THE UJNIVERISITY Oi MICHIGAN DAILY TALES OF THEl EX=TANKS A Book of Hlard Luck Stories By OLARK 'co.Lotfp (YL 2KE N R-e-published fromu the.- Sunday edition of the New York Sun "Any man whe can. appreciate a a good thing and faits to read this book, will be camping ot-that's all." FOR SALE: BY Sheehan & O. 320 S. STATE STREET, You can get 'a HOT LUNCHn AT TUTLE]'S Buzrchffield's Fine Taoring .ra. . Our sartorial skill is eqpal to the best in the state of Michigan, EXCEPTING NONE. ARTIST'ICALLT I'NECflANICALLX We will be glad to proveit to you, Truly Yours, S. BUROHFIELD' 106 E. Huron CALKINS' CUT GLASS. Dainty presents for ans lady. See them in window. NOI15 Onr Entire Stock 60ot (Ajik Honro tCh0o ANN ARORls RANCH3 OPPOSITE LAW BUILDING, 340 S. STATE Car.Nan and Haron Strets. Capital, 150,Odd Snrpln,$35,00. ransacte. rwnw 1%. 1-- PIRIMmErw SSALALW-arm rr e liRentschlet, the IIObotographer. 'W~hen ,NWalter IF: Pe rkin4 and Tihenc its merits: Fine soork, iolupt dcliV- (IalProm Meico o o' '1' ite Athens o rey; clonae by tioe ToledoLa-undry Co. 4138Sandia State. S. n e Ae a tm \O, . ioo, Jtt11 iL lltne lat.;. 1\ 0t~b. agent'at, J.t '. 00a1n. general canning nis4 Will hold full savoy an(1 laughter drive R________ , Knxrr, Pres. C. N. GCaNa, ViCC-Pren dtull (pare a0way; 0 itirle of f11t and biet $3 hatmaode is the Howard. FRED. I01 BEtLSEa.Canhier. B ujitltol biig-hi, like hilwmnili sttr-, 'i11Wadliomls, Ryan & Bottle, Sole agents. o n roCdsR illt vl irete;js a IS NATIONAL BANK Ordga nzeasM IC ( C . tatkiti. et'ar(1 rdle 1111o leite 'off Art Pietures for studlents' rooms.', at 'Capital, e5100,000. Sarpius and Prfits; ,000dd L E{'oltlr ttere. SllotIeet a ltrrelo $rittlltr's iookstore, 1163 So. lMtain of. 'Tfrasacts a genteral 5bcnkingtustness. Faoridn BARtI S Itvea r own, t1Xt1ut1WaNlter Perkins- cochange ouglhtad sao. Furntrh lasterr o B AI~~~GAI NS ~ coniesto towt, It.-Is t ttlao1lb thes v-Complete line "Adler fall suits ttnd acne'it.oos ct Al 5.0 ~JN inOaen $4gtrace 1to' atltitl tsuctelt k~sovercoats at Wadhanis, hRyan l& Reutle. Vc-rl 10J Storting 29 t--a--t-lreuo('toc ____________ LROGd0 tt $,35 Fowlerr24 1p tloStastge, lit ptat rtos,' littelest to Itialicro reiltariou foe liig1lassel-tooL engage, a t sittile gwes rotund tndi'ten a waotch and jewelry eepairing lets been IN110 in fir Mor SavlnUs Bank Attd mniy otlier'. (aliland dse ttemn.laught.ttqip il't fitt eltstllieli ttluft; establishted sinre 1858. ' I Capitol Stock.$SO,000. Ott p1tt', 5150,00 tI SILIRSCCEEPRUlit ' Itofit01 (oh1 ltttttgo ittt to' like_ eot 4.souctesle$r1,5 ac0n00 la. STABLER 'S C CLE E ST. 9 rte ktiss ltcttf11 i l t hllt ttt sttt t tittit lt1 I l(.)1 tttt)(l(ltt i I 'let itt tltt lI t e lhstate t tlcFcilt cil tat ci l a nd e at 119 AS1IW.T WttteSHtI l'tTatOt sStT.,tiexctredatfge on beetithet Ilptliitlit Ittsttticitiesllttt nsflItitherot 1rbtalioalo 0RANUliIR's ADVANCED CLASS tot ttttte neverderots; btkeepslt es tnt'to lg.Tleet'oet'= ttln 111o st't' filt dotety deposit toxes toret OretecustChristalack eoe.;'es W. D.Haerr- 1ng inthe i'tltlIttillt ' I iilly l y isYto Arbtor ttslt'(itto.VI'tsttito tot"lI. . mantVice -Pr'es. t ChIto. N. Itisocit. Cotstie;lt. "I'low ie.1 .( te net ' -wlr ' o t el ote t.i JT~ftS .t'ely . 1 riteAsitant Cathie iJ1RNDi sit:ItcIlttttllty ".Il11t>1l Isot e tot."' «. J.iBOTH, 150. cn' U~do aitte ti 03hiatt lbtognn C' Ve setlt"1 te te tin o. -U-od't ttoey are oohler' .Nsi~3\ dVicpo lttliil'.I rattlets a11111('ittis. t'nts for TYpsilati uttdcew'er,'lratsactsagetieral ___________________-1iallklltg tttsineao.' } Vtttgttltttolonattliat ttt 111 Fonai oIles t'ec Ott tiittI. ____ " f ns,-$1eac fit;Settatie's IBookstor'e. l ato'oitt tl I lrlii n t tIi prop' rntx aO C. E. IIARTI ELL,'"Agent, Jlewet'ty Sroine. ,j26S. Stante . Arn, rbnr '11th t Luiceoto l es t intner:;lit il(tterte W"TrN' oig) I t1)lttoltiI t t'l'ttltttt. 'ritles furntished fot'sptreasitarties Ii Nts lttllesoe l~t~iit 'oltedtntbtalls. Goot Service, rlt tabl e h . h 1e lL~olls~i l+lnsllisthe 11liO~itilctts tild OTtati' cootpittg;; 111' Comt itr Moea 5 tdtLwfh cit t 1itpe~eta r fo iaotndt'y sork. ix.rit sit'. 'lii':CAMlPUS,-I 717 'lonittson . t...ttee, 1S21 me . fitO. its Ir rs S. 'tttt, tit lt 'o fT 4 C4D VE 1flevrteriolaying Cards anatiPoker =4t1