r, Saw a frehrnan going down the street this morning with
his hands chucked way down in his pockets. Can't blame
him? Yes you can -if be wore A pair of our yarn knit
' gloves there would have been no cause fox comment.
50c TO 75c
-The Niagara Falls Route.' Uentil you se the special 24 inch case we offer until { To .Pe iteI 10. Fn
Taking effect September to, 1900I Watch Repairig a Speciaty.
letrit Ni$$1 s 4EAT 5 :uer .. A. XII,
Ata.i er. . $35l11 ,AM JEWELER
Grand Rpi a. ipre. ,.___......._________10______
M~ailandxEprs. . .... 3 it.
NT.Y. Botnn cii. . .4C8 All Leather, Stel Frame, 3 l inges, Bass Lock
Fat Eatrna. ...9
Goad ONGWEST, and Bolts, Irish Linen Lined,
ld sies. .......8 40 A. Y.{
F'ag VWeorn E pe l'..S. 1R 1'; ~ (..C1V Ir. 3i ^ xfA 5o t.1$l.Pin with every
A. R. and W l NExres..:.as5sb3 I -i~n~et15t 11.UownoAarm (lcet
Parife Espe 'r .t ..:.19 oA. .I rllettqssrerrafor frunks,Vaises, Telescopes, Suit (als, Lt. ll ner
5earainTlekes al Cae 1e, to and froms 2a22 224 So. Main St. Basement Dept. i Wmi, Arn61d, Jeweler
en mp an poinnt atalewnil r.l-. -all--n.--
'.. fiT. Agt. C~II 0. ~ Wrelyan Guild Lecture, fThean From Mexico Again Tnight ITO
'lhis ososrnld nuls.r if 0lie s o u the ins romin Mxto pIi 0volto'saNEW'
0(11111ti eelure (outs ewill te gven laind house lont nght and Os. -
j u(xt inndy uahered 'a crowdedt howse It i siteSTU DENTS.-
IThe isslurer 'wll bi Dr. 4. Parke' cleanes, rbrightest ut nimot ejoy abis
(Lidlisoinad le willtke 'fo' his sub-Play thaisithasbeen On thi e lad st ANDI 0) ' ,lA Or. U aALSO.
jr'( ' h. ueCotalt of christian the Athen ot many longI uy, Thus «e are eter pepared than ever
Txxb~ :iME TBLE .;1)0oceiii rhouglt. .Xoion,nit tife.'tDr. plot is extremiely interestig andsetgv the letfocargeerie
Takng Effect, rna a, Slay 21, 1899. 1Cdmisas ctor aci the flsl[topolit iu siuuationssar irr s'isilsy funny asd h d' .worh
rTln IeA rr yCnta tand 'eslde New York ,ity. Isulihble. 'hre is no a s ugg,slv' rtie
sad~I Tlh.T ocinie will e given a i sheVst')line in it, bul ue lay is full liithe coaches to our sleek
5OCT i oT51 __Mthoistilusrch. scottluelsi vfuniny sslliesos H lmsVN.&-72A.S INo- rtt . lwi ejyarc pysnt.x o'Pioc ......
N. -150A. 'No.5n-1aos301?5. Tiis.Itcu Frosi ittexisos sill i laugh wiin bet theis'Athentonigt. 'PHONE 106, 515 E. LIBERTY ST.
No. .- Sw . I. No. a 1. n+, ~ ss ~uigs.Oui' F sris n th il l'
Ne.. - sOQ r. , No. 1il-ass03. us. itissiatl l l I al 1 J.It t11 IIth tteTO , '
isalsstse mot pio, ible sut of a atial
'un b etweecAso Arbor and Tolesdo nly l ola ,oeAtRSV ongltht~f s iitneyanUn.
All trai n s Alv exeptSnday. ssuil iroa t}E S Isigt siti oficf iiesly sit'n.
sonds e I S Ar. crone sIrinmgion, '13, i st ord os
W aH a 'NNETT IC.P.A I'YOU h OUOLD) E }IAPPY, bhe part of Shierft Cook cd plays the .
VOU KE to lrfection. Tl. swhle r o-
HMUCKING VALLEY RY, hey o'l tgeis, Ise; tiereisesh, fly. h tet( 0 Intotay's ridfrns oa s. L .
R(I.ts oseunDI. lopkns of Anbtsun, lobe susuiutngeinnt scud will have sectIons -o1
The Rairoad that takes, the V. 1 will preach~ at the Csngregational1 reseov e I for thaun. Seal4s; ii sle at 3
Business In and Out cc Sl'sudriy eveing. shibed: '"To tszl Pocl T"egtissjuh e,
ofItcia. 1Sie rt ev"Tt.sro ilSOID VESTIBULE TANS i~l}Psl l "1. ily is young Pepl. iclycle I11aying Cards and Poker
oDAILYBTE OI hp'at Shallers Bokstor, Mat t.. 5 ' C
Its nurs usFine work, prompt dliv.-'Tle lace to ho, yos jeoelryi ss
TO.L.EDOI, O, LNS. BUS ery; done by the Toledo 11 ndy C. I A Lt.R1' .0"
and ATHENS. Cal L.. Wagnuer. elt,121 S. ataln. 5 .eI,,-
W.L ue, L ;Lnmn -sFaKsS alr ihte0 A. 0. TarA . _ Ivt $3 lilt tuade!the 111s5'ird. cPol]f Mtsi' for'he 'paseiht IDOUL lot' It,1HOUR
4 ioniwsinol0i. Dtroit. l eli. W1 adhal, Ita'.n & Rele,.solelag t. y r, may befosnd hi a. i itbher Buftcentr f t aionllen stilt at
stuioI, nrt 35 So. DvsionStTrmstank's for lo hoi eb I Iandi fresk
Detroit, Ypsilantl antI-Ann Ar- Art Pi'elurs for students' rooms, at r( solule. MoWals tried fuom' of hsrge. candies and oy. lit, .erved in any
bor Rahlway. silltiBulloisire, 116 So. Atale s.t tyl~e at eiter store.
Cans I av forhiDetrot and Ypsilanti -______- 2 1T1- Washnton,"MSo.e Se.{
every hat our, eginning at 7:15 a: m. Watermnloi' Isioglnll aountan I N N ES IS ClOMING. -___
untQ 7:45 p.i.; After that to Detroit Pos 0ccin ealr oktr.-.- -- - ----
at 845 p. i., :45 p. em.and 11:15 p . ._____1___ lurech Isea u. snkof ltiii ickBokokstore _r~rs
Waiting room, 'erect Ann and Main fuyyorI is a itHalr lts tilltbe aetiong of S the ( ikwc ilaroalr
st. rsodo e ieoveiy Stre. C, tRegtltiion i bios listleol
MONEY LOANIED I -Beoilicor11 Cshionsn.
ostle tean 015caesid oneIc 1 lii 'NewS Doiii sue I iishivs the Harrliii.I' Mihae, '9 lwi'ry viin Eerythi~g New sad
Liberty sreet Altibsilonessconfldentil procp s tz' ot latind y wok For it elcte~.d t so l 0/?1of' t cniuselttorneySrictI~ly t-Oale.
pout. 5I ssJOSEPa C WATSst u 'SIIl,15 . nI (tPi lI~~usssyK' 707N.Unsvetsty Ae. Ann Arbor
--. an. -- -
.L~.._, ~xJ1.1_t..y.l..:L '11L~l +rM1YL~f~ll__L.~iL.'- 1...iyL _I_.]1, .L1.. . ---j
BY--- SEE THE ~.O~1.SO
lt.. ju LJ u Ltues #ii yi SL1F S1lFtILd,-LLnnL
s a -
[ t [ SQUT" INIAIN S'r klEET
'uL uiru'VwtJ'i.r -r° " '- - " t -
tflltuinu 1ucmLnbiiia!'~'1'.t1T11
ENOC OITWE E alm an Unverity613 East William 1Street IetrJ rtoehntMakwestwu
ENOCHUIETEL Emblmer ndsalaw buildlag, All kinds in
212 ,.Fourth Ave., Both 'Phones Shoe Shop ° ° jar lallydbr. £Z~. LIIPhoto