THE UNIVERSITY OF M1HG JDAILY. +k33i rE~~ f~F r#iffI tEi 1 rE *ff P**#~sev wttc£vr V9.9E*C* -** :Elw ir OUR STOCK Embraces a number of original and exclusive ideas New patterns of ours cost you 'no mnore than cor *sources. You cannot afford to have your fall su. seein our stock. 'a i wa rIi r lit in fbric andpattrns mon gods fom oter4' made util yu h4' 4' 4' n fbrcs nt satrs ti non or god frmohr Yong4en 11de WAtHINyouNhav i' . .. ..... .... .". .. . y.a. y~s._...S w~." . !.... "_.!. " " rms " .!.. r, .. 4'A 4 s~:.. 4.4.s ' ? 's3 3 s a 3 4a.44.4. 4 .Ia.4 . 4 . 4.4..3 MICHIGAN CENTRAL O+©© +O+O << BELL BRAND" The Niagara Falls Route." Al- J% 4~\4 E ~ 5 anldolin ccld i-0ditr' Stfings cots L5iAIitIIM. Nowlen he fler I you 1no more that 3 lerier ones. Taking effect September so, i1900E0 At 0IN s ~EAS. 709 N. UNIVERSITY AVENUE + ~l AtlandticErsa.......,...74 'o We F haven on cuntr alashles an Entiro:ly New Line ~~eereMsc tr, Gran R epinp e . NV. tibety °3t. AnnArbor. Mail and Exprs.........3 47P. _____.________________0 N. Y. BonSo' iie ............4 8 a It Will Pay Yeu to See Us.r Fuet Easern ...............94:3 Mails nii 13 . .....840 A 11 l E G. .ica . lExps" ......51-3 " 40ARTISTIC TAILORS," e WiU. ofib einAowiteery Samship Tickets. all Classes, to and from 'i: '"me' ' '(Z' ' " '° " e ure eneelis at lowstrates. Full e (luttec os ietia- m ArodJwee co. '.1' A 3 135E,. H.AW. ASop. IOWA 28, MICHIGAN . f 1 . , t1 uuoui, of long;er. OW . . A1300 Ch aro.Ayt, ____1Arbor. 7 j(1f3 .3d ie si'fs'tionlc foe'franc13FiIl.tFlitlei}lNEIW~ j, I .,. . .d )lll NI ) 'nz3333'n lrraiii = i e 0--ticy3131 aif iii' 1i N D iip i s - io liiIslii 3 331113' ii.1 ttit3 ;ii-. Ill Is 3 3111111 ,3133' 113'.i15 etfrt1 4o IS T N S 111,111 II)Mein:;' iliie first 3oi1 'thefiel. 1331 1 'ldsf Ii doro1s ai iluinediaiiely We are helter prepared than ever TIME TABLE 1U3'aill n o C'siii-p. j111' Ilbout"li. 1 313319. '11'11iO11~e1'0s gie heaet ef carriage srie Takting Effect, Sundcay, SMay 21, 1x99. ticks l3131 3o 1(a113 0-9 2 tl h~i L e.. 111. 3 3ir c 3 333 _ 11i oN513 1111,1iiit'lii'v liiii ai s leaveAnnArbrib CetraStndh aving adiled Iwo rubber ired plilii to 15f4 5 i3he13113U31derrl11'the'1351311'3de1s Alic igai is 13v111 is3coaches to Our steek. 5OCT11 Ni JtTIC -l:_13l11sl;'"31 s 311IndB le 1°1 1sI onlit i ( li i f30. 3 Ii ii 1 1 at1 1113131' kictk. Sweeloy3'3 *No. i6.- 7:25 A. X1. Noi. 1- 8:56_A. Al. ;'1330-tya~rdl in.s', 8390l3y 11i1 it- 1'5 t cc '3( 11331 sill eit 11(-1 1313 3 il33e' lolmnes Livery No. .- t: P .:n. *Ne. .- 4:356P. hu. AIN STREIET uiiirr".rU of t;M Barber ace Mussftsgo a fDITR Em ba~lmera I univers}y613 East William atreelt Fn ShpaaiB tilsfacWok.sad 12L5. Fourth Ave, 00th 'Phones Shoe S o freiswrnuLetldoe.j iid aiii Phto A008; 22STATE.J. R. T ronowskil 2ho eShop IE. lambert. RPoo