MICHIGAN .DAILY. ,,& 33 Er* EEr'r-Et:: fEe. EE~'Ef f' :EF.E" I a~ !:E 1 fr 4 lf.EeIEEEF r.i~ 3 f"i'. " i Ci'" Q i' Y " c: : i.'t. 4 E"4 i i i" c. iii ll ill *i' ii iii Holiday Magrazine Bargains REVIEW OF REVIEWS ................$2.04 ALL L FOUR McCLURE'S ors PEARSON'S ..... ..........1.00 COSMOPOLITAN..................... ...... 1.00$3fl SUCCESS...................1001$3 0 TOTAL ............ .o ONE YEAR WILL BE SENT TO ONE OR SEP'ARATE ADDRESSES. WE HAVE MAINY OTHER. COMBINATIONS EIUTALLY AS (4OO01. WILL PAY' YOU TO ENQUIIHE. AGiENCY GTON E.: k* -3 MA(IAZINE I10 WASHIN( 3333333333-3 x'3a333-3:33:3a3 333 3 3 :!333.3E-4433333333.3;jr+33 33x33 3333-al3al33=3,43333 3 3333l333 0, MICHIGAN QENTRAL'v° .The Niagara Falls Route." CENTRAL. STANDARD TIME. Taking effect September io, 1900 Detroit Night Exlm ...........555 A.as. Atlantic Exre .....n........'1445" GrandRlapiids Exep P..... 110..t i Mail and eprer....1.....347 p.MI.* N. Y. Borton Speciall.......4 N58 Fart Eatecs............... 9 43 . Maitand E ret.... .A40A. X. Boettle,.N.Y. arl Chiergoe........)43 rabetr eterlinRpr(- . .........th13 .51. 0R EandRl REsress......... 545 Obhicae NigtlExlllt-... ...... I943e Paciic Eajrrnc...r ... .......12 '15 A. X1 Steawitrp Tickets, all Cases t and tronsj'< Eurrten pns t lote:-t rate's. Fell Infer.- HENRY Now onlthe Iloor at 709 N. UNIVERSIT We have on our tables an En of Fall anti Winter Suitiugs. It Will Pay You to HN RY .y ,, ,,p s +rARTISTIC TAI " ,,BELL BRAND" R O 'rMandolintnd tidutt r Stingscosts you no mole that . I z iol 0ones. YMVENUE I S0haeb-r1e'MusStore, Mr yNew Line {IW ibryS.AnAbr See Us. Bl..(2)s~ h~ T Pts witP c h every Tttxr g, LllitriA erC d ® WnitAr hOd, Jeweler ratiooanrppllciattar:. re fo -oo~ o. W'.~g EtOO lE. . Wi.Aliar. ,Medics lPreform Oea nsfrA- fortenUniversity Men in the State.,T __________- pendicitis oil Dogs. Legislature. ' lesliolily no 1(own1ill Mir-iigor irias T-loseiyfSleisI 5 NE'I few dogs it ipoportionetio101lie lbPo'll- rprr'iee isVh' tsv ghtcr to011theifact t.cr°1( 5llro t. lis l lie 14 girutres ande'formier tetirshr ANDns.I iHi0 'ss~ f e lueiatrthre will be f1ur11 slltinti 7' + E SAwO desr the 11oliiianr eats ii tre il- We are belier }prepared than eve &rt ev . ria ~- ligz ; letoietdgi ad11lo ntieIvi1-11 . A. ni 1of Caro, Dr. A1tilint Takiang Eftlrr, Sundray, sMay 21,.189.1n5. iteperforill his tirtrotiera lion fr io 1 1of'tttitoi lit 11101,J.toS . lo- o lcf aigsteistf ca rriaebervticed anstaeA-ArebtttrelStand ppeeidi-itie ott a log Inid rtthllapfrily iiofIcoii tilattSirse fhaigaddsorhbrlrc Flint The.- .r. 5ll l~l n5iiersily tolen in thecohetourSck (toerliie ilog,) ec((logll5tls ' lltottO'liiiouse ire JosephiE. Bland of Detrtoit,cohetourtck SOUITH - NORITH i (ppetledix .arid1wneni1y of tlretes are 1 PltfrrI fIi~i l., RpidsDe IoriisL v r No. .- 72tr A. a . Ne. .- s:si 1. 51. lrili ilhi tile tmlIdleS' httsiness, a111111I rC Si :, P CCCV ~njC r,f('IofDetritt: I sirO ISfl j + No.t,- . lt . S . 'No . 5--12:30 Y. . 11t. 11e'er ly a lp dog 11( C' 10 5 '1ft llee imloself I tuuodiili l S lill-olele Slerman l It 1 f IB RY No.1tl2-, ,:f r-. . a t. Nn. ti01.-0:0; -A. 10tothe ilivile-suieoli. A few 'if Shrill(113111y f(ItS IItagF lls, lct l . '1Il P ON 0, 51 . IBRYIT recoverlttwit __ore__do______andif___i___yoile___ o aun teteeAnAttnbor andhu 110oled11o'1onlii111f(ie 111ice C itlelos A. KRet-c of (.iltit("ii, -______?______ Allr I Arbr od Tled ony leflloa dog ':i.leilgnlt of little lie Alt i-in587111 fS~llliie Alraau iloc eeeptSunday. 5.-I lie1, a albillofoeilstie.e \~nt V, T.WICiIo, Agent. 1 150, ta lr r popetht ieIs eiiii, I ce(fl'tnil ~i WI.BEN E f ,G.P. A' ilii h~ illllthh hr s(Cls1I. WlleeleC of -Tlim'e I. i'0n'.s w loele-l t y'o 10 heel).0t1e-171 i i -l pll t 11, 5 loni .5 lii C1 oC i boe's'le (f the 14 ai-( gi-aiuates or f of. ;110, lezl('e Ann _1h-or I :1 do 10" ui'lislO of li2e rlow delrrltli leti HwielN'r z> t ltli OCKING VALLEY BY. _____ The Railroad that takes 'the ,, :I> A A li:i"S Tl1 11 11'rgONleY CANBUY - _________ ' awes In and Ou hylTlcs i;'.tieel Si. N' fII~t .I ~lNll __ut_______ases_ li (1.11( t131"" a r l e'!/ of Michigan. x ______ I l loe i SOLID VESTIBULE( TRAINS 1)11 t ' Ol1 N1)0 /o idCl1 re10 0ili ou I A ~1 1e. Yoir tulle stucrtess-wiein y0u1(1( 4 DAILY BETWEEN 4 fy s-hhfesoe10( fI.-ri i 111 ~l' sl-ti 0I 1/ ~ . TO LEDO, COLUMIBUS I .11 Oi sfySoe 110.W aeOrr21 tiest and ATHENS. flilo 15 1 ct lo ol 1( x WW5.S~ee . 5.Iio~r t)s ter l ito('lanout iI hlif sIICI1I, r felt 21011mol heforeChriitas (1(- . cai~-, G. P, A. Or. Trov. Act. 0eac1. iIt, OSE'Y's. tiorn. We have beginnfin~g, lllternfieit