THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 4M. HIGH-CLPRSS TAkL OR ING MICIGA CETRA MrNsF1JRNIS$iNGS Alarm locks $L CETALTNDaaraFlsRoute... Beatifui Lines of... U. of M. Pis 50C to $1.00. Fine TakNTefectSepDATeME , i -oNECK WEAR, FANCY SIR lTS, GOLF' ROSE, Watch Repairing a Specialty. Tain ffc Sptmerr, go GL GIN AS.U. of M. SWEATERS, I.NDERW~IARil, FANCY HOSIERY i. L. CAPMAN, JEWELER, Dtrot Night Expresse .........555A .26 MaiSuh. AtatcEpes.............74 Everything a man wants-in latest Fall Effects flail and Expeii.........3 "4.X. - now displayed-and marked at a sawing to yout P. T. Boton Special ......... F R E E Fat aten..... O10...W..E. ......43"THE LARGEST STOCK THE LOWEST PRICES F R flail and Epes .i............8S40 AO.TH BSTGODSAie U.01f lt. Pia with es~ry' Boctoca N. Y. aid Chicago ...... 3 '- FR H E T5OD 1.5 Seth Tosas Alarm Clr, Fail We cteran Slpres...........2 1Ptm u i t sOtobe. '. .and El. Esprece ......... R KN m Clii oN3ht Epres .............W 8 ,vArnold, Jeweler saa Ni Epreca.......... M F C8 f, ux.xr-'r-'i~ x _ _ _ _ _ _ Seanishil i Tckets, all Claases, to and frt iiiR ilar aros nEopean points a oat rts. lowe.IaElrst!1,no ealinrMila1:1thelte! Fall latarierm~lnonaplctin Fl 51 o.W.RUGGE. . , AErS, Unionilily 'higll school, will beI' ar- thlii'llltlies ilnd atio lot(, a t It ieglatiotiTables, G.P. & T.Ag't, Chicago. AgtIAna Aro.cdilonOct. 4 to Sis Ado is.BSir-vai. Ilo home is ti1 4 1 lhan, Everhng New and - troghs iofSDayton, 0. Nbrastka. Srcl pt-ae fT'Anti Arbo ltir Co15 hl' v lls dittFlgs. siltas pillows aid tatti0t SrclUpt-ae a lrg titiilit ift~litil t'tt'Cill Srs. Ping erta', veerSel..lnl, .,20 1". 707 N. tUnivesiy Ave. Ann Arbo Aftimtitesfor ash's,] of c Mic' stdetii. St 5. You can get a 'helety ilthilemiias colIy ia manty Evry sinttiittsotl ae oe of WVY T if li .. itltitit liies. lallecs1A:u ICo i (ls-s. HIlallrt Jes-jj( F 1I NL2F \T~RE~EI ItR OTICE- To wliomi it nay concern: liysrsuit. T- TIETALh'le nanie of Henry Hansen, '01 Law HtvltyourIr iltlii toitishltsiA aing Effect, SuIaaiy, May sl, 189. Class, lis been changed to Henry islissEreisrsli lieli Stalls i ts oslir 9 Traios lease Ann Arbor by Cetral Stad- Ilnsen Ertatid. H. H. . ThuT and Tie. J SOUTH NORTH Rev.tratik Omisar Ititie, 1.1. hutdti'r--li syoull, .81liticii ascitI i ionUsattatSt.. _________________Miss teisome tsiiCo s~is l i e li d h it-ks aiItllers .ts'srsitore. i 'No, .- :25 A.:. . No. 1t- 8158A . ii. Ospt. . atitliehomeo f (,c1. Thosu{ No. 4.-9:35 P. am. No: a.- 458P.m. ra. a ils iii'inYsiti S'1'i -Ha'se~iiu iler, Jt o l Isc'e. $t a h1?:0 . . to 0.903A .l do. rcno etwee Aaa Arbor ad Toledo oaly. Comptlee line "Adler lll sis and I itt All gran.s d-tIp except Saaday . oetis attt 'iadiiatii, Ryn & Stele Ftii e I 'isnd tis baiii 'lis r C fsanday.s nly. N.S. GLOtlRlE, Aget. Manhaan and Wilson Bros. shills Sll i esitvory hes. W B. ENNETT. . P. A for siie at Wldhaitis, Ryan & tene. tics'youstil t lsislo rg-iiis i Slides, Coter Glasses and alt micro 'it lilohsslili l itiais Iat e l u .hiuiu Secotndlhund books bought and sold sopi miaterial at Qarirys Dreg Sote, Si 1lsilisit ('Co., 'ii'til sitreei t': i 0 a a a a at Wali's, cr. State nd N. University avenue. I dolt Is's' ax liss v sy sll touI ols'iii si sits; Say! if yoti want o look nice, get Wadhains. Ryan & Reule ate soe&4 your latindry onr by the Toledo remn.agents fee Ypsilanti underwear. IProi t TiIDiis, whoi s i chare.o 4 p.rry. They .acc all right and will sil Prf. Alber ts'okwoods, hld thest hei'i li' sisvs'iii"'oitSt. Cl'ir la',e you. Aceney at Wocoer's, Stain street. tlaiotispotsieiio f t' lnivs'tsii liii it1 ItitiomeStilitliy eein.Te ,;I Waterman Fountain Pens at $1 lt Schoioltiof'itusi, sIll gist' a rii-lmtit silte55ofithei.los botdeing oAth fSeball to Boookstoie, pMain t. TorotoOit. )1., ite nearfitiuit'. suth it scuni l hiiihsI u 1 A SW E T OB - --$1 busto aSolid Gold FountalinoPen 01at es oisous ot.einLado. iioutit liti O i t Totisit ouremn mliihullteitl) iBoook'tstrti, intman feelissseseit( tior cuts oeiutg the deess holle's Rolistre, Sain a. ('iiiiinnoer Fretti-tofsfie. Ptrof. xisiec, tht w, otillat it tolisres ither (JCKI NG ALLEY R"1 . ofI. Studetts buy their Station' Iashlos suceeded in doitig the wor r i ibintmt ime .tte . W l It ~lllir'sBokstreMan s. othS i'usbtttioc , stigeient. Or use ii elaterRolsertai he. 0 saisfacion sit al theilaimhlo-you ~etiAIa 4 TRAINS DAILY 4 Register' a tireiofice og Granger's anto. Alillcatonts for the 200 odd l 'angsterfer's Atcadetny thiSsi-eek if you wsh otoock ltstre already sit file. Tle_______________________ Betwen Toledo eand Commitlia, using Uiaa depct in bthcetis. jintth mle classes n daning. Tuitiensitetulihs-mr1u-he ~y , wich wilt 'ii-- Totrn oh Sepe sWahighasid SBatimore. Joi alte in atvance $5 ter tert Of tehlceover 00 lots, 1isalso iredy for G RE PRILROAD twsele lessons. le aoalsIof Coitiitisiotoer bench. TH l('ihB BOARtS. Th't'tlue work wilt be tilshod by Printed lectures for all depart- TH rOCINGiiuVALLEY St autiti-sevstudnsitthtiiitoys) t ilt sprinlg. Tie district being streyetd s mentu oh the Unverity. Type write s~~~~~~~~ot a llub'n of 10 for hboard it pritohiati osit tigtmitiles ong andh(the sme riigad iegrpig Write hou~~ttls. Pit $.50t)etc weeek. Astits ,itstttie wide. Itt may sone ihiy 'hvo witn nstmegrph L. W. LANDOMA, ', " 1. of '. Daily' tite. -7 'a1striiliir poplation of 10,1)0. 1 EDWARDS BROS.. 11 W. Fert St, Detroit -(vrSehn, tt tet . .. t.. ~TH "PRITAN" I HAS MOVIED TO Ill SOUTH MAIN STREET t U.olM Barber Fare Mas e a ( 1 iT ( Embalmser and613SastseWill imctr eet p cat FrtENOIIDIETiERLE unmra iretrU v erlSi y o ea u igb i kaa Fin*e Shop and Batisftion 212 5. Fourth Av IE ,Both Ap} 'Phones Shoe Shoppstefs=reTie..atlp done. RI\ d 1 RO 00111 3 fiATS.ig.e. Trjaceeski G a bet -1 - WE PATR0NIZE G00DYEAR'5 DRUG .$T0RL-- ..