TffE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 2 .. PubisteilDaily (lona.itus -eptetli iuigtte College yea,att THlE UNIVERSITY OF MICIiGAN ArgotBIdg,Ma of S. 3C6 S. Sate Street. Bth 'Phoet 1. Ne'Stae 'Poete18. MANAGING EDITOR, 0. H. HA\S. 'St BUSINESS MANAGE, 1 'ELr-vRiai, 'ittL EDITORS ATHICTICS, - G.C. I).Hesre.'1 E. A. H.1 COCststtt'1L. W. A. Ksiur , '11 L. MtS L, K. S'ttBIN'03 Ct SDVORAKi'01 H.H. Wsoolet'54 w. 1'. CANtes'011L Prof. Davis Pogessig Finey in the St. Cla' Flat Survey. lrof.. J. I. lDavis tAlho is nt le lhood Uf le survey itf St. C lair hlits, sis thiat lie work Fis now twoIr-Ihirds i-m- lit's-sit titet, "andth eee till be 22 loilem ipltyedl 11t1l1nexi; sprilg wheni itt'h1pe11 to' ilitisli i : ll1 ty. 'ey till worek teellIwinterel'li'snilliis last. ofthlt i tr istchasnelinthIe mitdrey cLt l' ilai lthought'lth malilt th Tatterir te ntsyerlfli. "'Iitill i-ist ioe'st a tmi'ipJiininy. bit.i itiill thakr'it ily hilis otil I woultttti tttte a littifittt$.,0,000 otl thIle f-il 'iiiofloitt ts ofi200 fet. MY it- itti ostittil'wails that21herelwou.dIIelit-I stiesofshore ' lii. I litil tnow dolit lTere il lhit' tit shoieliehaths 'Isnglte lit e wslhgt mirelysi t- itittit- reliltingi' ~ saebin toe forik atle 13c allnlolt Gm-a de tha-tt iitt ule-('Iticert'i sittch ofamlee ill an't' o el i lit xit0 troIts rotlagt-t'stttt'm Is gis i tilt' slottlielyti I iegttltie I Isle 1,11 mil, Iytina ttttiti 'tth i tt prom- isto lI'iteeilLth tudenitsangirt'dI ititts li21is it, 1 ilttr eti 1 tf I is 2'leairs tts beli enir 2155 stttttwholwtutuloits 1 Itoit ill iii- Witllit- iiiiai r n d r w e h cltasseslill' hirstsitt utcil i'I 1'ilii'tii'Chseinth ilidt lass ar Aliss tlt ItceIti t' s.l '' 1T' y ilt' lt tle w i It istir t itlt 'tlillito ..t gi zi-t i ttuiltdt ltiw'itt' ht's ill b i n cl lii of ltr(t5i" Wi' l.Tthe clubtillutee ofItr lei te llo"iiis ftte sit ilKitis' "et MuIseum Notes Sf Witeit Petit'. Ciero returnted fitit South Ai iu'riettsome l!twentyar eis NTI aigo itb ou-itght, tintng si-lie litigns, O' 1 tii' shtri tt goirit-f a(ed tutaikey. It list bteenii tiittt ed noweu ttd will lie TI tlt'(" 11t1t0i1 i .ai-fell'dss. fne itrhvel'I..wteh as lute lii tsant' in 1ed for- '0s ile. will tepao t w le 1lt;>t;ssll s ilse sis itSade forit it. nrrl : l (1Isplty whteni -te eight. .11rtu t lge iru t his simlitiit'by lust as- j 1 sis-at a r e'itiitt pitie.This tdislayb is v'tey fit'fur Iit ws1tue 'birtsr i-biter wtilitterysuug or twiihli heir I lilt-streel112'nttiig l'ith e i-ranc 's itt - The-li i fferienitt il -'o irs' ar , t'hlite at b'ltl eil . a ts. __rouser, scIarlethII' -EarneSTowS.212 St.dS Slw EION=1.,re TI h -1 eII(oMPSONf'fle.11- [_ Am11 f0nthS I'. ll s d 11otite t01 thraln hree' TiktR211 wilectd Seatsufaot'pecout- ese f, ~c 51) Slt. veotus , st-nce tyr ing-e - -sZ to",tes o ntth e it d8 te x Ctnsubi t-d at tice t Agul Cot bie. 1I11- t - I4 11'.1 (Stwtriott, - I 22.S.Mti A. L I"EcTre t YStCALWRW Prined eclree or lidpart-_____ minto an AnHeetity Type- ROT wtinad MeorPliO. ENS.W.ADS BRS - [N-BLOCK CLOTH NQ HassleR Nfl .iis make of clothing is c Al to us in this town, amid is lest tailors' creatiomns for I Suits $1.5.00 tq 25.00. overcoats $16 to 30. )ENSCHII ITIfl PFEL IING ATER on- the Fal I THE PLACE --- FOR PICTURES- PICTURE FRAMING AND GI BSON PICTURES IS DE FRIES' ART STORE, 217 S 41h AVE., ANN ARBOR. FHEATRE, Miss Helen Bovee will give a special election night performance at the Athens Theatre tonight when complete returns will be re= ceived by special wire from all parts of the United States. Porter j. WNWt in 'Iaust" JAI(tr't-i, itIC.i 'To My btoiter Muanager:- M1r. Psrter J1. White prouedu F-batust"' at nty theatre tonighlt to a hiigly lieased audtiene. We tave haul tell the "Fatist " plrouctiotsaiiere, but contsider thast Mr. White's is the beettstf tthen alt, while Itis charuteterimitioti of "Mepltisto" wiii cottipare nist favor- atily twiithithe s-cry best, ttntlhie coni- paty inl atpport is a very able sote ini every espect. lRcspectfuslt., etc. 10 1. Jit1li11dtl, Mgr. Atseiueuiu RETURNS [LLa BE REI5EIVED) AT RF1BLOR Redmond, Kerr &Co., OPEN ALL NIGHT, TUESDAY, NOV. 6 BANKERS, Hlee te Oficial 'retturns while latyintg Billiardestind puty your electioti 41 Wall Street, New York rigi; r bets here. We cairry a cotmpjlete hine of Otighi Grade 'I'szsizt ;-cez1 ankngbusnes.CIGARS, TOBACCOS and CIGARETTES atndtti " nheted'andutremtt edt.lvttas Ak U' n eratiladsstreet reliott. gassiomaietu osetc. ElT TOea Aettieteineoltiliitotn10TASTE eturite ozrt adToeldntozmsin ge. tY NULL) OSNTITR EET li-mALis fNIU SANITARY PLUMBING. HIGH1-GRADE INVESTMENT SECURITIES. 'srlyiciND '1Ihtir V 5t O ASIPII, Lisit f'urrenotiterings tent ott aitettiotian, , - U 1 111 A D110Tis i WAIiK TE1ETtOi, l'lItAt) I'i.'tA CDIRIISPi)NhihtNTS. 207 E. Washington Street. AUteISSIC i-lAs At-it)Eutti-eti- IjX~rttESiu. GRAHAM. KERR & CO. IGHitlI tAt5E OMANTELS AN IZ')(lAtTES. ECHANGE Yosur iOil Lamps oljtPr Ann We atre headtquaters fori'erythitug il lue line of furisintgs fur GASOLINE LAMPS LAMPS, OIL CANS, PiHOTO RSACKS, SITADES, Bring it Nour old onos end let us tsake h-til WASTE I'APER BASKETS, CUSIJJORS. an offer.TeSprMfg. C te IPrices You Will Abws 5Find the Lowst. 3298S. Main St., near iliams. -M A R KHA MS BA AR Headquarters foe Shade, Mantles and1 OT A1 TET E SAE'HN 6 Chmneys.21SOTMANSRENWSAE'HE46