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November 08, 1900 - Image 3

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U. of M. Daily, 1900-11-08

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To choose where no
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are best and exclusIN
Ask to see our new

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-*A0 *a34:aaai a-a?, aaa33 E3 ?3 3333 t 3t3'3a aa...S=-saA a a44ai a.saaS-:- 4:44

MICHIGANCENTRAL TeMs eondLde he Alarm Clocks $1.
The Niagara Falls Route." TheMst _Rnownd_ LadesS oes_
CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. The Glove Fitting, For The Hygienic U. of M. Pills 50( to $1.00. Fine
Taking effect September so, 50 tee Jnes ilr ac epttga pcat
GO0NG5EAt. The Melba,an SteeJnn1.Mllr achAPMc1311raJeWElER,
Detroit Night Exprcise.......5 55 A. Xt.an44( C
wEEGrand Rapids Epress ........... 1 0 All styles, 206,res llstlea__________________
DMail An Wear sye, r$3
N. Y. fton Special..........4358"Oneprice, Wa nrice $ ,.
Fast Eastern....5343 1
ailn, ad hi,...............8. 0 A.a..jJ{~~
FatBtenanotChist.....4 All widths in l )ongola Kids, Enamel Calf, Box Calf anti Voralour Calf. Ate 5itTnwt v
e. R. anad2l. Expres....... .0435.Sole agents for Ann Arbot. >e. b tr ltn Alarme(toy.
Chit~ oNight~ press.... . .....94:; ' sDatz5taOtt c
. .Steamsahip Tickets, allltes.Classes, o m atsd I wm'otnldJeweler
European points at lowest rates. nFll Infer- F C
0. W. TICORIES, It. W. ItoYs., -
0. P. & T. Agt, Chicago. Ar't Antn Arior. T'Ilit il i ti ll - 0of lie 1'. at At. AW lialttiC(lark. founder itl t heCIr tTO
itt'3 b hld ti ly <1:1 . tt. soiWith At otiis'. ir- oi-nie' silippedil t- hue tlin, act N V
lot aly ny til t ri lli'iiig f ett t M t lar Ai olit ar, ii.)O-jsi eAtso.
.5itiiit o lt i 4ttl l io t .tttwtlttlin~i'i..eile tliceto"' Vt',' itt Ialitrtls of lOOP' We are belier prepared than over
' Th3A.. 3n.H IS E i tto o ii tiitileti. Tih .5Ann .Xi'or l t-lir iilliil, lo '4I 0this. "Sc- togiv
TIME TABLE gv the best of carriage service,
Takting Effrct,Sstsnday,itMay 21, 5899. Stltlt itt('),.1 tart' 1til eit: ti ocl titS lSlit' t0titt' t it'i l a ,t' ia( I tlitt,'dll " li a ig a d d to rb e ie
Trains leave Anst Arhor hy Ce'ntral Stand- . iiyavngadedio ubertie
snd Tiste. _____' _________cacestooretok
STHNUtITi Bicytle Pluaying Cords and PokerI
*Noi. ei :2t.- i . , Not. 1.- St5A.st. Chiips atiSchalle's Bookstore, Main at. A S35lt'" S.lt)I. l'
No 21113a.ot 5oP.t3O' l tiIlTit'trt, lilt': 'Iliti' - Itea,7
No.2 1.33At',NT. No. i.-12:306eP. __ c________,_;c' 'PHNE lO6, 515 E. 47h - n 3'4.GP .GLIBERTYST.

aBon hetoec Aitn Arbotr and Toledo only
Alt train" ti-oily exceptiSundtay.
IV. T. 01t t.S. Agent.
U111110 anfhIIIL fa Iv

Pttos. SI oui a ,t ISt'ialb'r's Betiksiorec.
,M1118t1118t, 1: <3it & Static, sole aigents.
Art tPitures fr(tieSadelts' tooms at

Vt'idtistts, ER-an & Rteule are' so-'i"
agensatfoe Ypsilant aiii etiwaesi
tialler's ri'tmatitoatfcoi'high ltiss
o-at eli aid jewetliry repaliriug liabeetn
etabltllishbet intce' 1858.

s ,
^ r
j lam'
r 4 ..

I1U ,{t II V LL I lT . -ci Z,""V'-j VV, 1V 5(.0 Li-.f11ainS . if',' .'5\l't0"O"'teo UC l li t'
The Railroad that takes the 11..I.I,I; ItS. t' h e ,.iiiltittti'. 'lilt'-trttti'i't -1. ittlt
Business In and Out -___ _ ____ iu1t'tn i o~attIla iI O11lic'sor tie(
of Michigan.''IThe .5Aliii Ar'bor ' lush(ie o i. t ao-i alii'. All itlitu's.iat i liuts lo ii ii t 5, ' " _
SOL ID VESTIBULE TRAINS lily's ititytit, a1:t iiuitot its'it ''l-oti- Il il e iiti. Il ii t 1'ii euof tu-l ttnu /IYBTWE "__b nn~n l, wy ,
4 DIYBTEN Up-'to-diate Starionrat'e itSchaller'os eu''titsui-y
TOLEDO, COLUM1BUS ttooiotoee,116iSo. lain st. C -titetetin " dse tillsuis tid '
and ATHENS. - overcoats at Wadhaiss, Rtyan & Rteule.f
G. I'. A.. Troc. Agt. CSltub itiglit ini oi'aunt' 1,.I.f. .,z, I t lbs tuitio: 1incwo-li prItolsplt deliv-1. ', E -T U
Coinmiat, Piti. to esit.StieS. itt-it-k:, I athi'u'ie lt tl ' n for t-lilt' 11y, don yth'lg1w e ledo itLaundrtiy Co.tSBait eIseto f a }l ' it r n is sila
Itit o tiii haueh'. Sic'yitlie loti'sIet'tl'('till 11. W'agie. a ;ent, 121 S. Alain. Hatnk's tote hot tiitcol'te and fresh
Detroit, Ypsilanti and Ann..Ar- iii ttoi' etoesitt.-
bor Railway. ('tt.S..1. 1 O''ht, Ititct'. Act St'it111'ot Itfo' studet'i io atil ea ,a ~ aid tystters, setved in an-y
Carn leave foe Dtroitand Ypsilnnti __________ St'ittli' o Soutolit, 1-i65th.SAlainilsrtyole at -eitheri oii
every half'stir, oeginning at 7:15 a n. m. tONtltIT AT lO' 7010tE. ~ NWasliligltit. TillSo.Stale.
until 7:4.5 p. in.; After that to Detroit . s i Yiiotih'oth li' le-ui'eoaurd itf Altuti l('letuks ct IiLI1I.SS t icnety-
at 8:45 p. in., 19:45 p. in. andI1111 p. in. I),ii'htlhtos:11(1dlhe' usheslitto ti l 'l'iuaas- Sloet.
Waiting oos, corner Ann and Main tt'es ipltinttIlist ighit, sou il eet'0'-Ito-___ Pickwick Biluiard Parlors,
ods.: Detroit, 11t Grinsvold st igl iin Wih' l'itlilis' toot id;317 otlt'S, Tiittlwouwndfi dinnees at iticletli t "'uuilshit Supe' 'tilt"., '
MONEY LOANED otliai'lh. 1peltus ftunithedtfor sprteadhs, 5parties letuiretl8i s. ss
on Watch a,.tiamaeds,5Vheois and other Per' andi ballot. Gohud sereslt, refitied I.able Everything New and
nanal Property. Offices at residene, 3311 P. B s ole Operaassan a'e' lpitinsad(lit ooig u tityU-oDt,
Liberty ste'. All bosinessosnfidential., u tsltItle' iuuiiino ti cliycodg nSrcl pt.ae
Heurs.5 sioa.m, ad tto 3:30 and 7toit JeTelty Si;oro. sit'. 'StE 1]C.\SIPlS, 42>7 T'omisinonOf7 NUnvriyAe AnAbo
p. mi. JOSEPH C. WATTS: f.7 .U:vriyAe n ro
~~V) ~ BOYS---SEE TH E Q. Or 1F SO
U. of X Barber ace oassaizeas DETRE Embalmer and U613 East William atteest ~F
Shpad I atiClactionod21 SFourth Aye., Both 'pho s Shoe I ofrepairing sneatly dons. ho
ROOMYIB,322 STATE. .8R.1 sT oaasnhlod

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