THE UNIVERSITY 0'OkMICHLQIAN, DPLY. ,Published Di~toly (i~oudaoo:icepooo t todrng te collg'lyear, a THE UNIVERSITY O M~ICHIGAN A rgus BlIg, Man St '336 S taStt 6. Both 'Phones 13. ONew St:' 'Pioo 18. MANAGING EDITOR, .1. HANS, 't1 BUSINESS MANAGER r. '1 1L EDITORS: ATHLETICS, - 0c.1. Ilooco. '1 E. A. 1. MOit0000.. '1 ;. t. A. IKot::to, '1L.i MiOsL, K. Soo:6 '3 Coo:LS. DOoooo'0 1. IH. Rtow00,'00 A. P. Cooov'011, The. .subscrt1ipto price ofthe :6'It : it $2.5 for tholeo:tge' -caowil: a :regularodelier}' bfore oton:::achttdty. Noties-, onui- tions, aothr t:I:ao-too itot'ttene o publica- ti0,0n1 0:: be ho:::t:'n:t t he 0:'DILY OoR:: before'81. tn., oomatled to: te- odito:r bol:r3 p. in. of 00:0 :1y0pey iotnsoto tt daytn "hc the r expected to0 app::ear0. Sutbscritito my b:'left at the1:10.::.:ofie, Slyer's, or Stftet's ne:tat:,t or withiO Rusiess Manatger. Subcrier willconfr faovor byro rt:ing proomp:tly t 0tisoffie oany failuretoof carreto de0:l:0er::papero. All chantgets ino adverising matter 'otoo: be 1o te ctoreby3 p. Zt. :Oit te day Ili',-:ions:too 0:a0 o wh~io 00:y0a-toappear:::.:: se.', '0. "The::1:Ioa 03:::: toill beill 0 :::: :':o:Iooofit:tldo t otI-Ill ot:::wto: Ill,:sooo ttt le AI:':: - in ,0:-it og t:tttin 'to too gi< A inet'tty to1' it.hecaet tnlidt'.'lI:o:Ieo:o:to~tt tt"'eti oioagt:.: o~lwedtlenty: 1:' too ardto ootin' toti~ o::::lo. .611 it tl, lt''h ttth r ly' t:11 a totto Dr. aLdo bad Wica 'l Leretonbuilocal Plld 1'elt ~~tgy."to il 'ro'es (i'Sl:'':ur :: I tog to lts olir olto wierll Io ofill evert iry t to ': otl toollot o to ll t'vv -Io flo gooortl. pb it rneist Se~ootollThollolo' nl.tYo ino oteret ig lturet'Iitt detl t ilogilog "'tol0-ott :'oolt il'file t reos In' 'otitoldIt.o'i''iloTlolo t I t'Havetot' MroToso tliolisoalv'eryot'-o' til ttoto0010 ant'olo -10'lyttt ap411 l1 stl tolot '1 oooliwhenolieto'ttlaoTros o y tolol eaingo 1n0 sings oo' 013 ioo. Tis iolootoote i5 fn e ud ,tlile poblio i b-odially invitedi t e presorot. Giant Beaver. Skull: 'It:' olskll :of :0giaut'6beater 00:06 o'e- cently t:-.00:100:1 010 :1ar1t00leRoatotog 0W'ell c'eleryt' I -too oif 'J. B.Slo e, b: ilPtts- Ill. A d::,:.1o AN^415 oil~- 'oug itlogll 1 a tootoollot-ti.tootolIItoofts othile' the 100en 0w6':' otg: agotIill Ioo010tthi or t tlte oltooi ::.- tItot'0t T he.L'ogianot bra- 66' 00:06 ..1 :t ttoluiatet1 l'l t 1111308 i0 iotla'ge a1 ,s lreot': i i :oy bo'atrert'.tod o'tooooios of if t'I tt: :tflly ftoil 000:00' oloodt~ou Mr:. S - . is :110110:ao lo'abitlsf, :000: -tooliotoog 1:: o'value ofof t teistoo'ory, tool:the I:u'soti to TOlot Uooo'oooo'ty oooo' 001181. Pltof. 'llsell saes.00- ioa:6 It to probabtlyll too'betlpt'< t'o Ero'ttgi-oloot boo.- 000' 5sotoll to t'istloooo'. Itis1:not:'l ho eo lit Dr.' I):'. it'ooigs tologlot till:'he Ao- 0:-tot: tttildltot. * ) STEIN-BLOCK CLOTING Tils imake of clotbolig 15 con- I fined to uls in ,iis to-wn, and is the swvellest tailo' creatonIs for Fall 0ear. Suits $15.00 to 25.00. y overcoats $16 tej:3o. LINDENSCI-II1ITT & APFEL Calender.SS TH PL E lnott'tttoy.Noot'.S.8 p 10. -tO it Jtel loitos' lee u t:-: tot ''1''The lodetlof o O--totR0 Mttto'odern Itlt>ay .''itn Sc 0006 oom,::-- O 31o160-oolo: tBldg. RR !PIOTU RES. l'Ilt.Not.,1-0o'tst'tO dtfeos:0 PICTURE FRA MING 1 l ol ootelo'. :ot'l o (itt ' ntoo 0 ttl / lotriu og o m :01 21I. 1.I -__AND Sttoo':toy.Nto. to)-tltoioot o ovs Urcligar a l~en~t. F"Id ~euit.GIBSON PICTURES Saturdaoty Not. 10-Alpl~rO Noo vs. I UV . U . Lll III IS t'l ;11eo S 212 S. Main St. S G RE'ATSOE Sontotot.Not-. 110.noto- rC'u e DEFRESo.T TO E Meadert:'o toIll lIetrl.on0:10 "l'tiiit 217 S 4th AVE., ANN ARBOR. 31:nd~ ttttNo:v. 12 Ii'i: lourgl Oth-lts- $1OJV~tKVr3VG~.vO~v~vvv ll ttl. 8 10I. 0 10:00:::' 0':. 3ig:-I tI t SI: ., il. 011: HUR"IITSDI)AY 1, TJIN'OEMBIERF8 0CONTINUE,000RIGH6 T BYUS. MAGINIFICEN~T PRODIJCTJON OF Pt-lo, $ oea'h, t Schaler's Bool 00 I 1 W:loraooan, Ryan & RErne are sole PRICES: - 25, 35, 50 AND75 ogoo~s or Ytoitoot on~onso.Seats now on Sale. w~ba RRIPO~dCOMING Th ular rll00outeI to Chicago, WALTER E. PERKINS St. LoisOl, Kancastiooo ty, Spring IN Consult ticke t Agets. Im eit oncini 1ia with (ootinoental Lioootedl PS. t(10l0261000,eM KIP.A. I REMVEMVBER THE NAIVE.. Lectures y Prontced lectores for lt~deparl- 001001 of the Univrsity. Tiypeo- triting ant i M ooo sa~ing. ED WARPS BROS. BILLIARD PARLOR (O'e o ebtt' ~ statettoo'o St500o Redmond, Kerr &L CO,,8 Where the Gentleman's Game BILLIARDS is Played BANKERS, RM DLD IZXILJN~IITI~Jis.v 41 Wal Street, New York RE ODLDREITEVEYTIG E Trusa t ao:ssuet bokng , usoes Recive deposits sbj c t Diedroll ttot loots FII Sise'~ ~ ~~ ~l E Agnsfradngtaete1100 I D AND St' oisOUTH and interest collected and remitted Act as T Member Aent orkEeoitnhese ofI ^ LJI RsETiOASR3 2 railroads, street railwas ots oco manisetc. E ykoLD II O FTi RTARET Securities bought sod sold on c.~ omos to12 DEAL IN * r OflHl 111 SANITARY PLUM B ING HIGH-.GRAD[ INVESTMENT SECURITIES. I g ul ~lEIOC CO)OsTJI~C'loN AN ll'I Sit, List of current olerisisent on application, IStEA1t AND HOtT WATEII I7EArsoo, PHILAD)ELPHIA GORRESPONDENTS. 207 E. Washington Street. Awi~sSIC GAS AND EEC::'TIC FX'lUiaS. GRAHAM, KERR & CO. HGH GRAtDE MANTELS ANDtORGATES. EXCHANGE Loot:Oil loops For "Anno Woo are headquarters fo'eeythin~g in lie line of furnishings for GASOLINE LAMPS LAMPS, OIL CARTS, PHOTO RACKS, SHADES Bring ton your old ons ot lt o nmaok yo W ASTE PAPER BASKETS, 'C LSPIDOtIS. ansoffer. Th ueirOr Prices Ye-t Will Always Find the LouerorMest C. Hea2srters fso , iatles00 MARKHAM'S BAZAAR, c'himneys. 25 SOUTH-MAIN STREET NEW STATE 'PHONE 42