THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY NEW BOOKS WORTH READING The Cardin Al's snuffhbox. .Ilessrt Harlandi On the Wling of Occtsiona, loet Chandler Harris The blear s Highway, Mfary, E. Wilsis The Lane that had n Turning, Gdbcrt Parker Mlore Fahles, GeorgadAde Alice of Old Vincennesa, Maurices Thompson in the Palate of the King , P. Marfon OCrawford Songs ai the tIorning. Estee Phttlpstta The Isle of Unrest, Jrnri Seton Merrimatn A Bicycle of Cathay, Prasnk R. Stckton Eleanor, mra. tuosphrecs Wardt The Expatriates, I-llian Bll Al the Above at Discount Prices 320 S. STATE STREET.; Burchf ield's Fine Tailoring Trade.. . Our sartorial skill is equal to the best in the state of Michigan, EXCEPTING NONE. iIRTI5TICALLT I'NECHMNICALLX We will be glad to proveit to you, Truly. Yours, S. BURCHFIELD, 106 E. Huron SCUT GLASS. Dainty CALKINS presents for any lady. See them in window. LABOOKS! (AIiA6llAN'& (0. LAW BOOK PUBLISIIEB$ AND IMPORlTE 1 14 MONROE ST: OH ICAGO. YOU can get a L mum E , rls JI4.aa . J i~a---- ___ - ________a.__ OTLwUN'r®C -m ATiH The finest muoograph and 'other Ui- Calender. Cor. Min ansd Hurst Streets. verity fancy letter paper -and pads In ____capital, /50,008. Surptus, 535,0t0" Transacts FT ~ ~~~~ c~aity. All styles. Seltller's Book- gurtbsig5uits lnTS he "Fyrid.Manaft.,Nv R-Lbit Lt~O , Ka P, Pres. C. E. 4 oss , Vice-Frets stteleJ.ManSt otnutLeagute in Barbour Gym, Fees. H i ises. Coshier. 338 Smith 1,0 StSb - Saturdtay, Nov. 17, 8 a. -m.--'02 s. '0-4gAoto ff you want ysur watch reihilted '4Iclass fostis ati, Rtegents' FbI FIRST NATIONAL BANK. o AtinArbor F3 tt4t.lstFt will do it right. Safturday, Nov. 17, 10 a. t.-41 L vs.ovn~a16 Al nt locs 't HL~aR'NJewlry 2 it class football, Regeirts'FtedI Capital,110o,000.O surplusad Pross, i30,t0 AlarmClock :a~ H~aLI.ERS Je ilr turducy, Nov. 17-Footbatll, Notre 'transacIs a grocral bashing bustnesat.Foreign d i BoICY'CLE, Sure. Dame vs. Michigan, at Regents Field. credit.h pIsdrtd uns ttss0 Sunday, Nov. 18, 3 p. um.-Rev. N inde, E.0. KINTE, Prso. HARRItSON SOULE, Q Up-to-date Stationery at Scholer's addlress it Univesity Y. 'At. C., .55 CAEO VCsice-re L. GAt S Bookstore, 116h So. Mail t S. W.Methodlbt chut-eb. .,o Orient $34 - - Tuesday, Nov. 20--Lieutt. Gardots, lee- TheIG lnn flr~or 8avlnuS Ban 2 ehleCu wcie2Nma vnnt-,bnft.Iono.Iopt .I. $40 Sterlig, 23Ram 2,lU.H.patc 5nsl vtie erOeca.Ittet.IopiaU . pitalotSck, 55i,0.Surpl s, $150,0©0. $35 i Fontor 24 8 p. in. Resurcer. 51,5M0050. Fridy, ov,23-nte-deartl~nde OramnizedsunsistebsGenrrat Bankig Lowe And many others- Cal and ae them- INN ES I$COMtING. FiaNv I-nerdiatetd-o ths stale. Neceises depositsi,hays asme bste for Central League tea_ sehage on Ihe picipliis ot the United NI 1EI['S CYCLE EMPORIUM,I r -Sttrhy Nv 4-otal,( a tso. Draftscaeard umpon prperidiietifcatisn. 119 W. WASIINOTN ST. CMN. State Univetbbly, at Itegettts' Field. oes'CE~s: Christiat Mack Pres.- W. I. Beel- Saturday, Nv 4--iic aosi an io-ee;Char. E. illcock. Cashiert M. ERAUBW ADVANCED. CLASS INNFSIS COilING. caslatfobt htltoltis~ J. F rito, Asistantt Cahisr, ~wv~i~~ZT ~YT1,rlts., Regeunts' Fit-d. V~U~~i~t 4 I14 I;1)8---A Zetla Psi ltinlsetaswitltarla. ---w. .,t. o~r ses iiT *=*-E ,*,.A * 'AWI# idetrIreturnitoIsZeta. 1st houss ad Complete line 'Adler fall ottits and Iw. ARoist a , 151 5 11V i°ECils rward. overcoats at Wi. dhamsTt, Ryan & R ule ;oxo. J isiT, :sa lii , to tnair no rircucaatxnc *e will begnssso Luttncheonsa mnd dinners at moderate R eregiccsfr hih ca bedi tb' tisas.Tosn evenHalrseptunfohihcss# ink's . etdt515l .ivening, .0-lit per tprices furnished for spreads, parties watich and jessetry repaorlug has beenBfK casple. and halls. -osd sersice, refined table csttbistled share 18. .'~tescts a general appoiintmtents and daluly cookin;ton- Ban____ I-kingBun tess. sic. THlE CAMIPtUS,427-Thzoru PsoOat. Iaadhamus, Ryanti& lReu1le -I- role igs-tul. for Ypsilati ude-rwbeat. 4 tIWatermaln o at-tgtihlin Foutinm Pe-ts, $1 etch, .at Selitller's Boostre. NO'TIE! Sof t-s.h lticjp-r iosen - I ll theRlhaIbeen pla1cd intheIlstxynI~Iiltiu C. E. EARTIIELL. Agent, Laundry. 311hosvlioqhr l(ti ll-li Wtllltt il alYo 326 S. tate 5t. Ann Arhor. Iicth1''{111ocael ( cYonlM..als id uittic a d~chamis, Ryan & IReule are soiocs 1,1111 t-5scorestitiSEY'StonIlslt. ('q ytl Mas i unhsa gentsfisr Ypsilanti vii - twear. ______ ARM --n- 'ic~r ceciif on ea sll suits andI sits fqlP 11 Ifyo sat .~bto ksetp accurate tite -oils ; 1-forl-*)" clays011y. GLENIsohe F pl11 tALL PitlilT.. 5 .t sball gailtle. . 55 -'a 510stop itl-it.l l silcsr cor. Slatse and Wsashington, IIUROI ST,,Twe doors w tici fCook doase.J atitII-rf ~yelu avish to Loch) accurt te tlIme at lit a iu4s1thIetiIls'Itt ternity a- Istfootball gatise get a 1togs -a tch titt oushl Itt5 t1It RS iJewelty Store, FUNERAL DIRECTOR JUST ARRIVED......,* , H~xboltntsple ipalty.' No. 209 S.4thT Ae Amlae night sod day. tRes _ "s "p2^°.^{f Ii ym yl 4ELAdence 02itha Ave. BLACK u Try The...GOFIll; II il' \ A NORTH SIDE HAS! 5 LAUTAD'RY 3Q-WANR&Go __ __ ___ 1003°B lre da . .57Bell Phase $43*002 Mi . ATRSSA LDN ' 1121 MaiBfit FOTETBALALD CSU P L IE C -k fpOLLEGIATE CAPS, (['' "' '°/ ' " F O B L!'UP L E r . GOWNS and ejOtDSl. JUST THlE TtIINQ F0OK TAIrNQ LECTUREJ A iallvY ssdz her. or tlie game it #eslitg Of H L EEtD E plssryd, the traste sssrkbeing tbe gsiarsss e. e4' CP OWiNS. Tf Spaulding Official tnter-collegiatisot EMO RARY athltics clots o5 the cosntry. Pricer,$4.00 COLLECE FLAGUSI I Send for Caltgealtr ottallSAbleiac Spots. aF OLG INtS, #;:; i,i Spaldinga Offi-ial Past Hall auide, withs the COLLE0 3 Price, 10Bernts. HIATS andOpnlieabo.SNDWSSRN-RPDMBEL {}SAP . , '(ft(( ,hIvenred by Sasndsw. Have cioequacl as IV, , A i~!Rosiet the oldnstring cever exerciser aid developer. Every muscle mae- Lescune pcper :l1b. for 50cfic ed. W1 J.CFitKeen&hCO. She bea fountais peas $1 A. 0..SPAULDING5 & BHOS. 0100,L F. SCHI.EEF:,. - - . 340 South State NEW YORK uHCAoio DENVIEN