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November 06, 1900 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1900-11-06

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Saturday's Game Will Decide Chain- Lyman E. Cooley to Begin His Lect-( Michigan Section of American Asso-
A n1Qnuncem tnt pionship Honorsues Tomorrow. ciation for Advancemet of
_____-I Physical Education Meets in
Our special ine f (firsuo 1000 sO O t Lyenon residoeny icur a.-lB arbour Gym.
of foreign and poenotry il fte omiddleAvt have al-tpeiar is ith ew--ourseiil Higher Con-
retdA lea 1(5000hele to h iiea to sooreal Estoatios, who delivers ive Thleonual meeting of tMi ihigooI
domestic fabrics Ai-tigauion000Thankisgivig ay, 19,eetmes 00n "The lnoutritl Signil-- 0ectionAmerican Associations for Ad-
ttthe sRomoe.tio notwil hoe one of Ship Canals," wil give ithe vroinecoocot of Physical Hoinecation, met
For the Fall and Winter of 0900 has elaitiitsoistip i st o cooli ears firt lot-rc Wedinestoy, Nov. 7, in tie aso Saturday at the 1ar ocynoa-
arrived and is arranged for loper- TFle Maroos, itlreadyfi-trtsy well TaippaniiHatlo lecture roo, frooto 4 to slumo.
squeche loi tei too- ic ofva- eat i- P~~. . 0ThFesee~ttiies arc notol estrit-Dti. Alce (l Snyder, trsidet of thei
ti. The anle careful attention errfobl lee]aelandthed -toi those who haive eleted the course Miclig tooosection, alad harge oi the
is given to the styles and finish of lssonio t~ot rotughll. So nod totoey oind ecoccione inoooocrcseois jo tt1.eoteting. li,' Sntton of Dto oiiitretoo
wereeatto-eit atevryo 1)00inOt o ttietolsowill tic gisven Wetlnseay, t iooiotes oithth at noioo. Tit-
every suit, whether to e used forgtil,,ondctii e lor holdingtorhrou- ifor I- 'liiicoiay aro(l Fr-idy andiMondaty adtist0p1aiipeBibliographly," oas gie
hna~osa orose o fo fll irso iite-. ltloooi-o ite list lol f iocsd ay next ow-ek, btoss i. PAln-i; Lought ofLD--
I 0001 locotpiurpostoesooro-forr-fso-oredre17s'etos nooo motatii it -the oto0y is t1"it, atostueont it-i- in thelit ieraoy-it-
OCCasions to t o °eO0-latltoro tp oaginsitttt.better fittedl iy exteicoose tooletouore litooottMo. (itt-tover'Btmor oof the
WiseonsotIoo.totooino tit petoo iotgeof t ot 0 1000 tos soolotitiaitois M t.C'oley. Ysilaint i Nootootal p"0y ' tooiuirepcorteds
H. WILD CO. ifoimetr ea sy- io-orios oerto-eii-o-llIe ooas forcis-coven a-oo-s cotedtl osllfooc teto' ootite ootneOtt-to t
1 ooront toe op(11000- -steo. treltocotoo gitoocooooo(-0iorkool 000he Missouri, Iotutuan gyootootinmioi veentoooes. iss
soo E. Washington St Minooo)00lisi o-oooot iii ndoo in;thteg ore tionoer workcbint 0iver ituioemeioc lenthitBen-odero, die(-too tholetics too
deto t yit tisigle it tootut to0int lieto00s oo th le 1promotrs tndohastiheliiAtoto Arbor h igho sehoolo, tid fein-
cotiut.saiooole Badlooge-rs tol L000l0-asy beto o't unt oosel ote oiio(oitgo santariyOO1-ecy 1I'lloootoosciitheBot uro- go-yinot-
toal00e0ftlti er oto iloto.s o lich-to ulsotd eootot cosros t ono; iiitoot, the sucess shittt .Agoose t ooi -tt i tt dust loo-ois of
i'11.I 10 ~~~it iei ihto- -sco. Assto is Ail oooiso ofitt ettniterriise omuist te atttonoed nsco'll 0-tootto-eooo-in a smroom a0n000alt
BAT T W E S 000v l k 11.it Cooley- 00o0-0'10i000too any -othoeor withtoutotaptparaus. iits Blo'oooad it
Strainingoheboor tcynot-ceto'North- oooe0000000'Ie'wsvattoo ooon'of r oo-ootos oo'bcs-ol s-ticoo higho sebtot potis ,ti
AT wetersnittoltedo01-4oot 0gautetoot- t heibo'of boo- otepto sit icc s ooC1Di ioOa001- croi u001too-c ilsracon. 000 he goeit
ALL lgt teamt f0000t dooo olle ~ooge,'andtoolltoohot toby Ceseltndtan, ofotw0hit-hoday's oOt tordr414 t, t OOObitioiosf ,y-rooo
o PRICES 0oth oth bther teaioiois soh till i-toa eo, t'co'ido-oo Aogellit Aoas a to ooooi-. A- sumto games-0kill orillo go-at skib.l it-..
FoR 0 ittisfl-oult osthe i bo t(. d to t e ti 'hto u~~ghO 000 engineero-Ity profssion. -Sb, iltMohor'0 o tt-too ist ot otSooto' ('ott nsO
o~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~ale i ,t ~o0hoa00layed.i-oSo that thio -to oC-oooley ltiototo-od year.Ott'o t toy oohiygio'oio- l'osoooo-- lhooio- Lando-
TYOUjIBOOMUV ORITHElIIL GY 0000 oodto-onl itootom'throutogho 'this se- tOf tetrt0ibot lti 0toltAiiits eositio t malsihtotob Otto- it litto eStshowed-t
,li 00 ott teOooontry thtotthave o-ooto - it-beectInoogs.nd t 0as fot otthil s oit ot totohoby ito ohil's clothes thri ot heroloo
00000ry 0000. Thooy sandoo totote t- 0i-o-s00 oo''oot-ovo ha h tt tott boo11) o tls 0-toottohllbd o si t t roo a-nd- 001 ve- simplhie
Wildr'sPhama anots to Beonnetutoo-totoo-s' Sotioooay, owillbeOt' ot isdein'otoIlls toeots re totto-tiotl o t~e~inI~e 1rY1y lwtadMcia.Auust.touh-Aii. simI bottt-ooiw thereil- n
3;38 5. Stain S0.oooooho-bU'oooo-t.hots sootadco'- 000000 bto-c-i Get Your Seats For the Gant. IhIeo'ilbo'O, ato-wch 1.11-to toot u-t't
rio'goooouo'noitho Chit-ouo llinoo,os0w tiobebot, o, h oo served in oboIe Do- too boi-
Lp VT 1 i ah laxli il fo stil frthr e111tnooTio o Iy it Svodeit-s tyss t tits.
H 0 ur sltdid line of o'tt-hnotto tb100bo .0000 h atoI il - ottthe Iowa o 0oloonog o~i-tt'toOt
EVERYTH I Sou IGARen ad To- .on. to.ioot itoty c lofts iioe 'to gotot' 000'bOoouight n010 fromoooDeOtroitt0000oiogyoc:'-iooo. t.
NE A C-even the store 0001 .0iii'oottiob 00 0io'h- 'si1(ooa 0a0d1 hi'i0 ot o-t o u c to - ~ ( lo -. Ytloi os i''
itself is new Voe have remodeled the 10000t c bit'cnti is ott-to lot- o-oo'otiu-h lot btto('-1o 0000 stibti000,ti oss boovice-
tlace and invito all orfriends to call too bove0'Li000 00000l l 'ottIi 0 t e OO T he 't'soattsooOtos tiltoosc'n0000' te'id loiAl i<s lo. 'iniBender:os: i oi'tio
and inspect what we lh oe.-You can't o l i 's 00000'nimo usOilt.i0 00i - yut 0"-a-terOi' ot ofthtte -oo'eoveed gotodtotstn. titi olvoi c-s - SnM . NIlh ILl';oseo'io 0 0-g
eat our LUNCHES.0the' 2lo-oigo-iiollitotls'h-tot-0- bo hi' the i( -Yinttheottois *.S.the500. e tur troourer.Miss I. ________ lough
R. -E. JOLLY, 308 S, State St. lihlitio old vton OetOs0iy 0f0r(o t i-ottli t-booncho ig th round o-osootrpid
I ooiap r 11rl hdfa titotssio to0( tnte.' xs, Seton-Thopson On S. L. A. Course
(Id by p 51 lo-oiotilI to'(ho01 0 p ont tin00sroted Iso-tts omoyuhe t crto c oot tto'lomron-
i vas had e0sboo trsonsogrc00in lo.sth cts 0 o-oo 0000 iSO 00 I nOo tntt ro' tu'tt f 000
thoo'otb OO'00 ot 000 0 oo-loo ' lbOioitOu'oittt. 'bs ooilb thie ol Otitlt-to t' . .
1 AL.LERfE ~i'S +ne1: fti-i 000 t'thou e ti'li is '0toa00~sooal enditt t toladotoito uti-o 0tb-toisi ot .T0005' t ilIo to ihto'oi-h cttt
ANDso+taooInd i lols no'o i tt'Ithis oo ' It s- boot dsou l ' Otoc tla t. The soote s ourseotto w ig aiti i l ted et ure o-oo
sf/"+1 son.T 'Ihereo-is still Chi tle ost'go-t-e-0('0 llotls xoosssO to-t' slb bo otottt o ot 'W il -~i uils 1I Itoi
C HOCOLATES Il iontoriellteethun oit o'-.e0fil00lo y is 0000 1locts I
IN 1 41b, 1"2 lb & I Ib:BOXES is - toooi.Michbiganlots's' wiltl0000'01000 I o in tet-u rd, t 1.:,slot' oOte-e'to ht 000000 ltg htos' I sitkiottt
010ou' anttislargetn thesoigoooo sauteoTwicei 000ltolit oderitoctoo-p sloth
+ highugradguo odsi ae i\ urid05e inailht (r
t quentyyoue asiaty + mae otro bt'woits into lot t. atomoteob tdfo i 'iues Eey
+ 8aeeott sttiotettoemeel ~ Prac tice Yestetdaiy Was tiitoo i ad De- to oiocoona-s ttoero-to'ole it tranoshotoocbtcn -o tltibtte' s boocbl
j 1..A If.) ' cuoiot 0lsso '-tooio to utt tih' bot' nd intoits 0000 01 soo t o o sios thon
l t Itrllld ooth o ' t itsered fo Ail >t i lboto l' o t i s~ o oot 0o d 0aoe itbo'o eis - his-ol
+ cot STAlE ST aud N. UINVERITYL ,AVE Ii it tglt-- o 0bot s tssio stot I bs h'O-ot 0 otol'i
+++++++++++++++ Toe' - ioi i-sltoloy tot tctrinoonolbt'-too lknotsoo' to ootsla, -Io'i eithe-sare oPulictiit itt I eitrso'is tuoy iwl
0 h c osdotgatos tool ibis'fisioof tosi soll(th wesho t i o i os igatiis te' tcha t s's so silo itl-oiutoba l t ' i-it- loi bi
toeeit li' ha ta oo lt l ii 'itttarili oo to ' --eii o-y ot 000 ishe learn d edtOtoob lslot oooo'o'l
SKEEP A lilel tine spoCit~ot t o 3rhoihaito-to-resol abtsnI ha ib amiboo lct 411(" o too dr0aingsotbttdeltttils tofutl
Ott o ro 'tteitttittui'iofltoeoilo 00000
on 0he l00swhi10er n t onitiot o is ti Li' ot o f t ivesity fii Oi'igtnei lloo > fodbutt Ililos linimitblet dhstlip-
~ ~ ble svooblie' is otd, nor: donnedoo'otheou'ooebshoiuoo 'iilsotlo is Eurcopeth is yac100laovetoof astnce Iltotohe 0 blo colit his onl is'o Ioto is
up tewahr+t od io ope0000s otostlogboto his'lotis-agoalsoo'rI'ootssoo' rarrisis1'hKelsey, teadt f tosonato aho-it lio 0 uctictis giteds
+ vllkepyoo roui xt'r'0-tinig oxicooo-tooco--otootri oodo- b ttthe ioa'tetltof Latin, is in Italy soyit'lthoue.obiliy 000 '00toil i 00 101Oto
wil 'ep 3Oitr r aditOstottorhog iotoi t ie? g'tle litoe ooIll toage, oo'"te coront year, of 'tle boto''tlotooo bu l ros oo
YOURue gettiutg cleart t ottni of 00000 - ootitil t i o ooo-sldilo Wilsion is Amoerictan School of Cassical 'SudisThtomptson is too cit'ser ivithoIloi e
* hoootnxiooooo's moo-ulaot Stuahit. l ei' to, b in hotoe. irii arlEo u the. - i t o s iinbo ils 1000 t ento l .d
' practice. Look over hils hopet's, lut lis lg aoutstint haoudouoa001troftssorcntoohe dpaotment of
yotrcthaslitlapeot of ecao'togg OWas, i noiiiphy scs, io nisoGernmany instoigating Philological Society Meets JThursday
GOFyurcus and if tossito bos leg ouotooioi truobt oc oit oo the jet of Ptysical cemistry.'
f iormso ogooii-tferioelsi'''s 'oesO. Athttoc Hlol, instruoin omable- 'ii'c'oto ou-iin ofIhcioitg-
you are iln need of Thes' llayi'moosoii' foistlut0W;08'utootlos, isboolo ais tpurituig studciesThrelametneote hsdy
ses booibeti oosotogamoeoa torduoutol 00'0Oi in bo uolsaooceoh nooohenatics(ieorge O cat Sotietytsoill boo'htud unest Ttushy
anor in facts-any Tion u tr otat'iii"ti t mioeu'ilot' 000 tigl y ofitoe deparmentob ge era togotl:0boItioo2 hiist
thing in the Golf o1i', otole'ootoelu ooouooc tho'ioio-ob~ loo'oigiti s o l iioiSeineln tu to oauiehiintugooolttuioubtt iooyio blcsobec floegoi con- i 1 i i'od' o-ttallc-oste
Linecom innd 0000000 'llooo'o 'o iltbuts so tooco i-t ci- uo'tiutglia onljet io: "esoslogi-
geTIsLrEe. ~ o~ oao Oi'iii'si 0 Dr. Moher Moves Her Office. roounlIopoe",o cI~iioItoetio
race; ardr lofts heni issuoednIfou r ticr ioutt-

- too of Itie sqjoad bto ct ait pt o' ocelt Intoorde'lr to sa-ott to utosiol ft--toot 'Sr. tuuud Mi - Gr- n- cc annnce rte
4' bhat a 1 ngor inio bp1 oiin -y louha oivc -ft. ok, hDr. iMos-terhoas openng prgramesen-hog for teir ad-
4 %A I A 1II M 9 % thooe d. o.. Procti'e vill be1' co. o'vtdvherotm'dical ofic flo=te Th0onp-voon -dclass ia Tu,( a even1ng, Nov.

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