THE UNIV E ITY:0Y--M-fC-- IG - DAILY _. .: U IVR.TY..- IC IGN,.A TALE~S OF THlE [ EX=TANKS,,;, ABook of Hard *Luck Stories] L B3i CLARENCF Louis CULLS~e Re-published from the Sunday edition of-theNew York San 4Any man who can appreciate a a good thing and fails to read this book, will be camping out-tkat's all." 3 FOR SALIE BY Sheehan & Co. 320 S. STATE STREET. T You can get a Excursion Rates INTO GlOOD CLOT" EIS WE CAN SHO0W YOU more than 1000 of the tost inviting styles for Fall isati Winter Suitings that were ever brought together. TO ALL WHO BELEIVE that strictly made-to-measure garmeots ought to be bought below the prices ordinarily charged we frankly say, "H&RE 'OU kRB. GOODRICH &. DUKE,. Agettbr the BnstTailors us garth. Front rot a avar First National fBank you'll be surprised at 6o CENTS A PQUND WE LEAVE NEXT THURSDAY NOV. 15 Our Entire Siock 6oas (A1LA6iHAM & (0. (1 14 Monroe St., Chicago) l tentscbtev, the iIpbotograpber. ANN ARBOR BR~ANCH. OPPOSITE LAW BUILDING, 340 S. STATE 1-10' L4U1 AT TLJTTLI $40) 'testing 29 If yon iwish lao keel) accurate time at IftyosAl-a nt your n0 steb repaitred 1a ootball gaiue get a slop watch at hIA bLLiL11twl do it right, tUne. Stain and Hures Streets. 1E 9S~ If: lflit S Jewelry Stoic. Capital, $ie,0W. Sarpins, $33,000. Transacts Mlanhattan anod Wilson Bros. shirts eeal banbingh reinse. Itsmeitls: line work, paiv~llt delivt- for sale at WVadhams, Ryan & Rrule. FE , nave, Pres. C. E. Clsheae Vice-lee cry; atone by the Toledo LasundryCo. -_______ ae 1Oen.Ceir 'sri Li. Wagner, lagent, 121 S. Mali. A inlst roll to almlost inrlioiensible FRT ATn ID A 1Ass Arbor. is a iistudoaeiit. 'The Anii ArboniFIRST INATIONL BAKargasnizeo83 / .iP Illalter's reptiaauon fair high elass Moute. l'sliave 1tieteest stork ini the capital, 5100,C10. Surplusandi Profits, Usot ~"~"wateci anad jesw-lry repalirig has been city. 'fTrnsracisa geaneal biningnis e ve ore ign etbihdine185. exch___aebou eght and seid. FP islet aters o1 4 S adhallla, Ryan & Reiute iire aol2's E . .KINNE, P'e-..IIAPItON SOttLE, 11ost $3 lit mlltte is the lHowarid. agecots for Yipsilant i v'i1etwear.i Vice-Pees. Waitsi, IRyan & RItea, sote agenits.- .t''LIE N(ttle I,. y uiAisi to ikeept(i l altc titti-at I- , 1-i n fln"k^" C r'srn n l And man lYothers. , tiuand ace thi ss chltltrs oleosteore, llt So. llsin .i * 111-Ore li-ta's ry Store- . M. STAELER'S CYCLE EMPOIUM, tl'iiii Ca'1sitlii lotiti t t[ W V WASI-INUTON SP. Cmpilete line "Adler fall suitse li) n -a$I51eactI tzit Sehtaler's Borokstore. a-eico its at Wadhllls, Ityan & Iteule. _______Sta ORAN6iR73'SADVANCEDL)CLASS __Io il l-IsItit-i lttIts t 11M (az =": f ue ' (fteU izi I -tw tea- peatI~ ttaMleie.Ila T hEI In . lIaI'i a feltt ita h-it iittiJ. iI 6 11t a ts et I'ilttitzn I t "'Si'- - - -- - - Uailer aaa a-i tI't51salt sa ill let itut's- 1tlttiltitiffat erii Iscsiirt itta-i- eeie's'i.i' ist drtited t -t t aie5. Ta- tacvit t i llcl Iit. ta tity eota te iltaitton inn's :ft3. tsin"l, IaVeaitgi $505 pea-ir h lfnifill tiiis-ititi- t S-a-it . lit -al-cur atiate-lsi t lilALLli ___________ _____PRICES -- FOR ~+ YOUR ROOM OR THE BGYM- C. El. BARTtitlLL:,~Agenlt,,~ ALLEGRETTI'S1 ,36 65 State St. Ann Arbor. 111th. AND ,; ;- LOWN EY'S Wilder's Pharmacy WflY DON'T YOU CHOCOLATE I::6 . tter YGet i thirttls ltd Ltsts-tisa at +IN.i 4 lb, i=2 lb f& lb BOXES ______________ 'h ou salei5 lazo onthese ---tqL4 1 lF,+ hih craf god VRTHINGl ti'ie spteiiallinei' f alP NALyNiyouTaroaNEW .aPIPES, CIGARS adTiO1- P0URTL4ND ESe BACC-even Ilie store p11.1 N SF.,1Fwa duornestaifCook us e.'a (IJX$RR+'' - tl ine.'8hvrmo ldtP++:gare anal icte ill our frieaids tao catl +. COB. STATE ST. ad N.UIERStIY AVE iaitinspect liat we liave. You a't Mr ARTIN.t4+h beal oar LUNCHES. ~a . MRTI...+++++ +++++++++++++ h.Lt. E .Ji) L L.T, ;3tJS S, State St. FUNERAL -- DIRECTOR Aiswbahaing a spettl y. No. 209 S 4th Ae. eml) ucetti nig'htanit day lies (CokIfrw atber is goinu- - ~ ~And wstitiicomestthoi hta of T;~ 'r r t t 'iinter Garments NORTH" SIDE R~ WAG.NER & CGe, Importing Tailors,~ L AUNDRY (an please youi in ihe nisny TitOS. taOWS ,Prupr. litlectiings that go to make 1up I 1+0 3ra - ey ,5 3~ Ihnsgood taitorinsg.a _________121 and 123 S,IMain Street i- -MatkersaouP SOW Sad 005,JUT T H E TIIIINQ F Oi T A I'QLECTUVRE5 R gesstngou SCH LE EDQE' pla LSECfmsLTYTEMP03IARY atha COJLLECE FLAGS. Se5 CaLLEGE PINESl1itl1 U?1.T'h nei CLASS and L:_tal#= B L)IRNL) HATS and1 1 Opens like a hook.I I ©(QI I U eats the old stringeacoiere 9ltEtV yeethii Si t o ece apaper I alfr50c fite fll >~'PIty. eve.-8t..' ke brat fta innpea-s $r It"AGO, ILL. .F.,(.IEDE 340 South State NE .AIVlI~F . 3m ftU 111 Mie1n1 fl1oJU t'dVI11Us DdII t~ialStockel. $50,000.bateptl, $150e000. RE-rtalet.c si51,00,00. Segllstaed andeth e nie e-rallBankitng Lawe ati Staae.lieeis-diepeotsitysanad sells hagonthta.einipllsit-idutfyel Ik United 1a. traft shealupopatroeren ttifiction.l ;fee adepositboastolerett. a lie -alas hri~ iatiieal. W,-t. DOfHarr'- a,icTi cs;aClliaa. CE.Illoca, Casier:V. Frtzl Asst-iIa) (ai el Att. lmt 'ia It) V.IEMN at ta-a51ica''a-- BlINK PAU LDI NG'S OOTBALL SUPPL IES ire niversally used where cver thae gamie i t ryed, the trade mten e elig ike eguaranatee. ie Spaulding Offiilatr--oetgiate Foot l. soted' Ity asithie leading retlreesndt ilei eluseof the counstry. ttricr, $4.00. ;end foar Cataoieo f all Attaleale Sparta. saldisic's OffiilI~oot nall Guide, waith the wtiole'sfoeratae, andrecortda, revirwasand ruatoals. iacluding pictues of letlllayers. ice, 10 teitso. 1NiOW'S 3SPIING-GRT'P DUMBt-BELLS mre it ed by ti il;a. Giave no catats aii eiscr tnd desrisoper. Evey maiscle bee A. Ca. SPAULDING &.IROS. Izneor p sre ) w YORK C HICAGO DENVER