1HE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 2 U .isticiof ;gentlemenl. Road~lums of # I 0 . the St reet might have hboeenxare(ted ___________1_.o aatintle'thing noas didthe MAichigan Publishedl Dail-(Moa s o. pied) deingt1,eI '0 r tire", sterclay henall the1tuiings College year, 'at wEre t 111 laheir liking, 'htt i( is tir- THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN I stgthat yaollg menl.'io have the MAID? OrFICF BRITOFFICGilE 'iltion irt-liril their being students Argos nldlg, Maie St. 336 S. State Street. Both 'Phloneo13. No\ nState 'Phane 132. 11t1. 5ti":I ;111 irlstitnltion as Miehigen21 en- --- .te la, btil ;eaner forget ithlentelves. MANAGING EDITOR, 1We 'ht° tl iitiYS stoodTfor iul'ity "ill 0. H. IlAvs, 1'Ill ui.: :- ; I htn-e lietill 1110 treat ill BUSINESS MANAGER. itti Ittilt di-' Ill 1ilasulIOs Whiihl)bave F.C..Kerie 0, S , o row 1w l ral lroels 5'to 11thipresett EDITORS: Iigh levet. flt(T' aeritoni olg it 111 ATH'ILETI'CS, - G.0. I )Nttr tt L ilt'lie lts,is it t gitt that Cirhig