We know you cain't keep everyhing in mind, but don't forget the itVARSITY .HAT.''
This hat we have sold for several yea'rs past and the quality has never been in doubt.
' ~The Varsity is- up-to-date iu every detail. We urga you to see it.
0I 117- MAIN $T. S.
MICIGA CNTRLIThe Most Renowned Ladies Shoes AamCok 1
tThe Niagara Falls Route."
CENTRAL S'rANnAED TIME. The Glove Fitting, For The Hygienic U.iiof Im. Pinsoeto$1.00. Fine
'Taking effect September io, icguo Street WatecsMiherZ epaitring s i Specialty.
Deri~Ght E: EST.The Melba, JnassMide
Atlantic Express ..........74 "
Gradtaids prss..........1 1 A styles, un.Dress A~i styles, ' 'CHPA EWLR
N. B oston Special.........4 ' 6One picWerUOp rprice, JS3I 101$3,50sIsnts
Fat East en.. ..9t prce3War O
ffail and Epress... .S40 A 7 ]
B". to.,........and ...i..g... '943 " All widths in Don ola Kids, Enamel Calf, Blo Calf and Valour Calf. EBsoN .ad(hcsl,
Fast Western Expro> .........1 3 .1x. aleaAet frvAn Ar'01. 5, o a, 30111Pn wteer
G . and Ral. 'xpres'.........5 45 43'O3O agentS formas lnrmArboc.
Chieaga Night Enprecs.... 11.943 51i s bls'" l~ll Je
PacificExpores... . .1 30 A. u. sA ~f~tC' i i# naasA15FI U
Steamship Ticketsall Classes, toanad '031 IF"1 y IWm, e.O:o,e wee
.gsropeaa pints at lowest races. Fall infor ' '~f' ,JV I ''~IMWn rod eee
0.w.atOGGLE S,. Hn W. ' TI~,T
0.P. & T. Ag'tiChicag'o. Av'tArimArbor. Fine Lecture on Wa r Sujec. U.,. Y M C.A. Notes. I
'- ( Lie.133. i3013''7'I.. falei , 1 '3 . . s. N.. \oLt week iot113i3 lo e'll e tl h 133 lie NEW4
r .. ()fi11' °, ill 1! )8 f<P ' 4,. 1'lillll'I 103'33310(f13''3lil7 I I.So1 S U
IN.3''' 11'S i.Y 7 .3 i IIs
of3 A mira 31111300tlls 100 tA00 b1o rve lthe0.10 32 i ol. 313..-1 1353 D E
A~l~ll'Il 11a1 11 1 t5tNI) 1110 byi11 'O~.a 0 Al 00
3311 31tip,13l'is been111001 3 ' 111'ylall ' . lollg ll sv lilg 1131,11.33
~y~ to~.n~oii~. IT~s l'3lll'' lil,133013'll"0'113'1 33 333 11133', 7:30. ThEy v 1eqC7}'.i~f31t:t 1'ta 1K'3- We are bteep pared 'tban ever
TIME aTBLE 13113O1.3li' 1llo2 wid13 ' 3311s s l soy of 311003' ni'tvilngo 330 to give the best of carriage service,
Taking Effect, Sunday, iMOay 21, 1899. or' 1116 i'e~tlllroo311t' lliv('l its Milil Iwo'am (ot wo ube ti d
Trains tears Ann Arbor by Central Stand 033.2. l.o31d'll". 0151311having1 53(3'..'1two'rubbergtardl
ard~1 TNoe. d 0. It.1i111113t3311:33' 31131 3113 1133110 11.1
art~ne.n t stil o~t3110 311 3111Ealr 1,,4 t dol l( , .1113 ' .0'30 11130 Ilcltiol".0131 I' coaches to oelrse tock.
SHUTI i NOR1TH 1 113 'I'll 33o1, 033 111313 13 10 1113l ollt)s vI1et
"N. .- 7:2l5 A. a. No. 1.- :00 A. M. about, a111 S1 30 :1 11111100.0:f 331 - ' 011' ~ 3111 1, 31 113'501, a o im L ve
Na. 2-11:3A. 0. 'No. 0-12:30P. . ' 3150'111t c'l'ry:'llill OR oil l 33 '1 1oi ll aM5
No. 4- 8035 P. t. Na. .-,4-..e , P.M. pf ic 1 1013 11 5tl fi 1'a3E 1 4.ls' 1s'11ll','a 1. .}'S.hi y PHIONE l ELB RT :T
N 110. -.: '0a'.. il. 3(2:. 01-9:03 A. . T!l'11111 ' 1113(0 1", 11111 itliS s l'1li ll3' 30 1 1 c' 00 1111' :1311133'illl C.3111133: 131'i133 13331
* : n betwee Ansn AeboradToledo onlI 35511'1n1)333431431E 0111131 11' 3 :313'e 11f'piker'has11310 13011 13103 103 31 -
Al iItain ls ily encept Sunday. 1l '1'3'13111bi'' ll3oslltlll. to' t 11) 110 11' 3l1'lllooll. 1'I' le1133 11(
IVs das.31. i1'It,t.S Ageat. 1311111 b 13' 1 11 1l'311'\' 313oo 1. 13311313ll3 130.11'-
W H.a IN ' TT.(l. P. A 1)11 ..10010D151(llN'sIt" sll, 3 010 01. W
It17f:il'gs'a 0cl; Tigereflat't-________
I'S'35 3 0 5'~,,33.330 0,333' v.30331'33333e~l a77
HM IK IN'G VALLEY KY. a or LaughIlin o ulk
The Railroad that takes -the
Buasiness In and Clut Wadlilila, tyan & Boile are sole
of 1 4ihigan. 3(201115s101' YpsiIlan tticlc'1dr35ear.
4"' DAILY BETWEEN T ONi101 0tH 5WEP3 1 o131 ll 1111 'llic;'
and ATliENS. 13'101011013. .52 N.'.t tte't'solltll. ,4.':
WB, 'Sallew. 1.. W. L andas,
G. P.A. l(.Teav. A't. 5prCn f i tlItlsado-r
Conmbsso, Ohio. 5Ooleoit. Mich. C1a2) fo31e(011 offcl.E1110,ndtoe
'1T1101', 001.. Suitt and waoliu';tonl
Detroit, Ypsilanti and Ann Ar-
bor Railway. 'I'lle('(Noll".of"'0332'toil leibXO illtldly
Care learn for Detroit and Ypilanti 10sa:not' rMill,' 3')sl' cf1331otlieois''S an10-
every ball our, oeginning at 7:15 a. m. llll35lll'3'1 ill ylret l'a's.Dlasly. !
until 7:45 p.. in After that. to Detroit ________
at 8A5 p. in,,:05p. m. and 11:15 p. us. l~'eo 11131110 it tiel l' l 'l" ive'i'
Waiting room, corner "Ann and Main city 31330 ('31 -l le11 .i' 1.1 Lovl1 s.11
s# .i Detroit. 011 Griwold e. {rStrr~i iost. A'5, ;our'1ow113t
35e5WWVLOSANED ,l13(( '11 1 lt 20115 13 1:0
on watches, h mo'ds,V/eelas adother Per- :of i:113' 1 litvl'r3s11y 1(fllllinoto .
sonal Property. Office at reoidence 0-1 N_________
Liberty street.. All busines.oonfidential'
Hone-s. to1i:30 a. as. and 3Ito 830N ad 070tot ]'xjeri svlil'llrepairersoit lialleros.
311 LL 40111'. .1101 30.t SLVIe.tol 1.1 o1i (3((Ll0.
*foi'A sIea.t NWl (0i igah t. n eue
ve3'3'l3alloy 033 'l 1oy 3113'and3 Facts 10.ill '
llhe'lllly'l'Al31 1113 1)0133 (1331111131 01:31133
'tr11 l0'tSo.111 Maill ('ll3St. o 311
for'sale t AV adh'l', Ryan & Re1310110
''lilI osy 1.Oouener oliniofs10the i
C. A. 111'l' ;11he'lot'lastio 11s'.1ral
Ivylla~l ('1 1 . 'O r'ans'r, 32( S. 'Maen a5.
But center of att'r'ljctlau is still att
Hank's for h1101hooltelansd fresh
candies and 075101's, sered In any
style ,at eitheri stQe
200 B. Wshi Stoll,3() so. State,3
Pickwick Billiard Parlors,
lle ulatiorils800'e1".l fi31s,
7,b3letl Cai(shions.
Eterything New and
707 N. Un iversitly Ave. Ann Arbor
S" - " -E-;--*--'V -~i 1'' I~ 'F?__'- -rt ,.T --..--. .t " t .. r"1 tT 5- - ---,_ -, ,- -_ --r r rT°and,- ----- - -- -s, ' a1_ °s-5 1;F !
U. of N, Barber a
Shop and Bath c
ROOMs, 322 STATE. J.
ENOuiN DIET1ERLE, EmbanerDircor, jUniversityo
212 S, Fourth Ave., Botphooes Shoe Shop.
Randal ie