TEE UMVYEESI IY OF M~ICBIOAN~ DAILY.3 _. ?3 rtr F arfr frF rFF#iEEE IFEKrEtEfr rEE &EEiFFEEiFrrE - E Fi'r9F lE= e rMirr-Crev- r.CE:*.CE:FIEaEIEa:Cimpmf vrp- :vwc.F r wl:s lmits vtc:S.;6'& tc: . flan's Wardrobe Tn.cludes .no. more necess'a' bis winter overcoat. Some little difference in * haps you would like to ex patterns. You may,--if you - - - - - - - - -__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - c.c'vc s cc ss :«s.4E EE "E!'ER:E ':7lEID C'!' siF; : :dt: '"R . 'i'! !.!' . ' : Y article' this seas amine oua 1Can, 3'11 heedays than on's cut. P'er- \ iassortment of G Tailors for Young Mefn :., 110 WASHINGTON f~,: . 3k 1t?, i 3 3 i3 3? 3: 3 3 3 t-3::3 . 3 : titi:3 : 3 3:3 :3i :3 3t :3 i 3: ?,1 3:3 3 9 i 3 :9 3 3:33 3 X ' ;3 ; MICHIGAN CENTRAL g + &The Niagara Fails Route." HE 4R CENTRAL STANDARD TIMfE. . o n h lora Taking effect September so, 10igoo001 heflora GOING RAW.709 N. UNIVERSITY AVENUE Detroit Night Express .........aS 5t A. a. Atlantic Expres..' ........ . 74 3 We have on our tables an Etr~ New Line Grand Rapaids, mpers.... ....11at ala inf Eut n tr y Mail and Eprss........ . ... 47P.m.±o Fl ndWnerSiigs. N.Y BsonSeiai ...........480i ilPyYut e s Fast Easrn . . . .9iWl4Py3out'Se"s Maim ad .res .... 0 $40A.m. Gono. nn hl pes ......9438I OhicaoNit ~ Expresso..........93 "ARTISTIC TAILORS., Steanhin hclots. all Classeso and from 4+~*+~4+.OiOOiO.I.O.4O.4OI+4.OO.~. = ' t i ti--- - 3 g - Auropean points at lowest rates. Full infor.I .oation on application. O. W.lttJ GOLE.S, 1H.W. ho d. P. & TAgI., Chicago. Ay't Ann Arbor. TIME TABLE Taking Effect, Sundtay, May 21, 1899. Trains leave Anin Arbor by Central Stand. ard Time. SOtUTHiNORTH *o.0&- 7.21 A. M1. NO. .- 8:10 A. Al. No. 2-11:33 A. M., 'No. 5-12:34 P. 01. No. 4.- 8:31 r. ar. No. .-0,4:56r. m. No, 102-8:01 P. X. ~o. 101-9:05 AM. 'Run betwee Ann Arbor and Toledlo only All tratnn daliy except Sunday. iSundos Only. W. T. WILLS, Agent. W H1. BENNETT . PA- HOCKING VALLEY RY. The Railroad that takes the Business In and Out of AMichigan. ;. :SOLID VESTIBUE TRAINS 4 DAILY BETWEEN 41 TOLEDO, COLUfIBUS and ATHIENS. W0. H. Fisbe, L. W. Landman. G., P. A. (i Trav. Aft Univ. Y. M. C. A. Notes. Harry E. :Michael, '954 lw, has ben - (cleci to the orrice of county attorney Muc i iilcito t is being takby the Leaiveniworii county, Kor. l Yo)ungR iiaof the IUniversity in the Eno LgdCiaad gai f mleeigs of this week~. Only two of BEllaoys atgOdEiga"aS. gam o iiiese Ilicetlgs yet remain, oustcl every. ilado-OEM 0110 should ilioko' an o~ffort. to tittend Cueiiwi ltero h It'ev. M. Niiide wil speak to nieuO S.1L. A. Course on Wi dtiesclay, Jall. 1). next Sudaoytat 3 o'clock In tho Metho- "~i--te'rlent ubne. dist church. To tiuoe who hiave heard hint1 Rtev. Niinde ieedt3 no special intro- New ineckbandtss aidoll mending donei duictioni,and those who have not hieatrdattu'urlLudyteeochg. tutu should not full to do so ttxi~:. Stt 3n-atheurl14myfee-fcrg. slay oliternoon. Epr ac earra olrs Ece(ry effort isossible ito:being ibadle Eietwiairpieso alr to resair thoe ieatingan ott In MuMI Wadlhais, Ryan & Menlo arc sole 1:an hall, and prolmobly it will be agents for YpsIlanti 'tnuerwesi. Ini runining ordter within o few clays, Mfeanwhile tuie reading tables will tbo It yea wlaoii to keep accurate time at foundI_________hall a footbsall game, get a stop watchl at itate you011 seen the '"Fraternity Tab. Ilaile's Jewelry Store ourets t" The finest monograph and other Eni- vemoity fancy letier paper aind pads in INN1E1S IS COSMING. the city. All styles. Se'ballrs Bookt- store, 114) So. Main st. There twill -be -a meeting of the 1903 ________ g ;irls .Fridoay afternoon, at 4:15, Rtoom If you want your watch repaired fC. HIALLER will do it right. >Soft stAash >e pr et an uat. the hItuial D. Wilbet B. llinsdale, dean of cue Laundty. hotoeopathic department, Is prepar l I ___________________________ paper ettitledi Th-e Evolution of thes LAVfT WITTT tot T, LkX from the Priest, t"BELL -BRAND"~ ttnndoin 'and (ull '1< Strings costs you no more thatiafetio bS A+ T~ ilE s Sbshebherle MuicStore, 411W. Liberty SI. Ann Arbor. FREE A tea;13. at;(*.}PIn with every 61.5 Seknlbloraf sAlarm Clod. Oaring October. Wnm, Arild1; -Jeweler NEW STUDEN'TS. A NoH1 0t3) NO r ALSO. We are better ppsafc-d than eves to give thc best., Jf carriage service, having added two rubber tired coaches to our stohi. Holmes Livery 'PHONE.06, 5,E.LIBERTY ST. IDOL OF IME HOURt But center of attraction is still m4 Hank's for bot chocolate and fresh candles and( oysters, slwed In any style at either tore, 200 B. VSaslilngton. 'hit:11o.State, Pickwick BilliarO.Parlors, itegutitos Siehin Son, a rch (Cushions, Everything New and, Strietfy U-to-Date. 707 N. Un'versity-Avf. Ann Arbor Oolmusu, usa!o Detroit. meeli. CIt, 301U 55U, )N1:1) xICE I5Ait', D bri orp aniad n r-Ioyal Tigers, t0e; Tig ereties, 5c. Case eefroit, etrola tad Y lnti Wlt iAr-,fone f h an orRailway. every hailf our, neginning at 7:15 a. in. Fuirnusees of IPatsbyurg, Pa., says: "Se- untfi 7:45 p. in. After tbat to Detroit borlue" stogyped nmy hair fajlling Out at 8,45 p. m..., 9:45 p. mn.anod 11:15 p n.alderdaiitItrI*'ge.o Waiting room, corner Ann and Mamindcdurfoed a sost d steemieaso stet ;Detroit. 11 Griswold et. - adrfi letI fier Liersi oe-rmed ie MONEY LOANED toOIlny one suffering fromn~i-eapular dlx- on Watehes, lDiaaondo.Wbeeio and other Per- ,eases." Wle i)uor hundreda of ,tetlmo- sonal 'Property, Office at residence, 8