Wbe Nor 94, VOL. X. ANN ARBOR, MICH., THURSDAY NOVEMgBEit , 1900. NO. 41. Announcement SEATS FOR GAME ON SALE Popular Biological Lectures Stagg Picks Michigan to Win. Indictions Point to a Big AttendanceI Fo' sonie lime past there 'has been Coach $tngg of Chcao yestrday Our special line -Choice Seat Will All Go To- felt in he Uiniversity a need for some piked Mkihigan is the winner of the hect rll game w ith Iowa net Str- offrinadday. enerlial sntauhoritative presenatin d1,. After the Obhicogolowa game 1 1 fore gnadI of ie biological problems vend. their ast Sanrt-shy oah Stag woo uwil- domestic fabrics I ltotgtu ttptintt~rto, in suh a manner ;th t they ing to make a prediction lin regart to otit ee tht e n d bsttns-ss impot ilconht e readly understood by those Mchgn, but yesterdaysfter learn- For te all and Wnter of ig00 has aiewteioeitdteltltcIrdnot siecalitin the subjet. They ngia ht Coah Lea of Mtcehgn hail arrived and is arranged for inspec- Itt i5 toeiag lsttih tThe IZolgcl clbwll udrak tissitttis det-ravcoy oe h ~Is'tt ikets woee iii ioih lads year to fitli his need by a short series cagor, he said Mitchigan oght 'to win tion. The =tine careul attention I -I th dire ii - sfndwieio "e tt5 tt oftlect etes to ie giveitdby embers of ftot iic(thtskcyes. - isgve o th tye ndfnihottt$17,inlf iti tt ot f tl -oitythe!ihigatirfculy and elnent Pee- i tigan catt wits if La tc-attteah is gven o te stlesantIlinih o ~ t- ~ Ohis seticOl sit t rauoi l Itlists frotothitier ntitutions. These hIs mnl toi stop thosi- cd r tns of ti- lecurs -rilete#f a setioptptl(lIiesr t-at,'sal ittgg otheiined evry sat, whether to he used fortt s ut tttil I t r t sestttot ofiil](etlev-eveitnate.s til Ix: o sittle fri-c rotti Itsrlt alhet est abu husitess pipssor for tll dress e ireiihtt '011i plaedol itaie lt-- e tpur.pos-setserll i-isOa. t scttticliies: ant l h endtoeao-r il thtfo fronci ttd htla d efense for i occasions. Ii tt5Ot h -btrotiioktwlle m tiad t-i-i-e t.geti-al ctlook over ttt witktitwhile t t men weac fresh lo i -eHi- Ut he- .~~17 (le il;th eet' sllltlrr ~ i t e n t te lit-e5of Iilogy tatttat-c oxi-ititig I itist ittI is-. B tMitetc-I rtlle wvvas that, . P'C . h blcaetti- citi-5t on till lit-kttow it is 'mutiedili-tsstit"at the liesent thit. olt a~t1- s-es it situ l t ttk-- ITte fllowsing sbjetis a d esturera iy toly ote r totgit for fio othere to8 . W shintons ~ "Clit-siittgseiots" adt lthe. 1 sItoblI obF Wahn tn t.goum consistssholdmllgt-theira ts e s t,, o('it b iict tly iti ttiti otttsllc: Sr. of teliii- tot -tstlit-io-ui. Liii hs ____________________________________________H._S. Jin-ittgs "The Iciiii ttIts itt(lit- otttt tgoof losig t-sitthe oes ail at Lue its 1 l h-ts t-ll It satirIttiltl it i iiogy "Pvlstactoh Seigh- payhi e sri, tttd ought to, lie tab -etot se t-) tplostl of itoic i r-- mug otti, lihi- tres-ting Ilastof I-~es;" itittk ti a o-e-se tot otpltht-m" 10W l~ is to ti s l tthli .Dr5 J. llitsTe tevelomett of it Ii'tegotd to thle Ciiitgi-orthoes-- R TliS on - - - - s-i-saleof e s-ti1se-o t-c lfcrt-iliit-ilIggs--this l est ins -it c goit iit lorshallitlit hurdtaby beAen nitete nitssi its C liiotgo totorndsi 11-15 Itic liily --teto it dI iisottistoft ehti e ili t- ioi ttoh trisdics-od a orkigy AT i yt iet 1),Sin 1caa- otht l u .-iri(t-l iitg resltsfD.Itlt- b- totittIsogto d o n ites.I te l p a r o i od- ALL lt etssiits and tstill ikeo stu lt onii Ottii itt ii titttnrogit ts.ii l-thrl ett-t o f otwiiitt. Aort l tetis Stog PRICES lot-k-- the gitti- of tot 1 .m l teit- uuoluutiteots till lt- itoolt litr. it: Ifliltl-the 0int st on ties t uttt FOR fu tts-{te t f . 1L a. I. otti lt-l-to heT1- ellt t lsattitso- O lt 0i- ii lil e iii kItit lootgout-0is 1 t o itit osily YOUR ROOM OR THE GYM pl Itttet il -t tlli- i t oit ltth ilitliix1 t.ll olt o ttitlot i'- ittdob t ilokedip lilltwsitc litiat s of tsh l i at iis oeU- d.tIti t 0is itcn- ti- I i-ll Is-,lDr. Ittititit lt e. -hl it, tig teamI.ott vA . ticO iIt-i- i-l s lt ( tils i i to l t iti 0 i - sleIetn t-ittii Tto _o-olc totil liis fllttoii tnll iisnt.slof i-ll teosillli- iiIltiliofltil-yttil-be~ EV R T rN ' lAS r a yti l ai t ''e ( evamido t(TO-I he"Oetehertt l ~ II ivil ly t ito iveltd Bt i o M ass eeting rto pi cel-sflois ~ -il itel 1tnts . WeStae me odeed heeOil til et-1 ilolt s . til tetitarisnotl- ig tvton'co k.Et-rilts- is cotli otily ii t lt- i tl - Il e and nviteall obutfrinds tucall__to__kern__to _c__i______n__ill__h<_h__ld__________ si___ weeks_______ Ou no inpc wa e ov ie ou elan t hetwl e hd IevWl el-alb i aeeo n fte oo CIGARS___________and_______ TO-_____ s oil-voe t i toe I e t ol s o t htttist Bitot assM et gto ard ci tI 7 fs oe t~i h NE ANCO evente tsor sco e i" seoitti its III'tstotit ofiistt e ,y ls a sns t r w (its - lit h t t. tl t tuilitear tslisnw W e Y 'rmdeeS hei tepl uu ~ n.T eheal") ih t 7 chd::tlSStllito'lOtto 1 i> liii iii is lt-toa l iitedilst iiitilt-. plc a owvieal r i ends to call -i0Ot -tttl u Osi o--it olitl iitil siiotoi c titi-o oltii it +t ugeh gouloherigt go ofthasid-ceahetisB-r M+t g Coiaite ii A l its tutun on t- + uetimo at iwya loo-iii; o1util hroint ithlot i tiuttiloi sss. ioIt_ + sure ot gandhuorthethm test huh eso-ii ilt (to its 1 ,1,it i T heu- - ttt ot lt hoardi feiat IaiiiO i ght.i tth l . it L E R T ! Sl it ,11 t ittothii o liout 0 i-ill tf iotu t tttide ot t h lottt ito -ir outnd ' f iii ily1. l(,8t . til nohth o AND~1 E i ~ i on syunduls nini ltlitotom t t he i dsf111 li1i111101isiu tit it S t-i isshi it ere- a - -t ti O I n toli I ioh-a l iot +tLtO5 adNEY ~tSIut fAE il iil-ilItsoStsrtt uul a tiriostnitoheilI lllal s lniiit oia in s tt )grIttu {" ti-leers . u i b t ii t o t l o i ,ts- le1 nd to il it t l x rt fa i OX 8 is tad t i 1 "dtto ter 1t 0 l ir iiiw CHil-OuhCOLAuTEyltuS0tug tl Slutlsoi inhih sousiltctisst 01ueuutl e c - -ofiroi its-sThtei it~<1 , - b& IibB X S -, s hiter-iUplillitit ot -O dtoPatis ios e sut Isi i: i. The ict iiit thituith frt httllItervrct0 ieptt ie7t - ourtaleuitltoo on hesI iii tt~-It ntil i i slittlii t i tiii itttiothaoilharg o t iit ot n itm.T he itie oi 0ti fll wi ngtot + -tutgliigraflte liiodiolt soihlO ill tt ths stgs 101 is ttlacii I t ilts bth ou, ti ip-idin nt00--m oil- lush stttyt ytol s-i- hilwatytots'ou t g t i-u-iltge tittit i Itut Ifi tit hi tiiittiiihe isiosi hi gt oil iilini s ott- ssi'h i t ut it Ra l to1 thusasn t eltg tutuo uthwitl ul utiu-st o l 0 -UR R ' iveduatutheut sltit ur lii +1ushill t1e1 p tl EsietP h z on the liotk -ividle troh I thu si-tit hut IthutukLuttuutf- at ion thus usoIuu-u-lusuu 1Lit' levy CO.S~i i. n .UNVRIT A t ~mo'il(fot sIowaSau-lcd si hu nt t utot {udt-riulheu1its i h, Iits af ssuil ttau --t-stushisit-ge' Sog on Ie t Idits ill(t utuaurtnlut m u t \ g o u ln c It i t l'i u attuure t i t ttUP he w athe is god, ntl tot n the Photos il.i hes' oar nblt ighoit scisuouuuuu rtyithtittiftit h il ulttgu,ts iou st liil wil ke os rm itowaug ppt tei" n s uiuuuuhe uvo i tsiis-utisug ttttstoout~iu ofum Inseu ut out trotmili _1 t l .:it - idI. mollle ust alto dteal Is ttit i-tt' s ot- o r ishin ic -d iie it hl'cthe N aIrs lil1t tohC ou -icultim k pr[ tc Lo koe f lt'hsfsnp myootmiItitti hou ll easyll ntil- l sriimg sti-ixetuualite'(leeulul e s - -ol eriit ,1 I, KEEP A littletrine spent Siiiecry e ut I e t' l liolltbimlsfhono r it(heuol-~tecitc)ulfemd uuittstoflagts oh ul i ohu ,nwl plieenent il spat!' -is-illd, u-ustee for- omXh it g n inst o d ott lul tohosit rth e to otil' cnbl ) hit e on the inks w iletooast(Aifbeuilt- tahklocsou0ee1of thuess- TMedi aISsocfineMeso -niigltem lh e si-holly siai t ietxIt-et Is tlrlascutlsi eos sht' ot1, -iestis nh-olgs youlare utmmucdoofshins (e os Leo si 's Stiuiy m UP th w ateri g od ulhoim s xiiurdsu's gout isisth -nolmanto Itthpresientlt'itttiiitiefos- Ilis lotottl ~ PRAC- ny, or n fact, ny he esy hoe s staill muisfoken" Ao ltioft dt s ve lOtio s hiroijtuS tot,08,Thl e Umuieist iit lscet i-l ti-uyslisne ts rimttte50 lmttlr~s t 'S tusingti' 10lt autit isi u evrlastng ithugl- aoe 's otiitgof the yetrit- P y tu~otgho~t th enn e s(rim~ll stt -oe huig I'iitle"re le1(x1t greiatMrsmdh 1Sto 1the ther '81x 51 ofsie- ± arlotppen1 lutely sork of Vitutulw o r toOufrorcumgay rst-is l li tostr t yr eO ofmt u nu (i ly a ti + I E tLin e arot o uti aof sltit atrot itumitlts5aiovtNntitihuot +L prctce L__ovr____tf__o P1(ic wl coti u tVsaossuaruto.eloandtotdgooAltt ttu t i cs ' t'ue utuot e st il e fm ± -Our Prices - -~~~~~~~an l stue o otlhbmils rdeofitleowrecreroofheeo- your -lus Iand! t rso oets m' het-teautmitm totcionedw ith ie t-losis ts t m-h iuiiaiesotsoou t iltutot hutrei ee f fan c -ola ie-uo t sa s especktyo n ilat ntre cupet-ind ot L eilnpop1l nlteei 1 atn IAIAIJD' ~~~~~tinkmaclutto l'B a-tmsuens, h; 1it'0tda, istermoS T.auS carie AI'loProuONak- 0tyat1aunL:h-incanntrnifo to dbThFe-anri-Oty guer deiumoc fronit hhn he g l inthbuilst to' til mteil tm t hese ay-'s- - e ea ur tmr h P s x ian g uudt I h514t51 (Ittatehtll, been -+t let 1-theAmhil?, will ecmti n the, st- got .Sr