THE UN [VERSITY OF ' MICHIGAN DAILY. ............... 2. ._.EU~EIST f WUGNDIY Published Daily (Moodaoosexcepteddrngthe College year, ao THE UNIVERSITY Of MICHIGAN MAIN .ORelco I0OANCIF Oee CCs Argus Bldg, Main S. 336 S. Stale Street. Both 'Phones 13. :yeow Stat' 'Phone 123. _ NIANAGING EDITOR, 0. H. HANS. '01 BUSINESS MANAGER, - Fi. NB rr~.I~xr. '00 Y, EDITORS: ATBLLTICS, . 0. 11-osov, '01,E A.B. McDoOO.I.,'Ol B W. A.XNKon ,'Ulv,'0. .. MiSs L., K. Sososo '03 Ci s. DVOosos01 AM. B. Woooxow, 104 w. P.CHAEY, 101 L Michigan tan be ;justly -proud of ler r'ecord as a host at Siinlday's gamie. Pnhe spirti of fairness and coutresy ox- tended to the Iovans has teen: leldl- e'd ilross te lanrd and has redouded to the glory of the state and he Uni- versity. Though defeated ho football the Univerotty has won na reputation for cleatn and mianily sptortsmnshI:1ip3 e- 'seled by none.. It is at mark of genu- tue breadth ands liberality 1that le sntp- poters of the maize and blue coould tbe So generous in defeat a1n, acceplt 'a crushing: reverse withouit a drop of t Iiieness. They drank jiie :of itter defeaot toi the dregs, but while so doing toasted the llawvkeyes for their strengr-h indl their skill, and like tre sportismien, aeknowledgvdtthe: suptri- trty if tit lstettttrs. Tfler ttttltltots trtttn Ioca playe:d (-ttean, mtittly footttall away fronti hiomie and aiiiits t tleto'tained band of en- thisawtle rooiters. They wonv in spite o.f those otdts oean-s they were a bet- ter tetom. Arid lliigan hos proud to be tecfeteol, if ldef('tost She must be, by "lnperitar players Adlio tre gentlemen'l and sptortsmen. Mielhigaon aipplrecat, the siitof too-i anid extt-utls tier eongratttlabus. She hopt-s to meet the: strty we-stern- era in miany huohr iotetst of strenlgth and to winl, tobut sohitthr shte wins or lss tilt gamies sill -te fair and the winer osill be giv-eu the fruits of vie- ttay withitut a grudge. Thieves Enter the Dlental Laboratory. Some tions' Mtodaly night the dentol laboratoory was ettrtol by thiteve; aoot tools to the amoonit of $35 u-re aks'n. 'The 'tools stolen so-re ihoot' tmtte by the seniors tlionstl'eS, and1 te loss will has-i to be horns' bty 311011 t-lil vidnal3. These tools iast beenO stored away in glass in tte fo-eshomitn ltobo't- tory togetrher withl pate tooode tduring the fresdimeno yeatr, so-blb 00000 also taikell. The denial facultyiteltd a mleet- big yesterday aftt-trnoto bt.o whlat stops were takt'n ili thtis matter as lot beet larned. Tile patrties lonileated has- tot been ast-i triailied, 'but thorough in vestlgatlols Wilt btt lait'e is dis cor lie ulpritst. Calender. Lecturo on "Singing". at School of M Usic. 'The If -11ireiomoir'ow 04'(liOgill a Frie'e Nit--mirlal ball t8 O'lc1).kt oill tu lot1- t:i-al talk on s IngIng by Mr. I towrlandi. The ecture last eek, by O', tlnIlti'i-I n-as so perfect a dleilon- i r. x all t rite orientifle phases of lshe soljeet ...i it funined a splendid prep-' tattioli frth ils practical demonstration Of too' sit:- to noltby one Who Is reeng- hiz. ", to e'xponenot of its finest tradi- b ols. I . -tlte-'lecture, Mr. How' hind osill sintg a nunoher of songs illus- tratinog lie different styles of interpre- ation. This lotntre is free, and it is loped that many will avail themselves of this orpportunity. A senisationla l 301fornoaaot'e IS proml- Isetl by. Cole iawls Johnson In "A Trip to 6' ootoss'-n" 0olie ocea~lon of "their loelforilotancO at the Atheno% tomorrow ni"Iglt. 'l'llecompllanty lIi lItt itlO I3- 111011t0015 Iit ever'ys-here 'through its llltlgliit'Ieit lspreoentaitloll of operta, c-tot'dy, lturlesq-ind 1111vaudevillel. The liftys' lio 10-Cartists comoprising the t-stijlpaly are 011e seory b13001iithoir a's- shetsite specIalties ond 0110 per-formo, -11110 tois ao'ked bytyhoc'liberal imanner Ill WIItIt-'ol 'oel'yllilDg is tdtote on -the CONTINUE tttI'5' BY Ut' t t Rtoytal 'i ;eIro, lOc;t Tigersottes, t5e, Watterman or Laughlin Fountain l'enls, $1 each, at Schaller's Bookstore. 11113-':1n eaosy chtttr at Maxillt Hailer's F-trnitoure stire. You ean do your stoltuig inone100of 111h00mimuch Ibetcr. 'Ye t-trry xootlitoany dressers, ohiffoo- toie~ l ;)ml w llhtlndltts .gnu,-. with 1 15s :NIAlifIN 1lIA.L E Alarm C'loks aot1 l I1Rt.I'S Jewelryt Store. Up-to-date Stationery at Schaller's Bookstore, 1366 No. Main at. Wadlhams, Ryan & Reule are soles agents for Ypsilanti underwear. 'fle popular roote to Clocago, St. Louis, Kansas City, Spring- field, Decatour, D~anville, antd all pioinots Southowest. Shoes going' -t at a Sacrifice I ~~ . bloceovay ottr oboes are going vl - ~ surprise you, and the prices that are making theta o will sunprise 0') you stoll mtore. It will be profit- able for you to be surprised. Drop on to-day and try it. GLASS'S SHOE STORE, 1 O9So. Main Street.. Open evenings antil ANN! ARBOR, AM* 8 P. M. - " '"__ Are YOM Looking for " * -;1 It's just lokfinding it if you get your Suiots and Overcoats at the "Newv Store.' You ave o muh tht'sclear profit. We show you alt New Goods at Cash- Basis 'Prices. STAEBLER211 S. Main St, & WURHAnn Arbor. 'I ATHENS THEATRE, THURSDAY NOVEMBER 15 THE KIN4GPINS OF COMEDY COLE AND JOHNSON. IN "11 J4Crip to goontown"t - COMING "T TER E. PERKINS ______ from -,M exico.' OPOAOAOA4 AOAAAOCAOOOAAAO. Consult ticket Agents. GO!! WHERE THE CROWD GOES Immediate Connoection at Milan -- TO -hCnietlLmtd -. S. (ixrNrsso-o, MI. P. A. O E Lectures Billiard Parlors Printed lectures for all depart- REOLDRFITEVYHNGEW meti nts of e nie rity. p-BRUNSWICK BALKE 'CDLLA DER TABLES, writing an ioorpig tt'E)WrI Th THE VERY LATEST anti UIP-TO--DATE MA1TERIAl. EDWARDS BROS. KNOWN TO THE MILJLIAR]) UNIVERSE,, andthoe Oto Sliooh-.iostSt aler be O LY'G- UN Redmond, Kerr& Go.,' MONARCH CUSHIONS .BANKERS, 1_N TH3E CIJTY 41 Wall Streat, New York DO NOT BE DECEIVED Trasoatageaneral bankin busnee. Yh IL Loct. M T ot.LIr.PLAYERS ox0 0510(i\IP 050..". 5 tttoo 1-E lita Recev depoeits subet to draft. Dividends sod interest colleted and remitted. Aet a E iD and SG t tQSOttS OUTH Fiscal Agents forad negotiate the iseo 1 S aira-bs e alas a one3c.9 iOTAT Scuiis bughtavidoln mstio. EYNVLD ebrsNwYokEchneOSENTHALEIR 5EET. DEAL IN i SANITARY PLUMBING. HIGH-GLADE INVESTMENT SECURITIES. ir !B;f , aEcra3IC Cos:sTnaCTIOo AND SUPLIES, .List of currrnt offerinesssanaton application, 1UN U I 7 STEAMt AND 110T WATERotHEATING, PHILADELPHIA CORRESPONDENTS. 207 E. Washington Street. AROTISSIC GAS AND ELECT RIC FIXTUR. GRAHAM, KERR & CO. HGH GRADE MAN-aELS5AN'D ORATES. I+ riday, Nqv.. itt-Librat-y Pary of Womnani's League ito M3arhosir Gym. Saturday, Nov. 1.7-tootbatll, Notre Dlame s. Mhcltrganto. t egents Iield. 'T ueadlay, iNov . i2t--Lie: t.Cardeso, hoc- ture,'-bel it tbsatnOopI0. ItoottttalU. II., Friday, Nov'. 23-1ntc et l'trtnent do-T loste for Cent-nab League htniIt. .A .Rr Sturday, Nov. 24--iOtt tr01, Qlfto IIV State Untiversity, atIRege'tts' lit-Itt. (1. Ojas i R~~ i (theoe Clobtw oill ns et toonightlIIt7 ~ n EAs.FShoe's Iat THEilE iOEMIN et 28S. MAIN ST. otohotk 110,Itoomn 24. U. IH. S C.J. I)OYEL, Leldor. SWEETS TO THE SWEET. I"F YOU WANT :TO. BE, SWEET- SEE BROGAN 110 S. MAIN