TALL UNMMSITY OF [~; ORIGAN P A MT ..._ ... T Q 1 X~(4 4~ TALES OF THlE EX=TANKS A Book of Hardy Luck Stories B3y CLaHREEC Louis(CutLEN' lRe-published from fihe Sunda edition of the Now York Sun 'Any man who eans appreciatq a good thing. and faila to read thia book, will ha, camping oat-that's all.' FOR SALE BY Sheehan &Coo 120S. TATE STREET. Excursion Rates INTO GlOOD CLOTHES WE CAN SHOW YOU more thon 1000 of the moot inviting styles for Fall and Wlnter Saitings that were ever brought together. TO ALL WHO BELEIVE that strictly made-to-measure garments ought te be sought tbelew the prices ordinarily charged we frankly may, "HERE VOU ARE." GOODRICH & D UKE, AAcot for the Best Tailors en Earth. Front roorer First Niational Bank WE LEAVE NEXT THURSDAY NOV. 15 Our Entire Stock boas (A1IA6NAN & (0. (1 14 Monroe St., Chicago)1 CALKINS' SPARROW'S CHiOCQLATES you'll be surprised at the goodness of them 6o CENTS A PQUND w . a_:se err . r e ,rsr - - - - -. ~ I ANN AEBOR JIRANCH YOU d1 geIaRentschler, the W'hotoorapher, OPPOSITE LAW BUILDING, 340 S. STATE H OT LUN CH - .Cs W Im- AT nsisa-c1'nes, 1 ttrislorg l, Ia.. tsays: . +- S. C A. Notes. __________ bola sie I.tod iloy .haiiefIlling out Cor. SMnin andlHaron Strects. T U T T L E ma 11u 51 5 llsot dit1(t'Ssis'Slot sfof jTht' el-cieas Ieeepltisssi 010-uevery lapital,s550,ow. Surplns, $35,00. Traneacte I~~~~~ nsutitrsssc iirtne t ieso-h tl I-Ioh osgli isEKce general banking bnsiness. Ft ~rr Prs. C. E. GRENF,- Vice-Fres .1.8 oot bstsftiled.11 1I lioas-ily- reci-olmendIsit to 1renshal'slcrtitr51ilwilurishle ue o- FE.HBL~.Csi 115 ly OneilffeIiitig liomicalslaa' dis- oil. Eoie lsii li-iis--dto Ibepresent. Fn.HSena alir B I I s1 i 0. se listihunresoso(1155- Tie Susudsay aiher1nosisisseeisug os-will ofT A lMIBN cAnn Arhor llciti te tnotliallssi-i asthis. Se- bi' adslreseclby Frsst. E. C. G(loitc. FIRS ATINL Organlms 188 ICCrLE bIoisie islo , or i aitlsisis' sirug sMore. Ths ' ofos los~ssrs-'s i-Is r-eg-ular slapital, it 0. Surplseand Prfitsl, M310 -- - 11I Zi t' 'l o lil '-~iiyr o12 eissl j TransacIraagseoeral banking bsssinoe. Foreign nett lIc.ltssssars-ig«hs. :"change bought andsld. Furnich letters at BARGAIN 'S i s sca> tCUlt s .I \I\(.t, P512 ______ reis. BA z!tylug1esid 0; ~ etElfrs'i it,)c.i If t. KINNE, Proc. HARRISONSOULE, i0S Orient ~4 I (1 rlitalrssllssilld - l . IA5IEON Cah1ierViere $40 Stedmg ~ \~- ~ ~ 1.1.ILNI sill sic itriglit.o - $353 Is'sravlsir fens,$1eachl, at Selsaler's Bookstssre. TeVitii estiscasiog-rap)lisiInd oilier Ccl- h 11Hn flriJor Saviu an Acid many othiers. Celt and See 11em.1. teir-iltysfascy loller loper asidipads in -Capitll Ssoek.nii0,os. Surpur, Stso M. TAUBLER'S CYCLE [EMPORIUM~, I Viatilasis, Marsi l e-sle are sole tl i y.do- 1 .t 55y55 Seclslls io lc-a 5 xdndrthgeneral Banking Laws 119 . WSIINOTN S. 1~115 So ilisisi.Of this State.Iteceivs depos-its, hns and sells agentsfr ______ I 1 scisauge en1 sIke, p16n'oipol cilser eet Ike o Uneted jigW. ASHNGTN S Mtes. Orolic carhed sponyroxesc idsnlifaonn ______ - -- u~i Il5flll- IVI-~l 1s lii , ;ipiM- nhattanlolan d Wlsson oBros. shirtsSacydpiloxctrni tIRANOiiR'3 ADVANCED CLSS OrcERsen: lhrietisn Mssck, re..:W.. Il~arrl- CLASS------------of ou3s; worm irc ill cold- forsti-le at Wadhlsus, Ryan ,- Idol-. Inon, Vice-Prey;ChaIs.E.11 cocshisebsr; M. t I lbe tj O Sis 1)5 s; losli lo, __1_____J.FrlcAcoislat Cs hier telepone.521 . Je ferwo st.=13 f I Iss l55e1l? cctetim~ e ate "T UaEsl ls-315 lls-flej Iti-.1. Tlsai i -s t .otai -iliy Sissue. . t-itcl t. 5J. seeoasi5 PRES. Otttssdc o.enssisincl Tol1sssss-fI:C' Jecccoisdltore Js. . EE( tdies A -s- pa s F~les- c I is u is- ta Is Citl P t1.iig ss. i ' 'S still cople a~, lelaninsg,of ilie losrillIt. E. -before sM lls- EllrgiO silrg 01)1-ie ly siiills- RN "Isdll t sh slpy sdsiites Nsosi-inn tlhils'sulljes - Is-s lislOss-. Tss"IsId'r.1llos ITrasacts a ge-Ieeal is-s e a d he shilsd Eta';s ftail t flire-is - oill Ise- 0is (ilill iill(, I 'ly is-al l.a lsssa- lacking Buisness. .ept110 i l sit.lei e -s-i- erlis sire-'tuor-is eIis- oIso-ie-Roomsl ia 8 .ll. m byso Vui.is .alt -if i-s-r. Bsei00111nillh-_____________-_____ "115 1 0 10 till iilllm l sb.1islswhisli '1'hll.CIl.5-.A NiO 1-TI___________________E.__________ f1i " _IS esslillls- l- lo1101ly Iof' sls('olored 111. ll i:ll 11o4 el-inl o (llss iiiss ops-Isils oil s slive re a it'lsissy- is s oos-ss into ig loss-eu si ll 1w0ill tietlls- l sis "ts -1:11i 1)- G. E.IBA I-T ELL. ,Agent, -1S'-lu"eel IIII l (IsO. 1til lli-s t Issa fls- lo. ill t555llst - ll t If;tlls 4glllitllilll. x26 S. Statr St. Aim Arbor.'lcds. 1is, ii. ilYIN(ISSIN ae- t WHY YO DON'T perfjJ iiof ot l t 11 ll i s Isl o- I;ti esl 1-1s o lis Iills swon 510 U01 r WHY or s00 sys onsly. GLENtttheils sssiso -l s l it Yssr 11 Ms us cts st cl I ie t Tilo, o.State slid I asilinzng. l. isis .1 o n II ila 5 -I. lsSrS5 III NewI Domuesrtie Finishl is Ille 'is UiveIrs-ity1st Illisis. '~~II U U IIproper (lperifo1105 ssi(isy wori-I. Essar :it OPEN ALL Ntt'. ily ',IrlS. Wage lit22 S. istaini 51. 515 -S lirls an1 (" 1)0 ts 1 HURON ST.. Vwc doosnwastleSCock House. _____ - - -- __ -I r i) a t-aS lw iols. Issl lull lI si nit- 0. M R .I' i~ l i sl o keiesIs eurlliol 0 Sls'0 1 sillso ae~t i llshewok, si-s t llsllsoo Ill sI's ballt p11115'rtn , ;t tS to1p01111 55)11 Iial ('o lselallosir ' ea-l-io - sl. 5 f f l iso e iiy SMot.18,de -S sts-I \lisolls i s. FUNERAL I__ : J3}' h3e ~*/3 ~33/.DECTOR ser-~kal allc n S spescialty. No. 20l9 S. 4thi Ave -od 1 A Ania o iht ndday . Res CoIt~ ~t~ri 7ming, dones3112 FoifthiSvO. - --- - -ius _._._.tt._..__ . .t '_i t .Ars i ih it eomosgtho-s o fc The... Winter fGarmeents NORTH SIDE R W AGNER &C0o.,Importing T ailors7 LAUNDR Cssnpleas you in the many TsaOS.SctWEPro055 \thethings tatgus Icmake u11 100311 oaddiw y 57 erllPhonerodtirn. ____________ 121 and 123 Sj ain Street GOWNS and 0005~s, .JUT THE T HINQ FOR T AKIr4ILECT UREs CAPSa e~d GOWNS., 3 I aPEC~fILTY. C LSS Ct1HES. -- COLLECE FLAGS, ICOLLEGE PINS. CLASS and I c s'eemKArS and SCH LEEDE' TEMPORARY BINDER OpensIli ke a book. ' Rceats she old atring cover Leetuse paper 515. for Hec "The bst fountain pens $1. F. SCHLEEDEi, - - - - 340 South Stte i .x i } e SPAU LDI NG'S_._ FOOTBALL SUPPL I ES Arc universally used wherever the game it piay-ed, the trade mark bieing lbs guarantee. The Spaulding official Inteccllegiate Cane Bali. Is seed buy all the leading colleges and athletic clabs of the cocentey. Price, $a,0c. Send fice Catalogcce of all Athletc Sports. Spalding'n Official Font nall Gnide'. with the new Rules for 190, and recsrds, reviews and inctrations, including pictures of 1.600players. Price. IS rents. S %WNOW'S SPRING-GRIP DUMB-HELLS Ic-ve seed by Sandow. Have no equal .ac en eserciaer and developer. Every maacle bene A. G, SPAULDTNGO & BEOS. NEW YORK CHIorC-ANO D0551VER A , -0 A.mu UflNll& U IYS MFRcn~uAl