o ' to i ' VOL. XI. ANN ARBOR, MICIL, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1900. No. 3. PRACTICE UNDER LEA. j Announcement -- The Men Work Willingly belt there isc Our special line a Dearth of Material for the Line.ai S 'ith te advent ofliead ('ac u m of (freign and Langdoss Lea the prospe toiar a it "b domestic fabrics ning team at Michigan this year ae"' For the Fall and Winter of 1900 has to cwach his methods of handling tit arrived and is arranged forinspec- Ite'tot feel cnfidene inIhi ability to letr rmtesudo re e e tion. The same carettl attention iished a~tie in thle say of a foet is given to the t leIr and fnish of cl os, i t coijaii it Mike Bergen, a former triruct.toi lay-iho every suit, wtiethier to be used formeri anttdaitman of cnsidera'oleiiexrc- bosnes paposc o fo ftll resoetce as cc coach, who will remit i busiesspurpsesor fr fil desstliocgh 'the seek adintl etto occasions. stat the ack field icte riiht die-fi io8 E. Washington St. tonSir.5Letc dealed thetaisachcl cit '1 heaoure ~~o ~ caer lok heiei.ne n harge, ccttg the Sacks over io his ccllccgti, ccc cc iccc te oitytsof le 1 cc erATdunditothmn.-dihi t l rr ieat nhsi ee ice atd dsieteho wahr ICitt ciccin eemisi to the i c i it Acid i l cccime , tot5ccIic c 11ch e c ir t he ci sni iaItrdlyty ctaeiet cc.(oacc lt iot desirousoorifucandci Ii U R T H E G Y M , l atec c Iocit h eli icck le, g iccril scitc e m tril cciiis h ug r h W a s P arm cy hiteis ofit iis Vt egil.ittis ccc m ic 1'i1tict 'li fieltdcick oreci or. iii tei utntl. FSthIe full citicihalf, bas EVERYTHING sliet litctygetcci. NEW 'ACC-even tie soreccciiiIcccnlcccscccccciaet itself is nets. We hareremodeled, lhe t clday is gathered 1 Sjticintlan-M place adiieallourins ocolli c raecfts, is i filicisrSlo.W it- and inspect what wo have. You ca't ccii. Wcccclicicos, .Slw, ccccr. \1".c. e, R. E. JOLLY, 308s Stte St.1ta 0isciscii.e-'issicicti EIcoliccrcl. lcr ______________________________________hercc, Ie~let, Woochlcce. Scmic th, liiti Is, lit ck. ieti c It fc, W l- WVE HAVE IT. etc. SI. hite, It. Wile.Illcris. Sis, RRlMNecl, It ccci fielti.Si ccccccccc11.0113, Witatover Youittitay IIt, Lacnttgilii, Scrrc. Neiucs. cciccts. need in thecoiles of Scycit. It is desirousit t ccjt Jut ci DI ccc itmicyic sthcccliicil mangccilcr LAOKTKTIS, slicichld lt i l i occccici.Ileroomiti N. L~I~RATO T5~7~lE ' floer ecc-ir fur theieYlcpilctiiii Nice TOILET GOOD(J, ; c',milcoctcis ao cloigcthelid re n ETC. , xressedi his inlinticicofinei ngcitcheli QIJ.RJ .V S istI,:lodacy. c1i21r~s rs asl m=_ ~. Opening Day fr tchle CiifS. CO. STATE ST. ad N. UNIVERSITY AVE. D~'IfI~iT~ and 'I'll(c, anniualccaddres pnig theli ciric jJU~.J1J iiicliil ccith luebyDr.DSi lec-s hor . lte adlirissesi ccie clocimaid bly 1DeaniiVic-- BOOKflJ ritrc I tc ,,1'iglicc uDrIs.ett. icry-Nci \7 Jt j'~ I~~ c tc c ith cliin, Lotldc, I trcfty ccit Mat di in, siilliig cioic a i ttci pirie-t ALL WE ASK IS A TRIAL tnt co ad juidging fron tli great cp- Students will find either of our eice cithi wricihevcery itrincg stores, Headquarters for Law fiehalcicccwcsicpromptily tocissiIupicoic I-iceicik rot, c'itusismistc cat ,ai and Medical Books, and all Unii higher pichcthanciiusual. Dean-tiu cig- verity Text Books. halccmiadtic ithc-thieiii'icic cwhen'i We offer some second - hand liec cadisedl temictoi ct lc-cstc' cr'fisi books at Low Prices. ciougcciltiich' ioice of cc rcccccccccccl'oi- A FWcRIES od focming icituertlil ithcitawclcc A FEW PRICES. ssdent. Ile' closed his addsctrcss icyin- White Wriing Paper 15 and 200 per lb troctneing Mlr. Pescot. Dri. Prescott Linen Writing Paper 20 and 25c " icwelt chiefly uponc the iiploracce of r } Ream (250) ..... ............25C reference reading in lte geieral Ii- Box of Envelopes (2501........5C Iciary. lHe also gave wcoris of paer. 100 Cards engraving and plate .$1.25 Best Student's Note Book.....20C ilcdvice to te ser students i re- First-class Founutaina Pen.....$1.00 gcrd to icctcis assocites tndth ie We sell drafting instruments acdslier numiceros miatters iso cwiic-I fresi- supplies at Special prices. cccii are rpt to go astray. The other Sweaters and Athletic Goods. professors spoke along te sice lines Before Buying Your Needs Try Us. touched uon by Dr. Preseols ad- tEE r S ooksore dress. Dr. Martin nade lie closing I p Town Down Town (STATE .ST. OPP. COURTHROUSE (DAILY FREE TODAY.- Colf Club Starts Off., rice annual meeting -of the Ann Arbor Rolf club was held lastc evening in lice icinni receptioic room, being for the ost part conmposedl of faculty muem- es, thongli the- students and cikizens fAnn Arbore cere not without repre- -nicifion. Before iproc-eeiig to the Iverkon of ofluccers ci comittce ecascclp- cimiii to dracft up cittitles of incor'- cecceicnindcciecte ciiinamesi- eicctccysee +c 1-i Sc, .1cad to ithcecpurpccsethalitcte tilt maicy cciie- and ccciii cc hift) cise. The vriouicts ri-porits slicced ithci wel 50ifeet tilep ciii beeic sunik tiponi ch' gtoiunds teiiid ccci cc ditch hacdi beeni ug tic drainu ic'elhazard ibefocre the tith hlie.icothc very trecccocimpirove- ticiis. (If lii'tine tiictes pliayedcTthe Fst yi-cir t1cc'iAttic orlic eamccchaccs ccci tlireet- cuse N%-itli clii V lice cc cud ly, .ictksiti caii Tolecioi clubts. ''he trcaisiirer-'s reporti csio\\-iii slI)Icu- Itichei elec-liccuofiffciccc"; thecficiltic- i- cre clicseti: SCoiii,ie'. Sit- I itiric'l sicrteciccy. ie. iticilyuc; tecis- ccci. Mir. icc ctt icboroti f lirecicits, Isr c''ri clzci. i-cc cs . _Shut istatd cl. sieera micioreclicitigitWcri cleil iili Irkyfticest.heiiicly-coitt cit ticli i ciicici cilcc c ciii cat 0c1 t-iChacitgci cc-c etcs e tic' tic t cii liislitii Ii cc S3 and. thitt cciori lis froihi 01.;115ct ;2.50. MICHIGAN'S NEW-COACHES. lead Coach Lea and Assistant ergen Take Hold with Vim. Mir. Iccngdon Lea, who has undr- cikeic to -teach fodibal at Michigan his year, comes with an eible rep- atloic scott on the gridironlie played tckle on the Princeton vlcum for the easoics of '92, '93, '94 and '9, bein oicired the Lut three of these yeara ay ac piccee on 'Caspar Whitney's Alt. imerictic tean. Dring te sesons of SO acnii '97 he Was with the cocching ,quad ct his alma cnaicter, acd in '9 caid 'll9 he acted cit ]lecc coach at the lamceiplace. His ability hacs long (been recogcnized cas i playec'and s a coach, itc -Michigain is to hbe congattulaed pottic-cecienerprise in securing hilt ervices. In ispeakig f this fie first itiy of pracctice ticcier his'tteicge.M1r. cca cuiii saiy only tiatcit'chcci there i f mccciaItcs very goodccibtt lhre 'is ot etnouighcfci t. Mcccietackles are eeidi. ednae gucards canii cmtre center. if these iist anccceci'there itas nt a, iccle c.ucciiihtte. andiiof gatris there rcee cutcirde, cilert-there shoicill bc IWce ctccit's ical. liii tbtcks civiriincatre' cut Mr..Sar. ic 1.it Begic, fcc umiily ittttcn as "A1lie," caii fioihiicc they Hacd, last 1191' ft-c practeice, nit cnciiof praise is ititilcis iof coaiteuic-a-nciihicinlinci tlii tic-curcni w cu-t iicligciuu.as art, Sic. ixcs anccitt ledy mtiinc ar. Sic.iBergen's fooutticll exieri- tcit tis Iii cined uitcci i cccior0 1111,is ict cchi as b h uty. Icclt Besno 7I helit-lireduarterbicuca cccin the- I 'rhtedii ir Itv.Bfici haIi mche lt wi u hi lcuis tecm lit oniithei re-ae-its Ini'92 Icc-pciy.d ci doabilelc clil(.hia1 t-ic--ic-uc IIic tueasn, Zll ci ofthcl S ccliacci ci Athlei Clubitiatsif Ni-itYorkCityli s vsll as pcayingmi culuh Cli tluniiitcth-~c lii i lbteuccocf 'Wasihingtcion. 'The cccli iug- cii icc-ecwucchedcitce lDe Lanety schooul uciocfl'hiladellphic, coutuiugucs inItthu fwo u ccceeding ycir Pa icchcc inniiciel. "Iliii Itchaou ccI seasonsttheispncccioaching in1ct ii- tirsit cut iriicic t-tea. atdtui11cr' ne year he cretundtteiI-c ettnty col, cc uric Iec this situcc eced it thie samcaiti palcelcit sformiely. I-tiis enggluchre forc-thitsisesontlo, ut icill trtu iiter uonhis dtis ucic nettuwcekl. 1cc dcc cuccccuuchc{'otut-I Lea lhalinuecdiiIchcim u t ci cccwck .c-iltii-.veryclfagoral-cc-T (ithiitli Nvorlieac-lcilluc-eingcat goodul.e says5, ds acl-iat iitiy octhe1colutle,-5 tutu iu- uc-cait i-a ifthic ccit. Ther- is cctwais ccciin howeveciusicc-c 'tlhisds tage 'of tlie -,itnecc foci-umoruc-icccc.ciik]eeyone ctill ec- clt shair cu tctclo. A Talk to Football Candidaes. List nigit ac ceetintg itt clli c-c- dateis for te footbllitiamcs cias ield icii-a he yitnasiiumit. Abot 40 cuen i- tlliicii-i to lie call. CoacrestLecaund Ber-geucouilinueci a nuumber of ply9s and I-ctthe ciok lit-ecmt-uinto-s lie exercise roomsuctndccuclit themcthtroughc I-ie icays. Dlirec-flor Fitzpactrick gave-c solce ad- vcei' i regardl tcctraiing and cecpha- sizedc the nec-ecssityi of stil ic hhercuice Icc uc'gsliihdcs. 'Coachi Bergrucistuecia iall fr cctuceeig of all quatic'erbacck Candccidactes fcr fodhay acit a, c.it. J uigie S'm. hR. Day ofCitanitonc, ., formruci-secre-tary-~ of sI-tie, andc one osf lice AS eccccan:Sanisl pecce comsmis- sionc is mentioned as a probable Momn- lie of the 'Chinese counnissin. is ill-hea-clthc, host-ccer, is cc seriocs cosid- erustious cwhichlcmight iceaidhhim to de- clie if offered ac omsissisership. -ulo Day is cc graduate of lie uni- versity. (JAir. NEIuL SNIt--c. Molders of Felloshlips. liii- Nulsu. hlclcuc".t Co. I-fccccllic in Cheitryui. cuhciclhviccu cmcccccici ic L. 5W. Ft-accicc-, ct u VS lccuiccci1Icy thei fcuityubut still acicucula iii- ucitifi- c~tolcci lheii-entgucs. ccliii cc-ill mtt itt ai I-c-tcci-eks. I'. 1. Slu-uill. hlucdcrccu liii-Suc-ters' I-c-hicicthhip las 'ct . Iccihs accep-d ac profetssorcsichis incemitry iccacNoruthc Sti-dliuuteoI cchc--ecclii sciltir5 ot t1 l50. 11cc- Otis 1I-hih ccidug Vllocesiip gi-icy iii She i-icigccct Gistscitilon is to iehldthilis cii ic y 15ccuccucu Ruisselil. 'lt-cciustcuuc-ticcg -'ellowshtiipsilcliche iHighcer aCmmeciacismucj('Isicess hcaie bcecicgis-eu to hiarlowctS. IPerson c(S..i 1900() ucLand ohn cS. Shi-h'lligutt ('001). 'Thec'Iuollbwcsiiic litcAnmericantHistocry hs ihldicy ASsW5inifredS Benail, '99,f dccica;icc -- 'ieroflPo. Ilitiucl. ioulasucr Pil'"Sly, '001 1, is lctcl a1 ('iCnnon,0.. iun ite uitmcitILynchi, llccy & Dacy. Bills ie-er-sucilincotun tusiciciccciiid gadchcad ctill :ic'icissedl aurundsi thlc ampiutls this y'll'. DAILY FREE TODAY.