THE UIJVERSITY OF Ml1UGAI' DAILY. eli COO EF'FETS----Grays prevailing with tendency to green or brown tinge For tall particulars give us a call. Tailors for Yo 110 WA li ' il D3e )ung Men LSHING ON E a a3a::aaaa 3aaaa3??"a aaa 3aaa3aaaaaa3aaa saa 3 ?,! 3aa"aa"aaa=3-s-aaaaaaaaaaaaaa=: a a a a aa:3aafssII:Sar MICHIGAN CENTIRAL ',The Niagara Falls Route." CENT1RAL STANDARD TIME. Taking effect September io, igoo Detroit Night Exprecs.............5 5A. X Atlantic Expresso........7 45 { GrandRaidsExMpress..........11 10 Mail and Espress.........3 471P. N. Y. Boston Spel ............ 4711 Fst Easten ..................943 Mail antdEopes..............08 40 A. a. BostonN. Y.oand hicaggo. 01......943 Fat Western Express .........lii3i1 . a G.ER. and Ktat. Exopress .........5 45" Chicago NightExpres.:........ t 4 Pacific Expreoo..............12i30OA.5x. Steasihip Tilcets. oil Clossest o and fromi Euroel5a points t lowest rates. Full infor- mation on application. 0. W. RtOJOLES. H. W. HA-res, G. P. a T AgTChicnigo. A't Ann A rebee. * TIME TABLE Taking Effect, Sunday, May 2t, 1ass. Trains leane Ann Arbor .by Central Stand- ard Tine. SOUTH NORlTHI *Ne. 6.- 7:25 A. MI. No. 1.- 8:56 A. M. Ne. 2-11:34 A. Mi. *No. 5-12:301 a. a. No. 4.- 0R35 P. iI. No. 3.- 4:50 P. m. Ne. 102-8:05 1'. a. INn. 101-9.05 A. x. *Run betaee Ann Arbor and Teledo only. All trains daily exceptSundiay. lenaday only. V. 'r. ILLS, Agent. W B. BENNETT. 0G. P. A. HOCKING VALLEY By. i . It. C3 HENRY BO. Now on the Mloor at 709 N. UNIVERSITY FAVENUE We have 0on our tables an Entirely New Line or Fall anid Winter Suitings. It Will Pay you to See Us. H ENRY BR-OSa "ARTISTIC TAILORS," '; CS PIANOS TO RENT. tote 1-11, Schaeberle Music Store, 41 W. Liberty So. Ann Arbor. I--ti '+++tO+O+O+O r° +Or a re' s'"'i'O+O+O n~e+O+O+O+O+O+O a~' ''ifaJr© t. i ;Oi Class Ganies Yesterday-Medics Win New Bowling Alley B oth .____________________ INI.\\ BOtWttNtG ALLEY. Soot st::y N,1-as aosot'piitl:t y follOnotiof :1 li:' Re-hot littigtotts,.' titit fliteit'tto i'lo.s. 11ey lekott< iltsI t he :11 l tle iwtihihttttttisto ttbe verIy poputlar la"sdlt-.:1:tit', byIt: tthe 1:1oreatIt it- ninton tlt -tudtl~ents, is the 1000w bovl. 170l1s' Fieldt. 1117 all'y belowi' lPickwick Billiaed fit thliiltt ilR toaii4ie Itt''014to'ttc ioO ltltons. This lboo been a ttoivert'o dt'feateth ie '02 li~s-scopers' oh le)1. stittfso me t1110 e lan1110 tl areglad of Th1 edc weret it-'s igltit 1hiti th1e lows this ittttsttvtlo. The talle's, bolloaiut attid btated to foabet' oatttd snattppite'' tan~te, 1pins :0.ettntely tos.w t ' egttlattioi Nie ptttitittg wa1:10~robsto, boot tile size.'The fOulitotill-~S lso aire 11ew0 gains\\-erte titatle by effective btekitig }tryll 15t'at tt : ti tt mtade .is tteIHossard. W1'aohllttts, Ityan & Iteule, sole ogents. Smoke Booked Hasvana Filled Night Fiawk Cigars. Titoyre Owl Biightt. R.'ot)ert sovitc ea'erots :;a1t ller's. Pots, $1 eaot-itWt St'loaeler'aIBotokstore. '3.50 LEAD IN STYLE AND QUALITY3.I ~1oSOTHHAN 37 STYLES f\NDOFtLL ONE PRICE ISOTMINTEE U. o0 YM Barb? e altMast' ee ENOCH OlETERLE BEmbalmuer and jUniversity ~t.. ..A m.t eilY -Fwneral DirectorI__ _ RandallP o