THE UDMVEBSflY OF ?M(BIGAT DLAILY.3 3 " SALE OF... MEN'S SHIRTS A large assortment of Stiff Bosom Fancy Shirts, regular S $1.50 values, sold by all other A dealers at this price, our extra- A .9 c E c ordinary purchase enables us ~ 9 C E c to place them on sale . - - - - - Best percales, latest. vertical stripes and, desigas- blues, ~ grays,. helios and nect style, pocket nek nd, ncot retainer, pair A .61ic0edcuffs with each, sizes -13 t6 17. GOODSPEED'S 117 MAIN ST. S. MICHIGAN CENTRAL -The Niagsra Falls Routs." CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. Taking effect September s o, go Detroit Night TEapres ..........1 55 A. X. Atlantic Express ........75 4 Grand Rapids Express ... It. tO..1 1 Mail and Expres........3 47P. 1!. Y. Boston Special ..........0458" Fast Eastern ..... ......9 43" Mail and Expres............8 40 A. Isf. Boston, N. Y. and Chicago.........943" par- Western Expres..........t1 38 P. x. 0.R. and Yl. Epress......... 545" Chicago Nght Expres...0....9435 'aeildeREpress..............12 3SiA. M. Steamship Tickets, alt Classes, to aned rorn aEropan palnte at towest raten. Fual infar- smation on application. oW. R GGLE.S. H.W.leaxco Q.P. & Ag~t, Chicago. Ac't Ano Asbor. TIME TABLE Taking Effect, Setnday, ptay 21, 5899. 'trains leave Ann Arbor ty Central Stand. arl Time. SOUTH NORTH tNoe .- 7:15 A. MI. No. 1.- 8:16 A. It. No. 2.-11:30 A. St. *No. 5.-12:30 P. as. No. .- 8 :35 P'. sr. No. 3.- 4:56 No. 10.805 r. _t. Ne. 101-9:05 A. O. *Run betwee Anon Arbor and Toledo only. All trains daily except Sunday. sunadays only. W. T. WILLS. Agent. W H. EENNETT, 0. P. A" HOCKING VALLEY RY. The Railroad that takes -the Business In and Out of Michigan. SOLID VESTIBULE TRAINS 4 DAILY BETWEEN 4 TOLEDO, COLUM~BUS and ATHENS. W. H. Fisher, L. W. Landmana, G. 1'. A. G. Trav. Agt. Columnbus, Ohio. Detroit. Rich. i DON'T BUY SUIT CASES Until you see the special 24 inch case we offer sutil Thtanksgiving at $35 All Leather, Steel Frame, 3 Il-iges, Brass Lock and Bolts, Irish Linen Lined. MFRCK & COMRF\NY Hteadquarters for Trunks, Valises, Teirseopes, sunit Casees, Etc. 222 = X24 So. Main St. Basement Dept. Alarm Clo0cks $1I. U. of M. Pise o $1.00. Fins Watch Repairing' a Specialty. J, 1. CHAPMAN, JEWELER, 206'SInalsa SBouth. FREE A . -U.:aSatt. Plo with every t. sa; i h Itsno8Alarm Cloc, Dt rlog OQctober. Wmn, Arnold, Jeweler. Junior Hop Coamnittee. Senator CushmansK. Davis Very Low1O lii: l::i :s-rriii i-s '11a0l itlep oilts G(.' an llllK. Davis, 'ti7, eltor -froulNE'A lav:-:-lo~oed the: f::ll::till, lltlettot f llnacoota, antd ott ofotMichigan's anost the y:-:0Jutnio:r h1p:11~)ntOlttte: IroIilillelra lumn~i, is lying at the point STU.DENT, I 5:-ut-nil :t::itnlatt-I1lli::5 NZeta. Psi. of dosatli t liisine ~intllSi. Pautl. He LreItSttt tr--hlrtslet, Ilo-eaitldo-tt. aliesu ffeing forstrktr1 ilne -ithi AND I tab,0Oj) ONES ,ts:'ot:::y-$iil:.11:1::lta IiIlpltt: Hp Ilioisonin01051g intetarttot. Two.da:'s We are better 'prepared than ever sio,. ags lat n Dr.lllIiono hekdcy to give the, best of carriage service, lItepsi ionnl:l lit: :w(--: set 11in 11an Dr. itr y, lie faous~n (lalii i l l:rt:r, lxI~~ i :-it:: bell- . ( llIc 0 5111u.0eo1, NsotcaslledliISCoansu~l- having added twco rubber tired att, lph.01111: .1:Phi,5:.ii iotl Ite has t1lwpes of retovry ,coaches to our stock. Art1Stlgtlllettx tttlilltts lee l oi, Phi tfor his tpatiet. 0 nirat0I~ K~Tlllplpsi, -l>trltt 'ro ldt S seistts: laCsx,10:15 (Ill- HolmeSs Li5very :1111 li ailtI Wott, lits-ta ieltas l"11. t ilallioIOltl 1:1.i iegotiatad Vitle H NE 16 15E IERTY ST. his i:::ti ltla14litt is I:, Phi Doltl a etrem:y t:it S "isln. Ioisi'aat 1:res- . " " " '1ll::tai. tlail~~il:a:: : lt:,vral, It:-e it - -11 t'a e t I(hirni II tf the 011:110te oii inlitlee ,i II Illrtl.:t:ln, tltl. l: i 7111.ha' I fr"gl , yfiit lt n Meno tIr e s- Defit : t~ltlltttlll tteeil~t ti}'t 1- 11t yoosa ts r toil()ti so d ew 'i; or. l- nia. .Alpha EJ.ilollwish1;itsllo1ts; sc rtrlt'I111110 al - Dot 1(3 IlnATRADo, I'lY5l IL s ooit.gano-totaalt-' ils- to i agenis ror Y;pies-its,' 111kcsJwlynto re er 151 o:11t-xy111:- It Lii' ttlot la~tlglap . tl olac T n 7 ttI~~lia~tl- tore Tot 3:1s illl~aitr or.itya1leis -toike p aecurate tmealt - ) t k t 51 a.5111 your tl g oily. ,,ll etlyl ss. p haller' lil:ats;f is-rs- iTheoalstinIit: lt ottesls stl (XilooT p n dsssu' (othegli . 4 v lat-t alls esycaira______________slty papr faaF, etter 'na padsinf r :1: Furn~iture s trtsrons:11111dotyour rpeltyAltwll Mdoeit Sii Butk- ceny tl f ttacio I sal s Detroit, Ypsilanti and Ann Ar- bor Railway. - - WiliallI Cl:r.,fouttllioflie Carl-ie Caes leave for Detroit and YpsilantilFr tot' jaPIill~tilrg.l, iays "Se- every halft our, osginning at 7:15 a. m.Isre'ioltt ayhaifsligou unstl- 7:4355. o.; After that to Detroit 31111 curotl :i 111:1:t dli rri-osss casie of! at 8:45 p. in., 9:45 p. to. and 11:11 p. mo. daldrilff laifiesevertloltall e Sslllillij Waiking rom, corner Annan ai1:11iie. lisriytatltss1 t te:Detroit. 111 Griswold ot.nd Oin l !tl;y 0110l011ff 0rili5frll o- : lptular (dii.. - .sos.: We lleavIr lldis l1of il-itittno- MONEY LOANED 1110011 ohs tlo-ll sfrol en Watches, Dianoonds,Wheele and ether Per- uil ~cta hs 'lrtc> o oe sonal. Proerty. Office at rsoidence 311 E. it (':Olkis' Iltrg store. tf Liberty stres-s. Atlibtainssconiclentia. ______ Hears. iS to1:3an. and 1 to 3:30 nd 7toll p. to. JOSEPH C. WATTS Exper~t Nwatch reptairert alllers. 11roll 110810.tre n1100 ly01 11 l lale -teds iut P1811 olil ailtry- lailtdpoin~t tile bsts 10 11",. (o arly a1.CiieltO line Of in strict- frlil 113 0.ox15. Oiur itrass teds st-c wlrrllii ttabetall 1Liquotr. Wet-h15ve :. I11:10 as-001lilttut of show itll. is 11l 1 \ l .IAI1LACI .. Hank's for holy chlatse andi fresh candies and oyiters,.served In any style at either son-e. 2001li0. Waoslalseton. 31143 Si. States Pickwick Billiard Parlors, P-1 'ltlioni Sic:- P.ltbt s Miolw'lch C'tashlis. Everything New and Striottj IUp-to-Dat. 707 N. University ovr. Ann Arbor BOYS---SEE THE (J. OF ri. SHOE I,65 PURITAN SHOE COMPANY, .0 ]mS SOUTH ChAIN STRdE Tsss SOUUTH fMAIN STR =U.Q i o t Bare r ace Massagre aENC iE RL Emaer U ie it 613 East W11l1om Street ' I peclalty. Firs NC IEEL Funeral Director U iveyolalwbhoIdinb1AllWss Fn Shop an d Bath Casfaon.asWork and -22 ,h~ I ute-hl stFn 901aS.Furh veaBthThne S oeS orofrepelatlrttihy done. a d Rootu , 3&22STATS.J.5R. T rjaseashi MBDIIr OB hp Lambert.J Photos WE PATRIONIDYEAR' &LvS D RU Gr$TGRE-