VOL. XL. ANN ARB3OR, MIIL, FRDAY NOVERBEit 9 190. No. 41. CHORAL UNION SERIES. onnryactin inadoand will bevie VRST NWINDTRI A ou cm tir: gr a-f work by an F gh rempo- VRIYNW! ERI The Musical Society Announces the ThcAc Ic l i Aca recnb'tyi-(TlS aTksu Conceartsetivolract'snstTtelfn-hTe Squd Taks upQuarters at the Our special line CnetFoIsTelh ea creaing inexpoese, and as it is impos-f Country Club-List of Men Taken. o foegn nd t le -i rumnc ci sccofe he aaqualty ofthe e eneerts tefollowing I 11crpralre yesterda acews th had- dometic abris ~ l tita os ben et ercoita l oaia as the t the men have ye. ceoe npt fhrourgh dmsifar c l irelclag (-outet ecetirficer c c iid e ce-c t ccl~i.ble oncltieplacen ct Minx c, cascec e h Foso eeig ofict ie INil i nd irt isefelt that this ptana cll -ed- +trcs t ier fe-d fonate -wx' hey For the Fall and Winter(f 1900 baerie ic-ccthe -eec dat ofthe lovery '-f mtc ccc i-i' o ci:t ifhe aceplay it neay be judged4 arrived and is arrangedlfor imoper- 5cril ints e'iccclliy. 5WhileteinIce itspier irir cefsecsa tieleel viire' rt teey eiaciiexnteen ocU. wl a-e ie r tion. The +ace ccareful attention t occel fjeitcc'es th- e ceuteta esre cat neec i s t e-tofre,."t. Ocher tcsccani n s r ,Cintmyrt" I eea,(ti'ie o tesye n i iho ,l(, isiv n to te tye acl i ile~ ca ycr cecl xyte-il ll cteca Ie e cnexI-r0 ste-ct erts xhiii is- sai act $Y, Alt i ceclvtex- riv- seec ec ilhho n tsthe-sfranc g Yceeit x l $. Al l stwilt lee every suit, whether to be uedelfor, 'ixh e 'tclue tticel tsit'nclle'ccee f itier tx-ccpieheecv a e cxeic e e icie tte l -pIcy ttyethie' 'Vctcit eras busainess prrposes or for full dress c i'sxii s is-cearc' ir laxccccce'lce-e'the r'of h c '~sec- tms'ct ate'. nchelc ta icushc rie ecits vesry-'fir - tea ccerute cbi e 1c'fecceci l i ccci CInte-nc on tl( e. xIle ole t ier xticec icecthe ,eeseaci occasions. x01Ie c~cre cit uao rlu ael x a- xIic'tcil li'thiigs xli. t'ley macte moat l t -ieicfeec ir,is iuia a lceflons iie 'ei' 'iv dti i l I ii ii ii L ie x ev d lt tc- icc i ud hea ii ll ligh ursde goods ese'- 4' ''Ici'hte cii tii, Istii- lii; kAilphtiit ewes iie'iiimacla biiicli ii liifor ibi' i c~ te+ak te-i irioi' ili ue'. ss-ie coel ve onlyccx 4' JT J S tshiciaeti ie I eii-t 'ix sio lia. ci ii eli-i-iel ec-celcslhighly iha' it iii iii i i il tsbe t -[s n iitr.: ofithe li ji hi'iiii i Q Ufiv5 e ie d iii i eee elIcice.25, lie1. Athic ntIhi'l sictittli i. i pt i hei l ii ii's10c t i c 'icircie-ili .F . SM Sra nd c~IN. rUNERSITY. AE t. iitii i vteilea] i el v rs teeomciii' i--li - -- - {IL 1 -t S5'A ; l .1. c ii% rva'.A. E.- I ....... A Frtlee ee; cri-it li-fortvlli c iiiilic- MSS SMEE13[TINGi TONIGIHT. hetru e'l-cie-t, ai , At. SS'iiii' _________________________________5cIi ee iced -cill tek,) siec v,'iir cl Every student, (prfessors arnd li cc Ni-it\tal1ti-ic' hiere-uac. 1F'i- + Ili new't 1111iuceel ci enill s iri piee' u:~5-ciiGy in at 7 o'clock tonight. This isi I .tute iliui dc I nii t r' ic it 5 eit IDeetucuuel ccwaecuuu iict imperative. The songs and yells - e -- i t ,p KEEP A little teocspenlt ehters uei-c-sWxe-ili the- tuciih1.' stienifor tomorrow's games weill be Ticctsa foc the Gatte ntltheir Pces ( ieccaiii mpititie 1ly?-practiced. Uof M. Band and ocn the links wehile atIr lee' i-iury- 1I11i ctpiilcceveii'ct Glee Club 'will be present to help. -- '~~~~~ ~ ~~~ liuhn etan-i ge ir AnncArsret lhecouusi anduihic i- hg-Come out and bring 3our friends. li ee-lcl 'eit~ec si csues ± x'lescucce-11s-ill ci icc-ccacute theiii taieleirfleeting 'wsill be short.gcsel ihii'eii dici eud'cci will keep you c-afroim- c-hescci r' -_________- I tr L3 tit iaut h he e sae 4 I, ercifie-Ge erll luimIoneec i iin eait s t ill ^Ilai-i'en t elxveedcis t i 'ucr Sr. isllhauicCaleder. ~EYOUR getting cleari ocat of -1 1;rdimt ny astn_'i icer a'c1c110, _tadclice cesixllee +oe- td isteiid 1 tnS ctie ell so sadn prci+ ok cr feeltinin cnngumn a-xc x lutea-i cde mrncc ld the' cnuheesitafice excel ct 'dccx +4 rcic.Lokoe xybr'eby l eeAvill}5ceeseeutit a oleoam r~idca, ov.OieriSibster wss effe-cee 1 etoth'le- fil * GOFyor ctubseIand 'if ;tccen seile'cae skill cred acetlisie nilanideat rel'iil.toat ecentap RoIse r ed s e-csuin i e irdsa you are ianlned of Pius' eighthuleicucet l' y lscireci I t FrchdlNovs'f)-Alpia leaNcsyeAdd i ys aruina)c-tr ca nelstitifioal 0 ronfs 4 isic ail -ce s fsc'ec'cI'of fis- c roeec i, tI d c tctccpe-hminacaca' s- a eawil sht.'is by screnderig flee dmisehen PR DI fl' any, or in fact,- any tebt ice'diaie's for ltbe. saice- have - ltj e igindld4:30(1).i.caRtoomceaItLaw Bidsticeab ocn youcr exeursion tikrt aidad- 4~i yofU -t beeniafixeds Thee soeytistc w'ill i-e i-Icly \oN(-srlFootilaIowse iexng 50 coos h itrcttatset may be c- thiginn ilgGlfinisetxfrei feeoglftefcee-ieod inel-51''eiace'ct heecel Fel, oleoi.ineced n ifie -te raseosan ottie Liecitei ead h eehudrmlie g intit la ihyi'iec ?ielteett11 ielndr dlo'rssateheach-eese Ge- wihesitthe stubtd C IQ Midici Sehisaii cnaIteick, chIose w'eoe l-iten xiiileeure cci "fhristianityics'ecndceeas-tcot15 ri O r 3iece. 'Ie-fxcisec-sest 1-asflrcMices ie o ii t Ioiia awat nitlt ranehxnich JU -IOR CL__________N wc-ngtuniv-esal docuisaci % ie-r ~v'I- Meidcy, Nov.12-h'tftsbxrgs Os-des- JhtltCASMEtG ire-onaoiei ~cedhsolmu-c silo- cc-i-ia ,Choal S Ulons ourlse. U-eaversity' There will -be 'a meeting ofthe ejunior 1A aE«,ne llhi" and S ul l ivan',s "(Coleden I lti,8 p. ox class of Pthe Itesery cinch englueering 5 ad' I tt well -4, teSS ss wrks, Friday, 'Nov. 16--library Party f djrmesats con next Tesay netteor- yy ,j z- eill '"-tlrie cipa hom l oezigs. fonian';s League in Barbour yin .moon Ilt4 dloek In scecn C 'fe lii W Af i he t ~r 'ha,; besciven w 15 ly Satrdayv. lo 17--o II ,Not ee l =of Offleear.