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November 15, 1900 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1900-11-15

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-- (Continue from fit pooe)
Published Daily (Modays rcpeddrigftie 000 lhin liii' itifoul't of tle sfli~flii'iii' , OTili ifOBIR , HET D
college yearat lon; hi eore, this reeiliofi is gven i iS-IK H T
THE UNIVERSIIY OF MICIGAN spee rio::.'1fo1-le Citiens. Then ito the
MAIN OFFIcE BNsCHiOIEev rlthforth anua eonilece- This mas of clothing s cn-
Argus Bldg. Main St. 330 S. St tiSret. leo '01 of 't e 'raiiig School likeSfndt B ti on and 18ti
Both 'Pionen 13. NwStatePloo 182. f11 Tfliins }cll' there -re ie 'oti ne o sintistwn-h
I 15 l'iiO eltooe hat the swellest tailors' cretions for Fall
Practice Good Rt Whole Teams Not i'iiiii'oi' il'S eeio chlanged from (WI) 1to wear.
Playhig Yet. threeyear. Ater the eonieneenent
x. . isi 5. 'whihlirhe to he hld i i feh
nlll' yu e, a receptiowl 1l le given SUiS $15.00 tO 25.00.
The Prosper)') for runing it plafrge infie le os' Home 1(1 the stliis of
;oe, giiisNtr om otilay l'he (de patfiefit nd their friends. St- (I uvercoatsa' $z6 to 3.
aw ysuminn.tierevery 4ifiy 110 our wolhes trio;y ftetnoii the lissiiftalibe
the pract antd notes ('le ieinreasiig oei oli all t tufi ntsfi l hi e UOfC ii iver-
111ilde of Cfipples. 1Seeey has ndt ly.E
pared illuniiform olne tlie Iowva Bi Ore UN D EN1SCW' Vi, 1TT
ameo ingnoendo iot i le. Woi''ld gOrerPlaced for Dailies.
snu t Wilsoit have enried the gomie MrII. . I T'ti-ii niiiiof te lf puiii'is
agai intt neither has recovered enClbltwe!pudaodrfoCO PL E
lirely fomns fis Injry. itoggs haeciil iiwe ia'i i re o 1
lioei i fc'boefinfrvle rieli of the Dal).y. 1Tis speaks iell p:bn t i aIboe nl e~ 1i ohfrlt1rtyi n h'aly
Ttedynind will pr(Tiyipa y. n le keot h e a ps(]ilhslnbe (ig O
of (lehie Stiiiihiy n lstbr ho te sth'l e ('l l 'iiiloisluncefft reeog
fot ifeast, ('.pt. ic. iol' still lesi i'niA boirii he liiig iri f ho kiiiiCTFORS =
ttes to uer lii' srim fu1ofige lii to ta leslfor le atilet i' f 10 i'Q i t ielt RS IP C U E
hbe .(oiit0 fiislikin('e. Wi1h suchtOO PIT R FAMN
lik e ly lis t f tli le s i e -i g fi w ill c lu b iM a k i i ig t . ( a iil ic a l i iifo iic h f-P C U R R M N
nthaveiis -lsy going violteileiiiol i iinite s.i'h l iisl t-i fi 'iw i t iteAND
from 'Note inne U ttlisit'ifs hafoitetscuill egi' iil' ,fesh ion le tabli
see ot ciotd.evry (ily, is no siiall aivaifligtbi' 0te IS J N
hneoa pimeo. liieti ( nyspit" Th'l'tii uly felilgiited for this I W. I
lis fat the cowdttof isitt'i's lu'i'scMSe ve).r ei ilacedi'gi't sftia'ndiif st 0S 22S Mi t EFIE'ATSOE
yeserday by a hiundreid per eft over O11 e i'ri'r tilif i ili i uIoipl is.iii
stiltdpg ~ r. ioh ;playeul as offstt f ro a fil'iifii log aly ayivheie'iiile 217 S 4th AVE. ANN ARBOR.
ff05500 he til wlaed 'iitfiit,. gi' ut rii yr. AMr. trt'Idiilinis u tiru-uf' 30
padiil' , t h alttif'well.r'e i dit rg fi'le titi5 t eaii'y rs go 40itCopes the
inof*toiniter'li e sk hiougyt., f e eteoif hiur year }ahis yi'u l' oil is pe y t
destoiv e it'i' st y t. t the bi( A eIsi'ii - oi' t he it 'Dii'lsiy know o i
NeataildAe'ififeul i'at i'i"er.go(iittng s'ii'ii thiiy tititugliupeveoy ~ATHENS ___RE
Nel i Bel d teho sv 1 i e endfpht oi'. ich or - e :iiig gi'- iw n theiDalll
onstilft h r'isci iiftifi'iliii' iiif P0 hli f idi'i111.U ..I~ I~
Webser aiii tiedinr ti' halves". Witii p all r can placeiei0ifois THURSDAY' NOVEMBER 15
11hrti'hey ari e iaclerfdy ~y '1t) THE KINGPNS OF COMEDY
)Library Party at Barbour Gynasinito- siti'iiuts iilii' Iiine itd ile ino fi'-u r(if a
''le seoiilliithe 0seris out 'uloilefs Il'tilii.C L EI(b T T Z(1.T
Leegarfwirlsil (iiehhfeliiiiiri'iii COiNINUE RlIhlt B SN IN~
iightatol lii aroufslr gyu iiii llif. Ilsv1'ik'I ssr10;.ii Ietc, c
Follovillg is tht'e ulp fhiau iledit( tthe 'ii;''ei'ls. i.
li tngiiiiifgof li'h e lff'' 1 elf tiatie'-
is-fils will tt is liisissi's._ his Wterlni1ui or Laughlin Fotntin ~f A * ~ Ut'
timhe it s-ill ibe thelii' ciifiiti'ii gi'iiifis eifs,$1 each, of Schillero Boosotore ~ E ~ hF E~*LIEE~UE
A. noviadeoale(11'itih' 'itt infifiet - ~ ~ V W.V UIY
is priiiiisi'ihall who tii itiil.v0 iiitii r ''ript Ii I yviifl il nfight.
it' iT'tfisoifii fiostir" hivieI i'i'ftiaiie _ ________PRICES: - 25 35 50, 750
f' l t ii'o e sid. I flllipster i ll 1a-1:1 'f-_____________
esientl sntii isnifs. irlit it e
gtf5estbty il'thi'tsi'iit.ull hotipoisters IIIE '1 COMING
14 tfi' z( list giiassh'd.T hepus~lr \ft t Cfeao,
gill bet. ls's willTheipopuiiaihioifeito" Chicigol
.tfti'r t he i otti'ifi'i enfeiriilffsioll L usIaaaNiy, S ln
siill i'gisuifaiin the yulii'iniiipff pfit,0 t . Lo i, a sa it, Spig
Iiti feiefolffis skidut iirprf senfl i t i field, JDecatur, Danville, and all 44
hiiokhis maftsbitfonf lieilt i i'Olitpoints Southwest. T e a r m M x c .
sinfe ulsoggistlif, If 'ardor ii Ieoioself Consfult ticket Agents.
aien f anf ifnd. Tmmedate Connection at Milan
This prty wli lle hlfsi;giveif y witif Continental Limited.SPN YORLIUETM
fhie legtu' tefotre it r ie Ola iy lly O tItE ?]ihi oilI U' IM
lie. 1. fueLie siTny Diress tiafly, R. S. GRsEENWOOtD, M. I . A.- AT -
i is givoe cn s is-uh('y fur l theiu' islfitifO
f fb l nvrsisy. LecturesRO E S
Calender. Printed lectres for aldeat- B i1 a l r
mentu of the University.y Type- i i r 11 I a ~ r
Friday, No. 3-Library Party of writing and Mimeographing _
Wtomaan s League ilitBa.rbour Gym. EWRSYRS OU WuSILL FIND A FULL LINE OF HGttGRADE'
hatuiutduy, No si. a.-i-'02 vs. '04 (EDrfheBaRO(StaeSirC. ~ fAA I A
AT lass foolall.Rehgs-i'entsluer. (vKerr aas)s)StteStre EDRs) HA AA
Sfhrdoa, Niv. 17, 10 a io.'01 I. vs. RdlrdK r O 11 eDHVN C IG A R
'02 _'33 clas s fNov. ah, Regents' F1-lud. 1 "1'-'.7 IMPIRTED)
Satnrday Nov. 7-'onthol, Nore BANKERS, subD DOMEPSTIClas sMcir tRgns il. 4 alSreNwYr I G A R E T T E S
Tiethg.Nov. 10-TLiou(. Oou'ueni, lee- ~ O B C O
lue ,hbeuedlt Iouieiip. HOsptii, . I., 'frifict 0 ttner-ubalk ing sinces. f+ L 7,,
cee le tiise tte drft. Dsihnh
rrdy o.2tIio-eoiield-P rhAet o n et te. ivio n lase'of 'ro OUTH
8.t.and intel-stcoet ietdairentto th. iAoleas RE' RICE O 312
rrfa o.°ItrLl atlltd-Fsalrens, feotruuianoegopni TATEo
btle for CentrllrfLeogne tell . railhr treogtalwds so manieosiont. PO TATS
Studu, Nov. 2-Fool>ah, Ohio Meners N o TniEnhange. TIN's...JLLSTREE
Stste UIIs'veishy, oftlRegents Field'. ____
Soituhay, Aov. 2--0ntl gauuein IG-RAEDEAL IN * Sr CHUH~ A IA YPU BN
u-las ieaiii foa~u t'riuih hiipouslii i' _H-GRDEINVESTMENT SECURITIES. * r m ul fsAcoacNTIUCTO NDLU PIES,
!rie, higets'ieloh.Lit of crrrent offerins senool niapiciation, J1F SFTEAM A CNDTR ATE EATSPIG,
GR_______PIADHA, OIIRiBSPOD. 207 E. Washington Street. ATissIC GAS AND PLfXIC n oVIjaTU1-S.
"'flthu to Coontosui" Tungltt.GAAKR O HIHB GRADE MANTELS AND ORATES.

If ouwis. o kel ~tt'oe tmeatArbor" Stateh Generators stuent' ronos
htIfR'S Jewelry Store. Bring ini your olud ones and let us make yoo WASTE PAPER BASKETS,; CUSPIDORS.
:, e etcufo l uisadoe-anosfer. h ueirfg o, Our Pricos You Will Always Find the Loweot.-
cots foi' n0 days only., GLEN, the 0100S. lain St.,roar Williams.M RKiCKS B Z A
Headquarters forShadeMantler aiiO
Tailor, con. State and Washington. Chimnneys. 215 SOUTH MAIN STRZEET NEW STATE 'PHONE 462

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