Vol,. XI. ANN ARBOR, MICR., WEDNESDAY, NOXTE BEit 7, 1900. No. 40.
NEW SONGS AND YELLS 6 et evesry point 'we'll takec the-n one ALUMNI ROOM FITTED OUT
Announcement and___ all loast. tn'i ~'o
iRooters Can Now Yell Thtniselves toigher Alumni Association is in Comfortable
Our special line 1Hoarse .-Mass Meeting For Prac i:"acigTi-ui toga Quarters-Seniors Invited to
of foreign and tice Friday Nigiit. Mt1l Ml(-igunl is mnarching on. MAke Use of the Room.
A t(gigto win -rie day;
V domestic fabrics '1t iii isuriitt ce alptti mu t w1 ac 1 5 I Michgan is ttglting 0 oiyeslhn h tdet'Le
syPe. 1'srer l rtI .At Xhleiie s- 'the ehatipions to stay,I tyerwhnte:Suns'Lc
For the Fall and Winter ot 1900 has Icli caio. ti work upi sug' -1and rosotsihg j Andl Mihigan 'wilt fighting be 1tun' AssSociatio divided its proits
arrived and is atrranged for inoper- .y~els for the town gaime miet list evini When N lrlry ends 'lie day~ amoing the various organizatioins ia cot-
iii' and sissetl oni all imnii tm tha .As we ar i-i' erieig Iowa. lge it. inlusded a ncsv organization,
'Lion. The tasie careful attention heel 'been sutiisat et. 3e11,l set ic keisod I aisd, lin rfact gas's itita larger subsserip-
is given to the atyles antd finsisih of witih rs'fs'i' t he ir utines' fori ioou Chorsii - ian thani tily or ihei he oilii rganizas-
sutwehrtob sdfitg 1)5510 s.5. a e ii s".ie iintend-l i i-lie Hurrah iii'at ' ii' l sit tilos i'5''s'ii(. This newss orgaiization'
every si, whte toh. sd o Ii ~ i'be sneiliI icw heii sun ' i ill ilay an 551 a dw Aliuimii A.sctittoil of Ithe
busiinesn purposes or for full dress iiii ind igtI tihitiiring' tat singer'.s 111.1al 1111shl . Oah sf oli 'lilt' I'nit'ersity of I ihicass, sines with thi'
'it' fiiltuiri ds -inslwisoth lisp haI i, undetrstaiuding AhiIIId the s'money,
occasions. YEi.5LLS. oomeiri gtt li'issnsthx ii S35 w... svl't the l ecture socti-
Who cin to1 eu fir i tciins aitiin gis5' it, wouilsd he i isi fixinig
G.iliganei H, As iii alfh Ilis canlin Li- up it gene iial :alunsi r'es'lptions asion.
6. 1. WIL CO. 1iha1 coquriga!w Ae sion as this mniey 'ias spromsised,
xo8 B. Washington St. ea(lw' thei iltiers of lie Aluimsni Associtioln
____________________________ Itat! R ll! stahiliAVOr censter' made of iron s-i askisi thi' 1 gesils fulr a re-si wichii
Rai! Eth.Mih ttiA An] ur uars ae ikea tal tsight tie suitsaly firtei its) as a r'eoei-
Iiih Rialhil! iibck i'trs t nliiat. o asi d stin a''ting' s-ont for tlii aliumi
Ous sits assetaisckles ll auit seiorss studsents Allst''iiatng t'
o X' ill net-sr A'tsls ass inch of fils talus of suish a pise' sif ie'tisg', ths'
iTu'forie' the .tudigmsent c-ill-- eat uceati
icli 1'sf5N: Ran ;i lliii' p' p t'ttt sis'lsliiatitioned off i
AT AllsitX Asiss liii, ir ogeigTrfa: a~gtf lt' oitu iiatiel giing tie Alum-
ALL sditiitlA i~tisi a Bicui! i esietaltiln a r'oii1m sufiiently lair'go
PRCS tut illt eas t ssiist'i'iisa"
FOR t 'Its lit A " AndtIilet'uingt'r atesso. ir iiseil biy tlls Lecturie Assoxe'tttoi
ARlidl ie lit'oo ld slit sy eof tore's wa's liliaced i lt' isntilate' disposal
YOUR ROOM OR THE GYM ill-i-sht d- ex. c v o i o h atAhdbu: o h lmiAscaintefri
iti-sihy, s-n-tx, ci, isy rinl swithi .it it d si Snow ti'adl us on. tie st-s ordtered air once si thlit. with
XX'als luu XXall-h boo.iWel "car 's-m tilt i fiets' I itiseri-l cue'"- ills iet' rooim stas
SCOS Sth \i .AY .' Th 'l ii rltriel liilalls'd by this Aliutmnt
___________________________________________ S hl! Ytlcll Ale si t S'. c allesi Iii' iiui ll'i' t at 7 Wi',-lic li ghI'. Hit[ th roor isi llis'stlll' a most
E RYHING Ou PIPe dln f ih CIGAR i-i. SN the Trophy Room' for llltpti e hun's t't'at iv' ipi' Illt isi il~is thse tinho
VaR '" P P tE IAS d Tins s t' il it M i)i: 14011 -all!i-t 1"th etA ni5 nii 'li-isis 'I Ivessi liii ni'i' is' all 5s-i' ts i il 'ili'' a-(' ill li'ss stne-
aE AC-v n til - o id Matti11 Itith C a oi ga. nl be -' ld i'Ail his a lli [eteii' ar t ug Lino 5l the situi 'sAiniihundr'ii'd'
it.efi nt.W have remiodeled the (' ---- xie loIs itoli his r ilw l llil . u mad iisi sit o t1he s roo a d theiii51 ilili-
place and invite alt our friends to ealt -----____________________
sod insec what ehave- You can't
1t. E J 0L LY, 308 S, Sesite St. - __ _- _______ _ _-----
(Aisr: -' i l)l. ealuits. Triaiiip.s lay's tinily os' get' ills titi Ills sillili- Studeni'is' lri'iiii'i .s'i'i'icItsi5 55Whos
4, thnl ley hitek i'5' arei tla he st, yei-is anut isil isouit it)i t ti e i i5. ils1 151 iat latio ts5 l alt 'its's fori t' svit-
+ A1...I.EGRET t 'IS R ill twlfin theiy 'e iup .t,..stiil it isis's trill lhe ailutlli's5 l-ts-i- do thil eyii' lrdi cshili ill tiiltxn" up1 Iis
AND hh iiiihaiy - Is'c'optilli '51st 115 thei I U 1111 is X~l sl s iu-
t''")..I~ E'uii"I Suitilu ihI they- [n' 111 tyis ill'. Figileer Lambs Gattleresd Back itt thse Duuu thei Imm tiiiii mi''iilii' ionthis thu
LO"" Y S ~ h tii n11 t 1h hit l tlilssis'stes d lie t '-cl te' of ts ass't tton l's-
-H0 L T S +nt ltn ~ yyi1le trh is :[ i-is-li lhiii'ii y i reL Fold. s--uhfl tvII'iuc'i Ilit sln n ngi
OI4O L.'E Ii i to -~y rah___ slit ills toi Ituilhys'lux,. ced' 11f1it
* IV 4 Ib, o 11-2 slblla & 1 IbUOtXES Ti'h'e '''-°hi cli ti''ls leanv' lituin ot llhi t twat' i'sltn htoiliei Iu nisisi " of
sil-I.ls s 5 h ' tnis: 'h ncii'ui e'i .a a t .sstn'"s ' if tt 'ulV iet i'.a 'li . iiit ' hiiiis thes 'i'( l'uroitiy
ighe. gradc goos coe- of. I his seiorustof a t nl ' ish'oIlls' si'si
+ silnsit' yous alt. 51l 5- 11114k h icc Bntst h'k ]itt' Ios etcl uns'slliii'n'uu'l Ieudeiti's'. .51 1<tri. t c
4 sere ofgetting the isauttiglgeXuihi tlachn fto iiSu uss-oh't uni is ,' fui hiias. l t a s'ut hictuh
ii tiseg Mosea tlei uteyl r lo i m i all t esth i o k1 Iitii In 'liti't
hitv i Gi i ttc Ii t oril t s ,l' giussh.
4, CUR. STATE S5. ed N. UNIhVfRSITY- ACE WeiX's' iruts it itu yo1 sttilg froms this lili-cliy slits 'I'ihtiii sana-du' 11:. ll ssies' year.
~pt..~,,~~~.. .j..... .1.+ XX'hus'u th' pwi theis' Iiish y :111li's iii's fin si t back1 hit oi thin folditst or tro l s 'ei t hut gi'sis-i'alhns-
ia lt'e hlss. ilgiis. itosi thi t [lie s'l iis" uf all depit-~
I ~~~~~~Sell-es- hut sv'era'l siori esinscecs iii- llsar ntl'iitiiit to masket list' f is'e
4.... ~. . . 4... "t. p }. . Y 'lhosuigh 111-7' Ittlid 'hicts-gh us'. s'ri' Ille sost powsserstful isactonsy ihi alumn 'i~hii t'i oll m~ica allit I ('sil
'he'tisseu uno muanu tuilk ' sill,;0 Snow-ui. brinhuging aboit th lii'suig'. Otsts tun. Ihe flt'ily tni hMI sSr nd enet
Y Ane hut list-il su'' asls ti "sisltlikess Lansihie nf lsis-uit herdsed liii utpper uuagaiuetsucrehio his fioundt lin st'e read-
~ KEEP A little tith slteth ti~his g;um is oet ys-aa m'sse-n lush to gs 'againust csillege' hrl- 11117' alwatyss beu suc-ursvl anii Ito' gets-
on tlue links whsilie stilt uhisstpite 5p51 e mush telsi. editon. I'. isiuslusi Luuu . J. C1e'fI.: orsal siv'ihlry 1151115 ss th-stt thus'
UP at weather i8 geseiod, hb'va ths ci'l istsuis iftett Isc55 sille's' seiosrs(if I4lls'terasy iii'1551'iliit, Busid os lituiltrehtr If toe sklliiilt Asso-
ele, sure- us hbe. shssii'(th the is' aitra g tlill I tu meustil1s shtiu stili thesi sclitHi' stuitsto
F will keep you fromt (eXar: ""hut 511."i eels' nset twos s-toesoer' [te tss'- Illsi uo' f meeiig. Wh'n'lcu sr. Prsntiss
YOUR tt1 -cleat' oust olf (j 'haisuiiius e'' t au's'uu seen ail sh;itu- tirshs nsjsi its- seessas' to annitul hule wass fsed aioust jnisuosrs Anil dowel"
iss will hbe, procei'sedinigs of flue last -neetissg. slAsomuus ;he' replieds that fon tswo rca-
practice. Look itver Thes West shall huit. sslui Il ts'ugsst, t Tii. freshinssius t-eughwier e' s'ceiu sonis thiiioo i °iiiuii t'Ittet his' r ssxnct
qhes'; pi'.iuuse's to ahhforde otie sf 'tie lsest tsuisitisly for tub-nlers si t 'hei fais-lty.
r youri clubs aude'if :XId shay namelsal' lut suituitd fromiu :sInn i coniltst ni the past 'fewX y'etf5 Nfacre utIuiususrinih sestni'. Ott' sai 'hisIls
Am'hiusor to the sea5- lit's so las' ttso cassitsc ini =tue fielid fiursI jila thei aceollmdiiiois srs,
-yost are itn nseed of 'fhis-iall hic a hoC tisse mit fii lit lftsm for tsictsils'if, ttisntai'u Illukesley of nonase tout lsarge if slt sof thosse whos srils
tonighut! Des'roottan siut ires'tls sitn o Amis Artisr, Invitedh imakes rlisit flis t 'he i ro ism h ande
any, or in f act say ,lint bothil isis's stolnug shahouC inhll t t luthey 'seit. li. ihe sseondi
11h PRn factnke oree i~ aetre te"seciyadidpud leinIesn ivtn h cro~
thing in tale Golf bal ns it misake itse tf thilt uoss is to tuvs'
('I-in tha plas y andi7 douut th ltiii s i 1'flth soit ofie' frs'h u-sigin-irs us thesm get bells-n alcqiuauitedt wial suisu-
- {( lIE Line t'oteill51 atnd Andii he sthey htilt Isis 5 l5 its' (t hiyi hir ull' n with st-isi lus hits lsiell- 'bliss tf thue fsility, stl euc-hi otheri
IEmuaski' nii gus 'sit mll- ist dl i.terS' ias hue wsieclders if itse suit stilsi I~ 'o euft the Almnt
get Ou~sr Prices. 'hhi-u''lh Is-a htroi tills in Ilsuhuh old usiwn s-lge alwysv,7 hisse 1o bhe taken lamb~ A,"oeiuttiisi, aidsut are-i nis lios-iug iso
it~isgist! it,',otuu 'isheji nmaking uhp at suceessfult partilitty; st-cast te' thisum siltsn
Blat hs.fle e'ltisn swill bei he'l Fridtay son uas tey iecolse oseos OfE c'ours
ii hst~is-ss s nhss Ian Iu tn~n-ae ttinr.a S t e i"Ili arut we one thto cuom 'ntrol his
VVMFII" Ileld tod ay. " -reoine7 of tlae Atumni Asociation to g~t