THE UNI'VERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY CTALES OF TaiE IEX=TANKS A Book of Hard Luck Stories By CL&RENCE Lotns ()uLLEN Re-published fromi the Siunday edition of the New York Stin 'Any mAn witi can appreciate a a good thing and fails to read this book, will be camping out-that's all" FOR SALE BY Excursion Rates INTO GOOD CLOTHES *WE CAN SHOW YOU more than 1000 of the mest inviting styles for Fall and Winter Suitings that were ever brought together. TO ALL WHO BELEIVE that stritly made-to-measure garments ought to be bought below the prices ordiinartily harg-e we frankly say, "HERS YOU ARE." GOO0DRICH & DUKE, Anent for the heet Tailors on Earth. Front rooensorer First Nationsl Bank flTCUT GLASS. Dainty I~l] Ii11J~ presents for ans lady. Sheean &Co. ~~ii iJ See them in window. 320 S. STATE STREET. - -,. You can get a I lVcuts$hlert the l1b'otogaphet . HOT LUNCH _ AT Tue I<'etiiig ClU,,(zbbwilto or Thorsc' e iiih r ojen i at he ttIdl illeogyes 'tTS tlay osvenitig at 7 'oc k'ilte Tropiiy to id isfortheiiipt , ccof lir ing ea lax T U T T L ERoitm. Alt l persons tlliln0 nof joiing tor tb11ltst 'IL' ai38 rcty ft~rT : ~Gl~gb vin andwatch ad eelyreaiig atbe are 1e he bld oil e voy.kv eek. estahbloshed since 1858. 13 BICXY CLE Siiideis,' lead qoai-tear' r '_ illiards o hnliiJosephi Fielder, W)1).,, ofMi- at Moseoy's. -oral IPol, Wis., -waseeetec.to10the.e BA____AI____NS___ oficerof ditltt ii oyegfor that llie- 13 AI("-11I '~~" We cc-li to call Ilae attentirln of Stit- tierc. 0;,4Orient $34 dentl t 'orare stocloaf flat 'lop)and $411IS"toiling 29 toll lots te--k's. The prices sell ihoem. A zasistcelsvetor your iisic, is $35 Fowler 24 MA~kIN ttAERt, asourer of conveneienee; ililttt,ao- Ant- m0yo-rstinsete. FturiureO, Draperies tand C(ets.e esoit'. The AnntiArbor MuichGo.e _ lia a tie stock aidprice isow. j MI. STAERLEIR'S CYCL[E EPORIIIM, If you wish to keep accurate-ftime at--- 119 W. WASHIINGITON ST. a foothbtll gtae got "a slop atchi at Ie tsieritis:line wtor'k, ptromtsoeliv c _____ tAtLLER'S Jewelry Storoe ery;dlo by the Toledo Ljaundry Cor. GRANUER'S ADVANCED CLASS ________ Carl I,. 1W"agner, ag eit, :121 'S. Maiii. ~ ~TT1I U ili iii Clirk, ftautaalatt' of tihe- Carrie *- ['iuntee osf t'ittdaaurg, t'tt. Oty J* S - lit IT ."(lrant of 1laiisfrrlua.ii, '82, g wtile'nec ar~if tS ple111yhfietl rchedirat wi tytati hGed lst dAchlof pro- an re he d a o tdily a-t antcae fof bateya jotl~ y cf600,s' te1largstl t coupie o'loesferigfroitm s pudar ils- great camplaigni foe' the regaullicaits. - --eases." Neha hundreds of ,i slim- WIllis such as fis. Seborine is fot'sle Bllitl$31 ittadioe isIthe Howar-ti itt Uttkilts' drug store, tc Vatdltiio, Ryian & Reuile, solo agents. "Ta'e lass in "Sithe Physic al ;Jkais o f Aitrers for studenas' rooms, at tIndustrial lDecv-droaent" sell mets'tfor tt'lttir's Bookestore, 11.6 So. Alein st. pasizes todaty atad Friav at -11' otoek C. iE. I$ARTlIEt-L, Agent, ini Itont 1i, 'l'tusiau 11al complete line "Adler fall suits and 326 S. State St. Ass Arbor, Rish, __ove__reos at Wadhams, Ryan & Roule, If youl wanit your'wafili repsairedal- WHYUO'TYOU Iif ,iFIiS will do it right. A OsctrollO 11s aim ~t litdispeusale 1W________Y to a muuic stutdent. Thte Ann Arbo' Get Yoaui' MeaIcls and b n sta t't esew Do m 'Ctc ini h is the 'ittusic do. hav ethe fines t slock itt the city, P mw pro)01eritatter for laundry cvork. lietI_______ 0OqTL4pu C4j try13Marll SWagncr, l1t18S failist. *Nebraska has never ra isedno lirge. OPEN ALL NIGHIT. a: crop of Itambs ae this year. Texas HUiRON ST., Two dears wast. 5l Cask Houser Bcltte tPflayin, Cards aind Poker has its largest crop for eight ye as ___________________________ chiaps itt Schalleur's Bookstore, Main nt Awomoan who sells newspapers at one eid of tlhe Brooklyn bridge htas I' MAHTIN .. 'The place to tally'yotur'je'welr'y 1s matela. $45,(W investtnt inl tenant' FU E AL1,LLER'S, propserty. WE LEAVE NEXT THURSDAY - NOV, 15 Our Entire stock Goes (MAGNA6AN- & (0. (1 14 Monroe St., Chicago) ANN ARBOR BRANCH OPPOSITE LAW' BUILDING, 340 S. STATE Cur.Man anf Heron Streets. Capitli, Hos,0N Serplis, $35,0e0.Tennesaee general banking bnsinese, R, EnxrrF, Pros. C. CEasGes~, Vito-Pree FED.oHBBEMEs, Cashier, FIRST NATIONAL BA N K Ora 0g18 Capital, 8100,000 Surlusneand Potas, 30,000 't'ransactes agenoel banking bhesser,,Foreign exckange hought end setl,.h'urnish letters at credit, B. D. KINNEk, Pres. HARRISON SOULE, Vito-Pros, S. '.tCL ARRON Caehier The fRnn Ilior Savings Banlk Capitat Sttck. S,00.Surplus, $1Si 0U noeorces.,500t,0. Organizeduethe GenealBaning Laws of thto Stato. tcivoes deoeits, logs end sels exchange on tha-principal cities of the United Stoles, Draftsocaoted upon opter i'eloataies, Safely deposit btas trent iloricons: Chrisian Mark, Pres.:'W. D.Harri- nan, Vice-Pree.; thae, E. lliseoeh, Cashier; 31. J. Pritz, As sianutCashier W. . BOT1, PES.c8TflTh W' ANOD taoieetloprs tY~sie IstuIp BANK Transacts a geiliefal lNankiing Busineso, DIR ECTORI 8 11~, i~~oo#,s ~j,,iooo'oa 0; malmng pcat.N.29S v.AbIuac nght and day. Rs ene .10 Fft Ae.wzat}nriscoming1 -- Arnd with it comesthoughts of , . ['e..Winter Garments NORTH SIDE WAGNER &.CO. Importing Tailors, 'A LAUNDRY Can please yotu in the many '1505 HOiVEPrup.little things that go to make up taioin 1 21 anl 123 S,'Main Street - _________________- ____________________________ i aS PA U LD I N G' S r OGO T CASo 100,JUT THlE T IIIQ FOR~ TAINItQ LECTU RES FOOTBALL SUPPL I ES Reptig ofAre universally used wher ver the game it Ren1~ 5 (f111D' lC I pusa-ed. the trade inark bring tke fisarantee. SCAPE atld GOWNaS,)IJI1B,1GUL ThseSpauldsng Official hnter-collegiate Foot II SPECIEiLTYMY Is unedl by all the leading rolleges and CASC(IN-ESEPOARY atlicisclutsof the Coulntry, Price,$4.00. CLEaSSLGS Send fr Catniogme of aul Athisilo Sports, SCOLLEGE FLINSB N E Spaldiser's Official lsust Bali Outdo, with the COLLEGE Pit-nSwEDuls i'for ISO, and roord, rrviewsuand EL"A$1IaBIND instruction,Incleuding pictureof 1600 payers. COL[. hice, t0Oe-euse, HAL and Opens like a book,. %NFtOW'S SPRtIG-GRItP DUMBHBELLS CATS.,nd Inve sted hy Sandoiw. Have iio equal asean CAP B eats she old tring coorreerciserrand developer. Every muscle heis-- . c!KERN & cog tGectut epper R lb or 6c ied 4I°'. ify=evnt. t.The beet fountain pen 51 A. G. SPAULDING & BROS. Cf AGO IL. FItneorporated) Ott~lIL F. S+CHL.EEDE, - - . - . 340 South State NEw FORK C °idICAaO DENVER