z THE UNIVERSITY 01i MICILGAN DAILY. veisty faney letter paer and pads in Sh oes ti the ine A styles. aphadlertno-go g Ili"____",'.Vain XIISt. Shle'sBoat a Sacrifice Pfublised Daiy (St kleLS t-s ni ittisti Coie sscar, t - _ THUIERST OFMCIGN I ~li~~ielhe sway our shoes are going will UNIVOzESITY CHO i tniAN Anno \ cementsrprse you, and the prices that Argos titdeM t , SSt -i. t.t ae makingt ,them go will surprise Both P I S 1 Ne t-it t ite s 55az .F you stil ore. It will be profit- _______________- Our special line-- able for yoo to be surprised. Drop Tlwi betien roam icon.it iii 'Ii of foreign and in today and try it. brtpigt for ,hst slc'sfulit domestic fabrics, a --GLASS'S SHOE STORE, s anon, wi. is- downsili de i eiaett yesmtrdia For the Fal and Winter of igoo ba 1 9So. Main Street.. beflyr a uloe poweftrl +1,,11: N1-r did pn evenings until A N A B R MC tfotaiiithtiiiiiilfi. tititarrived and is arranged for ispec -SgP. MAN ARO, nti.MICauew wr 'ckbtle caseC wes li inetaii t i itsite ik i on. The same careful attention_ is ini altiiiiever palet of te :ges is given to the styles and finish of P Z L Not sine woni (lsi i esut gltus te every suit, whether to be used fr Itlla ky it e[ NN-lid 111-i lad5t i ve tti business purposes or for fll dress tle-site s-i itt-v gmilIra:;s ntioier oasions....Tatts lisrd.to solv e btste will ptac1 ~ iii ,Ii llon1u u V ie eho('it o eiti ryt it ti iig G. H. WILD CO.! - olve ,theqetisots of lwto t bts iii i~rt. v-it 11is ";- etiiz tii i- rbE ahntnS.yost- clotiig economuically i lout 01 Chi t li-iit ilr ;Ini iwon. )-n ill tkie itte to dpin0) ito idst s Isis iid len-ii is aiti ii the ew SOi E lhen down townit n inof site-i aniiiiethet awtk- KEEP A little tie spnt I Ju toreevetd stan ot'stong line eye-s r iS neveit-se . e a let ktANN-Of those iobby 1.00Sti6lit toget1t e itt-ti is ig io55 te di + ol the links swhile Importedl Scotch Cevotsi. W e-have a niwis le of Gof its to> itt- ilieliti- tsrittC i-itit tt.J lie eitr1 0(d lov ot Would Sot like to see so~netititg sweli in Overcoats drluttititi by iii ii s li ht tlii. fn siill keep you fiouttST EB E .\fI.JEF I1 ititiiilitgittea lokk iii forill 1: piaetiee. Lookloe r hey citutIt 111t il waa11 1 in GLiATH NS THitR theit- inneris hht it I s i OL yourclubs and if , THE S T A gIve1. wlit-it. a oesiu it Hli -ttse IMOeeNtfAY 1OVEMBIER 12 tarp' itb s-e- witoubpied 11). ,5 PRAC- any, or ini fact, suy o R B O H isfully1- w)intuii ine fthing ini -the Golf I l1I E 2,0 ! L-EAKTCSCES io uiit dlngut si-tituck it a-it tue-l~hxkitie TICE Lte comte iii an~d I"IWA\RL ONitt W OnATENUCES en hi EIn lppriIIIieirl l~ll-j PRICES: - 25, 35, 50 AND 750 ltetsa wtiti Theiregrt,tity II s ivthiiii t ~ ~ uiltiliii it-\t-i-i^tiift t W A H R'S THURSDAY, NOV. 15 t-(Itiotiist st- :hut tt t tlt . +++++++++++~ "A TRIP TO COONTOWN." YESTERDAYS FOOTBAIL SCOES 3 - -- ---- - -COMING __ -- Spea ote al ~si Itl l fO 1t[WALTER E. PERKINS *Northwestern 5 Chicago 0 St. -Louis, Kou-tas (ity, Spritig "The lIM an 3.ftitooolsiiMrtxti1cCicgo!I Mesta23 Illinois 0 field, Decatur, Danvsille, atd tll Waconin12'OtreDam 0IVinsCSutCes. Yale 35 Carlisle Q Consult ticket Agents. .+. Immsedite Connection tt Miltttt + Cornell 29 Oberlin 0 withi Contitntenttlitmhited.SM K Purdue--Geer Game Postponed. R. s8,(;RPe-?t-t-0e-, M P. A.U\ Princeton-Dartmouth GameCancelled --I HIGH GRADE __________Lectures T 00,C jE~E INOt A Gt-OOl)BEIiii-'NNI SE, Printed lectures for aldepart- CI4Ifs, 004 c C9R T E Reo~ Tiger's h0e;igerotetts Di uents of the IUniversity. Type- ____AT- ______ writing ant- Mimeographing. Wateriuttineortughlin vonutin EDWARns BROS. Pt-itt littach, at SelhaltrSB s to e.is OeeSheliitti staetcSt-ee Wadhamis, Ryan & Reln atesole Redmond, Kerr & Co., atgentst for Ypsitatuilundterwear. BANKERS, R R n R R 41 Wall Street, New York BI LU rxrmV..ePA RLO RS .I ter vet of otit-tl suits awd ver- COMPLETE FOOrIALL t 5tJIINS VERFY SATU7ROArY it-ids foe 301 ttays etity.GLdFe, the Ttast a generatl banirguiese. aati-cySieadW ntnd Mcinesits ssrhandtadraft DShnt1 r S tl50OUTH ______ugh and ine s ottd l nt enstted Act isn ILue -supet ttaftt11 ripirs5 t i s. randas, t eetriiasgast1te ~t nseniEY NLD RsNhlTT Seoniteomms- in.VklOSNTHLE TE Tise NewsyDeustie liinlsh ISthe MeberNeYokETRageEET psoter caper for- laundy werk. Foe Ii DEAL IN I r OflUUU SANITARY PLUMBING Iy CarltSWager, 121 S. Alain St. HIGH-GRADE INVESTMENT SECURITIES. *C )iN 'LFtFCTIC COSRUtCTeOAND SPPsLIsES, Ls fcretoeig sn napiain TAMADHTWAtHAIG Lunceonessansd dinners at tmoderate PHILADELPHIA OOESEPONDENTS I 207 . Wshington Street. AsTissue GAS AND ELETaI IrTVtES prices fsurnishted for Spreuads, parties GRAHAM, -KERR & CO. I HlOGHCGRADE MANTELS AND RATES and balls. Good seuvice, refined table j apitmntus Tanaddainly eooking; mu- ge. THtEs A CNNPIS, 4.7 lhtsion st.51 Alarm Otlocko at lAfL.ftRS Jewtelry A ___e DugasShoes.. H WAHR S tole _____ IJ az uhIclr' LIx21TH S MAOEINST";,