bemm .A
,4 PaiI
An ou c me t WARRIORS READY TO BATTLE Winners in the Debate Preliminaries' Mass Meeting a Big Success.
llswkeyes and Wolverines Gis'd Up tt'ds1Y tore he ld 'the prelitolinarty jIt1.liehigptn hilts upatn iga aEtti s
iter-Soelty debatst tub lite Ir pt the 'tote! aIt ttbe oti s ltetiat- Is i
Our special line Their Loins and Wait 'or th1 andutlass' h'.is'Itn Itt..'These idelsale. tnight? tttlis'tted tt Is heir enthulsis 'i
of frin ad Whistle--A Fierce Colitest j at' asts-pa in 1t1"(1'n'ing-out proeyss, that slite slould, toss-a will lie snouts-(-l
domestic fabrics O i'hignllt ilhee't t'ti I)elttiingI t ril noEtlt hethe tail of Vtle letetlier-
For the Fall and Winter if 1900 has lioltiit t ttill kt'no rtlainalt cct- tlepaa titue1t i iuaty. The next will Ihte is "110( etotnitoise at tll te geni;
arrived and is arrang ed for insipec-'gtian - is ltdi clk itt '1 'e tio is itielyrii s, ttoitl n-jls hittiness last itiglirtx in( S ttte ore
tion. The iatni Careful attention (city'.Thetrti-'{''-;rs -illt caste downlili'teirt nxt anutiry.' t() gise anlitexpert pe.rtstistrgl~~E. (lie
tromAts ft. ('otiso1x, wheIt,' they Itavts'c lb'li3 'it tI~'d.")Yi"IC'tll1
is' 'iven to the styles atnd.finish of tet sttiastgth itt'sasttthi 1e dqutho setiated wssas'nth(eIse Ctt tt reetrendioe iei
i~e "Il 15 itt}.Sit.It El ;It'll 1ita: "iG t >o-ithd, thutr ti''5" 'a ti Ittiris it(t- stats 'ct i''i 'ag
eeery suit, whehersto be usedporl rutt't't't'9 st4sl11'i11sliigutntlist :'t'parlortu'edlitoIs:ttuss'iaefornsta s's touttletitist 'tostint.getna hol nestist' itt aituit<a lively
itt ititit ,lit.' (1ta'_ ry 'lith ' II' see 'onidr t ma nes
husilness purposes or for ftull dress j ' ome yUfa;;h'to h lt' les'Is."i-t,.htitt a x ts11Itt tn I iti'stt'" jht'ttiirtste ottnate
the tlitk tie' low'. bit" tt Itt itle listrsry depylaitilt tt ie etrtS- 'li' hitd-svins present and led in the
occasions. (S 1'.4lxt tlt' Wt' AphaitiNttusand ectmn3fit ot' k' aywl
hr. os e vb-i ts o rttt;..1 i t l' iI, !xstt11ce'i';it i it'd" '(1 ttl otsttttt1Se lits 0d "'i 'ti'anal "~xn "
lit a) itet it 's'l'till I s' E . e~l ti,. fit i d u ttitl it tile gattite. ''Sit' yois tsivv's' givei
6.oIHe WILD COI! of ttds i~etslitthey kn is'. 'ite sittle istlt'ntiiti's'se
toS IE. Washington St. is foi hlool and ltaa'ilnist'ip l Iti ' r stita aa i lttat I tos'1w'xeluonidse otid
:____________________________ Sneotte statist Wiis, lndthir".' s It c t line+ 'heis' tlisi t tLx "t' i t 1t'ttttCl i'tl tlar
_______________________ eiitr'lt's'lte ttose1,(, at tits' toltcss'ing turnx: tIxssietnclei'n ichi t c -. 1Es'o'r' itiitittis points
All d'i ad' eatogth itstg'ittosi 'a1ky 'asi.tio3114 '1 'h.1e1Miixeyn,can i(osttht'atiot 'n11 'thixatistu'th
'111i ambled oss'r the 5tts'ttug'-grot~s'tof 'lie tttt'it:'1s tisl 5"tley p' 7(eeitftd the ' 'itgt teii sO
De ila o C u-T(ut(r1.i1 (f- n E011.Teiin~s ,aeS(lei dex.'The (lICdlto 1 ltMi .so
L .TH TOW ELO thi ottgi itry (lath s a i1' l tcs'si tsllliTeaittr se' the Ilost iio ll t-,it yerll-t
ATs5tilts hn sttiilt a'i hg thing isat. ,it otthse. srIt ntt'olte '''t'oi t V.Lto.'h -l
ALL ots i i kept I1tts'+ to. tll1. 'Isost'ni Inhaluits lIsw (iteptIl'ii ts' li-s latf'; &&-, ' Miag 1 i' ' 'tt t: I'
ALL am~ a . ' :Melllildlti01s . 1 ta'tsltirg.0;tE; . '
PRICES' ard eStiuto Ito the''t' eititttt't1101tiitg til'e tishioan: i'ste nc tl - It. SLl'o t, s; 5. 1FStitse rtsi, tl'2
FOR isElIt grt' t to' tnt'rntlinltitost No one ' otto. ititins'. Mills 'sYt .i'tls'aOottlitt o- L i 1 5it'ttt.
(in s.asrits-1'41 etslIlntt wttliit tthe 's '. iinsi'itt lPet ty liut (ohse.
gig s teinlt'. s1- i tit~tst icttsre t- att f Itt' ts.t: a of le'setSht ilit a~t( t i it. 111
YOU ROM R HE YM iti t1%1t srily w"oltghit tttlxittttilt s )hitoe' hs' ti tttid.isit hi 5's- salsltsr-McKinley Not thte Only Pebble on this
cas tthl}i i tii'hihgtttst ~~o-y. 'hi' uittilt'. 'Presidential Shore.
Wilder's Pharmacy Tefr lt 11Otecry and rogtict
ar~ti S stateSt. i-i fitst s tutes. hll: iitt;th ilis tt' s' of'4l11t ,
did tissofeiiti'Isaitit t-tatit0shtt
NW BAcco-even te store " 4ilitl te unilitlia tl uttl -I
ttself is new. We have remodeled the ltl>110ee, E,1uils;14(l
place iand 'illiit italtltlit-itrIensdss'totcatllot
and inspect what we have, You can't itt 1,;t itrtdiihittski s E5 ;11tiheii.(tt' tby
beat our LUNCHES. It 1 ittwis
F . ,J)L LY, 3058S,StateeSt.jBhutts itt
tlhss'h-liiir"tg Slt - t th sill, l it s S i'hitket
is- Icr tetttt' ad tit- e Theotuuy stlditt
#sttditigh'S si tt'o tth is:.tity 11lets
*AN11 zheit, " ilt I-S, o l I nsEt t olp'slt
L O N Y ' ' ttlii lIt tu g l l nt si t ( ii tt ti '-~
IN ,4Yb, . 2 b & 1xlb BOXE 4. itt 1 lttlnli' t X. r1Rlttit'' i ut's blot tti
r tt s l'4-ilage;titits' 'Ii its it i +tta itiiti1 olll'oll~e
+: tare oti getting themi111 :' ,Eler i~lulol
CH C LA E l . 1...? OWAE BACK.aSutbcG t 1>Aicos YEe 11o1leudnsy.l<l'
+ U K K '~AE iitt~'i fit ( caipt. i'.-.-
COR. STATE SE. awl N.IlUNIVERSITY,;t tAttS it 55itt --tit I tst i
+I+444..44l.+++++.lI4 ,44+++1 5s''ittS Iss iWts'liii' ftiIt' tt.4' ig1I0tu1 t ' I'lilte It's tctitl 5' will tlit'tklo 11 tilt'ov
is hots kntow.ts S trIthei'os'ttt's itu t u t 23
-" {lllit itt lyii ittt1iq 'll 4Iss't u-L wI stslesa
+++++++++++++# ilIt as-w-1hi 'titr #ilte I t ts' ttat' st iNhle' Bo-1ietr ad e Itstrfit.
4. ± hit he.ISt it as' s I mh st issids's\vtill
A little butt petit 1ha tI t iligltt 11'atigl tl t1Its I
KEEP A trnIp n tt 1 11 11Itit - tiius tat ,s ,itt1 It'n, t Sit1aI tt 11tigit irt, 7 1tt tt'hs i l I tlt -
on the links iW'hile ; I t la iseer,1 lilail Itlit-c ti'S.l A tttl tlt5It1Ittlt
'+ ebsr sgcd 'his ~' sdurn isill !cultr' ttsi et't'S'os'
++. tallsal ot41h'tty uftu'rtttaos ti i-b ait is ('it. l dsis n wtts 1gtt-ic itlit
+ will keep you froil t lt' asititltI atlr t tI t tbg -its' 'fT's taik. Sushi sit.LaCtitttc(tl xi.'11 t4n's1a W--
asetitilter, trotti itasc Iti n 41114l (?t t. Nstill Is' lu-ittn sitisss' forfttc us t elicit gaitte.
+ YOUR gettig clear out Of Sit' tts'st'tlslt'. hItelcNgug latheIiibardtu, '1 "11 titfri- htitus I t. i-;ledlt Ittht a''of
+. practice. Loopk over tl t t'ga'asfie b tl shtlt' ttttttthtsht-o i i rs-ti 'h% beit' itat. 'c-lt s'tsuts4ti a-lidte
i ttiosat l suke' h ill'S isnt.1ts'nhls, li tot 4 Iloilvhe1tinzt' e. lT-st'i t:;eth die
GOL I~your clubs and'Ifflust tlts'atliel - il'wl laltesbetto s' tnc "it o'x'isgote. 0'ti utorcin-h
y re i ee f '.altl is going 'Oat.l~ t ':F*,y tto'titi;n'teitt tt 1g% 'The' l' liI ,tialIti tivo'~s tis-er
for this' ,e oin-mooli ia sitMthe hig 'Its' '1 io-higatti 'etr'oit . It. 1. slt10:30
D a ny r in fact, any (eivxss a' S beenti eis stt-to'te. 'tut itusltttg1stutttttll. 2tt itlIle e titlol itt2x4 11:10PR 'Iloi 411ll, b tth am i.: 1. {,3;1 41 .'11 in Il1'ft"lt ica
+ thing in the Golf !: 5': t t:<1 ti oa1 th 1 hi1 lit.). tit. Xii'-
+ie c m i n fT' course liketa tr 1ot- is'f tit i to~l S tlltit 1 1iiitttit t ti1 1>' Iti-tiesl
TI ETl t .Shitele ta t oaisce r t lati l te t St t 1tlsf'ul hol'
gevacsnitig i n Ibs s~ S~~I ittr "1 111" I7ati. tili, i. s h ti n,)\
1.t111Ei I 14i tbn;;' echos. t I. os Slt, t t1111 v asiti_ s roit t s hist115 s tilIt CIson'
j Om bt ku tickeats, cans' -ewihbcatchtt. 0(St) -e t1cis ust-MOii i gn ae
' Al A II I)'C conc~rt (1 sngle nlmis hOst) "131ll" pis - itl baa'ltp1y aud'pvso
.1 its'el t w-Iho Ss's ittiee tittl huhnettle
uchtth issil hu o' ilNl asot;
gu Theti' ele it isi is ' t tig'tts-r'S
fa:toi tovnthll Not.'s' ltit y isstltlo its'I-
is tritotiheirst. o' aila, tuttiawlutity)a
luteim attehu t is 't't Ittfut 'gn titto %h
"ttirs{iitlit'emttet sti't ttriso'hstti
ate itt'iS-woirhn'a'it 'vrotgtooheeti,
all iLteiti. s fli't (ri- ltle Sti'emtat
ther 'this tuti't01e ite 1 v]l';'i1"S l'lt is
gtIven as hi'Wlisettlevenomles'o 001,
ofult iuo ifl ilygive suin' Sor'thir auth
"norkThl'at this' tiuti tit ot(hetit .tt' i its
ftiltt se'osnti eleven.
Notre Dame's Gyiunasiuma Burned.
{Iqla't o this' r. of 'S. Ilulh
i'le btug-, tny gyuinsiisfat; NkAlt'
Dstne ui'Soritodiyi'steriltsi iatue'rioniat
3 lo't (ci. 'fhiz;' silolllug is' 'etaU'ia
ystr a oas. va" on oft hefit t tasn
bet quipp ha ll he Un1i U Stst.s
Wh 1iltie ' on(swire st'l raging 'tl
unvIt t trnma Ls'iteld is reinoand