THUNIVERSITY OFMICHIGAN DAILY. 3 . EI E Fg~fE 1E~~irf f'l f it FEE !E***. p-IE:tE9**. ti4#F ESEEle~l Q iSfE trw C***Cw e Notice to Magazine Readers. We have obtained the agency for all the leading periodicals . ~in this country and are in the position to offer them in c+ at about half the publishers price. If you read such ma1 '!* McClures', Cosmopolitan, Pearsons', Review of Reviews0 it * yon to inquire. ** ~ioodspeel's rcc~~cc~ c~. ~ ccr:Q ~c :o:c ~sS " ~c « * 5 publishe ombinat4' ggazines4a t will p' ine m. Maffa Agguefiy.4' A NG EPARTEN4' cp' publi A HIGTOhedE.,-4', W4333 3? "3 3 E 3333133333 33333333333331 3 3333333333333*3-4333S3:343 1E:331433333#3'33333 33i 33 3 333333313! 1?81 ?! ' MICHIGAN CENTRAL The Most Renowned Ladies shoes ",The Niagara Falls Route." ----- CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. The Glove Fitting, For The Hygienic Taking effect September to, 1900 street GOIN ax. The Melba, JnesMle Detroit Night Epreissc...........1)A.X and JnesMle Atlantic Epreac............. 745 "E Grand R~apids pres ...........1 10 " All styles,0 Dress AlIl styles, 34P .S35 X. Y. Boston Special..........4 58 One price, $ , Wear One price, Bail and Expoesa .........8 40 A. x. aoston, N. Y. and Cicago ......... 4 All widths in Doiigola Kids, Fnamel Calf, Box Calf andlValour Calf. Q.Ran WetSa. -procs...1.. ,5. Sole agents for Ann Arboi. e~le~a oNigtsl.Ers.........79435 Paic Eape. .. ..i0A.mtFCK&nsPFN Staship Tickcets. all Classes ae se to and frontK & C O P N A-uropean painsat lowes at e.lull mfce 14ation an aipplicl~or. O. W. RUGJOflES. 11. W. HAYoS, . Ag't, Chlieago. Ar't Asn Arbor. It. (X'. OveosbIre ottos oboist tiatow The rvelttlioli of rile Uiv ersity ______________ -~.laundr ttl 12-51 i'ackaritt vgtli tewa- t Rhsool if Musoictitay tic sidto lie chiller y :11il ores new toethodso. Fororrzl-wvide S c~cio ts ry Colurn re- a - z.. - :~~~tyculu_1 RT t -r'sIl-0 -Idr.Elark ttealo inath it io otsiellotobut tro coeatifroto Tyroil. Tiht'card asosit 1sx ce iEI- x;ru IttXa Ttt rsco10et; 'itteretteo, . -}drssd;to 'Tavel Mtosie, Wold Milii TIME 3 TABLEe Taking Effeet, Sunday, Mlays21, 1899. -guNedAreika." The revotrseotsi Trains lease Ann Artor by Central Stand.- ist'-to-s8 slr ttttetioatttt ft lcteisdiits n OUd N ae. ~ Sc4ll lOf liso oir th lls1p;t tighltt(cry-, tetiileil boeclatroo t blrt'ij." ht: it SOUTH Nit~hi -y£ot-o, ltay he ftont E1i:5osoasou i.let'aloi ti ill t Ihat.of ctiltl'Ocit cam111'to *Noe. 6.- St.-4 A. bl. No. 1.- 8:56 A.51. otuidho, Silt 3135tSo. Mistiollst o. Ter11 i'II Aut o ttr tti)..11-o lveroily Stchoot o1 Na. 2.-11t30 A. 3I. *No. 5.-12:30P. 1a. cossoteshl0. Voit-o trio-itfree of (-Ittloge. lia. Na. 4-- 13:35 P. st. No. 3.--4:56 r. M. No. 102.--8031Ic. . Io. 101-9:03 A. as. -- - - --I Irn - ___ar _noony__-- ed alula twec Ana Arbor and Toledo only All trains doally except Sanday. 71 ltlol: 1l..tSS ill-lTODAii . . hut frot1itit titrg stiilclo1ttttilet'o iSenadatsotly. 'iticre 'to il1 iittkeetiig of lilt t11111t3too11-. Wie t-ity a. ttililtl ut' at W . ENET.C V. 5'. I lLS, Agen. literor liti11id-tigillci'rillw entis tttldy i titlilk 111 1theo' lifireltizoieo . 1tllgt1 I o li .;A.ll pricel fl'rr it-to ie$15t. iit t HOCKIN_ _AL__E___________ sis riti liith illtjkiott tail 5ftilis-lt HBKIGVA LYyc ~ l lying Carols and Pokier 1tI(III(t. O[)l a 1( .4uIII GhpsatScalersBoksor, alist, tese 'os a aeolttty psed wii The Railroad that takes -the h, 1ell Business In and Otu t'heilae to bly 'your jeweltry is!l Ait..'N HtALL.~fI, SOLID VESTIBUILE TRAINS t ____-__ 4 DAILY BETWEEN 4 'Its tmerito: MileCwtitc, 5i1'oilhllfdeliv- i Ic r.ti t ii t -hnintl vaiwedh li 1 TOL DO OL ! ~ et(?yt idotti' by tihtToletdo 1Lstiocry to. (tltit I It r1ei lit relori'ellttlt itt. alt and AITENS. ..,, ilg.ti sil«"'(l hiii is fe"111,1thas levot W. H. canser, 1.. L.atndmant, ittitero rep aoiion fo 0Ti Ih I. tot iptbeu tiualted. Het' iieksoA1100,tisa 0. P. A. iG. Teas. Age. Avralli tid Jewelry rtisin hba been littheo«iur i ot°Ir~kagtigI iy tvial) Colmsinit, Ohiii. tetrait. 13t ) es tiblishted osie IS58. I lit ri-,tittdtol- tesctoatre i2to0 AamClocks $1. U. of M. pies 50C to $1.00. Pine Watcha Repairing a Specialty. 1. 1e CHAPMAN, JEWELER. t 200 Main South.- FREE. AAbile VtoniAl.1.iPt-ivtali every oI-2s Seth Thomias Atarat Clict.. Diaiing October. Wmn, Arnold, Jeweler .10T NEW STUDENTS o AND stt10111) O -t lo S. t-We are better prepared than ever to give the best of carriage seivice, having addedl two rubber tired coaches to iour stock. fHolmes Livery. 'PHONE 106, 515 E, LIBERTY. ST. 7; i . tf' .;' I 11 i1 at I . < ij 1 . Ii . IDOL 010r'SHE HOUR Batt eterofat tta'.tinn , eitw Detroit, Ypsilanti and Ann Ar- ietia is lilt omtaie is tue Iboi rti.lSit-.Grt-anger hssArranugt{ttfir-i lr, bor Railway. 'tvadhli tii iyo& Iteule, cole sgents. oetira-zlt dtlu-, Nv. 2-1. 'ti lcaitdleosuad oyas t' eved in any Cars leave for Detroit and Ypsilanti Thtiiksgiiggit. l ot tit lt style ot either store. avery Hlf tour, neginning at 7:15 a. m. tt. ittlli icK. lJiiohnson, 'il0. if "oo" (.«ittilatrill e hi'airgist. 17- t r 099 112E.Wsington, 316 So. M~ate. uxtW 7:45 p. uost After that to Detroit (lily, i ilitgiiIio fairtfatw' str litiititi nest Siatt l&- avii. at $:45 a. 1in., 9:45 p. mn. and 11:15 p. in. utityx. ilirdPalo WiigrocrenanMai_11:\1EDk,,grltdoH't lset.; Detroit, ll Griswold t. Atrt PI'ltr"cfor sttudenta' rooinis, at irork fir lhoardsundl roitl ill pritti ii t tlt'ti 4s 'ttli-fs, iWONEY LOANED Sehiltr'' iloitif tote, 116,So. ;Mlilit t. la sfor stottlg 110nitisa a I C ill 61i2 New ol titrehCit (toons. on Watcohes, Nonds,Wh~leeisanad other Pee. '. ibet. ti. Eterything Nwaind annul Property. Office at resideace 331 lEe.________ Lib~erty street. All business conaidential i omnplete "ieAdler fall shits and ______--Sti y up-to-Date. Heurs, I to 8:30and,;to 9 ovareba-taat YWadlsams, Ryan & Reule. 4til el t i,t otr t ii totyc'. 707 N. Unitversity Are. Ann Arbor BOYS --- SEE THE Q i1. tSh'OE - MA~DE BY 1 E PURITAN SHOE COMPANY.A as OUi lAN STREElT 'iSoUTta MAIFN 5TR '0LT U,.ofK Brbr ce asagea mblme-ad13 Exist William Street we.w oi Br e a Sliit 1ENOCH DIETERL Euebalmetr IUniversityols ne-hn~alf block weal N phpan ath_. sl~aiItlntd, teasletag. All loads a' it I Fn R0h01Wan22 BATh. . . Tra1 ' 1"FiitI 'hoesjShoe Shop ally alsa. S .4LI ot RoSs,22$ Pholtolassk haFAt